2016 - Gilroy Gardens Lumination Ticketsgency Report of:
Ceremonial Role Events and
1. Agency Nat
City of Gilroy
Shawna'Freels, City Clerk
408 -846 -0204 1 shawna.freels @cityofgilroy.org
2. Function or Event Information
Does the agency have a ticket policy? Yes ® No ❑
Event Description: Gilroy-Gardens Lumination Soft Open
Provide Tine/Explanadon
Ticket(s)/Pass(es) provided by agency? Yes ® No ❑
A Public Document
Date Stamp
in Pert 3.)
Date of Original Filing: 8/1/2016
Face Value of Each TickeVPass $ 75:00
Date(s) J 15 / 201 b ---J---J
If no:
Name of Source
Was ticket distribution made at the behest Yes ❑ No ® If yes:
Official's Name (Last, First)
of agency official?
3. Recipients
• Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. • Use Section B to identify an individual. • Use Section C to Identify an outside organization.
4. Verification
1 have read and understand FPPC Regulations 18944.1 and 18942. I have verified that the distribution set forth above, is in accordance
with the requirements.
/ \ Gabriel Gonzalez City Administrator August t 2016
Signature of Agency Head or Pnnt Name Tide (month, day, year)
FPPC Form 802 (212016)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866IASK -FP06 (86612775 -3772)
A. Name of Agency, Department or Unit
of Ticket(sY
Describe the public, purpose made pursuant to the agency's:policy
B. Name of Individual
of Tlcket(sy
Identify one of the following:
(Last, First)
Pas "see
Gonzalez, Gabriel
Ceremonial Role to Other ❑ Income ❑
nchwklag'Cemaromal Rde'or'Otherdesmaebelow
Official's performance of a ceremonial role or
function representing the City at the event
Freels, Shawna
Ceremonial Role'M Other ❑ Income ❑
ltd king'Commonlal Rde"or'other'dercnbebelow:
Official's performance of a ceremonial role or
function representing the City at the event
Name of Outside Organization
of Ticket(sy
Describe the public purpose made pursuarit tothe agency's policy
(include address and description)
4. Verification
1 have read and understand FPPC Regulations 18944.1 and 18942. I have verified that the distribution set forth above, is in accordance
with the requirements.
/ \ Gabriel Gonzalez City Administrator August t 2016
Signature of Agency Head or Pnnt Name Tide (month, day, year)
FPPC Form 802 (212016)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866IASK -FP06 (86612775 -3772)
Agency Report of:
Ceremonial Role Events and TickeVPass Distributions °
Continuation Sheet A Public Document
Agency Name
• Use Section A to identify the agency's department or Unit • Use Section B to Identify an individual. • Use Section C to identify an outside organization.
A.. ,Name of Agency, Department or Unit -•
Describe.the Public purpose made pursuant to the agenry't'poliry -
B; - .UNa_me of Individual -, -
' : t - (Lest, First)
'- ofTidie,
-' Identify one_gfthe following .. -, "- ",,.'• -,
, ,
P_sin_ea _
_ :.
Woodward, Perry
Ceremonial Role ® Omer ❑ Intoma ❑
checking "Cemmodal Rob"d'Other dezcnbe below.
Official's performance of a ceremonial role or
function representing the City at the event
Tucker, Cat
Ceremonial Role 0 Omer ❑ Income ❑
II checking'Cemmaniel Rds' or'Othercescribe blow'
Official's performance of a ceremonial role or
function representing the City at the event
Aulman, Terri
Ceremonial Role ❑ Omer ❑ Income ❑
llchecking'Cemmonlel Rde "w'orbef'tlescdoe below
Official's performance of a ceremonial role or
function representing the City at the event
Velasco, Roland
I Ceremonial Role ® Other ❑ Income ❑
11 checking'Ceremomel Rale"or'Otber describe below.
Official's performance of a ceremonial role or
function representing the City at the event
Name of Outside Organization
C. -
of Ticks s /
..:' -'- -. - -.
Describe tKe ubiic ur pose MiAii ,." I
p p p Pursuarrt YO the agency's policy
(include address and tlescription) "
' 'passes
FPPC Form 802 (212016)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK -FPPC (6661275 -3772)
Agency Report of:
Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket/Pass Distributions °
Continuation Sheet A Public Document
Agency Name
• Use Section A to identify the agency's department or unit. • Use Section B to identify an individual. • Use Section C to identify an outside organization.
— �- Number - - -- - — _ -�
A• Name of Agency, Department or Unit
of noketls)1
Describe the public purpose made pursuant to the agency's policy
B. Name of Individual
of Tlokat(ey
Identify ooe'of the following:
Harney, Daniel
Ceremonial Role ® Other, ❑I Income ❑
Irchecking'ComMon,al Role "or'Other'damdae oelmI
Official's performance of a ceremonial, role or
unction representing the City at the event
Abrams, Krlstl
Ceremonial Role E Other ❑ Income ❑
ncnecang- CenrmonOIRd e- or•Oth0l-Mscnbebekm:
Official's performance of a ceremonial role or
function representing the City at the event
Ceremonial Role ❑ Other ❑ Income ❑
If the ng-Ceremnnlel Role -g - OtWdescdbe Ors :
Ceremonial Role ❑ Other ® Income ❑
Irchecb,g'Cemmonot Role ' or -OMer'desodheb 1,m
Name of Outelde Organization
C. - and
(include addiees and description)'
Numliei _
of 17cket(ey
- -- - -- -- - -
Describe the publio,purpoee made pursuant to the agency' s: policy
FPPC:Form'802 (212016)
FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK -FPPC (8661275.3772)