Agenda Item # 9.1 - Susan Gareis | Received 05/02/2022CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening
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From:Susan Gareis
To:City Clerk
Subject:EXTERNAL - Community Homeless Fund
Date:Monday, May 2, 2022 3:06:41 PM
Dear Gilroy City Council Members,
My husband and I have been supporting the effort to serve the homeless in our
Community for over a decade. Please consider the terrible effect it will have if you
only fund half those requested funds.
These are Tim Davis' talking points restated:--
o Compassion Center has faithfully fulfilled its contract obligations for
past funding from this program since 2017, and
o With a few exceptions,Compassion Center has exceeded the vast
majority of their goals for both Program Components, Program
Activities, and Performance Measures. In the current fiscal year, we
exceeded our goals in 10 of 11 of these annual measures thus far.
o There is no other single homeless service provider that offers a
single-source comprehensive basic needs and wrap-around support
services for the unhoused that include—food, water, personal hygiene
kits, clothing, showers, laundry, supplies, medical van access and
comprehensive support services that include needs assessment, and
referrals to other wrap-around services designed to aid in our
unhoused path toward self-sufficiency, and a home.
o Compassion Center has paved pathways out of homelessness for
around 100 individuals every year saving the City tens of thousands
of City resources for each individual housed.
o If funding is not granted this year, we can expect the problem to
grow, and costs associated with this growth to increase substantially.
The problem isn’t going away because services have been cut—quite
the opposite.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Paul and Susan Gareis
Susan Gareis