Wood Environment & Infrastructure - Corp Yard Stormwater Compliance (2018) - Change Order No. 1AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF GILROY AND WOOD ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS, INC. FOR THE DESIGN OF THE CORP YARD STORM WATER COMPLIANCE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROJECT NO. 18-RFP-PW-405 PURCHASE ORDER NO. 190394 DATED 11/28/2018 AMENDMENT NO. 1 This Amendment shall become effective when it has been signed by the City Administrator, Project Manager, and Consultant. All copies forwarded to Consultant for signature shall be returned to the City of Gilroy properly filled out. Upon acceptance by the City, the Consultant's copy will be returned to him as his authority to aroceed with the work. This Amendment extends the term of the Agreement for Services between the City of Gilroy and Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. (formerly known as Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc.). This Amendment shall be effective on June 1; 2019 and will continue in effect through December 31, 2020. This Amendment also adds the firm Automated Engineering Technologies Ltd. as a subconsultant under this contract. Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. hourly labor rates are included as Attachment A. The hourly labor rates in Attachment A shall increase by 5% annually, upon the effective date of this Amendment. However, no increase in the amount of total compensation is allowed. The original agreement's cost estimate summary is included as Attachment B. All requirements of the original Agreement Documents shall apply to the above work except as specifically modified by this Amendment. The contract time shall not extend unless expressly provided for in this Amendment. Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. hereby agrees to perform the above work subject to the terms of this Amendment for additional services as described above. Consultant: Wood EnX,11r By .� Martin Spongbeejr Date / F// -( Solutions, Inc. ACCEPTED: -- &li:tes, Project Maifger ,,—�irum Awoke, Pu lic Works Department Director Gabriel A. Gonzalez, City Ad r �ATTESTP 4(-3bhel Dy e ate Date Attachment A Wood Environment & infrastructure Solutions, Inc. Hourly Rate Schedule CONTRACT ROLE Principal Senior Associate Associate Senior 2 Senior 1 Technical Professional 3 Technical Professional 2 Technical Professional 1 Senior Technician Technician Project Controls Analyst Technical Editor Project Administrator RATE/HOUR $247 $218 $195 $183 $167 $149 $128 $12b .$97 $92 $135 $114 $90 Attachment B Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. Cost Estimate Summary Attachment B COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY Consultant: Contract: Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc RFQ for Corp Yard Storm Water Compliance Improvement Project No. 18-RFP-PW-405 Task/Description Task 1 - Project Management Task 2 - Site Assessment Task 3 - Preliminary Design Task 4 - Design Development Task 5 - Update SWPPP Task 6 - Post -Construction Stormwater Control Plan Task 7 - Final Bid Package Task 8 - Bid Support Task 9 - Construction Support Services Task 10 - Prepare O&M Plan Total Total with contingency (10%) Budqet $16,833 $5,864 $13,388 $49,759 $4,067 $6,023 $4,894 $3,876 $7,734 $5,747 $118,200 $130,000 COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY Consultant: Contract: Summary of Direct Labor Costs Discipline Principal Associate Senior 2 Technical Professional 3 Technical Professional 2 Project Controls Analysts Technical Editor Project Administrator Subtotal Labor Costs Total Labor Costs Other Direct Costs Automated Engineering Technologies Ltd. Vehicle (daily) Airfare Subtotal Other Direct Costs Other Direct Costs - 7% markup Total Other Direct Costs TOTAL PROPOSED FEE Attachment B AM EC Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. RFQ for Corp