Tom Haglund - Leaving Office Letter (2015)City of Gilroy
City Clerk's Office
City Hall
7351 Rosanna Street
Gilroy, California
95020 -6197
To: Tom Haglund, City Administrator
Shawna Freels, MMC
City Clerk
Telephone (408) 846 -0204
wa -w.cit nf,-'
October 5, 2015
Re: Fair Political Practices Commission Form 700 Leaving Office Statement
As a filer under California Government Code 87200 and the Gilroy conflict of interest code while
working for the City as City Administrator, you are required to submit a FPPC "leaving office
statement" within 30 days of leaving your position with the City. You hold this same filing requirement
in your capacity of Director of the Community Development Agency of the City of Gilroy, and may use
the expanded statement option to file jointly for both agencies.
Included with this letter is a FPPC Statement of Economic Interest Form 700. Please complete the
included form using check box "leaving office" in section 3 "Type of Statement ", and input the date of
your last day with the City.
You may submit the statement by mailing it back to my office, or by dropping it off here at City Hall in
the City Clerks Department no later than November 18, 2015.
If you have any questions regarding this filing obligation, please feel free to contact me.
Best Regards, ` f,
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Shawna Freels, MMC
City Clerk