AFSCME Letter of July 29, 2016City of Gilroy City Clerk's Office AFSCME LOCAL 101 1150 North First Street, Suite 101 San Jose, Ca. 95112 City Hall 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, California 95020 -6197 RE: LATE RECIPIENT COMMITTEE FILINGS AFSCME LOCAL 101 PAC FPPC #821697 Shawna Freels, MMC City Clerk shawna.freelsaci.gilrc yca.us Telephone (408) 846 -0204 w-ww.cityofgih-oy.org July 29, 2016 The City of Gilroy has not received Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) semiannual recipient committee campaign statements(Form 460) for the periods of January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015 and July 1, 2015 through December 30, 2015. We have made contact with the Treasurer listed on the most recent statement of organization on file with the City of Gilroy (enclosed), and have not received a response. Your filings for these two periods are delinquent, and must be submitted within the next 2 weeks, and no later than August 12, 2016, to avoid referral for enforcement action by the Fair Political Practices Commission. Additionally, the semiannual filing for the period of January 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016 is due on Monday, August 1, 2016. 1 am including a blank Form 460 with this letter for your use. I must receive the filings for these semi - annual filing periods by the dates indicated above to avoid referral to the Fair Political Practices Commission. Please contact my office at your earliest convenience, or the FPPC toll -free advice line at 1 -866- 275 -3772 for assistance. Bes 'Regards, Shawna Freels, MMC City Clerk enclosures Statement of Organization Recipient Committee iypa a WIn: In Ink Statement Type ❑ Itdtlal ® Amendmert Not yet OueOrled ❑ or Ls: 1.0 nurnoar # 821697 Jam_ Jam_ Dab welieed ate nornnuOee Date RLRIR.ad a8 mmrNt.es 1. Committee Information MAMEOFCA1a =E AFSCME LOCAL 101 PAC a-'REFT ADDRDSS (NO RO. =X) 1150 NORTH FIRST STREET, SUITE 101 ❑ Tamination - Sea Let ID. nunDr: LPCOOE AREA COD"ICAtE SAN JOSE CA 95112 408. 891 -3355 MAUNGAoEfloWtIFOIFFERPNT) OPTaaUI FAX t Ea.AVLADORESS COVNTY DF DOMIQLE COUMY Me*RE COISMIT ME IS A EIF DIFFERENT THAN COl-NrYOF OCMIQLE Ar. eW Lvund inl�nnaEOn on ePoropiafa' 1v;s4cr oananueom sno D al Of Tarnmdon 2. Treasurer and RECEIVED A 30 2DIS $ OMCE C4 STA.TEMEST OF ORGANIZATION STREET ADOPMSS 1150 NORTH FIRST STREET, SUITE 101 OT" STATE IIn COOS AREA COCENNONE SAN JOSE CA 95112 406-891.9355 NAME DF ASSISTANT TREASUPFR IF ANT STREET ADDRESS QTY STATE LP CODE AREA MCePNONE NAME ARD Iola N OF OTNER PRIIraPAE OFFICER(a„ IF AMJoAKE MAIUNO ADORES4 QTY STATE WCODE AREA rADE,PNONE 3. Verification I have used at reasonable diligence in preparing this statement and tD the hart of my Knowledge Me Informarlon contained herein u no and LOnplete. I certify under Penally of perjury under the Iawe of the State of California mat the foregoing is true and oorwt 01 -21-15 EXevxod Or. Fxecutec on Executed on DAM DV ...W um of LLNIR0.4N6OYlIEENlnkµ LA,.dIM l.. 4191 A!! MANORS IYIp4VIEN' By e AATJRE OF CON1RIXlINR 3fICFNOL'YK UMIIWTE. UR Y'A :FM RE MIWNEN' By sIaNA R Ir coulROU lcenn xR. sn I r oR a.+ M wE �Raol+w. FPPC Form 410 (JanuwyMS) FPPC Toll-Frte Nelpllne: SSSIASKfPPC IefiaflTS-ST12)