Perry Woodward - Form 460 - 2016/01/01 - 2016/06/30Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page (Government Code Sections 84200 - 64216.5) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Type or print in ink. Statement covers period Dale of election if applicable: 111 /1 � (Month, Day, Year) from through L /3°/i G 1. Type of Recipient Committee: All Committees— Complete Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. Officeholder, Candidate Controlled Committee ❑ Primarily Formed Ballot Measure JW Q State Candidate Election Committee Committee Q Recall O Controlled (asorormrarepan5) O Sponsored (Also Cortp§MPa16) ❑ General Purpose Committee Q Sponsored ❑ Primarily Formed Candidate/ Q Small Contributor Committee Officeholder Committee 0 Political Party/Central Committee (N. Campania Pal 7) 3. Committee Information I.O. NUMBER 1375172- COMMITTEE NAME (OR CANDIDATES NAME IF NO COMMITTEE) STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) 72 Y 1 E4 CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE /PHONE t < /hi./ CA grfo2o 967-d4 / -720Y CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE FAX / E -MAIL ADDRESS 4. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing and reviewing this statement and to the under penalty of perjury under the laws of thee Stale of California that the foregoing is true Executed on 7//^" BY " Executed on //7 By Date 9mlure tdt cider, Candidate, State Meawre Propment or Respensbae Man o15,enw Executed on Data By Sigta o(c.*a gORwM .Cmtdtlat .Slime Measure ROponera Executed on Data By &Wa1ueofCmeefig OBoaloner,Candaate, Stye Measue Propdtera FPPC Form 460 (January/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC (8661276.3772) State of California Type or print in ink. Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page — Part 2 5. Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE ?'".'y vivo erfa✓a /d OFFICE SOUGH OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) Maya., C4y eP 4!�i,a y 2`f/ Gatkle A01te 7/. G / -,V CA 9te_z-0 Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: ustanycommitrees not included In this statement that are controlled by you or are primarily formed to receive contributions or make espendifures on behalf of your candidacy. OFTREASURER I.U. NUMUtK STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) ❑ YES ❑ NO CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE(PHONE COMMITTEE NAME NAME OF TREASURER I.D. NUMBER ❑ YES [I NO CITY SLATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE Page 2 of ';d6' 1? 6. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE BALLOT NO. OR LETTER I JURISDICTION I C] SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE Identify the controlling officeholder, candidate, or stale measure proponent, if any. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER. CANDIDATE. OR PROPONENT DISTRICT NO. IF ANY 7. Primarily Formed Candidate /Officeholder Committee List names of ofliceholdWs) or candidate /s) for which this committee is primarily formed. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE Attach continuation sheets If necessary FPPC Forth 460 (January105) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275 -7772) State of California Campaign Disclosure Statement Summary Page REVERSE NAME OF FILER Contributions Received 1. Monetary Contributions ............ ............................... Schedule A, Line 3 2. Loans Received ....................... ............................... Schedule B. Line 3 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS ......................... Add tines l +2 4. Nonmonetary Contribut ions ..... ............................... Schedule C. Linea 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED .................... . ... Add Lines 3 +4 Expenditures Made 6. Payments Made ........................ ............................... Schedule E, Line 7. Loans Made .............................. ............................... Schedule i-i, Linea 8. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS ..... ............................... Add Lines a +7 9. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) ............................... Schedule F Linea 10. Nonmonetary Adjustment ........... ............................... Schedule C. Line 3 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE ............... ................. Add Lines 8 +9 +10 Current Cash Statement 12. Beginning Cash Balance ....................... Previous Summary Page, Line 16 13. Cash Receipts .................... ............................... Column A, Line 3above 14. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash ........................... schedule 1, Line 4 15. Cash Payments ................... ............................... Column A. Line E above 16. ENDING CASH BALANCE .......... Add Lines 12 + 13 + 14, then subtract Line 15 If this is a termination statement, Line 16 must be zero. Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Column A TOTALTHISPERIOD (FRWATTACHED SCHEOUIES) $ d3, CSC" $ oZ3, 65e' $ a3, 6$a_ $ 30 61G 7f- 0 $ 3, , , L2 $ -3 ^t1 ♦ G3 $ .Lr9V3r G5o 3, $ 22,91C 17. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED ........................... Schedule B, Part 2 $ Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 18. Cash Equivalents... ........ - ...... ............ ....... See instructions on reverse $ 19. Outstanding Debts ......................... Add tine 2+ Line 9 in Column B above $ SUMMARY PAGE Statement covers period "Pg,-3-- from r//� through 0 ?0" � Column B CALENDAR YEAR TOTALTODATE $ a3,45a Of $ a 3, r5o 9 $ a3,LSn- 7S $ 3r $ 3, e26 or $ 30 To calculate Column B, add amounts in Column A to the corresponding amounts from Column B of your last report. Some amounts in Column A may be negative figures that should be subtracted from previous period amounts. If this is the first report being filed for this calendar year, only carry over the amounts from Lines 2, 7, and 9 (if any). I.D. NUMBER /3 -7 fir 7Z Calendar Year Summary for Candidates Running in Both the State Primary and General Elections 1/1 through 6130 71l to Date 20. Contributions Received $ $ 21. Expenditures Made $ $ Expenditure Limit Summary for State Candidates 22. Cumulative Expenditures Made' (n SubfectMllolunWy ErpendiWre Limn) Date of Election Total to Date (mm /ddlyy) 'Amounts in this section may be different from amounts reported in Column B. FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK.FPPC (8661275-3772) Sncar11;1' A Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE A Amounts may be rounded Monetary Contributions Received to Whole dollars. Statement covers period ' from tit Ali , •' ` -1 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through Page of NAME OF FILER / C eo.NM.''I-tC - 7! G lCC4 1410"1". e" /WAY0 2-° I G I.D. NUMBER / 3 -7 5-1 % Z DATE FULL NAME. STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE Or CONTRIBUTOR OFCOMMITTEE, ALSO EWERI.D.NUMBER) CONTRIBUTOR CODE* IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVETO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE RECEIVED (IF SELF - EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME OFBUSINESS) PERIOD (JAN. 1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) JCS.w/ �IIAAd QCOOM jtec/.441+W G&4­' 1�3 ❑OTH ❑PTY lrf•..