Yard Storm Water Compliance Improvement Project No. 18-RFP-PW-405 Hours 55.00 192.00 60.00 196.00 100.00 8.00 12.00 34.00 657.00 12.00 1.00 Rate $247 $195 $183 $149 $128 $135 $114 90.00 Fixed Price $50.00 $300.00 C:\Users\courtney.slmpsonWppDala\Local\Mlcrosoft\Windows\Temporary Inlemet Files\Content.Outlook\ZO80MNZD\Copy.of Gilroy COST SHEET_041716 mesJhh Total $13,585.00 $37,440.00 $10,980.00 $29,204.00 $12,800.00 $1,080.00 $1,368.00 $3,060.00 $109,517.00 $109,517.00 $7,200.00 $600.00 $300.00 $8,100.00 $567.00 $8,667.00 $118,184.00 Amec Foster Wheeler Page 1 of 11 Attachment B Task 1 - Project Management .Assumptions: This task includes invoicing, scheduling, and participation ina' kickoff meeting and three status meetings. Project manager will attend kickoff meeting and three status meetings in person. Contract manager and design team will attend kickoff meeting in person, and participate in status meetings via phone. Consultant will prepare meeting minutes. The project schedule will be managed with a Gantt chart schedule that will be provided at the kickoff meeting. QA/QC is included in each task and is not included ]separately in the Project Management task. Summary of Direct Labor Costs Discipline Hours Rate Total Principal 16.00 $247.00 $3,952.00 Associate 56.00 195.00 $10,920.00 Senior 2 0.00 183.00 $0.00 Technical Professional 3 0.00 149.00 $0.00 Technical Professional 2 0.00 128.00 $0.00 Project Controls Analysts 8.00 135.00 $1,080.00 Technical Editor 0.00 114.00 $0.00 Project Administrator 8.00 90.00 $720.00 Subtotal Labor Costs $16,672.00 Total Labor Costs $16,672.00 Other Direct Costs Automated Engineering Technologies Ltd. 0.00 Fixed Price $0.00 Vehicle (daily) 3.00 $50.00 $150.00 Airfare 0.00 $300.00 $0.00 Subtotal Other Direct Costs $150.00 Other Direct Costs - 7% markup $10.50 Total Other Direct Costs $160.50 TOTAL PROPOSED FEE $16,832.50 Amec Foster Wheeler Page 2 of 11 C:\Users\counney.simpsonWppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Intemet Files\Content.Outlook\Z880MNZD\Copy of Gilroy COST SHEET_041718 mesJhh Attachment B Task 2 - Site Assessment Assumptions: Includes .document review and field investigation including site/structure evaluation. Because of Amec Foster Wheeler's previous work at the Corporation Yard, a detailed field investigation is not required. An abbreviated field investigation will take place during the same trip as the kickoff meeting. Travel costs for the kickoff meeting/field investigation are included in this task. Summary of Direct Labor Costs Discipline Hours Rate Total Principal 6.00 $247.00 $1,482.00 Associate 20.00 195.00 $3,900.00 Senior 2 0.00 183.00 $0.00 Technical Professional 3 0.00 149.00 $0.00 Technical Professional 2 0.00 128.00 $0.00 Project Controls Analysts 0.00 135.00 $0.00 Technical Editor 0.00 114.00 $0.00 Project Administrator 0.00 90.00 $0.00 Subtotal Labor Costs $5,382.00 Total Labor Costs $5,382.00 Other Direct Costs Automated Engineering Technologies Ltd. 0.00 Fixed Price $0.00 Vehicle (daily) 3.00 $50.00 . $150.00 Airfare 1.00 $300.00 $300.00 Subtotal Other Direct Costs $450.00 Other Direct Costs - 7% markup $31.50 Total Other Direct Costs $481.50 TOTAL PROPOSED FEE $5,863.50 Amec Foster Wheeler C:\Users\courtney.simpsonWppData\Local\Microsoft\Wlndows\Tempomry Internet Files\Content.Outlook\ZOOOMNZD\Copy of Gilroy COST SHEET_041718 mesJhh Page 3 of 11 Attachment B Task 3 - Preliminary Design Assumptions: Includes preparation of a Corporation Yard Stormwater Management Master Plan that will include: summary of findings; identification/prioritization of alternative; basis for design; preliminary cost estimates; and proposed timeline for design, construction and training. Prioritized ranking will include consideration of capital cost, water quality benefit, employee/highway safety, and O&M cost. Summary of Direct Labor Costs Discipline Flours Rate Total Principal 8.00 $247.00 $1,976.00 Associate 12.00 195.00 $2,340.00 Senior 2 20.00 183.00 $3,660.00 Technical Professional 3 20.00 149.00 $2,980.00 Technical Professional 2 0.00 128.00 $0.00 Project Controls Analysts 0.00 135.00 $0.00 Technical Editor 0.00 114.00 $0.00 Project Administrator 8.00 90.00 $720.00 Subtotal Labor Costs $11,676.00 Total Labor Costs $11,676.00 Other Direct Costs Automated Engineering Technologies Ltd. 20.00 Fixed Price $1,600.00 Vehicle (daily) 0.00 $50.00 $0.00 Airfare 0.00 $300.00 $0.00 Subtotal Other Direct Costs $1,600.00 Other Direct Costs - 7% markup $112.00 Total Other Direct Costs $1,712.00 TOTAL PROPOSED FEE $13,388.00 Amec Foster Wheeler Page 4 of 11 C:\Users\courtney.slmpsonWppData\local\Microsoft\WlndowslTemporary Internet Flles\0ontent.Outlook1Z08OMNZD\Copy of Gliroy COST SHEET_041718 mesJhh Attachment B Task 4 - Design Development Assumptions: Includes preparation of 30, 75, and 100% plans, specifications, and cost estimates. Each successive level will incorporate all comments received from the City. This task includes Principal level review of all plan sets. For this cost estimate we have assumed that infiltration trenches will be selected as a BMP, which'will require preparation of a Preliminary Post -Construction Stormwater Quality Report per City Planning Permit Applications. Includes costs to meet on site up to two times with vendors or sub -consultants to develop construction cost estimates. This cost estimate assumes electronic submittals only. Summary of Direct Labor Costs Discipline Hours Rate Total Principal 20.00 $247.00 $4,940.00 Associate 40.00 195.00 $7,800.Q0 Senior 2 40.00 183.00 $7,320.00 Technical Professional 3 80.00 149.00 $11,920.00 Technical Professional 2 80.00 128.00 $10,240.00 Project Controls Analysts 0.00 135.00 $0.00 Technical Editor 0.00 114.00 $0.00 Project Administrator 16.00 90.00 $1,440.00 Subtotal Labor Costs $43,660.00 Total Labor Costs $43,660.00 Other Direct Costs Automated Engineering Technologies Ltd. 70.00 Fixed Price_ $5,600.00 Vehicle (daily) 2.00 $50.00 $100.00 Airfare 0.00 $300.00 $0.00 Subtotal Other Direct Costs $5, 700.00 Other Direct Costs - 7% markup $399.00 Total Other Direct Costs $6,099.00 TOTAL PROPOSED FEE $49,759.00 Amec Foster Wheeler C:\Users\courtney.simpson\AppDala\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Intemet Flles\Content.0ullook\Z080MNZD\Copy of Gilroy COST SHEET_041718 mesJhh Page 5 of 11 Attachment B Task 5 - Update SWPPP Assumptions: We are very familiar with the Corporation Yard SWPPP, have possession of all digital files, and will update as necessary. Updates will include new BMPs implemented at the Corporation Yard, internal QA/QC, and one draft review from City before final copy is produced. We will send original electronic copies to the City for future updates to the SWPPP. Summary of Direct Labor Costs Discipline Hours Rate Total Principal 1.00 $247.00 $247.00 Associate 12.00 195.00 $2,340.00 Senior 2 0.00 183.00 $0.00 Technical Professional 3 0.00 149.00 $0.00 Technical Professional'2 8.00 128.00 $1,024.00 Project Controls Analysts 0.00 135.00 $0.00 Technical Editor 4'00 114.00 $456.00 Project Administrator 0.00 90.00 $0.00 Subtotal Labor Costs $4,067.00 Total Labor Costs $4,067.00 Other Direct Costs Automated Engineering Technologies Ltd. 0.00 Fixed Price $0.00 Vehicle (daily) 0.00 $50.00 $0.00 Airfare 0.00 $300.00 $0.00 Subtotal Other Direct Costs $0.00 Other Direct Costs - 7% markup $0.00 Total Other Direct Costs $0.00 TOTAL PROPOSED FEE $4,067.00 Amec Foster Wheeler Page 6 of 11 C:\Users\courtney.simpson\AppData\Local\Mlcrosofl\Wlndows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\Z080MNZD\Copy of Gilroy COST SHEET_00718 mesJhh Attachment B Task 6 - Post -Construction Stormwater Control Plan Assumptions: A Post -Construction Stormwater Control Plan (PCSCP) will be developed if LID/Greenfrastracture BMPs to promote infiltration are implemented