Minutes 2015/08/17City of Gilroy City Council Meeting Minutes August 17, 2015 I. OPENING A. Call to Order Mayor Gage called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tempore Woodward. The invocation was given by Bishop Jim Rawlings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Office Assistant Johnson announced that the agenda had been posted on August 12, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. Roll Call Present: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage Absent/Excused: Council Member Cat Tucker; Council Member Roland Velasco B. Orders of the Day Mayor Gage announced that Item X.A the Paseo Panels presentation was being deferred to the September 14, 2015 meeting, as additional information was being compiled. C. Introductions Community Development Director Abrams introduced Code Enforcement Officer Dennis Castro. II. CEREMONIAL ITEMS A. Proclamations, Awards and Presentations Mayor Gage presented a proclamation naming September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. III. PRESENTATIONS TO COUNCIL A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA, BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL There were none. Council Member Roland Velasco joined the meeting at 06:08 p.m. B. Presentation on the Santa Clara County Re -entry Program in South County - AB109 The presentation was given by Javier Aguirre of Santa Clara County Re -entry Services. Public comment was opened. Ron Kirkish was called to speak sharing his thoughts on the impacts of the early release of prisoners. City Council Meeting Minutes 8/17/2015 2 Public comment was then closed. IV. REPORTS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Aulman spoke on the SCRWA Board meeting sharing a variety of projects underway at the plant. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Gage spoke on the Economic Development Corporation Board meeting and review of the budget including advertising. He then explained that the Downtown Business Association had moved to a quarterly meeting and further explained that the rest of his meetings were upcoming. V. FUTURE COUNCIL INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS There were none. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of the August 3, 2015 Regular Meeting B. Response to Grand Jury Report: Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Residents C. Notice of Acceptance of Completion of Wren /Byers Super Crosswalk Project No. 15 -PW -226 D. Approval of Write -offs of Delinquent Water and Wastewater Charges E. Claim of CSAA Insurance Group as Subrogee for Antonio Rodriguez F. Claim of Christopher Salcido, Andora Salcido Individually for Themselves, and Christopher Salcido as Guardian Ad Litem for Natalia Salcido, a Minor G. A Resolution 2015 -45 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Authorizing the City Administrator and the City Attorney to Execute Certain Documents Required by the California State Board of Equalization to Collect the City's Utility Users Tax on Prepaid Wireless Service H. A Resolution 2015 -46 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Authorizing the Examination of Prepaid Mobile Telephony Services Surcharges and Local Charge Records Motion on the Consent Calendar Motion: to Approve Consent Calendar Items A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H Moved by Council Member Dion Bracco, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward. Vote: Motion carried 6 -0 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker VII. BIDS AND PROPOSALS A. Amendment to Civil Engineering and Design Services Agreement with Drake - Haglan and Associates for Gourmet Alley Streetscape Project No. 12- RFP -PW- 356 The staff report was presented by Senior Engineer Servin. City Council Meeting Minutes 8/17/2015 Public comment was opened. Ron Kirkish was called to speak sharing his enthusiasm with the tourism that could be drawn from the project. Public comment was then closed. Motion on Item VII.A. Motion: to Approve Amendment to Civil Engineering and Design Services Agreement with Drake - Haglan and Associates in the Amount of $250,000.00 Moved by Council Member Dion Bracco, seconded by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz. Vote: Motion carried 6 -0 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker B. Award of Design Contract for the Tenth Street Bridge Over Uvas Creek Operations Manager Stubchaer presented the staff report, and Senior Engineer Servin further described the item. Public comment was opened. Jess Moreno was called to speak sharing his experiences with speeding and traffic flow on 10th Street as a homeowner in the area, explaining that he had met with the Mayor and city staff over the previous 2 years and had circulated a petition requesting that the city address the critical traffic issues. He then asked the Council to support the safer streets recommendations. Beverly Pierce was called to speak asking for clarification on the location of the bridge and inquiring if the city had considered that the high school students would be racing through the round -a -bouts planned for the area. George Fugimoto was called to speak sharing the concerns with the racing down 10th street from Church street and difficulties when pulling in and out of driveways as a homeowner in the area. He explained that the curb had previously been painted red which kept the area much more safe for residents pulling in and out. Tony Valdez was called to speak reminding the Council of the child who had been killed after being hit by a vehicle on Church and 10th. He went on to explain that there was racing up and down the corridor. He stated that more police officers were needed to patrol the area and shared his concerns with all of the additional homes being built in the area as it compounded. Ruben Gonzales was called to speak sharing concerns with increased traffic and racing on 10th street corridor. He spoke on the need for additional police patrol and issues with traffic at the Seven -11, and reminded the Council of the child who had been hit by a vehicle in the area. Public comment was then closed. Motion on Item VII.B. Motion: to Award the Design Contract to Bengal Engineering, Inc.in the Amount of $223,088.00 and a Contingency Budget of $33,463.00 Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Dion Bracco. Vote: Motion carried 6 -0 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council. Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro City Council Meeting Minutes 8/17/2015 4 Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker C. Amendment to Construction Contingency Amount for the Eigleberry Street Resurfacing Project No. 14 -PW -213 Mayor Pro Tempore Woodward announced that he owned property within 500 feet of the project area. He then left the dais. The staff report was presented by Operations Manager Stubchaer. There were no public comments. Motion on Item VII.C. Motion: to Approve a Construction Contingency Amendment for the Eigleberry Street Resurfacing Project No. 14 -PW -213 by $495,000.00 to a Total of $673,403.00 and Contract Change Order with Granite Rock Co. in the Amount of $259,160.00 Moved by Council Member Terri Aulman, seconded by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz. Vote: Motion carried 5- 0 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Counci Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Don Gage Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker Abstain: Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward Mayor Pro Tempore Woodward returned to the dais. D. Bid Award for the Christopher High School Aquatics Center and Gilroy Senior Center Shade Structure Project No. 16 -PW -230 Senior Engineer Angeles presented the staff report. There were on public comments. Motion on Item VII.D. Motion: to Award Bid to Premier Builders in the Amount of $179,818.00 with a Project Contingency Budget of $26,973.00 Moved by Council Member Terri Aulman, seconded by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz. Vote: Motion carried 6 -0 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker E. Contract Amendments for the Sixth Street Improvements, LED Trail Lighting, LED Upgrades and Fiber Optic Repair Project - Project No. 15 -PW -216 The staff report was presented by Senior Engineer Servin. There were no public comments. Motion on Item VII.E. Motion: to Approve Contract Amendment with Don Chapin Company in the Amount of $206,860.00 and Amendment with MNS Engineers, Inc. in the Amount of $34,800.00 Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz. Vote: Motion carried 6 -0 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe - Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro City Council Meeting Minutes 8/17/2015 Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Public Hearing to Consider Revision and Adjustment of Rates and Charges for City Water Services to be Effective September 1, 2015 and to Establish Maximum Annual Increases for Water Service Rates Each July Through July 1, 2019 The staff report was presented by Finance Director Turner. The public hearing was opened. A speaker was called who explained that he had received a petition from a neighbor because he had not received one himself. He requested that additional time be given to distribute petitions to others in the community and concluded by explaining that the middle -class could not afford to pay the 60% increase. Donald Perino was called to speak thanking City Clerk Freels for her assistance and Council Members Bracco and Tucker for voting to oppose the increase. He spoke in opposition to past decisions and tax increase proposals made by the Mayor, and explained that the rate increase proposal was too high. Brooks Walls was called to speak stating that the proposal was a 90% increase and he believed it was not being proposed in a democratic way as it should be on the ballot. He concluded by stating that it was not a fair increase to the public. Ron Kirkish was called to speak explaining that the city infrastructure would suffer if the increase did not take place. He then spoke on the cost of a bottle of water explaining that the city increase was much much less. Antonio Valdez was called to speak explaining that building development should be discontinued in the city to allow the community to sustain itself, speaking in opposition to the rate increase. He asked why the public notice had not been produced in Spanish, and concluded by speaking on a recall of Council Members. Susan Mister was called to speak asking that the item be continued as Council Member Tucker was not present, and then questioned the timing of the mailing of the public notice. She stated that the notice didn't identify that non - property owner utility customers could submit a protest, and shared her involvement in securing petitions stating that the community did not want the increase. She concluded by sharing information presented by the city consultant and spoke on the impacts to seniors and others on fixed incomes, requesting that the Council re- consider the increases. Mike Mister was called to speak sharing his involvement in securing petitions in opposition to the rate increase and suggesting that the city not raise rates and wait to see what the pending storms would bring to replenish water supply. He concluded by stating that the city was able to hire new police officers without the sales tax measure. Suzanne Rodriguez was called to speak stating that the Santa Clara Valley Water District had a parcel tax approved to fund sustaining water supply in 2012 and now the city was asking for additional rate hikes. She continued by sharing concerns with the number of homes being approved by the city during a drought additionally straining the water supply and concluded by stating that a smaller rate of increase would be more appropriate. Tina Morris was called to speak stating that as a renter she had cut back on her water usage, explaining that she was concerned with the additional homes being built during the draught. She stated that she had put in drought - tolerant landscaping and stated that her family members had not all received a public notice regarding the increases. She City Council Meeting Minutes 8/17/2015 concluded by stating that renters should have the same voting rights. Maria Lopez of Arteaga's food center was called to speak sharing the other rate increases and impacts.her business was experiencing explaining that the rate increases would dramatically impact her small business, requesting that a lower % increase should be considered. She concluded by stating that the Latino community was not well informed about the increases. Brian Condie was called to speak sharing his concerns with the Council spending 100's of thousands of dollars on