Form 501 - 2016 InitialCandidate Intention Statement Check One: ®Initial ❑Amendment (Explain) on: NAME OF CANDIDATE (Last, First. M.adie m!11a0 DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER Stamp JUL 122016 (nPtJDnap Tucker, Denise C. ( 408 ) 427 -1546 ( Cattatak @AOL.com STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE LP CODE ❑ Slate (C.Wete PM 2 ) 2016 ® City ❑ County ❑ Multi- County: (Name a C.MY ) (Year p1 Eye .) 2. State Candidate Expenditure Limit Statement: (CalPERS and CalSTRS candidates, judges. judicial candidates. and C,ndidales for local oRices do nol complete Pad 2.) 2016 primary/general election Special /runoff election CM.r ar v i?le�W) (Year d E7Mivn) (Check one W.) ® 1 accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. ❑ I do not accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. Amendment: O 1 did not exceed the expenditure ceiling in the primary or special election held on: __J--J and I accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the general or special run -off election. (Mark d epplxehle) ❑ On —! — / —, I contributed personal funds in excess of the expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. 3. Verification: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State ` \ FPPC Form (86 (tan -3772) FPPC Advice: advice @fppc.ca.gov (866/275 -3772) www.fppc.ca.gov