�•,, 6�...� 7S10 LwICeT C.�F tav,Te GCw°w NV []SCC PLY h s r .4 /,N� �4s. o Dom! °> lam ,/I` % • [30TH its --* - C40 L TT 50- cA 1n5-b2-o ❑PTY ❑SCC ao.75, ZNG. Pa✓ La !r- /Ja lO A I r /eTLp ✓rl OW.ve / � ❑CAM ❑OTH Enl.t.�r1 Zvc 566— 5��— Soo I CA gfa37 [3[3PTY - iJ �fl pfN.•�3 -f'C -� IND M1.ai 4s �l Qs � s0� J0 6 -S pPrr C //.2 CA fS'u 20 ❑SCc t:�r B4 7rLSG /[J/t, ❑OTH PTY i/. CA 9� Zo El ❑SAC SUBTOTAL$ / ZPS"o Schedule A Summary 1. Amount received this period - itemized monetary contributions. a 3 r �O (Include all Schedule A subtotals.) .......................................................................... ..............................$ ,�( 2. Amount received this period - unitemized monetary contributions of less than $100 ............................. $ Q 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. a 3 !30 - TOTAL $ 6 *Contributor Codes IND - Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g., business entity) PTY - Political Party SCC - Small Contributor Committee (Add Llnes 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Llne 1.1 ....................... r FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (8661275 -3772) 6� Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print In Ink. SCHEDULE A (CON.) �••..•....o.� vv..urvuarvrM RC{4tlMVC0 nmM rlME mayoeroundW - Slatamenteoversporlod towholedollars. from taou g- h e NAME OF FILER 64M.c -4v ElCc+ w..sw.rd Al.ye 2-0)(, 7 . DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (FCUYwOff. ALSO BMfBI Ia N' CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMUTATIVETODATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTKIN TO DATE CODE * (FS BnBn PERIOD (JAN. 1 _ DEC. 31) OF REQUIRED) y/l(AC %�swa,d S. Qo1I oOTH (Od X00 — G.1.. CA gsa26 QPTY sCC. + h ° �� NuMaAI'S .N,4.1� LM.bcr 2"ic. p� MTH g953 t; p o� QOTH F�Md.,f CA STt53(e o 0250- �So- a5a- 5 F,,wc -? OTH ❑arr+ lee-+.�d too— 100 CA ?S'62-c-) o� isk..s i SA., /c 84C4+l�.r MIND Se)F C.P.A. o� 31e.,+I41 --- M.,fr JS d 50 - a5,6 - a so — C. 9So2 ( o� ❑SM SUBTOTAL$ q 50 'Cantrit,trw Codes IND— IndlNdulel C0M—Rec0wtcc n*tw (0#w than PTY or SCC) OTH — 00w (ea.. business army) Ply — Polural Party SCC — Small Contributor CommlRee FPPC Fonnt88(Jnamry1" FPPCToll- FreeNo"Is.8WAWAsPPC(SW2M -37 ) �w Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in Ink SCHEDULE A (CONT.) --l—By y vvr lau ruu tiGi m Reueivea Amouma may be rounded 1Setementccwf pMod to whole dollars. t ,/1 /1` • from trough 4/10/1r, Q p,a, of NAME OF FILER - LD. NIItE7t 1375174 DATE RECEIVED MANE, STREETADDRESS AND LP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR prcarYnr£Aisoea�ie i.nau l E OR IF AN INDNmUAI, ENTER OCCUPATIONAIIDEMPLI)M AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATNETO DATE CALENDAR YEAR P9tELEC110N 70 DATE F nffk8MIMYE PERIOD (JAN. i - DEC, 31) OF REQUIRED) �/5 raceaN� l4sc F1768' ❑COM /1G EJ� 750 - //e CA 95620 ❑ 511((0 JOSC J. CO F1A1; c !'j�v id6 �D +.p 0� o�� its Cam• J/• CA / fo Zo ❑SCC ,25 'A e1..el Ca/p ,'>< .�a ❑ 4f4s"a eY 7 G �.. [30TH C, 4,a. ZAA/ _ So 500 clev.lw:. Vrcwr CA F yak ❑ [ISM 0-F- cc 's yls J)s AN CAA54-y4cv- LICOM CO 1./, /C (fewer /I% . 00TH ecka /� Sb, / Sb0 " Sa a — 506 ❑SCC {�ficv C1.nsie tic✓ to Ad.