Cat Tucker - Form 410 - 2016 AmendmentStatement of Organization Recipient Committee �./ Et Type ❑ Initial t� Amendment W YU4M1rd ❑ a St I.D. number: x.566 Date quali&d as committee Cate qualil ad asoDnir flee (a ale) NAMEOFCDMMITTEE C A T_ vc >✓ /� Fxv ,23g56TerminaGon seeFlart5 list H1 number: Q N # ao F Date of Termina(bn Treasurer and OtherF....,,r e„ar�rs �QL AM 1 NE aF TFEAM t`t S-e-C-t- Doc ken�dor� SIFEETADDRMSW P.Q B= aw STATE OPOODE AFEk OODERIOPE Wil ca n I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement and to the hest of my knowledge the informaEbn contained herein is true and complete. I cerEfy under penalty of perjury under the lays of the aate aXf hearted on S —3 (— Z01 LJ B/ hearted on 131 a7E 94W1UrE0F00nmiTWNG0FR@10LDHi CVGOME.OFtSR1EM61.4AFROfONBfT Executed on W DAM BCN4UFEOF OafnG W0FAB1cDM Q4 DATE, ORSRTEF MJFEM3PMBlT F PFCForm 410 (,WV 2016) FPPCAdvice: advice dfppccagov (8661275 -3772) www.fppccagov Statement of Organization I Recipient Committee, FFaP2 (NSIFd1CnONSONRENffM _ - - - OOMMMMOME T E� - - - - P�O2. 0-11 Nc I ao b I.n KNOM l aq S 66 • AllcommiYess must list the Inanciali ue)n where the canpaign benk amount is located. NAME OF RNMAALINSTTWON Af kOODBR10PE B"AGOD" RAB3t VNoN &N l <. IYDf6-1i�1115-7-1b[ ADDWW �a �enl-oz�"ee�so. _ �lvc�� &i iKDy C 45DoL ape` +of::CtNnfhiiee Qimplete ties plkabesea9ms� -` - - -- - - - - - '- - -- '— - - - • Lid the name of each controlling cm district number, if any, and theyearl odtoider, rarlddot nor date measure proponent. If candidate or oK ceholder controlled, also lid the elec&e OK oa sought or held, and oft he eleceDn. • list the poli&al party with which each • IfthiscommiFeeadsjointly OK ceholder or candidate isaK listed or check "nonpareasn" with ai tier controlled oommifee, list the name and idenq �n number of the other controlled commiiee. NAMEOF(ANOID4hBOFRCaM)E 9.WnVE OFMCE SOUGM OR NBD PT M&-RMPRXOO r 1NaMDED1SFRCrNU1AnB21FAPFUC/IBIB1 \FM0FBMr10N PARTY C CA ❑ Nwveresen Rirna y formed to support or oppose specil c; candidatesor measures in a single eleceDn. Ustbelow: CMIDIMhEZI"EORMB%SJFESJU hlhLE*XUMEBAUDFNQ ORLETTEd7 CIWOID AIH$DRiQ'80lKikrORliHDCRMEAS1r uRSJICnON _ - MCLU_O_E ISFRUNO, aTY0RMUM ASAMCMABI paxkME i -OFFINE a ,a ITMForm 410 (,hN2016) RTC-Advice: adAce@ppccagov (866F2753M) www.fppckagov