Rebeca Armendariz - Letter 2018 - 2nd Notice,s
1102 Q Street • Suite 3000 • Sacramento, CA 95811
October 22, 2018
Rebeca Armendariz
City of Gilroy
490 Las Animas Ave.
Gilroy, CA 95020
Subject: Statement of Economic Interests - Statement Not Filed Within 30 Days of First Notice
Dear Rebeca Armendariz:
According to our records, on June 12, 2018, you were notified that we did not receive your Statement of Economic
Interest, Form 700, as Planning Commissioner for City of Gilroy, which was due on April 2, 2018. We advised you
to file your statement within 30 days. However, to date we have not received your statement.
Government Code Section 91013 provides that any person who files a statement after its deadline shall be liable in
the amount of $10.00 per day, up to a maximum of $100.00. Furthermore, the Fair Political Practices Commission
prohibits the waiving of any portion of the liability if the statement is not filed within 30 days after the Fair Political
Practices Commission sends you specific written notice of the filing requirement.
Therefore, your Statement of Economic Interests, Form 700 must be completed and returned along with a check or
money order in the amount of $100.00 made payable to the State of California. Forms and instructions are available
online at http: / / /.
Please send Form 700 and check /money order to:
Fair Political Practices Commission
1102 Q Street, Suite 3000
Sacramento, CA 95811
If we have not heard from you within 30 days from the date of this letter, this matter will be referred to the
appropriate enforcement authority. Please be advised that in addition to the late filing penalties by Section
91013, Government Code Section 83116 provides that a fine of up to $5,000 per violation may be imposed.
Payment of the late filing fine under Section 91013 does not preclude further enforcement action, including the
imposition of the additional fine under Section 83116.
If you have any questions or need assistance regarding this letter, or obtaining appropriate forms, please contact
Sonia Rangel at (916)323 -6229.