�„v. Ass+. ❑� 500 Soa - 50 0 ' 6, J/e C A g5-07-0 ❑PTA" ej1iS4 .jA� Revcl. , 1.0SCC &MMT►L• 2,27-5- ; M– Yldfvkkad COM –RacpN Committee (00W Ulan PTY or SCC) � _ g eg., ysim3as entity) SCC– SmdCdrMt KtarCommittee FPPC Form 460 (January109) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK•FPPC (86SMSS3772) W Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) 7Wm or print in Ink. SCHEDULE (COWL) •••..•..•w.� vV..a. IVYUV110 RC4CIVUU A11OUBM may M rounded Sfeh111tld e011MtpNt011 towholedORara. 1/1 . , . from through GA16 / /r. ± 1 .1 � NAME OF FILER psw d I.D. NUMBER 137517 2- RECEIM FULL NAPE. STREET ADDRESS AND VP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR 6�1.rtW.uaorHreaina ,,) CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDMDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECENED THIS CUMULATNE7O DALE CALENDAR YEAR PER FJFJCIlON TODATE �E� F Em32NWE PERIOD (JAN.1 -DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) Jp0. die✓ -h t,r �CwOBA s•1<S, lead . pm►t CI..+I<r >t Soon rjo6� �pp' {�• r,e CA QS62.o ❑= my ❑SCC f�ft.G w-icS CA4d 66,V 's o� ' ❑❑ Scl�. 760' 750 - C[A,.O. vv ?9Yi/ i �irr N0. S Doo 1e[ �,�`r oo H 760- 75-5- 7sa - (;<A/o0. NV $9y It p� y � 4 /I r1A �� l i. ,K,gs, .,a OCOM i�cfl.cq/ (v 130TH 106— 160 (6o " r� f So z 1 pscC ,5 ///,( IJ D N 0C_ L. /[A+ZO [iCOM (� . " 4 / �frf:.., f[•� •. �.,. ��. I* 00TH OPTY a -r6 - SG osCC 3ue7+orAL $ 2,350— � Codes MD— Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY Or SCC) 0TH — Other (e.g., business en8ty) PTY — PORUCal Party SCC —Smell ContributorCommiBee FPPC Form 460 (January105) FPPC T01FFme Helpllne: 8661ASK -FPPC (8681275.3772) V Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Mnnaf9ry C --- r.._J Type or print In Ink SCHEDULE (CONT.) --.— .. —••••� �... ....vM..vna .� rlressa amourns may as rounded Sbdamentwiespedod towholedollars. t/ ' 1 /1 from through G /10 7 G PaW � 01�� NAME OF FILER _ 6-,f a.-4Ce 'fo F/cc� l�l..�w.fol lairs LID NUMBER ye.- 1375171 DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBU7OR F�twrreEUSOatrex�.o.au.®q CONTFUB CODE • F AN INDMDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED TINS CUMULATIVETDDATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TODAIE FMU gBtrBINWe PERIOD (JAN.1 -DEC, 31) OF REQUIRED) 3/I 4��� ❑t�M ❑OTH ! Sa — / Sid ' - / rd // CA 9rd20 ❑PTY ❑SCC NoSct Fw //c4 ❑aFH /06 /,•• cA ff-62o o� 3�I4/!/ 7L Fl -!!er EJMD /964C,e 00TH IQcitice� /00 /00— /ob {� /fo CA I5-s i ) ❑PTY ❑SDC y/l2 - /I(. 8s� F'l.ce o� r 160 /00 - /60 c,4 9r62-0 - � „MC.f ❑� 3/ �1 �i7r 1 cc '�Q°� r« / .11.4< 4w -k,- ? I it / . ❑� 566 X60 Sam G. /e CA 9T6zo OSOC 1,,,iti /D , SUBTOTALS '150- 'Cordribubr Codes IND— IndivIdual COM— Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g.. business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC —SMEW Conldbubr Committee FPPC Form 460 (January 105) FPPC Toll -Free HelpSne: S661ASK -FPPC (866/2754772) Vvi Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Moneta Contr'% ti R Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE (CONT) ry U WIM eceivea Amountsmayseroum)ed Statementeovwspxbd lowholedollars. s - . FORNI from 1/I �l(. !� 'yf ivougn PepsL�ot� NAPE OF FRER L C..VI Al. -htC -4b iC14 { 144,Jivoed p., ZO q, LD.NUMBER 1375172— DATE FULL NAME,STREETADDRESSAND LP CODE OFCONTRIBUTOR C.ONiWBU17)R IF AN INDIVIDUAL. ENTER AMOUNT CUMUA71VE7ODIBE PER ELECTION RECEIVED (FEOMWrMF,A189BaERina111� � OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE CODE Fe �Loe awe PERIOD (JAN./ -DEC. 91) OF REQUIRED) lG�G / ❑mrFl rr.f,:<n' (�• /,D CA fr6 2G ❑MY 3 3 ❑> C. IlAfs 3�L ❑❑ . 1l�F•.�./ 7so' 750' 75a- ��tie« NV 89Y// ❑xc L114114 � gt4.Iw.y 14l« . 00TH ROSS, /�.