Gilroy, City of (08)When recorded return to: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Highway program, Real Estate Section 3331 North First Street, Bldg. B, 1st Floor San Jose, CA 95134 -1906 COXFORMED COPY: This document has not been compared with the original. SANTA CLARA COUNTY CLERK- RECORDER Doc #: 18140929 12/10/2004 12:59 PM Record without Fee SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Govt. Code Sec. 6103 Document No.: Project: 152 Safety Improvements LANDS OF MACHADO, ETAL PARCEL 27326 -1 QUITCLAIM DEED City of Gilroy, a public entity, (hereinafter referred to as City) does hereby Remise, Release and Forever Quitclaim and Release any present and after Acquired Title to the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, (hereinafter referred to as VTA), in and to all that real property in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described in Exhibits attached hereto and made a part hereof, which descriptions by these references are incorporated herein. City, by this reservation, does not accept an obligation for the repair or maintenance of any bridge, roadway, or other structure installed by VTA. In Witness whereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, this 8th day of December 2004. OF ILROY ay B ksa, City Administrator 27326 -1 EXHIBIT "A" 1006 -08 Rev. 8/30/04 All that certain real property situate in the City 'of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California being a portion of Parcel A as described in the Certificate of Compliance recorded March 1.5, 2004 as Recorder's Document Number 17659767 Santa Clara County Records described as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the easterly line of said Parcel B with the northerly line of that certain parcel of land described in the deed from Kenneth Machado, et al to the City of Gilroy, recorded March 22, 2002 as Recorder's Document Number 16172655, Santa Clara County Records thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING, along said northerly line N81 °33'43W 53.756 meters; thence leaving said northerly line S82 057'56 "E 39.595 meters; thence from a tangent bearing of S82 °53' 17 "E along a curve to the left with a radius of 780.100 meters, through a central angle of 1 °01'05" for an arc length of 13.860 meters to a point. in said easterly line; thence along said easterly line S4 °18'38 "E 1.449 meters to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 35.6 square meters of land, more or less. Together with underlying fee interest, if any, contiguous to the above described property in and to the adjoining former County Road and Bearings and distances used in the above description are on the California Coordinate System of 1983, Zone 3, Epoch 1991.35. Multiply distances shown by 0.9999899 to obtain ground level distances. Multiply by 3937/1200 to convert to U.S. Survey Feet. This description was prepared by me or under my direct supervision � p LANG S A. licensed land surveyor date —' p No. 4526 Expires: os/3o /os Prepared by the firm of `f'�' . Dillon Surveys 9TFOF CALM San Jose, California 1crr�ew WT1 s2rsxf2n2&1Aoo Lrt pttetad VSi /�00t itOS lht kVd to U. Certificate of Compliance Recorder's Doc. No. 17659767 Parcel A Lands of Machado to be conveyed to the City of Gilroy 35.6 sq.m.t (383 sq.ft.t) 2732.6 -1 31 �j o� S82.5 7'56 "E 39.595rn Machado, et N81'33' 3 7 ..... Rec. Doc.allo01 City of G► Gilroy S6m 2655 Route �2 M A. PuT wAS PaEP�o wE OMn A. OUM KS 4526 S4.18,38 1.4¢9 Caltra ►7S Certificate of Compliance Recorder's Doc. No. 17659767 I Parcel 8 3 �I0 N of R= 780.100m 6= 1'01'05" L= 13.860m I POB PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTI LANDS OF UMH WO. ET AL TO RE COWYEM TO TW Crrf OF OMOY PARCEL NO. 27326 -1 DILLON SURVEYS LAND SUSP$MG • UGST OF WAY ENGINIS&= sil _ & S iA V1L 24 ssvr e�.ec V.ajs naw-um .auto°` scums S4.18,38 1.4¢9 Caltra ►7S Certificate of Compliance Recorder's Doc. No. 17659767 I Parcel 8 3 �I0 N of R= 780.100m 6= 1'01'05" L= 13.860m I POB PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTI LANDS OF UMH WO. ET AL TO RE COWYEM TO TW Crrf OF OMOY PARCEL NO. 27326 -1 DILLON SURVEYS LAND SUSP$MG • UGST OF WAY ENGINIS&= sil _ & S iA V1L 24 ssvr e�.ec V.ajs naw-um .auto°` CALIFORNIA ALL - PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of Santa Clara ss. On December 8, 2004 beforeme, Patricia K. Bentson, Nnt ark b�ubl Date Name and Title of Officer (e.g.,.'Jane Doe, Notary Public personally appeared ja !j Raksa Nam(s) of Signer(s) i ]personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) 'is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed 11NRICIAK. the same in his /her /their authorized Ctvnwllrofetlf * 1417341 capacity(ies), and that by his/her /their NaftyFdit - CaMoo1110 signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or mr io ClOra C=* — the entity upon behalf of, which the person(s) MyCmnm-Eq*ea Jun 9.2007 acted, executed the instrument. ESS my hand and offic' eat. Signature Notary Pub � OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Quitclaim Deed Document Date: December 8, 2004 Number of Pages: 3 Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: None Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: D Individual Top of th!m b here • Corporate Officer — Title(s): • Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attomey -in -Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator a Other: City Administratnr Signer Is Representing: City of Gi 1 rpm 0 1999 National Notary Association - 9350 De SOW Ave., P.O. Box 2402 - Chatsworth, CA 91313 -2402 - www.rkabonainotary.org Prod. No. 5907 Reorder: Call Toll -Free 1.904876-6827 Deed Type: Quitclaim Deed Project: 152 Safety Improvrment Parcel No.: 27326 -1 Grantor: Machado CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (GOVT. CODE, SECTION 27281) This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the within and foregoing Quitclaim Deed or grant to the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer on behalf of the Santa C1araValley Transportation Authority, in accordance with Section 5 -3 of the Administrative Code of the District adopted December 20, 1994, and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer.. Executed this lAe day of certaccept.doc/s:tasman(rev. 112/26/96) Peter M. Cipolla, General Valley Transportation Authority Highway Program