Agenda Item # 10.2 - Jacob Yoder-Schrock | Received 05/16/2022CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:Jacob Yoder-Schrock To:City Clerk Subject:EXTERNAL - Public Comment for Agenda item 10.2 Date:Monday, May 16, 2022 4:25:51 PM Hello, I'm writing to submit a public comment for tonight's Gilroy City Council meeting, for Agenda item 10.2. My comment is below: Gilroy City Council members, thank you for your time. My name is Jacob Yoder- Schrock, and I attended Gilroy schools my entire life, graduating from Christopher High School in 2017. As long as I can remember, there were often police officers stationed on the campuses I attended, and their presence was nothing but unnerving and intimidating; my peers and I did not feel safer at school when they were on site. Tonight, the City Council is voting to renew the MOU between GUSD and the Gilroy Police Department, and maintain the presence of police officers on school campuses. For the safety of Gilroy students and their education, I urge you not to renew the contract, now nor again in the future. Across repeated studies, school resource officers have not been shown to increase school safety. Rather than provide even a sense of security for some students, they have instead been shown to create an atmosphere of intimidation and anxiety for Black and Brown students whose communities are already unjustly more targeted by police. Gilroy already has a high rate of youth arrests, proportional to other cities in the state. It's been shown that the more contact of any kind that children have with police throughout their lives (including through SRO programs), the more likely they are to have future contact with police and the criminal justice system. By putting students in frequent contact with police officers, Gilroy's SRO program endangers their future, and contributes to an existing crisis of criminalizing children in Gilroy. Please vote not to approve the MOU between GPD and GUSD. Thank you, Jacob Jacob Yoder-Schrock (he/him/his)Yale College 2022 ( comGilroy, CA | New Haven, CT