Plumbers, Steamfitters & Refrigeration Fitters Local 393 Political Action Fund - Form 496 - 20190204 (2)496 independent Expenditure Report Amounts may he rounded to whole dollars. 0 o � NAME OF FILER Date of o Plumbers, Steamfitters & Refrigeration Fitters Local 393 Political This Filing 02/04/2019 o Action Fund ca_ AREA C ODFJPHON E NUMBER I.D. NUMBER (1aA%Fc4(aJ (408) 225-3030 851452 Report No. 29175 STREET ADDRESS ' 0 Amendment 6150 Cottle Road to Report: No. 29175 CITY STATE ZIPCODE (e*afn Ee(aa) San Jose CA 95123 No. of Pages 1 1. List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT NAME OF CANDIDRrE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED Torn Fischer OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICTNO. SUPPORT I OPPOSE BALLOT NO.ILETTER JURISDICTION I City Council Member: City of Gilroy 1 X 2. Independent Expenditures Made After; addrdonallnformafron on approprieelyrebeledconsnuafion sheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE 11/01/2018 ',faiier Cumulative to date total $10047.98 11/01/2018 Design for Mailer Cumulative to date total $10047.98 11/01/2018 Consulting Cumulative to date total $10047.98 11/01/2018 Data for Mailer Cumulative to date total $10047,98 Reason for Amendment: Lq)date Contributions of $100 or more Received. For Official Use Onty SUPPORT 1 OPPOSE AMOUNT 4,247.69 637.50 200.DD 21D.00 FPPC Form 496 (JanJ2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fDDc,ca.9ov