2021-08-16 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes City of Gilroy
City Council Meeting Minutes
August 16, 2021
A. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Marie Blankley.
1. Pledge of Allegiance
Council Member Leroe-Munoz led the pledge of allegiance.
2. Invocation
There was no invocation.
3. City Clerk's Report on Posting the Agenda
Management Assistant Ruiz reported the agenda was posted on Friday, August
13th at 3:55 p.m.
Attendee Name Title Status _ Arrived
Marie Blankley ---- _� Mayor _--' ----'' Remot_e
Rebeca Armendariz + Council Member Remote
Dion Bracco Council Member Remote__
Za_ch Hilton _ _ Council Member Absent_ _
Peter Leroe-Munoz J Council Member Remote_
Carol Marques_ _ Council Member Remote _
Fred Tovar ; Council Member Remote
B. Orders of the Day
Mayor Blankley announced that the Council was participating remotely under the
Governor's order and she then provided details on the process of public
C. Employee Introductions
Police Captain Smith introduced two new employees: Public Safety
Communicator, Samantha Schuck and Police Officer, Angel Velasquez.
A. Proclamations, Awards, and Presentations
1. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Annual Presentation to Council
Chairperson Patrick Flautt presented the report.
Council Member Bracco - The Gilroy Youth Task Force received $20,000 dollars
in grant money; and will be able to apply for additional grants and host
fundraiser's for the program. If anyone wishes to contribute and donate to the
GYTF, contact Dion Bracco, Peter Leroe-Munoz, or Carol Marques.
Council Member Armendariz - Historic Heritage Committee meeting will report
back at the next Council meeting. Attended the Silicon Valley Clean Energy
Authority JPA Board on behalf of Council Member Hilton - the board adopted a
resolution that will help save two-million dollars annually; prepaying for 30 years
worth of transactions. The investment will help with resources for financial
assistance in paying energy bills. Electrical vehicle adoption CV2030; goal is to
100% zero emission 2030.
Council Member Marques - Reported on the upcoming downtown events;
Downtown Live - August 19th, Gourmet Alley - August 28th, and Porchfest -
September 25th.
Council Member Tovar- No report.
City Council Meeting Minutes
Council Member Leroe-Munoz - Reported on the unveiling of Brownell Middle
School. Valley Water District communicated on the water shortage emergency
and conservation; for more information visit the City's website.
Mayor Blankley- Reported the next Gilroy Economic Partnership meeting will be
on August 25th; discuss and publicize regarding the Sharks. VTA voted in favor
of the Gilroy City Council to delay (2 months) progress of the 150 unit authorizing
an RFO for this development.
Council Member Armendariz asked if the Police Department could provide focus
and resources to the Gilroy community with the influx of the Fentanyl drug and
Council asked City Administrator to bring a report back to City Council with
further information on this topic and what the Police Department is doing to
address this issue.
Council Member Marques asked to remove item B from the consent agenda;
additional information needed from City Staff.
Motion was made by Council Member Marques, seconded by Council Member
Armendariz to remove item B from consent agenda.
MOVER: Carol Marques, Council Member
SECONDER:. Rebeca Armendariz, Council Member
AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar
ABSENT: Zach Hilton
A. Approval of a Notice of Acceptance of Completion for the Fuel Station
Secondary Containment Components Repair Project No. 21-PW-264 and
Approval of a Final Contract with Balch Petroleum Contractors & Builders,
Inc in the Amount of$171,783.46
B. Hecker Pass Apartments, Quitclaim of Relinquishment of Vehicular Access
Rights (Abutters Rights) (Removed from Consent Calendar)
C. 8-2-21 City Council Meeting Minutes (Councilmember Leroe-Munoz
B. Hecker Pass Apartments, Quitclaim of Relinquishment of Vehicular Access
Rights (Abutters Rights)
Staff responded to Council Member Marques' questions about ingress/egress.