«�,s /.. c /00— /66^ /DO / �,a []Fry I t (� CA 6 26 ❑SCC Rti SC41 i c4,cj< Lwncs `Ntt/��aCS 0= 750— 750— 750"' /Y/ G ! O � I C f ❑scc S9�w ! / JQAAC.s E4.! /q A/ MOM 4I Mt C4'� Oc ! . p ` r 756 7 L cS4A/ J.S� ❑PTY J� 7 SD ^ C� 9S /lo 080C SUffWA S 2,(.50— IND— Individual COM— Recipient ComlliEee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Oliver (e.g., business srdV) PTY — Political Party SCC —Small ConbldiarCgmiyes PPPCFW0MO(IslMFOIR PAPCTGB*M NWA8L4MPWZM -VM 2)�" IND— Individual COM— Recipient ComlliEee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Oliver (e.g., business srdV) PTY — Political Party SCC —Small ConbldiarCgmiyes PPPCFW0MO(IslMFOIR PAPCTGB*M NWA8L4MPWZM -VM 2)�" Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received Type or print in Ink A SCFIEDU(EA (OONT.) . mount• may be rounded - fttenterdeover•perfod towholedolk". CALIFORNIA I from 1/1 /1(. • FORM •�� o� /I: pap• z' 'Oaf�� MANE OF FILER _ ' •. t M. t c -IV 61e t i IAl1. %w• /o1 10.y o e Zo 1(, LD. NIIa�R 13 75174 DATE RECEIVED FULL NAIE,$tREETADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR lFeer•aD�NaoHeHtlIIM1a ®e CONTR®UTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATNETODATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION DAI TOE CODE prsErrrawiOV®, Wo WUE or eusnESS7 PERIOD (JAN. t - DEC. 37) (IF REQUIRED) 6114/((, N�Ads�..t N�fs`'Y [loom Elm PTY : "0 750- lso `• /�. I CA 95-d2o ❑scc ❑3oomt 12�1,.�e1 Q� 26o- Zoo tar, - to • �i• , CA FS d 2-o [ISM /4c.ja(1 4 Slreea( e.vs +..ell. OCOM HH Elply M(' G /n L % o Za ❑soc XIM COM s� ►�; 7x� oa <," alp- s"T CA fsrd 2b ❑scc ( J,k.b s ❑IND /H SriC: 506 jt7n,.. sA „4, q CA 95—o76 []MY . ❑scc SUBTOTAL$ 1, $oo ” `Contributor IND— Individual COM — Redplent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — POINCEd Party 8CC— Smell Contributor CommlBee FPPC Form 460 (Jalwery/05) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (80012753772) )) V' Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributi 12 Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE (CONT.) on5 ecelved AmeUme may Be roUnded — SteLemardcowrsperiod to whale dollars. • . 46Gmm lbough �` t of NUM OF FTLER _ ' I 1 /ed AI,- �te- � 610C4 Wl.�frt /d ��ye., �1�p �. / 1375172- DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND LP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR ercatMarrseA,sorxre + taxureap DODE�OR IF AN INDIVIDUAL. ENTER OCCUPATION AND ELTLOYER AMONMT RECENED THIS CNMILA7NETO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE �QRf IBnBlR PERIOD (JAN, t -OM. 31) OF REQUIRED) �I(o JaaA. ( ❑OTH ❑❑m pa<, -fc Oak laa !oo - ! ae M� w fE•r! L ?S-03-7 Pi. a /f, c.5 N 12q6 411,1 {likgC. 'i� G�i6 �(. _� $p— _ SG S6 4)S6zo p� rCt %rvri+ . ❑�1D(,� 130TH Yc4, -ed �O /ao 160 G /moo cA is 26 ❑❑� OOTH 7Sa 7S'6 75-6 - 44 0soc �a i,t K /�Mt�/ (•O /�3� /G . [3Com 00TH l� 750- 75� 7sa C4 c ❑ply ❑s0C SUBTOTALS f 750' 1, -'' A. 'Contributor Codes IM- IndiNdual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) ofli - Other (e.g.. business entity) PTY - Political Party BCC - Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toil -Free Helpline: 8661ASK -FPPC (806/275.3173) 7� Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in w:. SCHEDULE (CONT.) __._........� ........ Im"aw.ro maLm ou AmCIUMMO D11FOI IOed Statemaltearaa;pertod town dWera 1/ 1 �16 • 1 FORM 0 from 0rough iG p %� d �4 NAME OF FILER 40-i M. TrCG —4 oCleCT W*,Jw, /d �w�el Zo l (e LD.NUtf6ER 1375172- DATE FULL NALE, STREETAODRESS AND LP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR RECEN® OFOGWerrB=.A<SaBn MNUa1BBJ CON �EI;)(t IF AN INDMDUAI, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECENED THIS CUt111LATNETODIDE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TODATE •`awl � WAE PERIOD (.NN. t - DEC. 31) OF REQUIRED) ❑o M GtS 6•i. s, c-4 /� 5763 2_ ❑PTY Wl��tgM /�4MAJ LCkAf mEm ❑COM ❑oTH ❑PTY / ti Lc ieobce+sw �S — 2vG - Zao Zac - 5-4„ Jose CA 95-83 ❑scc (�� NrGk -5. G1.wl� ❑ocoM 9i- h.