Fisher, Tom - Form 410 Amendment (City Council 2022)Statement of Organi z ation Recipient Committee Statement Type □Initial Not yet qualifie d D or ---l---1 Da te qual ifi ed as comm itt ee NAME OF COMMITTEE Tom Fischer for City Council 2022 STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O . BOX) MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) FAX/ E-MA IL ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE JURISD ICTION WHERE COMMITTEE IS ACTIVE NAME OF PRINCIPAL OFFICE R(S ) Santa Clara Gilroy , CA Tom Fischer STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) ~--Ve rifi cation ·. .. - I have used all rea sonable diligen ce in and correct. Executed on B -/ e.. -20 Z (j DATE Executed on By DATE OF CO NTR OL LI NG OFFICEHOLD ER , CA NDIDATE, OR STAT E MEASUR E PROPONENT Executed o n By DATE SIGNATURE OF CON TROLLING OFF ICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR STATE MEASURE PROPONENT Executed on By DATE SIGNATURE OF CONTROLLING OFFICEHOLDER , CANDIDATE, OR STAT E MEASURE PROPONEN T FPPC Form 410 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice : advice@fppc.ca .gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov tatement of Organization Recipient Committee INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE COMMITTEE NAME Tom Fischer for City Council 2022 - CALIFORNIA 410 FORM 1.D. NUMBER 1366034 • All committees must list the financial institution where the campaign bank account is located. NAME OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTION AREA CODE/PHONE BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER Pinnacle Bank (408)848-7210 ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 7597 Monterey Street Gilroy CA 95020 Controlled Committee • List the name of each controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent . If candidate or officeholder controlled, also list the elective office sought or held, and district number, if any, and the year of the election. • List the political party with which each officeholder or candidate is affiliated or check "nonpartisan." • If this committee acts jointly with another controlled committee, list the name and identification number of the other controlled committee . NAME OF CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLDER/STATE MEASURE PROPONENT ELECTIVE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) YEAR OF ELECTION Tom Fischer City Council Member 2022 Primarily Formed Committee Primarily formed to support or oppose specific candidates or measures in a single election. List below: CANDIDATE($) NAME OR MEASURE(S) FULL TITLE (INCLUDE BALLOT NO. OR LETTER) CANDIDATE($) OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD OR MEASURE($) JURISDICTION (INCLUDE DISTRICT NO., CITY OR COUNTY, AS APPLICABLE) PARTY IZJ Nonpartisan 0 Nonpartisan FPPC Form 410 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov Statement of Organization Recipient Committee IN STRU CTI ONS O N RE VER SE COMMITTEE NAM E Tom Fischer for City Council 2022 CALIFORNIA 410 FORM 1.D . N UM BER 1366034 General Purpose Committee Not formed to support or oppose specific candidates or measures in a single election . Check only one box : 0 CITY Committee O COUNTY Committee O STATE Committee PROV I D E BRIE F DESCRIPTI ON OF AC TI VITY Sponsored Committee Li st additional sponsors on an attachment. N AME OF SPONSOR I N DU STRY GRO U P OR A FFILI AT IO N OF SPO N SOR STR EET A D DR ESS NO. AND STREE T CITY STATE ZI P COD E Small Contributor Committee □--1--1-- Date qua lified ?· T.~rr:ni ation .Requirements qSS ista ot treasurer aJ1_!JL'or ca pdldate, officeholder, or pm one □t ~ertif tt@t all of the following co. dlti JlS ha e been met : • This committee ha s ceased to receive contributions and make expenditures; • This committee does not anticipate receiving contributions or making expenditu res in the future ; • This committee has eliminated or has no intention or ability to di scharge all debts, loan s received, and other obligations; • Thi s committee ha s no surplus fund s; and • Thi s committee has fil ed all campaign statements required by the Political Reform Act di sclo sing all reportable tran sactions . There are re strictions on the disposition of surplu s campaign funds held by elected officers who are leaving office and by defeated candidates . Refe r to Government Code Section 89519 . Leftover funds of ballot measure committees may be used for political, legi slative or governmental purposes under Government Code Sections 89511 -89518 , and are subject to Election s Code Section 18680 and FPPC Regulation 18521.5 . FPPC Form 410 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc.ca.gov