at the Corporation Yard. The PCSCP will follow the City's guidance for Planning and Permit Applications. It will include a narrative describing proposed post -construction Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the project and preliminary calculations demonstrating that sufficient space is available to implement the proposal. The report will be compliant with the City's NPDES permit and will only discuss post -construction BMPs, and . may be combined with a preliminary drainage report. BMPs and associated calculations (use calculation sheets provided in manual) shall conform to the requirements of the Storm Water Management Guidance Manual for Low Impact Development and Post -Construction Requirements and be designed to promote infiltration as well as provide stormwater treatment. The final PCSCP and will include internal QA/QC and one draft copy for review for the City before final copy is produced. We will send original electronic copies to the City for future updates to the PCSCP. We will discuss with the City if they would like to incorporated the PCSCP into the SWPPP so that all pertinent information is in one document. Summary of Direct Labor Costs Discipline Hours Rate Total Principal 1.00 $247.00 $247.00 Associate 12.00 195.00 $2,340.00 Senior 2 0.00 183.00 $0.00 Technical Professional 3 20.00 149.00 $2,980,00 Technical Professional 2 0.00 128.00 $0.00 Project Controls Analysts 0.00 135.00 $0.00 Technical Editor 4.00 114.00 $456.00 Project Administrator 0.00 90.00 $0.00 Subtotal Labor Costs $6,023.00 Total Labor Costs $6,023.00 Other Direct Costs Automated Engineering Technologies Ltd. 0.00 Fixed Price $0.00 Vehicle (daily) 0.00 $50.00 $0.00 Airfare 0.00 $300.00 $0.00 Subtotal Other Direct Costs $0.00 Other Direct Costs - 7% markup $0.00 Total Other Direct Costs $0.00 TOTAL PROPOSED FEE $6,023.00 Amec Foster Wheeler C:\Users\courtney.simpson\AppData\Local\Mlcrosoft\Windows\Temporary Intemet Flles\ContenLOutlook\Z080MNZD\Copy of Gilroy COST SHEET_041718 mesJhh Page 7 of 11 Attachment B Task 7 - Final Bid Package Assumptions: Amec Foster Wheeler will respond to City comments on the 100% plans, specifications, and estimates package (produced as part of Task 4) and produce a Final Bid Package for inclusion in the City's Request for Proposal for the Construction Phase. This cost estimate assumes electronic submittals only and phone calls in order to review any final City comments or questions that require clarification. Summary of Direct Labor Costs Discipline Hours Rate Total Principal 2.00 $247.00 $494.00 Associate 8.00 195.00 $1,560.00 Senior 2 0.00 183,00 $0.00 Technical Professional 3 16.00 149.00 $2,384.00 Technical Professional 2 0.00 128.00 $0.00 Project Controls Analysts 0.00 135.00 $0.00 Technical Editor 4.00 114.00 $456.00 Project Administrator 0.00 90.00 $0.00 Subtotal Labor Costs $4,894.00 Total Labor Costs $4,894.00 Other Direct Costs Automated Engineering Technologies Ltd. 0,00 Fixed Price $0.00 Vehicle (daily) 0.00 $50.00 $0.00 Airfare 0.00 $300.00 $0.00 Subtotal Other Direct Costs $0.00 Other Direct Costs - 7% markup $0.00 Total Other Direct Costs $0.00 TOTAL PROPOSED FEE $4,894.00 Amec Foster Wheeler Page 8 of 11 C.\Users\courtney.simpson\AppData\Local\Mlcrosoft\Windows\Temporary Intemet Flles\Content.Outlook\Z060MNZD\Copy of Gilroy COST SHEET_041718 mes Jhh Attachment B Task 8 - Bid Support Assumptions: Amec Foster Wheeler will provide assistance with bids and submittal reviews and related questions from contractors for up to 5 Requests for Information (RFls). This cost estimate assumes up to 4 hours for submittal review and no more than 2 hours will be required for each RFI. Summary of Direct Labor Costs Discipline Principal Associate Senior 2 Technical Professional 3 Technical Professional 2 Project Controls Analysts Technical Editor Project Administrator Subtotal Labor Costs Total Labor Costs Other Direct Costs