Zamora, Marlene C. - Assuming Office Filed 2021-12-20// Date Left The period covered is //, through the date STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS COVER PAGE (month, day, year) (Check at least one box) State Multi-County City of (Check at least one box) Date of Election and o // 700 FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION CALIFORNIA FORM Agency Name Division, B () NAME OF FILER (LAST) (FIRST)(MIDDLE) Investments – schedule attached Investments – schedule attached Real Property – schedule attached ( ) (Business or Agency Address Recommended - Public Document) paper Income, Loans, & Business Positions – schedule attached – schedule attached – schedule attached No reportable interests on any schedule A PUBLIC DOCUMENT The period covered is January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 //, through -or- -ILDDRESS Date assumed Dnotuseacronyms Dnotuseacronyms The period covered is December 31, 2020 Filing lntiallng Received (Check one circle) The period covered is January 1, 2020 through the date of leaving office. FPPC Form 700 - Cover Page (2020/2021) advice@fppc.ca.gov • 866-275-3772 • www.fppc.ca.gov Judge, Retired Judge, Pro Tem Judge, or Court Commissioner (Statewide Jurisdiction) County of Other 101500115-NFH-0115 Zamora, Marlene Crystal CITY OF GILROY Administration Program Manager X X California X Gilroy X Santa Clara X 11 08 2021 2 X 12/20/2021 Marlene Crystal Zamora E-Filed 12/20/2021 14:52:58 Filing ID: 201542000 IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: //// ACQUIRED DISPOSED NAME OF LENDER* ADDRESS (Business Address Acceptable) BUSINESS ACTIVITY, IF ANY, OF LENDER IF APPLICABLE, LIST DATE: //// ACQUIRED DISPOSED SCHEDULE B Interests in Real Property (Including Rental Income) Name X 07 01 12 X