Motion was made by Council Member Marques, seconded by Council Member
Armendariz, to adopt Resolution 2021-43 approving Quitclaim of Relinquishment
of Vehicular Access Rights (Abutters Rights) for Hecker Pass Apartments, and
passed 6-0-0-1, Council Member Hilton absent.
A. Approval of Single Source Contract in the Amount of$196,007 with Stryker
Emergency Care for the Purchase of Seven (7) LifePack 15
Monitor/Defibrillators, Including a Discounted 4-year Maintenance
Chief Wyatt presented the report.
Public Comment was opened.
No public comment.
Public Comment was closed.
City Council Meeting Minutes
Motion was made by Council Member Marques, seconded by Council Member
Tovar to award a single source contract to Stryker Emergency Care in the
amount of$196,0007 for the purchase of seven (7) LifePack 15
Monitors/Defibrillators, including a discounted 4-year maintenance agreement,
and authorized the City Administrator to execute the contract and associated
Motion Passes: 6-0-0-1 (Absent Hilton)
Possible Action:
Award a single source contract to Stryker Emergency Care in the amount
of$196,007 for the purchase of seven (7) LifePack 15
Monitors/Defibrillators, including a discounted 4-year maintenance
agreement, and authorize the City Administrator to execute the contract
and associated documents.
MOVER: Carol Marques, Council Member
SECONDER: Fred Tovar, Council Member
AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar
ABSENT: Zach Hilton
A. Conduct a Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Public Hearing
and Approval of the Issuance of Multi-family Housing Revenue Bonds by
the California Municipal Finance Authority for an Affordable Housing
Project Located at 1520 Hecker Pass Highway
Senior Planner Tambornini presented the report.
Disclosure of Ex-Parte Communications - None.
Public Hearing was opened.
No public comments.
Public Hearing was closed.
Motion was made by Council Member Leroe-Munoz, seconded by Council
Member Bracco to adopt resolution 2021-44 of the City Council of the City of
Gilroy approving the issuance of multifamily housing revenue bonds in an
aggregate principal amount not to exceed $40,000,000 for the purpose of
financing or refinancing the acquisition and construction of Hecker Pass
Apartments project.
Motion Passes: 6-0-0-1 (Absent Hilton)
Possible Action:
Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy approving the
issuance of multifamily housing revenue bonds in an aggregate principal
amount not to exceed $40,000,000 for the purpose of financing or
refinancing the acquisition and construction of Hecker Pass Apartments
project. (Roll Call Vote)
MOVER: Peter Leroe-Munoz, Council Member
SECONDER: Dion Bracco, Council Member
AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar
ABSENT: Zach Hilton
B. Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration; Approval of Planned Unit
Development, the Tentative Map, and Architectural and Site Review Permit
for the Cottages at Kern Planned Unit Development Residential Subdivision
Planner I Contreras presented the report.
Disclosure of Ex-Parte Communication - None.
City Council Meeting Minutes
Public Hearing was opened.
Public member Carolyn Schimandle spoke.
Public Hearing was closed.
Possible Action:
a) Motion was made by Council Member Tovar, seconded by Council Member
Leroe-Munoz to review and approve Resolution 2021-45 adopting the Mitigated
Negative Declaration prepared for the project, based on findings required by the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Motion Passes: 6-0-0-1 (Absent Hilton)
Possible Action:
a) Review and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for
the project, based on findings required by the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA); and
b) Introduce an ordinance to approve Planned Unit Development Z 20-
06 as requested, subject to certain findings; and
c) Introduce a resolution to approve Tentative Map TM 20-06, as
requested, subject to certain findings; and
d) Introduce a resolution to approve Architectural and Site Review
Permit AS 20-20 as requested, subject to certain findings and conditions.
MOVER: Fred Tovar, Council Member
SECONDER: Peter Leroe-Munoz, Council Member
AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar
ABSENT: Zach Hilton
Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration; Approval of Planned Unit
Development, the Tentative Map, and Architectural and Site Review Permit
for the Cottages at Kern Planned Unit Development Residential Subdivision
Possible Action:
b) Motion was made by Council Member Bracco, seconded by Council Member
Leroe-Munoz to introduce Ordinance 2021-03 to approve Planned Unit
Development Z 20-06 as requested, subject to certain findings.
