Blankley, Marie - Form 410 (Mayor 2020)Statement of Organization f_ L() /3/ ~ 1 ~ 7 7 Recipient Com_m_i_tt_e_e ______ --.---------..---------f'l'"'H,..-ft"'. EIV,-D Statement Type Ill Initial D Amendment D Termination -See P~J i'A~ "office oT'th AS ND f !L,:fi D e ecret a,y of :::i taie O Not yet qualified of th e Sta te of Califo rn ia Date Stamp or 0 Date qualification threshold met Date qualification threshold met Date of te rmination JUL 03 20 20 --1--1----1--1-- 1. Committee Information I.D. Number 2. Treasurer and Other Principal Officers (if applicable} NAME OF CO MM ITTEE N AME O F TREASURER Marie Blankley for Mayor 2020 Paul Vanni STREE T ADD RESS I N D P.O . BOX ) ZIP CO DE AR EA CO DE /P HO NE I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein is true and complete. I certify under penalty of p · ws of the Exe cuted on By Exe cuted on By D ATE Exec uted on By DATE SIGNATURE OF CO NT RO LLING OFFIC EHOLDER , CAN DI DATE , OR STATE MEASURE PROPON ENT Exe cuted on By DATE SIG N ATURE OF CONTRO LLI NG O FFI CE H O LDER , CA ND IDATE , OR STATE M EASURE PROPONEN T FPPC Form 410 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Statement of Organization Recipient Committee CALIFORNIA 410 FORM INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Page 2 COMM ITTE E NAME I.D . NUMBER Marie Blankley for Mayor 2020 . All committees must list the financial institution where the campaign bank account is located . NAME OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTION AREA COD E/PHONE BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER Pinnacle Bank 408-848-7213 ADDRESS CIT'/ STATE ZIP CODE 7597 Monterey Street Gilroy CA 95020 4. Type of Committee Complete the appli~able sections . Controlled Committee • List the name of each controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent. If candidate or officeholder controlled, also list the elective office sought or held , and district number, if any, and the year of the election . • List the political party with which each officeholder or candidate is affiliated or check "nonpartisan." Stating "No party preference" is acceptable • If this committee acts jointly with another controlled committee, list the name and identification number of the other controlled committee . NAME OF CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER/STATE MEASURE PROPONENT ELECTIVE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE DISTRICT NUMBER IF AP PLICABLE) YEAR OF ELECTION PARTY CHECK ONE Marie Patane Blankley Gilroy Mayor 2020 Nonpartisa n ~ Nonparti san Primarily Formed Committee Primarily formed to support or oppose specific candidates or measures in a single election . List below: CANDIDATE (S) NAME OR MEASURE(S) FULL TITLE (INCLUDE BALLOT NO. OR LETTER) IF A RECALL, STATE "RECALL'" IN FRONT OF THE OFFICEHOLDER 'S NAME . CANDIDATE(S) OFFICE SO UGHT OR HELD OR MEASURE(S) JURISDICTION (INCLUDE DISTRICT NO., CITY OR COUN TY, AS APPLICABLE) Partisan Partisan (li st political party b e low) (list political party below) CHECK ONE I '""'"' I 0,MS; I SUPPORT FPPC Form 410 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca .gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca .gov Statement of Organization Recipient Committee IN STRUCT IONS ON RE VERSE COMMITTEE NAME Marie Blankley for Mayor 2020 4. Type of Committee (Continued) . . CALIFORNIA 41 0 FORM I.D. NUMBER General Purpose Committee Not formed to support or oppose specific candidate s or measures in a single election . Check only one bo x: 0 CITY Committee O COUNTY Committee O STATE Committee PROVIDE BRIEF DE SC RIPTION OF AC TI VITY Sponsored Committee List additional sponsors on an attachment. NAME OF SPONSOR INDUSTRY GROUP OR AFFILIAT ION OF SPONSOR STREE T ADDRESS NO. AND STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE Small Contributor Committee □--1-1-- Da te qualified 5. Termination Requirements By signing the verification, the treasurer, assistant treasurer and/or candidate, officeholder, or ponent certify that all of the following conditions have been met: • This committee has ceased to receive contributions and make expenditures; • This committee does not anticipate receiving contributions or making expenditures in the future; • This committee has eliminated or has no intention or ability to discharge all debts, loans received, and other obligations; • This committee has no surplus funds; and • This committee has filed all campaign statements required by the Political Reform Act disclosing all reportable transactions . There are restrictions on the disposition of surplus campaign funds held by elected offic ers who are leaving office and by defeated candidates . Refer to Government Code Section 89519. Leftover funds of ballot measure committees may be used for political , legislative or governmental purposes under Government Code Sections 89511 - 89518, and are subject to Elections Code Section 18680 and FPPC Regulation 18521.5 . FPPC Form 410 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov _. 