Minutes 2017/05/15City of Gilroy City Council Meeting Minutes May 15, 2017 Special Meeting A. Call to Order Mayor Velasco called the special meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. Roll Call Present: Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Daniel Harney; Council Member Paul Kloecker; Council Member Fred Tovar; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Roland Velasco Absent/Excused: Council Member Peter Leroe -Munoz A. Welburn Traffic Calming Study The Mayor Pro Tempore Bracco recused himself from deliberations on the item, explaining that his residence was within 500 feet of the subject discussion and he would be participating as a member of the public. He then left the dais. Community Development Director Abrams introduced Hexagon Transportation Consultant Gary Black who presented the report. City Attorney Faber spoke on the ability to segregate sections of the item to allow Council Members Kloecker and Harney to participate in portions of the item that were outside of the radius from their homes. Council Member Kloecker recused himself from deliberations on the sections of the item related to the lower portions of the Welburn Avenue to include the street striping and installation of stop controls on Welburn. He then left the dais as he was unable to leave the room for medical reasons. Council Member Harney recused himself from deliberations related to the installation of stop controls on Welburn. He then left Council chambers. Public comment was opened. Dan Mitchell was called to speak and asked for clarification on the planned location of the stop signs. Kevin McKenzie was called to speak asking for clarification of the sight distance for the stop signs. Keith Miller was called to speak sharing previous discussions of adding striping in lieu of stop signs. Marla Fortin was called to speak regarding previous discussions of adding striping to allow for pedestrian use. Terrance Fugazzi was called to speak asking if the idea of removing parking for pedestrian and bicycle use had been considered. Chris Vanni was called to speak suggesting the City consider easements for parking on upper Welburn to allow for a safe pedestrian passageway. Larry Marques was called to speak sharing information on the current parking on the street, explaining that it had been cut -in during the development of the neighborhood. Council Members Kloecker and Harney returned to the dais. City Council Meeting Minutes 5/15/2017 i; Joel Goldsmith was called to speak asking for clarification regarding changes to the general plan designation of the streets to change the street from a collector to an arterial. Tim Gavin was called to speak requesting clarification on the description of a collector street sharing State and Federal definitions of through traffic. He then suggested that the policy be developed from Gilroy's general plan instead of other cities. Kelly Barbazette was called to speak describing a previous study of speeding on upper Welburn asking how the recent determination of speeding on the street had been made. Diane Magentee was called to speak asking for clarification on an arterial street versus a collector, explaining that uses were very different on the two streets. Erica Trinchero was called to speak asking if the temporary signing had affected speed in anyway. Keith Miller was called to speak asking if the two arterial streets were causing more cut through and he then asked if the counter devices for the speed study were accurately placed. Chris Vanni was called to speak asking for clarification on the general plan designation of the streets. Tim Gavin was called to speak asked why policies were taken from other cities instead of the City general plan. Public comment was then closed. Regular Meeting I. OPENING A. Call to Order Mayor Velasco called the regular meeting to order at 6:21 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tempore Bracco. The Invocation was given by Rabbi Debbie Israel of the Congregation Emeth. City Clerk Shawna Freels reported that the agenda had been posted on May 10, 2017 at 5:10 p.m. Roll Call Present: Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Daniel Harney; Council Member Paul Kloecker; Council Member Fred Tovar; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Roland Velasco Absent/Excused: Council Member Peter Leroe -Munoz B. Orders of the Day Mayor Velasco announced that Item 9B. on the High Speed Rail Alternative Alignment Assessment would be postponed to the June 5, 2017 meeting at the request of the High Speed Rail Authority. C. Employee Introductions Interim Public Works Director Roberts introduced newly hired Maintenance Worker I Juan Arteaga. City Council Meeting Minutes 5/15/2017 1 1 3 II. CEREMONIAL ITEMS A. Proclamations, Awards, and Presentations Mayor Velasco presented the proclamation recognizing the contributions of Claudia Kendall Salewske. 