Motion Passes: 6-0-0-1 (Absent Hilton)
Possible Action:
a) Review and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for
the project, based on findings required by the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA); and
b) Introduce an ordinance to approve Planned Unit Development Z 20-
06 as requested, subject to certain findings; and
c) Introduce a resolution to approve Tentative Map TM 20-06, as
requested, subject to certain findings; and
d) Introduce a resolution to approve Architectural and Site Review
Permit AS 20-20 as requested, subject to certain findings and conditions.
MOVER: Dion Bracco, Council Member
SECONDER: Peter Leroe-Munoz, Council Member
AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar
ABSENT: Zach Hilton
Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration; Approval of Planned Unit
Development, the Tentative Map, and Architectural and Site Review Permit
for the Cottages at Kern Planned Unit Development Residential Subdivision
City Council Meeting Minutes
Possible Action:
c) Motion was made by Council Member Tovar, seconded by Council Member
Leroe-Munoz to adopt Resolution 2021-46 approving Tentative Map TM 20-06,
as requested, subject to certain findings.
Motion Passes: 6-0-0-1 (Absent Hilton)
Possible Action:
a) Review and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for
the project, based on findings required by the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA); and
b) Introduce an ordinance to approve Planned Unit Development Z 20-
06 as requested, subject to certain findings; and
c) Introduce a resolution to approve Tentative Map TM 20-06, as
requested, subject to certain findings; and
d) Introduce a resolution to approve Architectural and Site Review
Permit AS 20-20 as requested, subject to certain findings and conditions.
MOVER: Fred Tovar, Council Member
SECONDER: Peter Leroe-Munoz, Council Member
AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar
ABSENT: Zach Hilton
Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration; Approval of Planned Unit
Development, the Tentative Map, and Architectural and Site Review Permit
for the Cottages at Kern Planned Unit Development Residential Subdivision
Possible Action:
c) Motion was made by Council Member Tovar, seconded by Council Member
Leroe-Munoz to adopt Resolution 2021-47 to approve Architectural and Site
Review Permit AS 20-20 as requested, subject to certain findings and conditions.
Motion Passes: 6-0-0-1 (Absent Hilton)
Possible Action:
a) Review and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for
the project, based on findings required by the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA); and
b) Introduce an ordinance to approve Planned Unit Development Z 20-
06 as requested, subject to certain findings; and
c) Introduce a resolution to approve Tentative Map TM 20-06, as
requested, subject to certain findings; and
d) Introduce a resolution to approve Architectural and Site Review
Permit AS 20-20 as requested, subject to certain findings and conditions.
MOVER: Fred Tovar, Council Member
SECONDER: Peter Leroe-Munoz, Council Member
AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar
ABSENT: Zach Hilton
A. Appointments to Fill Vacancies on Boards & Commissions
City Administrator presented the report.
Public comment was opened.
No public comment.
Public comment was closed.
Possible Action:
City Council Meeting Minutes
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Motion was made by Council Member Armendariz, seconded by Council Member
Marques to appoint members to the vacant seats as follows: Arts & Culture
Commission (term expires 1 2/3112 0 22) — Lisa Carter; Housing & Neighborhood
Revitalization Committee (term expires 12131/2024) — Carissa Purnell; Library
Commission (term expires 12/3112024) — Gabriela Kim; and Physically
Challenged Board of Appeals (term expires 12/31/2024) —Tracy Stephens.
Possible Action:
Appoint members to the vacant seats on the Arts & Culture Commission,
Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization Committee, Library Commission,
and Physically Challenged Board of Appeals
MOVER: Rebeca Armendariz, Council Member
SECONDER: Carol Marques, Council Member
AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar
ABSENT: Zach Hilton
A. Customer Service Strategy Metrics, Implementation Measures, and
Customer Service Manager Wyrick presented the report.
