Everlast Builders - City Hall Renovation - Change Order No. 1To contract for: City Hall Renovation Contractor: Everlast Builders Inc. City of Ottrop Facilities Department 7351 Rosanna St., Gilroy, CA 95020 Phone (408) 846 -0282; Fax (408) 846 -0374 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 City Project No. Contract Date: 16- RFP -ASD -386 6/10/2016 This order shall become effective when it has been signed by the City Administrator, City Engineer, Project Engineer, and Contractor. All copies forwarded to Contractor for signature shall be returned to the City of Gilroy properly filled out. Upon acceptance by the City, the Contractor's copy will be returned to him as his authority to proceed with the work. Description of Work Texture walls after wallpaper removal All requirements of the original Contract Documents shall apply to the above work except as specifically modified by this Change Order. The contract time shall not extend unless expressly provided for in this Change Order. By signing this Change Order, Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the adjustments to cost and time contained herein are in full satisfaction and accord, and are accepted as payment in full, for any and all costs and expenses associated with this Change Order, (the "Extra Work "), including but not limited to labor, materials, overhead and profit, delay, disruption, loss of efficiency and any and all other direct and /or indirect costs or expenses associated with the Extra Work and hereby waives any right to claim any further cost and time impacts at any time during and after completion of the Contract associated with the Extra Work. ► All Extra Work authorized under this Change Order must be billed separately from the original contract. All bills for work done under this Change Order shall reference this Change Order No. 1. I (We) agree to make the above change subject to the terms of this Change Order for a NET INCREASE not to exceed $17,00.0.00._ CONTRACTOR RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: Date: —10 11 ,/ I a 2 Project Manager Date Cost Percentage Initial Original Contract Price Previous Change Orders $283,000.00 $0.00 0.00% Total to Date $283,000.00 This Change Order Total Change Orders to Date $17,000.00 $17,000.00 6.01 % ` - Revised Contract Price $300,000.00 Date: —10 11 ,/ I a 2 Project Manager Date