Syngenta Flowers - Cobblestone Court Right of Way DedicationRECORDED WITI IOU`1' FEE UNDER SECTION 6103 GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Shawna Freels -. City Clerk City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 23935232 Regina Alcomendras Santa Clara County - Clerk- Recorder 05/17/2018 01:21 PM Titles: 1 Pages: 5 Fees: 0.00 Taxes: 0.00 Total: 10.00 MIII KIP.W KrA K'%1 1HU k1A 11 APN: 810 -21 -011 Space above this line for Recorder's use Ref: Cobblestone Court - Syngenta RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION GRANT DEED FOR VAI.,UABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, SYNGENTA FLOWERS, I.,LC, a Delaware limited liability company ( "Grantor "), does hereby GRANT to the CITY OF GILROY, a municipal corporation of the State of California ( "Grantee "), in fee for public street purposes, all that certain real property situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, California, described as "Public Street Dedication" in Exhibit "A" and shown in Exhibit "B" as Cobblestone Court (14,203 + /- SF), both attached hereto and made a part hereof. See Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof, which description and plat are by reference incorporated herein. Grantor: SYNGENTA FLOWERS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Formerly known as SYNGENTA FI.OWF.RS, INC., a Florida corporation By Scott Valentine, President Date: Zl % IF Q/ 6/99 Easement CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (Government Code Section 27281) Certificate of Acceptance of Conveyance to the City of Gilroy by SYNGENTA FLOWERS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the Right of Way Dedication Grant Deed dated March 21, 2018 from SYNGENTA FLOWERS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, to the City of Gilroy, a municipal corporation of the State of California, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer or agent on behalf of the City of Gilroy pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 2015 -55 of the City of Gilroy adopted October 26, 2015, a certified copy of which resolution is on record in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, document #23133758, dated November 3, 2015 and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand on (,�m1 T By: Gabriel A Gonzalez, City Administ City of Gilroy "EXHIBIT A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A PUBLIC STREET All that real property situated in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being portions of "Parcel 1" and "Cobblestone Court" as shown on the Parcel Map filed April 18, 2014 in Book 871 of Maps at Pages 17 through 20, Records of Santa Clara County, California, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of the "Boundary" as shown on the map entitled "Tract 10220, Hecker Pass" Filed October 30, 2014 in Book 877 of Maps, at Pages 21 through 42, Records of Santa Clara, California, said point being the easterly terminus of the course designated as (N89 °52'29 "W 561.35 feet) on said Parcel Map; thence along the north line of said "Boundary ", N89 052'29 "W, a distance of 14.50 feet; thence leaving said north line, N00 006'38 "E, a distance of 808.76 feet to a tangent curve to the left having a radius of 49.50 feet; thence northerly along said curve, through a central angle of 41 054'39 ", a distance of 36.21 feet to a reverse curve to the right having a radius of 36.50 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of 131 °54'39 ", a distance of 84.03 feet to the intersection of the east line of "Parcel 1" with the line common with "Parcel A" and "Cinnamon Way" as shown on the map entitled "Tract 10315, Heartland Estates North" Filed May 23 2016 in Book 892 of Maps, at Pages 37 through 42, Records of Santa Clara County, California; thence along said east line, S00 °06'38 "W, a distance of 902.71 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 14,203 square feet, more or less. As shown on the plat, attached