Public comment was opened.
No public comments.
Public comment was closed.
Feedback was provided to staff to focus on the time aspect, time is money.
Possible Action:
Receive Report and provide feedback.
B. Selection of Voting Delegate for the League of California Cities 2021 Annual
Mayor Blankley presented the report.
Public Comment was opened.
No public comment.
Public Comment was closed.
Council Member Marques asked if the appointee could provide a full report after
the conference.
Possible Action:
Motion was made by Council Member Leroe-Munoz, seconded by Council
Member Marques to the appointment of Council Member Tovar to serve as
voting delegate for the City of Gilroy at the League of California Cities 2021
Possible Action:
Appointment of a Council Member to serve as voting delegate for the City
of Gilroy at the League of California Cities 2021 Conference.
MOVER: Peter Leroe-Munoz, Council Member
SECONDER: Carol Marques, Council Member
AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Leme-Munoz, Marques, Tovar
ABSENT: Zach Hilton
C. Authorize Funding for Improvements at the Gilroy Golf Course
Finance Director Sangha presented the report.
Public comment was opened.
City Council Meeting Minutes
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No public comments.
Public comment was closed.
Possible Action:
1. Motion was made by Council Member Bracco, seconded by Council Member
Armendariz to authorize funding for capital improvements at the Gilroy Golf
Course in the amount of$113,900.
Motion Passes: 6-0-0-1 (Absent Hilton)
Possible Action:
1. Authorize funding for capital improvements at the Gilroy Golf Course in
the amount of$113,900.
2. Adopt a resolution appropriating the $113,900 form Capital Projects
Fund (400) for the related improvements.
MOVER: Dion Bracco, Council Member
SECONDER: Rebeca Armendarz, Council Member
AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar
ABSENT: Zach Hilton
Authorize Funding for Improvements at the Gilroy Golf Course
Possible Action:
2. Motion was made by Council Member Tovar, seconded by Council Member
Marques to adopt Resolution 2021-48 appropriating the $113,900 form Capital
Projects Fund (400) for the related improvements.
Motion Passes: 6-0-0-1 (Absent Hilton)
Possible Action:
1. Authorize funding for capital improvements at the Gilroy Golf Course in
the amount of$113,900.
2. Adopt a resolution appropriating the $113,900 form Capital Projects
Fund (400) for the related improvements.
MOVER: Fred Tovar, Council Member
SECONDER: Carol Marques, Council Member
AYES: Blankley, Armendariz, Bracco, Leroe-Munoz, Marques, Tovar
ABSENT: Zach Hilton
City Administrator reported on two items:
1) Reminded the Community of the upcoming Local Agency Formation
Commission meeting being held via Zoom on Tuesday, August 17 from 6:00 p.m.
- 7:00 p.m.
2) City Council first in-person meeting is scheduled for September 13, 2021.
Masks will be required indoors.
No report.
City Attorney led into closed session.
Public comment was opened.
No public comment.
Public comment was closed.
City Council Meeting Minutes
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A. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation; Paragraph (1) of
Subdivision (d) of 54956.9 and Gilroy City Code Section 17A.11(3)(a); Case Name:
Miriam Smith vs. City of Gilroy, et al.; United States Northern District Court of
California San Jose Division; Case No. 5:21-cv-00313-VKD, Filed January 13,
City Attorney Faber led Council into the closed session at 7:22 p.m.
Public comment was opened.
No public comment.
Public comment was closed.
Mayor Blankley adjourned the regular City Council meeting to closed session at
7:22 p.m.
23* Special Joint Meeting with Santa Clara Valley Water District and City
of Morgan Hill via Zoom - 6:00 p.m.
13* Regular Meeting - 6:00 p.m.
20* Regular Meeting - 6:00 p.m.
4* Regular Meeting - 6:00 p.m.
18* Regular Meeting - 6:00 p.m.
* meeting is webstreamed and televise
LeeAnn McPhillip Int im City Clerk
City Council Meeting Minutes