Articles of Incorporation for the Gilroy Golf and Country Club� 1
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That the members of the Gilroy Golf and Country
Club, an unincorporated association, a majority of whom are
citizens and residents of the State of California, have this day
associated themselves together for the purpose of forming a corpor-
syUon under the laws of the State of California, and they do
b*Mby certify:-
FIRST: That the name of this corporation shall be
SECOND: That the purposes for which this cor- )oration is
formed are to coneluct, build any' maintain a golf course, grot.nds and
premises in the vicinity of the City of Gilroy, Comity of Santa
Clara,, State of California, on which course, grounds u1d promises
membors of tills corporation and such others as may be eligible under
rules and regulations to be adopted by the club, may play the game of
golf and take part in other athletic events; to maintain a club house
for the convenience and enjoyment of members of this ration and
such others as tho manbers of this club, in its bylaws, designate;
to buy or lose, or both, such real estate as may be required for
;olf courses and grounds and to sell real estate, if determined ad-
vant,-q,-Cous to the corporation; to buy such personal property as may
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be necessary or ac',vantageous to the building, construction
maintenance of the golf course and any club house or builUings
erected thereon; to buy, sell or otherwise acTaire., own, manage,
control, c1eal In and r1.spose of real and personal property of all
kinds, to receive, taIs-e., mold, control and utilize donations, be-
quests and devises of real -and personal property by deed, will ok
any for"n of gift or transfer, to purchase md. sell bonds and other
obligations anOl securities of any kind and nature., to bovrow money
for any of the purposes of said corporation, and to mortCage '-nd to
pledge the property of said corporation,, or any part thereof, to
secure the pa3ment of the money so borrowed; to rake and enforce any
and all contratts in relation to -the purposes of said corporation;
to succeed to, hold and or all the property of the said unincorp otated
association nor. existing under the name of the Gilroy Golf and Country
Club; to have in=bers and to require such members to pay, such charges,
fees and dues as may be specified in the by --lags of this corporation,
and to enforce the payment thereof; and in general to Olo such ot'I'lor
things as will tend to the success of t'3is eorj oration and to the
carrying out of the pa r- P
poses as above expressed- but pecuniary
profit is not, and shall not be the purpose of tids said corporation.
THIRD: That the place ahere, the principal business of
said cor-poration is to be transacted and carried on, is the City of
Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, California.
MUM That the term for uhich said corporation is to
emist is fifty (501) years from, and after the date of incorporation.
FIFTH: That the government and managemient of t13is cor-
poration shall be vested in a board of twel" 1-1.2) of its menToors,
which board shall be Imown. as the Cotmeil. The President and the
Firf.,t Vice President and the Second Vice President of tl-ds cor�oration
shall be three :-zembers of said Council, and at the annual meeting of
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said corporation,
there sh4a la
be cleeted by
the merbersi:ip W., ne
other m hers o-L
the Council,
who, together
with the President -zrd
the two Vice Presidents, s1iall coustitute the said Council, seven
members of wzich shall aoustitu.te a Taoruna for the tr azisaction of
business. The mrnbers of the Council small serve as such until their
successors and elected and installed.
SI`iTH : That the officers of this
sist of a President, ti blra# Y:.ce s'resident
:ident, a. Secretary ,Lf. a Treasurer, besides
of the Council.
corporation shall eon-
, a Seconid Vice Pres-
V zC'. tWelv'e (121) members
S.a , 'TH: No member of tins corporation may assign or trans-
fer his members! -,ip, and all the interest of such member in and to
the property bel onz ing to the club vital? terml-n �.te and cease wlren
he ceases to be a member..
rUGHTii: The %laws of s&je OOrpO Mtjoa SUAII provide for
the qualification of persons applying for mewbership In said cor-
poration, the mode of electiom and the tcra,a of adrligsion to menber-
ai.i.p, the fees of zrinissit n, and dnee to be Daid by the members of
said corps oration; for the eXsulsi on and suspension of members for Mis-
condtict or non - pay_ ^nt of awes, amul also. for the restoration to
me ,` cr•ship; the duties to be 'fe l by the t o� said, �ac►r-
poration and the method of their election to office; tho time and place
for holding the regular or stated meetir_gs of the Council and the
regular or stated meet:i_ s of time members of said corporation; the
manner of calling special meetifgs of the Council and of said -meriber-
snip; number of mambers sh4l OMMUtute a quorum at any meeting
of the corpaor•a,ti.on; the means Whereby its office and constitutional
place of business, as it exists from time to time, may be ascertained;
and proscribe such other regulations as may be perni.ssible in the by-
laws of the cox- poratim .