hereto and made a part hereof. END OF DESCRIPTION. This description was prepared by me or under my direction pursuant to the requirements of the Professional Land Surveyor's Act. j",— �, Oi //I�ZDI� Br n Pierce, PLS 8859 Date Expires: 12/31/2019 Page 1 of 1 %ANAL LANO a BRYAN PIERCE -� N No. 8859 1� �NQ OF CALF' \ LEGEND - -- BOUNDARY LINE EXISTING LOT LINE -55 HIGHWAY _ NEW RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE CENTERLINE CA _ PARCEL A POB POINT OF BEGINNING W (T) TOTAL w 1 (R) RADIAL BEARING PARCEL 1 (871 -M -17) gURVEyOR\ rn �Q Q op 4 0 ado- ot�l Gov SPATE o// 546.85'___ PARCEL C N89 °52'29 "W 561.35'(T v� 41 w cn 0 0 Id �W WO z � � Fl-o H z 0 0 0 C. i 00 m 00 0 00 rn CINNAMON WAY o I I 1 I (I w lCD Ilv 1 0 I zrn no Ica I co n I w �P4 co 0 i mcri Z 0 CA I � 14.50' 14.. ti TARRAGON DRIVE TRACT 10220 (877—M-21) "EXHIBIT B„ Lltj 1 0td PLAT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION FOR A PUBLIC STREET BEING PORTIONS OF "PARCEL 1" AND "COBBLESTONE COURT" AS SHOWN ON THE PARCEL MAP, FILED APRIL 18, 2014 IN BOOK 871 OF MAPS AT PAGES 17 THROUGH 20, RECORDS OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA GILROY, CALIFORNIA 0 150 300 450 SCALE IN FEET: I"= 150' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DIST L1 N89 °52'29 "W 14.50' CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA Cl 36.21' 49.50' 41'54'39" C2 84.03' 36.50' 131-54'39" BASIS OF BEARINGS THE BEARING OF N00'006'38 "E ALONG THE EAST LINE OF PARCEL 1 AND COBBLESTONE COURT AS SHOWN ON THE PARCEL MAP FILED APRIL 18, 2014 IN BOOK 871 OF MAPS, AT PAGES 17 THROUGH 20, RECORDS OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON. T SHEET 1 OF 1 n,� A 1 \�11 RUGGERI- JENSEN -AZAR ENGINEERS ■ PLANNERS a SURVEYORS 8055 CAMINO ARROYO GILROY, CA 9502:: PHONE; (4023) 848 -0360 FAX: ;408) 848 -6302 SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: 1 "= 150 01/11/2018 994001 -25001 CALIFORNIA ALL- PURPOSE CER'T'IFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STA'rE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF If I l/ t ) SS. On 1 1 � -��% I $ , 201 , before me, Hl .LOCk7 V Ca v#,--.—,Notary Public, personally appeared ;'..� t Va leillflOe , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his/her /their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his /her /their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. hand and official seal. ELIZABETH F. CA' RR Commission # 2121695 Notary Public - California z QSiggnatt. a of Notary Public Santa Clara County > Comm. Exolres Auo 15, 2019 i REQUEST FOR CANCELLATION Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) OF TAXES BY A PUBLIC AGENCY I Portion of 810 -21 -011 The undersigned authorized agent requests that the County of Santa Clara cancel taxes against the described property, pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 4986 et seq., because of acquisition by the public agency. Attached is a copy of the acquisition document and a copy of the city's authorization (if applicable). Date Acquired 5/17/2018 How Acquired: Deed ❑X Final Order Recorder's Document No. 23935282 Tax Rate Area 02 Others—please state Easement Requesting Agency: Name City of Gilroy Address 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA. 95020 Assessee: Name City of Gilroy Address 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA. 95020 To be completed by the Assessor's Office of Santa Clara County Total take Partial take ❑ Acreage (or sq. ft.) acquired Acreage (or sq. ft.) remaining Regular /Supplemental Roll Year Roll Reads Roll Should Read Land Pers. Prop Total 1 0 0 Regular /Supplemental Roll Year Roll Reads Roll Should Read 0 Signature, Date and Phone Number 0 Property ID Technician Mapping Supervisor Real Prop/ Appraiser Received by TRC Processed by TRC Cancellation #: Prop ID Tech. Ext: (408) 299 -5581 (408) 299 -5300 (408) 808 -7979 (408) 808 -7979 Mail forms to Assessor's Office Attn: Mapping Supervisor, 70 W. Hedding St., E. Wing, San Jose, CA 95110