�wray, I` [30TH 7 50' 750 cA 9_ro So ❑�, ❑sac l it�lo�y Cite,., L v.lt l qh . 5-0 p5- 6 /aL�j6G/ LsM 74 /o/O ❑CoM p iQr4�r 6/I` ) ❑CITH T.Fc,o �Ob — X06 /OO CA Q5-62.0 []Fly KM OM%L$ 21300 Codes M— Individual COM— Reciplent CommWee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g.. business entity) PTY — Paimcei Party SOC —Smell ConbibulorCammiOee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Toll-Free HelpSne: SWASK -FPPC (866715-3772) 7i Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print In Ink. SCHEDULE (CONT) -- •- •.....,.Y .........uuwvna rR%V1,VI tf" /Vneanfamayoerounaea Statemerdeoeersp, & e. towholedollars. III /14 • final Oirough � NAME FILER C..t M. �,_ 4V Fl«4 w..aw4.d .y�r, zo r � I.D. NUMBER 1375172- DATE FULL NAME, STREETADORESS AND Zip CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR FAN INOMDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVETO DATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED eF��anenaMe�p �EtOR OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE F SffER E PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) OF REQUIRED) I L :2/4/G/i. O� •.% of -i- 4 c) j 7S y- 6,/... CA 9sozo 112116 ila4l t Nlt 64r.e / 7-10 T ocom l(jij O� Avg ,,,% &-k /ra A 9 Sa i 3 ❑Sac 11 R64LI+ `J. CN<TO ❑�ckkt / 11 GONSv�ry Uf E30TH/46 /oa /oa (�d 9 S'o 20 ❑SCC AN Za ✓ �12JrG ^3��-We 2- []OOH Es �,�� SOO S6e, SOO G -(�e CA 9S-azo ❑O 7"" nF R..r SllaBFMRLt 212.50' - Codes IND- IndjvkjU l COM- Redgstgica Bee (other Dw PTY orSCC) am - 00W (e.D., 6uileee enOty) PTY - Pdwcd Para SCC - Saw l Conkil lalerComaglee FPPC Form 460(Janoary/0S) FPPC Toll -Free HdpHne: 8881ASK -FPPC (880127543772) Py Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Mnnatomo P^m#z4k..47....- n-- -L-- -- Type or print In Ink. SCHEDULE (CONT.) Amoumsmay Derounded - SfetemeMewenpsrbd towholed,lknrs. from trough G 1301! G A P •r NAME OF FOER et 64...t.N,-4,cc -ie E1ec 4 GJ..flw.id ✓+r1.y.� 1al(, I.D. NUMBER l37$ 17Z DIRE RECEMED FULL NAME. STREETADDRESS AND 2IP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR PF�ee*Tff.uaoeoe MWXAe4 TUTOR E AN INDMDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATNETO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TODAJE W BR9iNYE PERIOD (JAN.1 -DEC. 31) OF REQUIRED) 6 �i3/ opt St I� dc,�LS +1 / Y ��/s'626 OTH /dG - a0 - - /00 1000 (� /r1 CA Off. - �a.,.I•✓ t!c /lej� 329 / Rofl ✓l �4 -r-(/, [] H !G . g' o� so� s�— -rd y�37' M/N•'fN e� /rl:✓�'G llo 7 000M G�I. f.Y NY .I U/q{�C G ✓/ .� DOTH ❑PTr `) 166 ell 13�G $vcu ?,Ik BCDM � o� r[+r�d 750— 750 - 750- 3 P,lk ❑CITH Y'c4%e« 750 71-0 - 75� 5...4T. C!o o r c 9foSl p� SIL11MAL s 1.750- - 'Contributor Codes -- IND— IndiWdual COM— Reciplent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g., business entity) PTY — Political Party SCC —Small ContributorCommiltee FPPC Farm 460 (January/05) FPPC Toflfree Helplina: 8661ASK.FPPC (866!275 3772) -3J Sche(Wijle A (Continuation Sheet) Moneta Contrm tl R Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE (CONE) -Y u W"S ecelvea Amounts may be rounded saeemndcoverspedod e. towholedollms. FORM 46T ftm though C�jDIrG NAME OF FILER Page of .M Al, C --16 El«4 Weeel.4,d ,y�y., zQ ►6 I.D. NUNIBER 1375172. DATE RECEIVED FULL NAYS, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR F,�eeR�Also9(f�11nMel6p CON�E'°R F AN INDIVIDUAL, BITER OCCUPATION AND EMIUMEt AMOUNT RECENED THIS CUMULATNETO DATE CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECTION TO DATE F B11®U PERIOD (JAN. i - DEC. 31) OF REQUIRED) 3/, lZc.oLu� � /Il //(o O RGg ! ts3,fc l SD` G. /re , c A `I So io 0=. C.. ,. 