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unincomorat-c"! association e.::isting un, the naz:ic o_ - the Gilroy
Golf and Country Club; that this cornoration, Gilroy Golf and
Country Club, is formed and organized and these Articles o2 Incor-
poration are executed by t1he subscribi]2g offilcors in -pursuance
of and in accordance -Ath the authority -,&von by said unincorporated
association at'a regular meeting of the same, held at the regular
meeting place of said club, in the City of Gilroy, on the 20th
day of Soptember, 1923., at which meeting there were present more
than a Tuorvwm of said members of said unincorporated club; that at
said me ct-ing a majority of the mezibers voted to incorporate the
said club under th ! c name of the Gilroy Golf and Coun`(.17 Club., hav-
ing as the members of the corporation all persons 'Mho :were members
of the unincorporated club at the time of the adoption of these
Articles of Incorporation, and that the corporation s-hould succeed
to and ta:ze tho place of the said former association; that at said
mecting of the said Gilroy Golf and Countyy Club, the unincorporated
association., tziose Articles of Incorporation were re,-.ularly adopted
as and for -the Articles of Incorporation of said Club, the Corp al or tion,
and the following persons were elected by a majority vote of the
membors present., the election being by ballot, to serve as Directors
of this corporation, until the annual meeting of the corporation and
until their successors are elected, to-wit:
Ja,r,4s Princevalle, residing at Gilroy, Santa Clara County,
California) was elected President of the said corporation, the
President being one of the said Directors; C. C - Donahue, residing at
said City of Gilroy, was elected First Vice President, the First
Vice President being one of the said Directors; Irnwin Chapel, r0siding
at said City of Gilroy) was elected Second Vice k-:1resident, the
Second Vice President being one of the said Dii•ectors; and Aga es
resirling at Sar-ent, California; Lita lfenkej residing at
Sargent, Z3 t1_ Z:)
Gilroy; Sydney S. Jolmsonj, residing at said city of Gilroy; W. 17. Blake.,
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resicUng at said City of Gilroy; Fred V1. Suter., residing at said
City of Gilroy; D. L. Raynolds, residing at said City of Gilroy,
E. E. Brownell,, residing at said City of Gilroy; Joe der, residing
at Sargent, California; and George A. Wentz, residing at said City
of Gilroy; all of Which said Directors being at the time of their
election as such, members of the said unincorporated association;
that at the time of th-a said meetin,- of the said unincorporated
association., said Gilroy Golf and Countrj Club, as aforesaid, Japes
Princevalle was President of the sane, and he was present and
presided at said meeting, and Harry Frederickson was Secretary t..'icre-
of and he was present and acted as such at the scAd meeting; anc that
by virtue of their said o'fices,,they have executed these Articles
of Incorporation. all of the said proceedings relating to the in-
corporation of the said Gilroy Golf and Country Club were in accord-
ancouith the by-laws., constitution., discipline., canons., rules and
regulat-ions of such unincorporated association.
IN WITNESS WHEi-T-10F., the said President and Sectetary of
odd Gilroy Golf and Country Club,, the unincorporated association,
have hereunto subscribed their respective names as such officers,
and the -oersons named in the within Articles of Incorporation as
Directors,, have hereunto af,.'--'ixed their signatures VAs day of
October, 1923.
Pros!-denf of Gilroy GoU
and Country Club, an unincorporated
association, and Director
secroM;Y of 611roy Go=
and Country Club, an unincorporated
association., said Director
On t1A s day of October, 1923, before me, Sydney
S. Johnson,, a Notary PublIc in and for the County of Santa Clara,,
State of California, residing therein and d-aly comissionod and s"mo
personally appeared James Princevalle and Harry Fredcrickson, Imovn
to me to be the President and Secretary respectively# oV the Gilroy
Golf and Country Club, t1he unincorporated association mentioned ill
the foregoing Articles of Incorporation) and also Imown to me to
be the persons i4iose naues are subscri. ed as such officers to the
foregoing Atricles of Incorporation, and they acknowledged to me
that they executed the said Articles of Incorporation as such offi-
IN WITNESS WHMIEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed my official seal at my office in the County of Santa Clara,
the day and year last above written.
a Lary Mlic for the Dun y
of Santa Clara, State of California
? ss
On this day of October, 1923, before me, Sydney
S. Johnson, a Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara,
State of California, residing therein and duly comaissiore d and
sworn, personally appeared C. C. Donahue, Irwin Chapel, Agnes
Sargent, Lita Menke, Q. F. Blake, Fred V. Suter, D. L. &pynolds,
E. E. Brownell, doe Ayer, and Goo. A. Wentz, known to me to be the
Directors of the Gilroy Golf and Count ry Club, the corporation
mentioned in the foregoing Aybti oles of IncorporatL on, and the per-
sons whose signatures are affixed Shereto as such, and they acknowledged
to me that they affixed their signatures thereto as such Directors.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af-
fixed my official seal at mar office in the County of Santa Clara,,
the day and year last above written.
Diary MMe or t e Uounty
of Santa Clara, State of California
3 8s
On this day of October, 1923, before me, Walter G.
Fitzgerald, a Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara,
Sta Le of California$ residing therein and duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Sydney S. Johnson, ialovn to =e to be
one of the Directors of the Gilroy Golf mid. Country Club, the cor-
poration mentioned. in Uie foregoing Articles of Incorporation, and
the person whose si,;nature is affixed thereto as such, and he ack-
nowledged to me that he of fixed his signature tnercto as such
IN VITNESS WHERMF, I have hereun o set my hand and
affixed my official seal at my office in the County of Santa. Clara,
State of California, the day and year last above written.
Notary a 1 0 M and for tae County
of Santa Clara., State of California,
Jai: b.S PRINCEV��11 and HAMY FRED.`MICKSON, 'being first
duly sworn:, depose and say:
That they a6re on the 20th day of September, 1923, at
the tii. - ;e of the meet lag mentioned in the foregoing Articles of
Incorporation of the Gilroy Golf' anca CouW -j Club, the unincorporated
association, t'acrein menti€rned, the President and Secretary respective-
ly of such unincorporated association, and they now are such officers;
that they subscribed and acknowledged the said Articles of Incor-
por7tion by authority of such unincorporated association and that the
statements contained in the said Articles of Incorporation are ture
to the best of their knowled; e, infor._ ation and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before rye rya client
this day of Oct giber, 1923
Rio tart' Public in and for the County
of Santa Clara, State of California
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