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Resolution No. 2022-34 | SB-1 Project List Adoption | Adopted 06/06/2022RESOLUTION NO. 2022-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING A LIST OF PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 FUNDED BY SB 1: THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT 2017 WHEREAS, Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Chapter 5, Statutes of 2017) was passed by the Legislature and signed into law by the Governor in April 2017 in order to address the significant multi-modal transportation funding shortfalls statewide; and WHEREAS, SB 1 includes accountability and transparency provisions that will ensure the residents of our City are aware of the projects proposed for funding in our community and which projects have been completed each fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City must adopt by resolution a list of projects proposed to receive fiscal year funding from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA), created by SB 1 which must include a description and the location of each proposed project, a proposed schedule for the project’s completion, and the estimated useful life of the improvement; and WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy is estimated to receive $1,172,307 in Fiscal Year 2021- 2022 and an estimated amount of $1,290,155 in Fiscal Year 2022-2023 from SB 1; and WHEREAS, this is the 6th year in which the City is receiving SB 1 funding and will enable the City to continue essential road maintenance and rehabilitation projects, safety improvements, repairing and replacing aging bridges, and increasing access and mobility options for the traveling public that would not have otherwise been possible without SB 1; and WHEREAS, the City used a Pavement Management System to develop the SB 1 project list to ensure revenues are being used on the most high-priority and cost-effective projects that also meet the community’s priorities for transportation investment; and WHEREAS, the funding from SB 1 will help the City maintain and rehabilitate over 1.4 million square feet of pavement, and implement the complete streets ordinance on streets in the project and into the future; and WHEREAS, the 2018 California Statewide Local Streets and Roads Needs Assessment found that the City’s streets and roads are, on average, in good condition, but 15 percent of the streets are in poor or very poor condition. This revenue will help increase the overall quality of our road system and over the next decade will keep our streets and roads in a good condition; and WHEREAS, without revenue from SB 1, the City’s average Pavement Condition Index, a measure of the pavement condition, would have otherwise continued to decrease at an increasing rate; and WHEREAS, if the Legislature and Governor failed to act, city streets and county roads would have continued to deteriorate, having many and varied negative impacts on our community; and DocuSign Envelope ID: 03160BE3-E1FA-470C-B634-111B9515DE71 Resolution No. 2022-34 SB-1 Project List Adoption City Council Regular Meeting | June 6, 2022 Page 2 of 3 c WHEREAS, cities and counties own and operate more than 81 percent of streets and roads in California, and from the moment we open our front door to drive to work, bike to school, or walk to the bus station, people are dependent upon a safe, reliable local transportation network; and WHEREAS, modernizing the local street and road system provides well-paying construction jobs and boosts local