Blankley, Marie - Form 501 (Mayor 2020)Candidate Intention Statement pate Stamp ` • •- I o •- Check One: mInitial ❑Amendment (Explain) ��� For Official Use Only 00 Gi�q�Y coF��� 1. Candidate Information: �o NAME OF CANDIDATE (Last, First Middle Initial) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBE tl AIL (optional) Blankley, Marie P. ( ( ) STREETADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE Gilroy CA 95020 OFFICE SOUGHT (POSITION TITLE) AGENCY NAME DISTRICT NUMBER, if applicable. Z NON -PARTISAN OFFICE Mayor City of Gilroy I PARTY PREFERENCE: OFFICE JURISDICTION (Check one box, if applicable.) ❑ State (Complete Part 2.) 2020 PRIMARY / GENERAL iL City ❑ County ❑ Multi -County: (Name of Multi -County Jurisdiction) (Year of Election) ❑ SPECIAL / RUNOFF 2. State Candidate Expenditure Limit Statement: (CalPERS and CaISTRS candidates, judges, judicial candidates, and candidates for local offices do not complete Part 2.) (Check one box) ❑ 1 accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. ❑ I do not accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. Amendment: Q 1 did not exceed the expenditure ceiling in the primary or special election held on and I accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the general or special run-off election. (Mark if applicable) ❑ On, I contributed personal funds in excess of the expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. 3. Verification: I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on / ,C-��/UUCV� Signature I-onth, �y, year) ( FPPC Form 501 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov