Agenda Item # 3.2 - Planned Parenthood | Received 05/16/2022CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:Zamora-Marroquin, Dianna To:City Clerk Cc:All Council Members Subject:EXTERNAL - May 16 Public Comment on Item NOT on the Agenda Date:Monday, May 16, 2022 12:59:20 PM Attachments:c54825ae-cfbe-4575-9d17-b5edf66d9f03 3a231a41-1e72-4836-9acd-637a79d91221 1446074f-d469-48f2-a663-c06a40f87aac 500a6d36-1f7c-4acf-87c1-299f1b5044f9 f6ded92a-9b87-4421-b24b-897dd6739e0b Dear Mayor and Gilroy City Council Members: As a local health care provider, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte supports decreasing exposure to secondhand smoke. Creating comprehensive policies and programs that strengthen the Gilroy City Code Chapter 19B Smoking Pollution Control is an important step in achieving that goal. Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke increases the risk for respiratory infections, weakens the immune system and is a major cause of a number of chronic health conditions, including obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease and diabetes to name a few. Children, the elderly, and people with disabilities are especially vulnerable to exposure of secondhand smoke and are often the least able to avoid it. Smoke travels through doorways, cracks in walls, electrical outlets, ventilation systems, and plumbing, regularly exposing non-smokers to secondhand smoke. The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department Tobacco prevention unit is able to provide support for the development of an outreach and stakeholder plan, reports, ordinance language, and other technical assistance to help create programs that decrease exposure to secondhand smoke. We look forward to supporting policies and programs that reduce harming the heath of our most vulnerable community members and strengthen the Gilroy City Code Chapter 19B Smoking Pollution Control policy. Dianna Zamora-Marroquin Director of Public Affairs - Silicon Valley/Coast From the California Coast (Mar) to the Sierra Nevada (Monte) Office: 408-832-4465 1691 The Alameda | San Jose, CA 95126