Minutes 2015/09/14City of Gilroy City Council Meeting Minutes September 14, 2015 I. OPENING A. Call to Order Council Member Aulman led the Pledge of Allegiance Pastor MacPhill of the New Hope Community Church gave the invocation. Office Assistant Johnson announced that the agenda had been posted on September 9, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. Roll Call Present: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Cat Tucker; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage Absent/Excused: Council Member Dion Bracco B. Orders of the Day There were no agenda changes. C. Introductions Newly hired Accounting Technician Mirtha Padilla was introduced. II. CEREMONIAL ITEMS A. Proclamations, Awards and Presentations Mayor Gage presented a proclamation naming September as Dystonia Awareness Month. Mayor Gage announced a proclamation recognizing September 17 -24, 2015 as Constitution Week. Mayor Gage presented a proclamation entitled "Taking a Stand Against Human Trafficking in the Bay Area" INTERVIEWS A. Interviews for Seven (7) Open Seats on the Youth Commission B. Interviews for One (1) Open Seat on the High Speed Rail Station Planning Advisory Committee C. Interviews for One (1) Open Seat on the Historic Heritage Committee D. Interviews for One (1) Open Seat on the Arts and Culture Commission The City Council interviewed all candidates for open seats. III. PRESENTATIONS TO COUNCIL A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA, BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Minutes 9/14/2015 2 Ron Kirkish was called to speak expressing positive comments regarding City Administrator Haglund's leadership while serving the City. John Tucker spoke on behalf of AFSCME regarding a salary survey for the employees represented by the union, explaining that recent survey data provided by the city was poorly done and incomplete. He spoke on the need for comparative wages and asked that a professional salary survey be conducted by an independent organization to assist with negotiations. Georgine Scott - Codiga was called to speak regarding a recent incident related to first amendment rights and code enforcement of the newly amended sign ordinance. She asked that training be conducted to ensure code enforcement employees became aware of the city code. B. Caltrans Presentation on the US 101 Ramp Meter Implementation Program David Kobayashi of Valley Transportation Agency and Lester Lee of Caltrans gave a presentation on the program. C. Annual Presentation by the Housing Advisory Committee Committee Chair Toby Echelberry presented the report. IV. REPORTS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Tucker spoke on her experiences and education gained at the LAFCO Conference in Sacramento Council Member Leroe -Munoz shared information on the Silicon Valley Turkey Trot. Mayor Pro Tempore Woodward spoke on his recent meeting with staff of the High Speed Rail Authority explaining that the project was moving forward. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Gage spoke on the Gilroy Hall of Fame awards and then spoke on city sales tax revenue for the quarter. He continued by sharing the expressway study for the County and funding for Santa Teresa in Gilroy and went on to speak about the Downtown Business Association meeting, recent Youth Task Force fund raiser, and concluded by reading recent customer service letters received by the city. V. FUTURE COUNCIL INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS Council Member Velasco spoke on the clothing donation boxes popping up in parking lots around the city, and shared his thoughts about tagging both the boxes and residential sound walls, suggesting that a sealer be required in the conditions of approval of residential projects to easily remove graffiti. Council Member Tucker asked to discuss a future item on Downtown Businesses incentives to bring business to the downtown area. The Council agreed to agendize the item. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of August 17, 2015 Regular Meeting B. Minutes of August 24, 2015 Special Meeting 1 C. League of California Cities Annual Conference Resolutions City Council Meeting Minutes 9/14/2015 3 D. Claim of Christopher Salcido, Andora Salcido Individually for Themselves, and Christopher Salcido as Guardian Ad Litem for Natalia Salcido, a Minor Motion on the Consent Calendar Motion: to Approve Consent Calendar Items A, B, C and D Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Terri Aulman. Vote: Motion passed 6 -0 -1. Absent: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Cat Tucker; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage Absent: Council Member Dion Bracco VII. BIDS AND PROPOSALS There were none. VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were none IX. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Adoption of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Amending Repealing Various Provisions of Chapter 4 of the Gilroy City Code Entitled "Animals and Fowl" There were no public comments. Motion on Item IX.A. Motion: to Adopt Ordinance 2015 -10 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Repealing Various Provisions of Chapter 4 of the Gilroy City Code Entitled "Animals and Fowl" Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Terri Aulman. Vote: Motion carried 5 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage No: Council Member Roland Velasco Absent: Council Member Dion Bracco B. Adoption of an Ordinance'of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Amending Article 6 Entitled "Seismic Safety" Pertaining to the Change of Occupancy Provisions Contained in the Current Gilroy City Code Chapter 6, Article 6, Section 6.48, Former Article 6, Section 6.47 There were no public comments. Motion on Item IX.B. Motion: to Adopt Ordinance 2015 -11 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Amending Article 6 Entitled "Seismic Safety" Pertaining to the Change of Occupancy Provisions Contained in the Current Gilroy City Code Chapter 6, Article 6, Section 6.48, Former Article 6, Section 6.47 Moved by Council Member Terri Aulman, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward. Vote: Motion carried 5 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward; Mayor Don Gage No: Council Member Roland Velasco Absent: Council Member Dion Bracco City Council Meeting Minutes 9/14/2015 4 C. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Revoking Conditional Use Permit CUP 14-04, an Approval to Allow for the Re- establishment of an Automobile Repair Use Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward recused from voting on the item explaining that he had previously represented the appellant as his legal counsel. He then left the dais. There were no public comments. Motion on Item IX.C. Motion: to Adopt Resolution 2015 -50 of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Revoking Conditional Use Permit CUP 14 -04, an Approval to Allow for the Re- establishment of an Automobile Repair Use Moved by Council Member Terri Aulman, seconded by Council Member Cat Tucker. Vote: Motion carried 4- 1 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Cat Tucker; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Don Gage No: Council Member Peter Leroe -Munoz Absent: Council Member Dion Bracco Abstain: Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward returned to the dais. D. Appointments of Members to Unexpired Terms on the High Speed Rail Station Planning Advisory Committee, the Historic Heritage Committee and the Arts and Culture Commission Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward recused from voting on the item explaining that he owned property within 500 feet of the High Speed Rail Station Area. He then left the dais. There were no public comments. Motion on Item IX.D. Motion: Approve Motion to Appoint Virginia Murillo to the High Speed Rail Station Planning Advisory Committee Moved by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz, seconded by Council Member Terri Aulman. Vote: Motion carried 5- 0 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Cat Tucker; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Don Gage Absent: Council Member Dion Bracco Abstain: Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward returned to the dais. Second Motion on Item IX.D. Motion: to Appoint Joyce Taylor Member to the Historic Heritage Committee Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward, seconded by Council Member Cat Tucker. Vote: Motion carried 4-2 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Cat Tucker; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward No: Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Mayor Don Gage Absent: Council Member Dion Bracco X. INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS A. Downtown Paseo Panel Design Presentation City Council Meeting Minutes 9/14/2015 Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward recused from voting on the item explaining that he owned property within 500 feet of the downtown panels. He then left the dais Recreation Director DeLeon presented the Paseo Panel Design There were no public comments. Motion on Item X.A. Motion: to Approve the Design of Paseo Panels Moved by Council Member Cat Tucker, seconded by Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz. Vote: Motion carried 5- 0 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Terri Aulman; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Cat Tucker; Council Member Roland Velasco; Mayor Don Gage Absent: Council Member Dion Bracco Abstain: Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward Mayor Pro Tempore Perry Woodward returned to the dais. XI. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORTS City Administrator Haglund stated that the City has conserved about 30% in water conservation and reminded the Council of the joint meeting with GUSD on September 23rd. XII. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS There were none. XIII. CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH NEGOTIATOR - COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6, Gilroy City Code Section 17A.11 (4) (a) Collective Bargaining Unit: AFSCME Local 101 Representing Employees Affiliated with AFSCME, Local 101 City Negotiators: Thomas Haglund, City Administrator; LeeAnn McPhillips, Human Resources Director; Charles Sakai, Labor Negotiations Counsel Anticipated Issues(s) Under Negotiation: Wages, Hours, Benefits, Working Conditions Memorandums of Understanding: MOU Between City of Gilroy and AFSCME, Local 101 B. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT /EMPLOYMENT Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 and Gilroy City Code Section 17A.8 (a) (4) Name/Title: Interim City Administrator There were no public comments. The Council adjourned to closed session at 8:25 p.m. S AWNA FREELS, MMC City Clerk City Council Meeting Minutes 9/14/2015