Plumbers, Steamfitters & Refrigeration Fitters Local 393 Political Action Fund - Form 496 - 20181102c '............. 496„Indepen ent x en iture e o p p 0 Amoun�smayberoundedYo whole dollars. o o „ . ..,. NAh1E OF FILER Date of Date mp o Plumbers, Steamfitters &Refrigeration Fitters Local 393 Political Action Fund This Filing 31/D2/2018 A w AREA CODEIPHONE NUMBER I.D. NUMBER fffaFpkahal o "�f gl�',Il I Report No, 29175 p� UV 1406) 225-3030 851452 .,, STREET ADDRESS ❑ Amendment 6150 Cottle Road to Report No. belnrr) ra CITY STATE ZIPCODE (explan San Jose CA 95123 No. of Pages 2 mow. 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDAE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED DR OPPOSED Tom Fischer OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE B,4LLO7 NDJLE£TER o City Council Member: City of Gilroy I � x I �JURISDIC-nDN w 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additfonall inforTnaffon or? appropilately labeled roryfinuirdon sheets. DAIS DESCRIP71ON OF EXP ENDITU RE 11/Dl/2018 :4ailer Cumulative to date total $1D047.98 11/O1/2018 Design for Mailer Cumulative to date total $10047.98 11/0A/2018 ;,onsulting Cumulative to date total $10047.98 11/01/2018 Data for Ttailer :2E! Cumulative to date total $10047.98 "I -11 c-n cD 0 Reason for Amendment: -i 0 C-1 0 0 EXPENDITURE REPORT SUPPORTI DPPOSE AMOUNT 4,247.69 637.50 100.00 210.00 FPPC Form 496 (Jan)2016) FPPC Advice: advice@lppcca.gov (866127$-3772) wfwr.fppc.oa.gov www.netrile.com 0 0 9�1 m CCD O P: w m 0 c�] 0 496 Independent Expenditure Report NA1,1E OF FI LER Plumbers, Steamfitters & Refrigeration Fitters Local 393 Political Action Fund 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED OF 00fAldn7EE. ALSO BITER W. HUMMR) CODE** L1/o2/2D18 south Hay AFL-CIO Labor Council Committee on El IND Political Education (COPE) sponsored by: South Bay Q COM AFL-CIO Labor Council 2102 Almaden Road, Suite 114 ❑ OTH San Jose, CA 95125 ❑ PTY Committee IDO 744711 ❑ SCC ❑ [ND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ FT`( ❑ SCC ❑ 1nD Q OOM ❑ OTH ❑ PT`( ❑ SCC LJ M ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ❑ IND ❑cam ❑ OTH ❑ PTY. ❑ SCC "Major donor and independent expenditure committees that do not receive contributions are not required to complete Part 3. IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUFATION AND EMPLOYER OF SELF-EAWLOYED, ENTER WME OF BUS ESS) —Contributor Codes IND — Individual COM — Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH — Other PTY — Political Party SCC — Small Conftutar Commiffee 496 INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT CALIFORAIIAFORM . I • I.D. NUMBER (RuM&ztkW 651452 AMOUNT INTEREST RATES RECEIVED 21D.00 If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any If loan, enterinterest rate, if any If loan, enter interest rate, if any FPPC Forth 496 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advieeffppc.cagov (8661275.3772) www.fppc.ca.gov. www.netfile.com