Recology South Valley - Rate Increase 2016From: Ed Tewes Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 9:34 AM To: Council Member Cat Tucker; Council Member Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe- Munoz; Council Member Roland Velasco; Council Member Terri Aulman; Daniel Harney; Pent' Woodward Cc: Christina Turner; Shawna Freels; Andy Faber_ Subject: Garbage Rate Increase This is to inform you that effective July 1, 20161 have approved a 4.33% increase in the rates charged by Recology. I understand that when the Council approved the new franchise agreement, the Council delegated the review and approval of such rate adjustments to the City Administrator. The request was timely submitted in the proper form, was evaluated by the Director of Finance for conformity with the rate adjustment methodology established in the franchise agreement; and she has recommended that it be approved. On that basis I have approved the new rates. Recology is responsible for notifying customers. ED TEWES Interim City Administrator City of Gilroy 408.846.0202