111. PRESENTATIONS TO THE COUNCIL A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Susan Mister was called to speak sharing a photo of the south valley garden club who gardened at the senior center and asked that the watering system be turned back on. B. Youth Commission Annual Presentation to Council The annual report was presented by Commission Chair Carpenter and Vice Chair Sabharwal. IV. REPORTS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member spoke on the success of the Gilroy Welcome Center open house. Council Member Kloecker spoke on the SCRWA meeting and the Board's review of the budget and capital improvement items. Council Member Harney spoke on the VTA Policy Advisory Committee meeting and allocation of measure B monies including increased Caltrain service to south county, 1 million dollars for improvements to Gilroy's local streets, and bicycle pedestrian education. Mayor Velasco spoke on the URM Task Force pending agreement for the Banning's building and then spoke on the success of the spaghetti dinner at the senior center. He went on to explain that CalTrans was funding some emergency road repairs for First Street following extended discussions with State Legislators. V. FUTURE COUNCIL INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS There were none. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of the May 1, 2017 Regular Meeting B. Metropolitan Transportation Commission Fiscal Year 2018 Transportation Development Act Article 3 Pedestrian /Bicycle Project Funding Application C. Certificate of Commendation for Ronald McDonald House Scholarship Awardee Alexandra Souza D. Claim of Phillip Messina (the City Administrator recommends a "yes" vote under the Consent Calendar shall constitute the denial of the claim) Motion on the Consent Calendar Motion: Consent Calendar Items A, B, C, D Moved by Council Member Cat Tucker, seconded by Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco. Vote: Motion carried 6 -0 -1. City Council Meeting Minutes 5/15/2017 0 Yes: Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Daniel Harney; Council Member Paul Kloecker; Council Member Fred Tovar; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Roland Velasco Absent: Council Member Peter Leroe -Munoz VII. BIDS AND PROPOSALS There were none. VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Approval of Fiscal Year 2017 -2018 Community Development Block Grant and Housing Trust Fund Public Service and Housing Rehabilitation Grants The staff report was presented by City Administrator Gonzalez and further described by Community Development Director Abrams. The public hearing was opened. Molly Current was called to speak spoke on the funding request from Project Sentinel through the CDBG and HTF grants, sharing the benefits to the community through their services. Ann Marquart of Project Sentinel was called to speak sharing the grant funding reductions each year through the CDBG and Housing Trust Fund program explaining the growing need for funding for the program. Jan Berstein Chargin was called to speak sharing the needs of the Compassion Center and the reduction of funding from previous years asking if the Council would consider adding more funding. The public hearing was then closed. Motion on Item VIII.A. Motion: Approve the public service and housing rehabilitation funding distribution of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Housing Trust Fund (HTF) grants to various nonprofit agencies. Moved by Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco, seconded by Council Member Cat Tucker. Vote: Motion carried 6 -0 -1. Yes: Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Daniel Harney; Council Member Paul Kloecker; Council Member Fred Tovar; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Roland Velasco Absent: Council Member Peter Leroe -Munoz IX. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Upper Welburn Traffic Calming Study Report City Attorney Faber spoke on the ability to segregate portions of the item to allow Council Members Kloecker and Harney to recuse themselves from deliberations as necessary. Mayor Pro Tempore Bracco recused himself from deliberations on the item explaining that his residence was within 500 feet of the subject item. He then left the dais and entered the audience as a member of the public. The staff report was presented by consultant Gary Black of Hexagon Engineering. Council Member Kloecker recused himself from the deliberations on the segments of the item related to striping along Welburn Avenue and the stop controls. City Council Meeting Minutes 5/15/2017 1 1 1 5 Council Member Harney recused himself from deliberations on the section of the deliberations related to installation of stop controls on Welburn Avenue. Public comment was opened. Georgine Scott- Codiga was called to speak asking for clarification on the items that could be addressed. She then asked that the people on Welburn would comment on the stop controls. Kelly Barbazette was called to speak sharing her concerns of speeding sharing studies of the increase in speeding between stop signs. Sam Miceli was called to speak stating that the people on Welburn should be charged a fee if the street became private. Dan Mitchell was called to speak describing the inability to place a 4 -way stop at the intersection. Donna Tomleson was called to speak sharing her support for the stop sign on Taryn. Kevin was called to speak asking for the distance determination for the stop sign. Council Member Harney returned to the dais. Sam Miceli was called to speak stating that one way streets could be the solution. Dan Mitchell was called to speak asked why a camera system wasn't used to get volume data. Chris Vanni was called to speak suggesting that easements on both sides of Welburn could be used to assist with pocket parking to allow for sidewalks and bicyclists. Alan Jensen was called to speak describing his experiences on upper Welburn explaining that he seldom say bicyclists or other pedestrians. Donna Tomleson was called to speak explaining that she seldom saw bicyclists or pedestrians on Welburn. Marla Fortin was called to speak stating that there were numerous people including herself who walked Welburn. Jim Rucker was called to speak suggesting that street parking be removed to allow for sidewalks and bicyclists. Jill Vanni was called to speak suggesting that the City consider the costs associated with adding sidewalks and bicyclists. Ron Kirkish was called to speak explaining that bicyclists and vehicles should share the road. Tom Fischer was called to speak describing the striping in his neighborhood which delineated the parking areas and lanes. Public comment was then closed. Failed Motion on Item IX.A. Motion: to direct staff to revise striping on upper Welburn so that the currently striped shoulder area be removed while maintaining the narrow travel lanes and on- street parking, and apply the complete streets policy as possible Moved by Council Member Daniel Harney, seconded by Council Member Cat Tucker. City Council Meeting Minutes 5/15/2017 on Vote: Motion failed 2 -2. Yes: Council Member Daniel Harney; Council Member Cat Tucker No: Council Member Fred Tovar; Mayor Roland Velasco Absent: Council Member Peter Leroe -Munoz Abstain: Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Paul Kloecker Failed Motion on Item IX.A. Motion: to direct staff to revise striping on Welburn so that the currently striped shoulder area be removed while maintaining the narrow travel lanes and on- street parking Moved by Council Member Fred Tovar, seconded by Mayor Roland Velasco. Vote: Motion failed 3- 1 -1 -2. Yes: Council Member Fred Tovar; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Roland Velasco No: Council Member Daniel Harney Absent: Council Member Peter Leroe -Munoz Abstain: Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Paul Kloecker Motion on Item IX.A. Motion: to direct staff to revise the striping on upper Welburn so that the currently striped shoulder area be removed while maintaining the narrow travel lanes and on- street parking, and where appropriate and prudent, consider and implement the complete streets program. Moved by Mayor Roland Velasco, seconded by Council Member Daniel Harney. Vote: Motion carried 4- 0 -1 -2. Yes: Council Member Daniel Harney; Council Member Fred Tovar; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Roland Velasco Absent: Council Member Peter Leroe -Munoz Abstain: Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Paul Kloecker Council Member Kloecker returned to the dais. Alan Jensen was called to speak describing his travels in the area and issues with speeding throughout several of the neighborhoods suggesting that the signs be removed and traffic enforcement be increased. Tim Gavin was called to speak sharing the policies outlined in the General Plan applicable to the issue suggesting that the neighborhoods be protected from excessive traffic. Samuel Miceli was called to speak explaining that if the road was closed to through traffic then the residents of the area should be charged for the private street. Kelly Barbazette was called to speak sharing her concerns with speeding on Welburn and discussions with City staff on traffic calming over the last two years. She detailed the petition submitted to the Council and actions to place traffic calming on the street, and described the need to provide a safe environment on the street. Michelle Hayton was called to speak describing that the city's traffic survey indicated speeding on upper Welburn. She explained that the most recent survey was inaccurate as the devices used to survey traffic were improperly placed and stated that the speed limit should remain at 25 mph. Joan Miller was called to speak sharing the traffic speeds on Welburn compared to that on Ousley. She spoke on the traffic levels on Mantelli and backups during school hours as presented by staff previously, explaining that the drivers could remain on Mantelli as it was a safer street with sidewalks. Marla Forsgren was called to speak describing the high number of pedestrians and cyclists on upper Welburn and went on to describe the use of similar turn restrictions in the city to prohibit excess traffic speeding through residential neighborhoods. She City Council Meeting Minutes 5/15/2017 1 1 L 7 concluded by stating that the restrictions should remain in place and