343/16 $, ❑❑ G• /�• C A y solo ❑SGC Jr, l � ll9�i� RQ ( t " /r/Cr �• JGNSGN - ,4N 20Y 13cm P) " SOb $b6 �6L lr. v. CA q S'° 2o O� [Irmo Ed,,,,,./ Se, lede,., ow // EICITH G, /re G/4 jso 2o ❑❑PI � aoa- ana 3 pp c4+yJ R. S•GNG✓ [RND /i( /i` O� /ecH,cc/ /GU /dr /46 C. /r. C,4 Ts'o 2-0 ❑wC SUUWAL$ 11060- IND- Individual COM— Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — OUter (e.g., business entity) PTY— Poli8cal Party SCC — Srtlall CorRdbutorCommiBee FPPC Farm 460 (January106) FPPC Td-Free HelpBne: 86WASK -FPPC (8661215 -3%72) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary ContrIk 41 R Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE (COW.) u ons ecel"m t rnoumsmayeerounded SMtem towhote dollars. ' / I t! t trom trough G /3o /I G 1(4 7LD.NUMBM WINE OF FILER - .,.� ..T. �-.I,LC -;o F /ct-f Gti.,�wil /v%,.✓ Ia 1 C 7l DATE RECEIVED STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR FCOUMRTMA,POBnFA,.0.Nie69j) CONTRIBUTOR FAN INDMDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATONANO EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS CUMULATIVE7013ATF CALENDAR YEAR PER ELECDON TODAIE CODE F ee 6 TER VA E PERIOD (JAN.1 _ DE(;, g1) pF REQUIRED) "h-/g� FFULLNMF- ( ❑JQiH Ja1�ar7... ► st fe j� S6e S-60- CA fj-6zi ❑PTV 500 — 566 ° G l�a , CA 9s6w °❑� Rax /. _ / 23/16 a s` as- Qs-- �� -� []PTY ❑SOO 3/31 O f 1 G . ❑CIDTH TM 2�fr -�J /od � _ /06 laa 0SCC yl1 V'^/CC C. ivS.>L.NC./ o PGE X06 �DO / ✓.y CA YSo2o ❑scc SUBTOTAL$ 1, i n 5 ^ 'Contributor Codes IND- Individual COM- RedPlent CommBtee (other U,an PTY or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g., business endly) PTY- Poliical Party SCC -Small Contributor CommlOee FPPC Form 460 (January/05) FPPC Tall -Free Hetpflne: 8661ASK•FPPC (8801275.3772) 0111 Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print in ink. SCHEDULE (CONT.) -- •-- -_._.� vv..0 �YYUVII� MULwivCu nmaurnsmayeerounded StelementooYemperiod lowholedollars. Ir I /I ` . ' trorrl through r1 l G pap NAME of FILER of II , I Im M. LL �'Cf 40 C1CC4 Wo.IWe /� ���lel la (( I.D. NUIBTER / 375172— D/17E RBA. NAME, STREETADDRESS AND LP CODE OF CONip®lfTpR IF AN INDIVIDUAL. ENTER ANOINT CUMULATNETO PATE PER ELECTION RECEIVED 6COIQWT$ALSOerrelMNUMeq CODE OCCUPATIONAND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TODATE W8ELF4AWLGYsXspnesH OFMIGNEMI PERIOD (JAN. t - DEC. 31) OF REQUIRED) /u� -!/ 1 .lO1.N W, 2e KA.i. SKh• �� ��I G . [loom OOTH 6w,Je✓ 160 w/ // *X CA 9So Zo ❑PTY J ❑scc ,/y ❑CON �(i•Yr ❑OTH ❑PTY •G JlM•� f �iroc...s C� c%$7j2p ❑SCC ❑m ❑CDTA ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑S ❑IND [loom ❑OTH ❑PTY ❑SCC ❑COM ❑mot ❑PTY ❑SCC SUBTOTALS �S ' 'CwMbulor Codes IND— Individual COM — Recipient Cormnillee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other (e.g.. bodiless entity) PTY— PoiNcel Party SOC —Smsl Ca1M6ularCormYBee FPPC Form 460 (Jammyl05) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8WASK -FPPC (86612753772) ) 1j Schedule E Type or print in Ink. Amounts be L13R Statement covers period • 4 t Payments Made may rounded to whole dollars. campaign consultants ICI /t (p •' WD returned contributions CTS from OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE petition circulating TEL through f G Page of r NAME