Agenda Item # 6.2 - Natalie Nguyen | Received 05/13/2022CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening
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From:Natalie Nguyen
To:City Clerk; All Council Members
Subject:EXTERNAL - May 16 Public Comment for Item #6.2
Date:Friday, May 13, 2022 11:11:33 AM
Public Comment for Item #6.2
Dear City Council Members,
I am a student at Christopher High School and I am concerned about the issue of
Affordable Housing. I would like to support that the City adopts a resolution to declare May as
“Affordable Housing Month”. I am concerned because many of the students going to college
and school, working multiple jobs may struggle to find a home that is right and affordable for
them. With the inflation going on globally, money and affordable things are a concern for
many people. Why should they need to worry about where they may sleep? Or if they need to
move back in with their parents and families? Young adults already do not have enough time
to worry about themselves and their physical and mental health. Having a solid place to live
and worrying if they have enough money for next month's rent should not be their top concern.
I, as a freshman in high school, am already worrying about college debts and expenses. Please
consider the young adults, students, and families that are already struggling; help them have a
peace of mind.
Thank you, Sincerely
- Natalie Nguyen