consultants and fancy, unrealistic projects that were not what the public wanted to see take place. Bob Sigala was called to speak asking if the Latino, non - English readers were required to be notified in Spanish, and he then spoke on the need for a moratorium on building. He spoke on water reserves in Kem County and then discussed a questionnaire he was assisting in circulating related to public issues. He concluded by stating that many members of the public were not aware of the proposed rate increases. Eric Howard was called to speak explaining that he believed that there wasn't sufficient noticing sharing the financial impact on local residents and business. He then requested that the Council consider extending the protest hearing an additional 30 days to allow for more public outreach. Lee Wilson was called to speak detailing the reduction in water use at his home due to conservation and drought tolerant landscape, asking the city to consider reducing the number of homes being built. He asked how the city was going to sustain itself with long range infrastructure maintenance and concluded by explaining that the new homes wouldn't be able to connect to the water system as it existed and he believed the public needed more time to become informed of the increases. A speaker was called who stated that the city would need to re- notify citizens as there was nothing on the bill itself that stated it was a notification. Georgia was called to speak explaining that she believed that the noticing was conducted correctly, but the city had the ability to provide an additional month or two months to notice the public under proposition 218, which she believed was fair to the citizens of the community. The public hearing was then closed. City Clerk Freels announced that by a prima- fascia review of the 1025 protests submitted that evening, there were a total of 1359 protests for the water increase, which was not a sufficient number to meet the majority protest requirement. Motion on Item VIII.A. Motion: to Adopt a Resolution 2015 -47 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Establishing the City's Water Utility Service Rate Schedule Effective September 1, 2015 With Increases for Fiscal Years July 1, 2016 Through July 1, 2019 Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz. Vote: Motion carried 5 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage No: Council Member Dion Bracco Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker B. Public Hearing to Consider Revision and Adjustment of Rates and Charges for City Wastewater Services to be Effective September 1, 2015 and to Establish Maximum Annual Increases for Wastewater Service Rates Each July Through July 1, 2019 City Council Meeting Minutes 8/17/2015 VA Acting City Attorney stated that Finance Director Turner has presented the staff report during the previous item. The public hearing was opened; there being no comment, the hearing was then closed. City Clerk Freels announced that by a prima- fascia review of the 1025 protests submitted that evening, there were a total of 1358 protests for the wastewater increase, which was not a sufficient number to meet the majority protest requirement. Motion on Item VIII.B. Motion: to Adopt a Resolution No 2015 -48 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Establishing the City's Wastewater Utility Service Rate Schedule Effective September 1, 2015 With Increases for Fiscal Years July 1, 2016 Through July 1, 2019 Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Terri Aulman. Vote: Motion carried 54-1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage No: Council Member Dion Bracco Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker C. Appeal of the Planning Commission's Denial of CUP 14 -04, a Conditional Use Permit to Allow for the Operation of an Auto Repair Business at a Property Located at 8385 Monterey Street, APN 790 -36 -032 Mayor Pro Tempore Woodward recused himself from deliberations on the item explaining that the applicant had hired him several year prior as an attorney for a somewhat similar situation in .another community. He then left the council chambers. The staff report was presented by Planning Division Manager Martin. The public hearing was opened. Glen Gurries was called to speak stating that he had represented the property owner during the initial purchase of the property, and had worked with the city's development review group, chemical control division and a previous planner who had told them no use permit was necessary, so the purchase had been made. He then explained that the project was transitioned to another planner who then identified that the project was required to go before the planning commission for a conditional use permit, and the commission had required conditions at the project site, which the owner hadn't planned for such as driveway and canopy removal and additional landscaping. He concluded by describing an incident at the shop and the family's interest in keeping their business in the city. Rolando Barosso, the appellant was called to speak describing the incompetence of the planning commission and his disagreement with the CUP recommendations such as driveway and canopy removal and landscaping. Daniel Barosso was called to speak explaining that the goal of the family wasn't to be tied up with the planning process, stating that they were misguided by the city. He then asked the Council to remove the Planning Commission conditions such as driveway removal and landscape so that they could move forward with their business. The public hearing was then closed. Mayor Gage announced that he had spoken with the property owner regarding an unrelated incident at the property. Council Member Leroe -Munoz disclosed that he had previously spoken with the applicant regarding the appeal. City Council Meeting Minutes 8/17/2015 Motion on Item VIII.C. Motion: Motion to Direct Staff to Prepare a Resolution Denying the Appeal of the Planning Commissions Denial of CUP 14 -04 Moved by Council Member Dion Bracco, seconded by Council Member Terri Aulman. Vote: Motion carried 4- 1 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Don Gage No: Council Member Peter Leroe -Munoz Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker Abstain: Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward Mayor Pro Tempore Woodward returned to the dais. IX. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Amending Sections of Chapter 4 of the Gilroy City Code Entitled "Animals and Fowl" The staff report was presented by Police Chief Turner. There were no public comments. Motion on Item IX.A. Motion: to Read the Ordinance by Title Only and Waive Further Reading Moved by Council Member Dion Bracco, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward. Vote: Motion carried 5 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage No: Council Member Roland Velasco Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker City Clerk Freels read the ordinance title. Second Motion on Item IX.A. Motion: to Introduce an Ordinance Amending Sections of Chapter 4 of the Gilroy City Code Entitled "Animals and Fowl" Moved by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz, seconded by Council Member Dion Bracco. Vote: Motion carried 5 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage No: Council Member Roland Velasco Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker B. North Gilroy Neighborhood District Urban Service Area Update The staff report was presented by Community Development Director Abrams. There were no public comments. 1 Motion on Item IX.B. Motion: to Receive the Report Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Terri Aulman. Vote: Motion carried 6 -0 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro City Council Meeting Minutes 8/17/2015 0 Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker C. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Approving A/S 13 -05, an Architectural and Site Review to Allow for the Construction of the PSI Apartment Project There were no public comments. Motion on Item IX.C. Motion: to Adopt Resolution 2015 -49 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Approving A/S 13 -05, an Architectural and Site Review to Allow for the Construction of the PSI Apartment Project Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Dion Bracco. Vote: Motion carried 5 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage No: Council Member Roland Velasco Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker X. INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS A. Presentation and Approval of Downtown Paseo Panel Design The item was not heard. B. Amendments to Article 6 of the Gilroy City Code Entitled "Seismic Safety" Pertaining to the Change of Occupancy Provisions Contained in the Current Gilroy City Code Chapter 6, Article 6, Section 6.48, Former Article 6, Section 6.47 The staff report was presented by Development Center Manager Butler. Mayor Gage left the dais. There were no public comments. Motion on Item X.B. Motion: to Read the Ordinances by Title Only and Waive Further Reading Moved by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz, seconded by Council Member Terri Aulman. .- Vote: Motion carried 5 -0 -2. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Don Gage Mayor Gage returned to the dais. B. Amendments to Article 6 of the Gilroy City Code Entitled "Seismic Safety" Pertaining to the Change of Occupancy Provisions Contained in the Current Gilroy City Code Chapter 6, Article 6, Section 6.48, Former Article 6, Section 6.47 There were no public comments. Second Motion on Item X.B. Motion: to Adopt Emergency Ordinance No. 2015 -09 of the City Council of the City Council Meeting Minutes 8/17/2015 10 City of Gilroy Amending Article 6 Entitled "Seismic Safety" Pertaining to the Change of Occupancy Provisions Contained in the Current Gilroy City Code Chapter 6, Article 6, Section 6.48, Former Article 6, Section 6.47 Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz. Vote: Motion carried 5 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe - Munoz; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage No: Council Member Roland Velasco Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker Third Motion on Item X.B. Motion: to Introduce an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Amending Article 6 Entitled "Seismic Safety" Pertaining to the Change of Occupancy Provisions Contained in the Current Gilroy City Code Chapter 6, Article 6, Section 6.48, Former Article 6, Section 6.47 Moved by Council Member Terri Aulman, seconded by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz. Vote: Motion carried 5 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage No: Council Member Roland Velasco Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker C. Envision Silicon Valley Regional and Local Gilroy Transportation Needs Review The staff report was presented by Senior Engineer Servin. There were no public comments. Motion on Item X.C. Motion: to Approve the Initial List of Preferred Projects Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz. . Vote: Motion carried 5 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Peter Leroe - Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage No: Council Member Dion Bracco Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker XI. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORTS There were none. XII. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS There were none. XIII. CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITAGATION Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9(d) (1) and Gilroy City Code Section 17A.11 (3) (a) Name of Case: Daniel Castaneda v. City of Gilroy Court: Workers Compensation Appeals Board Case No's.: ADJ 8954173 and ADJ 8954175 Date Case Filed: 610712013 City Council Meeting Minutes 8/17/2015 1 1 1 11 Acting City Attorney Faber explained that the Council was going into closed session to discuss the litigation as discussion in open session would unavoidably prejudice the position of the city. Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session Motion: to Adjourn to Closed Session and Remain in Closed Session to Address Item XIII.A. Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Terri Aulman. Vote: Motion carried 6 -0 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker The Council adjourned to closed session at 10:25 p.m. Closed Session Announcement on Item XIII.B The Gilroy City Council Directed the City Administrator to Execute a Severance Agreement and General Release of All Claims with Daniel Castaneda. Vote: Motion carried 6 -0 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage Absent: Council Member Cat Tucker r City Clerk City Council Meeting Minutes 8/17/2015