Automated Engineering Technologies Ltd. Vehicle (daily) Airfare Subtotal Other Direct Costs Other Direct Costs - 7% markup Total Other Direct Costs TOTAL PROPOSED FEE Hours Rate Total 0.00 $247.00 $0.00 12.00 195.00 $2,340.00 0.00 183.00 $0.00 0.00 149.00 $0.00 12.00 128.00 $1, 536.00 0.00 135.00 $0.00 .0.00 114.00 $0.00 0.00 90.00 $0.00 $3,876.00 $3,876.00 0.00 Fixed Price $0.00 0.00 $50.00 $0.00 0.00 $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,876.00 d Amec Foster Wheeler C;\Users\courtney.simpson\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Intemet Flles\Content.Outlook\ZOBOMNZD\Copy of Gilroy COST SHEET_041M me Jhh Page 9 of 11 Attachment B Task 9 - Construction Support Services Assumptions: Amec Foster Wheeler will provide construction support for up to 4 weeks of construction. This cost estimate assumes up to 4 site visits to confirm proper installations as well as phone call coordination throughout construction. This Task also assumes up to 2 Redline Reviews, with the Contractor preparing redline mark-ups ("as-builts"). Amec Foster Wheeler will review the redlines and incorporate the mark-ups on the 100% design drawings (record drawings). This cost estimate assumes electronic submittals only. These services will be provided in accordance with the City's Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and the California Construction General Permit. It's unlikely that construction of SCMs will trigger coverage under the CGP. However, coverage under the CGP might be triggered for asphalt replacement activities. Summary of Direct Labor Costs Discipline Hours Rate Total Principal 0.00 $247.00 $0.00 Associate 8.00 195.00 $1, 560.00 Senior 2 0.00 183.00 $0.00 Technical Professional 3 40.00 149.00 $5,960.00 Technical Professional 2 0.00 128.00 $0.00 Project Controls Analysts 0.00 135.00 $0.00 Technical Editor 0.00 114.00 $0.00 Project Administrator 0.00 90.00 $0.00 Subtotal Labor Costs $7,520.00 Total Labor Costs $7,520.00 Other Direct Costs Automated Engineering Technologies Ltd. 4.00 Fixed Price $0.00 Vehicle (daily) 4.00 $50.00 $200.00 Airfare 0.00 $300.00 $0.00 Subtotal Other Direct Costs $200.00 Other Direct Costs - 7% markup $14.00 Total Other Direct Costs $214.00 TOTAL PROPOSED FEE $7,734.00 Amec Foster Wheeler Page 10 of 11 C:\Users\courtney.slmpson\AppDala\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\Z080MNZD\Copy of Gilroy COST SHEET_041718 mes.Jhh Attachment B Task 10 - Prepare O&M Plan Assumptions: Amec Foster Wheeler will prepare an O&M Plan with operation and maintenance requirements, recommended staff training, and minimum qualifications for contractors performing O&M services, based on the BMPs that may need O&M. We will perform internal QA/QC and submit one draft copy to the City for review before final copy is prepared. We sill send original electronic copies to the City for future updates to the O&M Plan. We will discuss with the City if they would like to incorporated the O&M Plan into the SWPPP so that all pertinent information is in one document. Summary of Direct Labor Costs Discipline Hours Rate Total Principal 1.00 $247.00 $247.00 Associate 12.00 195.00 $2,340.00 Senior 2 0.00 183.00 $0.00 Technical Professional 3 20.00 149.00 $2,980.00 Technical Professional 2 0.00 128.00 $0.00 Project Controls Analysts 0.00 135.00 $0.00 Technical Editor 0.00 114.00 $0.00 Project Administrator 2.00 90.00 $180.00 Subtotal Labor Costs $5,747.00 Total Labor Costs $5,747.00 Other Direct Costs Automated Engineering Technologies Ltd. 0.00 Fixed Price $0.00 Vehicle (daily) 0.00 $50.00 $0.00 Airfare 0.00 $300.00 $0.00 Subtotal Other Direct Costs $0.00 Other Direct Costs - 7% markup $0.00 Total Other Direct Costs $0.00 TOTAL PROPOSED FEE $5,747.00 Amec Foster Wheeler C.\Users\courtney.simpson\AppData\Local\Microsofl\Windows\Tempomry Intemel FIIes\Conlent.OutlooklZOBOMNZD\Copy of Gliroy COST SHEET_041718 mesJhh Page 11 of 11