requested that the center of the street be restriped. Georgine Scott - Codiga was called to speak asking the City to remove the street restrictions and go through the proper process of study. She then provided the city with a petition of 197 signatures to take the signing down and concluded by highlighting the amount of money spent to address the issue. Bill O'Connor was called to speak suggesting that the Council recognize the implications of their earlier decisions explaining that staff had now provided a professional opinion. Shauna Lynch was called to speak sharing her support of the consultant's recommendations, describing the professional services provided by Hexagon Transportation. Chris Vanni spoke in support of the consultant report describing the collector streets in the neighborhood and went on to describe the unintended consequences of the traffic restrictions which drove traffic through Ousley. He concluded by suggesting that the Council move forward and accept the staff recommendations. Joel Goldsmith spoke on the neighborhood access to other streets in the area and spoke on the issue of the City not noticing property owners in the area of the planned restrictions that were implemented. Terrence Fugazzi was called to speak sharing his opinion of the staff who had provided the recent reports and the use of staff time in addressing the issue and concluded by describing the need for added safety on Welburn with easements, and removing the restrictions. Erica Trinchero was called to speak explaining that the City needed to find a better solution to address traffic issues in the future, describing the previous actions of the Council. She concluded by asking the Council to support the staff recommendation. Kevin McGinty was called to speak sharing the increase of traffic on the street since he purchased his home, describing the lack of safety on the street for pedestrians and bicycles. Diane McGinty was called to speak sharing her support for the future study. Keith Miller was called to speak describing the need to reduce the speeds on Welburn and need for traffic calming sharing sections from the City neighborhood traffic safety user's manual. He concluded by asking the Council to protect the safety needs and keep the traffic calming measures in place. Ron Kirkish was called to speak explained that the report was thorough and was clear that the City Council should remove the traffic calming measures. Marsha Becht was called to speak explaining that the actions of restricting traffic would evolve throughout the City as people were driving fast. Melanie Troini was called to speak describing the minimal increases in traffic on Welburn explaining that there was no need to restrict traffic through the area. Noel Monroe was called to speak sharing the issue of speeding in the area and the need to maintain the traffic restrictions for safety reasons. Public comment was then closed. Motion on Item IX.A. Motion: to approve the removal of the partial intersection closure at Welburn City Council Meeting Minutes 5/15/2017 and Mantelli. Moved by Council Member Fred Tovar, seconded by Mayor Roland Velasco. Vote: Motion carried 5- 0 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Daniel Harney; Council Member Paul Kloecker; Council Member Fred Tovar; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Roland Velasco Absent: Council Member Peter Leroe -Munoz Abstain: Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco Second Motion on Item IX.A. Motion: to direct staff to have the General Plan Advisory Committee consider Upper Welburn as a potential local street Moved by Council Member Cat Tucker, seconded by Council Member Fred Tovar. Vote: Motion carried 5- 0 -1 -1. Yes: Council Member Daniel Harney; Council Member Paul Kloecker; Council Member Fred Tovar; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Roland Velasco Absent: Council Member Peter Leroe -Munoz Recused: Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco X. INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS A. Reduction of the Faithful Performance and Payment Security for Property Improvement Agreement No. 2014 -01 (Hecker Pass, East Cluster, Tract 10220) The staff report was presented by Community Development Director Abrams. There were no public comments. Motion on Item X.A Motion: Approve the reduction of the Faithful Performance and Payment Security for the Hecker Pass, East Cluster, Tract 10220 comprising in -tract improvement and Santa Teresa Blvd /3rd Street roundabout Moved by Council Member Daniel Harney, seconded by Council Member Fred Tovar. Vote: Motion carried 5 -0 -2. Yes: Council Member Daniel Harney; Council Member Paul Kloecker; Council Member Fred Tovar; Council Member Cat Tucker; Mayor Roland Velasco Absent: Mayor Pro Tempore Dion Bracco; Council Member Peter Leroe -Munoz XI. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORTS There were none. XII. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS There were none. The City Council adjourned the meeting at 10:3E p.m. A A FREELS, City Clerk City Council Meeting Minutes 5/15/2017