03 July 08, 2020 ALEX PADILLA I SECRETARY OF STATE I STATE OF CALIFORNIA POLITICAL REFORM 1500 11th Street, Room 495 1 Sacramento, CA 95814 1 Tel 916.653.6224 1 Fax 916.653.5045 I itww.sos.ca.gov PAUL VANNI BLANKLEY FOR MAYOR 2020; MARIE, ID# 1427677 Dear Committee Treasurer: Thank you for filing your Recipient Committee Statement of Organization (Form 410). Your committee identification number is 1427677. This number should be used on all the campaign statements your committee files. Also, it is used as identification information to be given to all persons and committees to whom you make contributions. (Note: All section references pertain to the California Government Code.) Section 84101.5 requires all qualified recipient committees pay an annual fee of $50, payable to the Secretary of State. A committee that has not vet qualified when the initial Statement of Organization is filed is not required to pay the $50 annual fee at that time. Once the committee has qualified, an amending Form 410 must be filed within 10 days to provide our office with the committee's date of qualification (the date by which the committee raised or spent $2,000). The $50 annual fee is then due and must be paid no later than 15 days after filing the amending Form 410 providing the committee's date of qualification. To ensure that this payment is made timely, the amending Form 410 and the payment fee can be submitted together. If your committee had already qualified at the time the initial Form 410 was filed, the annual fee is due and payable within 15 days of the Form 410's submission. Qualified committees that form during the last three months of a calendar vear must pay the $50 fee within 15 days of filing a Form 410, but are not subject to the fee in the following year. • The $50 fee is an annual fee, which means that a qualified committee must pay the fee each year it retains an active status. (Even if the committee has no activity, it retains active status until it is officially terminated.) Once a committee pays the initial fee described above, the committee must continue to pay the annual $50 fee due each year by January 15th for as long as the committee continues to exist. • Anv committee that does not Dav the fee on time is subiect to a penalty of $150. If and when your committee ceases to have any activity, it may be terminated by filing a Form 410 and providing an effective date of termination (see below). Once a committee is terminated, no future annual fees will be assessed. PAUL VANNI July 08, 2020 Page 2 Based on your Statement of Organization, your filing jurisdiction is at the city or county level (§ 84215). Since the Secretary of State is a state level filing officer, you will not ordinarily be required to file campaign disclosure statements with this office. Please refer to the information sheet "Where Statements Must be Filed by Candidates, Officeholders, and Campaign Committees at the Local Level" (httD://www.sos.ca.aov/campaian-lobbvina/campaian-disclosure-and-reauirements/campaian-filina-requirements/ where-campaian-statements-must-be-filed-candidates-officehold ers-and-camPalo n-committees-local-level/) in order to determine your appropriate local filing officer(s). You may need to file semi-annual statements (§ 84200.5) on an ongoing basis, even if you have no activity. Your committee may also be required to file several types of pre -election and election -specific statements, late contribution (§ 84203) and late independent expenditure (§ 84204) reports, various types of amendments (§ 81004.5), termination statements (§ 84214), and other special reports required by law. In addition, candidates may be required to file Candidate Intention Statements (§ 85200), statements of economic interests (§ 87201), and other types of reports. Please refer to the appropriate Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) campaign information manual for your specific filing requirements. Changes may occur in the information contained in your original or currently -filed Statement of Organization. For example, you may change the name of your committee, addresses, or treasurers. You must designate a Statement of Organization as an "amendment" and file an original and one copy with this office within 10 days of any change (§ 84103(a)). In addition, if any information contained in your currently -filed Statement of Organization changes during the 16 days immediately preceding the election in which the committee is required to file a pre -election statement, an amendment must be filed within 24 hours of the change. Keep in mind that a copy of all committee registration statements must also be filed with your appropriate local filing officer (§ 84101(a)). The law prohibits a committee from making or receiving contributions without a treasurer. If you resign as the committee treasurer, your committee cannot make any financial transactions until a new treasurer is appointed and the amendment is filed with this office (§ 84100). When your committee is no longer active, or if it disbands, you must designate a Statement of Organization as a "termination" and file an original and one copy with the Secretary of State's office in order to officially