OF FILER '4 Flecf (A%eedw"41 /WAY*/ ZUI �o phone banks I.D. NUMBER /37 51 i 2 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment CLIP campaign paraphernalia/misc. L13R member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants WTG meetings and appearances WD returned contributions CTS contribution (explain nonmonetary)' OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PIT petition circulating TEL Lv. or cable airtime and production costs FL candidate filing/ballot fees. PFID phone banks iRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FPD fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS statffspouse travel, "ing, and meals IPD independent expenditure supporting/opposing others (explain)' POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candidateisponsor LEG legal defense PRO prolessioml services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB information technology costs (intemet• a -mail) NAMEANDADDRESS OF PAYEE nrco EE.ALSOEm Wxuaaem CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID 04"ed Dev.Ile_ MlEt3 Eyp-el:A. 7-5 a4� Tar- Wc115, Feege 89-IC POS Zv 6•/wy, CA 73-0 20 " Payments that are contributions or Independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS -75-1 !y Schedule E Summary 7. 1. Itemized payments made this period. (Include all Schedule E subtotals.) ........................... 3 6 2 (o — 2. Unitemized payments made this period of under $100 ........................................................................................................... ............................... $ 91 3. Total interest paid this period on loans. (Enter amount from Schedule B, Part 1, Column (e).) ................................................ ............................... $ 4. Total payments made this period. Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summa Page, Column A, Line 6. ... TOTAL $---3 z 12 6 ? S FPPC Form 460 (Jamary105) FPPC Toll-Free Helpllns: BWASK -FPPC (86 &2753772) Schedule E (Continuation Sheet) Payments Made Type or print In Ink Amounts maybe rounded to whole dollars. from Vr //G C /7o�i G SCHEDULE E (COtfT.) PageI oa f --2-� 6m4,.,44.0 --4 �71cGf (NOOrlC✓a/c/ /vloyc,- 2016 I / 3-I5 /7z CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code. Otherwise, describe the payment. CUP campaign paraphemalialmisc. NBR menbercommunications RAD radio alrUme and production costs CIS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetary)• OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PET petition circatatirg TFL Lv. or cable airtime and production costs FL candidate filing1ballot fees PFD phone banks TRIG candidate travel, lodging, and meals RED fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS statNspouse travel, lodging, and meals PD independent expenditure supportinglopposing otirers (explain)' POS postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between comri8ees of the same candidate'sponsor LEO legal defense PFD professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WEB infommMon technology costs (Internet. e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE A OF WMWrEE, W ENlEn( Le. NWe ) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNTPAID tt Ace vJa *-( v /o^rr -6oN 5 13Lfo I 5�' 5 +, f S"4Ir 61 P/4 3 5"0 j , /lby : CA 9 S'62v LIT - 644,:ef L.LC Iq 0r«44 / 54s 17 Se„ F,0L'r ";CO3 C/A tivli6 CN5 Zo and ` Payments that are contributions or Independent expenditures must also be summerired on Schedule D. SUBTOTALS 2r fS 79 9 FPPC Fomn 480 (JanuarylOS) FPPC Toll -Free Helpfine: 8881ASK -FPPC (5881278.3772)