economies; and WHEREAS, the local street and road system is also critical for farm to market needs, interconnectivity, multimodal needs, and commerce; and WHEREAS, police, fire, and emergency medical services all need safe reliable roads to react quickly to emergency calls and a few minutes of delay can be a matter of life and death; and WHEREAS, maintaining and preserving the local street and road system in good condition will reduce drive times and traffic congestion, improve bicycle safety, and make the pedestrian experience safer and more appealing, which leads to reduced vehicle emissions helping the State achieve its air quality and greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals; and WHEREAS, restoring roads before they fail also reduces construction time which results in less air pollution from heavy equipment and less water pollution from site run-off; and WHEREAS, the SB 1 project list and overall investment in our local streets and roads infrastructure with a focus on basic maintenance and safety, investing in complete streets infrastructure, and using cutting-edge technology, materials and practices, will have significant positive co-benefits statewide. NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Gilroy as follows: 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct. 2. The following list of newly proposed projects will be funded in-part or solely with Fiscal Year 2022-23 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account revenues: The FY23 Citywide Pavement Maintenance Project consists of each of the following street segments listed in Attachment 1 receiving a pavement treatment consisting of milling, associated pavement resurfacing and restriping, associated concrete flatwork, installation of ADA-compliant curb ramps, adjustment of utilities to grade, slurry seal, micro-surfacing, asphalt rubber cape seal, micro-milling, striping, signage, traffic signal loop replacement, and other incidental work. This treatment is expected to extend the useful life of each street segment by 5-7 years. The attached list (Attachment 1) of project segments are expected to start in May 2023 and be completed in October 2023. DocuSign Envelope ID: 03160BE3-E1FA-470C-B634-111B9515DE71 Resolution No. 2022-34 SB-1 Project List Adoption City Council Regular Meeting | June 6, 2022 Page 3 of 3 c PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of June 2022 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: BRACCO, LEROE-MUÑOZ, MARQUES, TOVAR, BLANKLEY NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ARMENDARIZ, HILTON APPROVED: Marie Blankley, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: 03160BE3-E1FA-470C-B634-111B9515DE71 Segment No. Street Name From To Area (SF) 1 ADAMS CT MURRAY AVE END 13,575 2 APACHE CT END RODEO DR 15,081 3 ARAPAHO DR DURANGO LN BENBOW DR 38,010 4 AVEZAN WAY TATUM AVE ST CLAR AVE 21,522 5 BABBS CREEK DR 100FT WEST OF STARLING DR END WEST 18,700 6 BABBS CREEK DR END THOMAS RD 47,670 7 BENBOW DR SAGE HILL DR ARAPAHO DR 20,335 8 BERRYBUSH CT OAK BROOK WY END 22,898 9 BLACKBERRY CT OAK BROOK WY END 20,413 10 BLUEBELL DR BURCHELL RD COUNTRY DR 27,280 11 BOGIALA WY MARSANNE LN DE ANZA PL 27,000 12 BRIARBERRY LN RANCHO HILLS DR PHEASANT DR 57,460 13 CALLE DEL REY LERMA LN LONG MEADOW DR 52,515 14 CAMERON BLVD HWY 152 VENTURE WY 202,000 15 CAMINO ARROYO GILMAN RD ARROYO CIR 27,342 16 CAMINO ARROYO ARROYO CIR END 58,396 17 CHAPPELL CT END CHURCH ST 11,523 18 CHARLES LUX DR CIMINO ST TENTH ST/CHARLES LUX DR RAB 22,500 19 CHURCH ST LONDON