terminate your active status. Until such a Statement is filed, your committee will be subject to all filing requirements and deadlines, annual fees, and possible late penalties (§ 84214). Appropriate forms and manuals may be obtained from your local filing officer or you may download the latest forms, manuals, and filing schedules from the FPPC website at www.fppc.ca.gov. If you have any questions about your campaign filing requirements, please contact your local filing officer or the Fair Political Practices Commission at (916) 322-5660. If you have any questions about your Initial Statement of Organization, please contact Cindy Pon at (916) 695-1548. For Statement of Organization amendment or termination questions, please contact Troy Ramon at (916) 695-1536. Rev. 01 /16 Statement of Organization Recipient Committee Statement Type ® Initial ❑ Amendment O Not yet qualified or to Date qualification threshold met Date qualification threshold met 07 1 O1 2020 Committee1. I.D. Number (if updicoble) NAME Of COMMITTEE Marie Blankley for Mayor 2020 STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) JURISDICTION WHERE COMMITTEE IS ACTIVE Gilroy, CA Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. ❑ Te Date of termination NAME OF TREASURER Paul Vanni STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE ere(n is true and co FPPC Form 410 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: advice(1a fooc.ca.eov (866/275-3772) www,fooc.ca.eov Statement of Organization Recipient Committee INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE COMMITTEE NAME Marie Blank:ley for Mayor 2020 • All committees must list the financial institution where the campaign bank account is located. NAME OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Pinnacle Bank AREA CODE/PHONE 408-848-7213 BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 7597 Monterey Street Gilroy CA 95020 4. .- . eta uuu 1la•krL•J uu.11naa • List the name of each controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent. If candidate or officeholder controlled, also list the elective office sought or held, and district number, if any, and the year of the election. Page 2 I.D. NUMBER • List the political party with which each officeholder or candidate is affiliated or check "nonpartisan" Stating "No party preference" is acceptable • If this committee acts jointly with another controlled committee, list the name and identification number of the other controlled committee. ELECTIVE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD YEAR OF PARTY NAME OF CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER/STATE MEASURE PROPONENT (INCLUDE DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) ELECTION CHECK ONE Nonpartisan Partisan (list political party below) Marie Patane Blankley Gilroy Mayor 2020 If Nonpartisan Partisan (list political party below) FormedPrimarily Committee 1 Primarily formed to support or oppose specific candidates or measures in a single election. List below: CANDIDATE(S) NAME OR MEASURE(S) FULL TITLE (INCLUDE BALLOT NO. OR LETTER) CANDIDATE(S) OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD OR MEASURE(S) JURISDICTION IF A RECALL, STATE -RECALL" IN FRONT OF THE OFFICEHOLDER'S NAME. (INCLUDE DISTRICT NO., CITY OR COUNTY, AS APPLICABLE) CHECK ONE SUPPORT OPPOSE SUPPORT OPPOSE FPPC Form 410(August/2018) FPPC Advice: advicef@fooc.ca.eov (866/275-3772) www.fooc.ca.eov Statement of Organization CALIFORNIA Recipient Committee FORM INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Page 3 COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMBER Marie Blankley for Mayor 2020 4. Type of Committee (Continued) Not formed to support or oppose specific candidates or measures in a single election. Check only one box: ❑ CITY Committee ❑ COUNTY Committee ❑ STATE Committee PROVIDE BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY �7u•�uan.a•k•Lnu,u,iuu:� List additional sponsors on an attachment. NAME OF SPONSOR (INDUSTRY GROUP OR AFFILIATION OF SPONSOR STREET ADDRESS NO. AND STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE Date qualified TerminationS. • This committee has ceased to receive contributions and make expenditures; • This committee does not anticipate receiving contributions or making expenditures in the future; • This committee has eliminated or has no intention or ability to discharge all debts, loans received, and other obligations; • This committee has no surplus funds; and • This committee has filed all campaign statements required by the Political Reform Act disclosing all reportable transactions. — There are restrictions on the disposition of surplus campaign funds held by elected officers who are leaving office and by defeated candidates. Refer to Government Code Section 89519. — Leftover funds of ballot measure committees may be used for political, legislative or governmental purposes under Government Code Sections 89511 - 89518, and are subject to Elections Code Section 18680 and FPPC Regulation 18521.5. FPPC Form 410 (August/2018) FPPC Advice: advice(c fooc.ca.eov (8661275-3772) www.fooc.ca.gov