DR TENTH ST 64,636 20 CIMINO ST LUCHESSA AVE CHARLES LUX DR 28,670 21 CINNAMON WY PEPPERMINT ST CULDESAC SOUTH 43,840 22 CLOVE PL CINNAMON ST COBBLESTONE CT 8,320 23 COBBLESTONE CT/THIRD ST RAB THIRD ST THIRD ST 4,160 24 COLONY CT RANCHO HILLS DR END 6,028 25 COLUMBINE CT MANTELLI DR END 15,808 26 CUMBERLAND DR MILLER AVE ORCHARD DR 34,558 27 CYPRESS CT WEST WOOD DR CUL DE SAC 54,400 28 DAWN WY END MESA RD 37,272 29 DE ANZA PL TENTH ST LOPEZ WY 17,640 30 DELTA CT END DELTA DR 8,245 31 DURANGO LN WAGON WY ARAPAHO DR 19,670 32 EL TORO WY HANNA ST LA COCHE WY 10,582 33 ELECTA CT LAS ANIMAS AVE CUL DE SAC 20,988 34 ERVIN CT MONTEREY ROAD CUL DE SAC 8,330 35 FANTAIL WAY HUMMINGBIRD LANE WREN AVE 8,750 36 FINCH LN TWINBERRY WY LOGANBERRY DR 20,604 37 FINE DR RIDGEWAY DR LEARNARD WY 7,106 38 FOREST ST EIGHTH ST SIXTH ST 48,000 39 GEORGETOWN PL END PRINCEVALLE ST 18,531 40 GILMAN RD ROGERS 560' E/O CAMINO ARROYO 84,080 41 GLENWOOD DR EL CERRITO WY WELBURN AVE 23,199 42 GOSHAWK CT END LOGANBERRY DR 17,610 FY23 Citywide Pavement Maintenance Project Street Segments ATTACHMENT 1 Segment No. Street Name From To Area (SF) FY23 Citywide Pavement Maintenance Project Street Segments 43 GRANT CT MURRAY AVE END 14,037 44 GRASSLAND WY/THIRD ST RAB THIRD ST THIRD ST 4,160 45 GREYSTONE CT KERN AVE END 17,916 46 HACIENDA DR ORTEGA CIR END 44,246 47 HANNA ST WELBURN AVE END 30,525 48 HERITAGE WY LIONS CREEK DR SOLEDAD ST 12,005 49 HIRASAKI AVE LONG MEADOW DR END 14,400 50 HOGAN WY END SADDLER DR 24,520 51 IRISH CT END PARISH WY 10,044 52 JACARANDA WY SOUTH END NORTH END 27,051 53 LA ALONDRA WY WREN AVE WELBURN AVE 28,416 54 LA PALOMA WY WREN AVE WELBURN AVE 36,704 55 LA PRIMAVERA WY WREN AVE TAOS WAY 28,458 56 LARIAT DR SAGE HILL DR ARAPAHO DR 22,995 57 LAS ANIMAS AV MONTEREY RD ROAD ARROWS 20,468 58 LEARNARD WY MANTELLI DR BRENTWOOD LN 19,176 59 LOGANBERRY DR PARTRIDGE DR PHEASANT DR 46,580 60 LONE DEER WY LONGMEADOW DR END 16,166 61 LONE OAK LN/THIRD ST RAB THIRD ST LONE OAK LN 4,320 62 LOPEZ WY CHARLES LUX DR DE ANZA PL 31,320 63 LUCHESSA AVE CIMINO ST GREENFIELD DR 40,880 64 LUCHESSA AVE THOMAS DR GREENFIELD DR 136,391 65 LUCHESSA AVE MILLER AVE TENTH ST/LUCHESSA AVE RAB 21,600 66 LUCHESSA AVE THOMAS DR END OF BRIDGE EAST 16,960 67 LUPINE CT END LIONS CREEK DR 13,611 68 MANTELLI DR END LARKSPUR LN 155,496 69 MANTELLI DR LARKSPUR LN RANCHO HILLS 70,136 70 MANTELLI DR CALLE DEL REY SANTA TERESA BLVD 76,275 71 MAPLE ST SEVENTH ST SIXTH ST 27,984 72 MARSANNE LN BOGIALA WY LOPEZ WY 10,800 73 MILLER AVE SANTA TERESA BLVD UVAS PARK DR 163,692 74 MOCKINGBIRD LN RED HAWK DR PHEASANT DR 15,096 75 MONTE BELLO DR SANTA BARBARA DR WREN AVE 56,462 76 NAGAREDA DR FOREST DR MURAOKA DR 23,670 77 NIGHTINGALE DR VICKERY AVE WREN AVE 38,500 78 NINTH ST PRINCEVALLE ST CHURCH ST 68,840 79 OKEEFE CT HOPI LN E. END CDS 22,155 80 OLD GILROY ST CHESTNUT ST CROCKER LN 46,508 81 OLEA CT W END CDS E END CDS 21,357 82 ORINDA WY MARIPOSA ST LONG MEADOW DR 21,456 83 OTOOLE CT PETERSEN DR END 7,578 84 OUSLEY DR MUIR DR SOLIS DR 30,492 Segment No. Street Name From To Area (SF) FY23 Citywide Pavement Maintenance Project Street Segments 85 PARTRIDGE DR END CALLE DEL REY 35,405 86 PEACOCK CT CALLE DEL REY END 8,585 87 PEPPERMINT ST COBBLESTONE ST CINNAMON ST 9,600 88 PHEASANT DR THISTLE WY CALLE DEL REY 51,000 89 POLK CT MURRAY AVE END 14,565 90 PUEBLO CT ZUNI LN W. END 15,363 91 RANCHO HILLS DR CARRIAGE DR VALLEY OAKS DR 40,005 92 RANCHO HILLS DR VALLEY OAKS DR LONG MEADOW DR 65,160 93 RANCHO HILLS DR LONGMEADOW DR 347' N/O LONGMEADOW DR 15,268 94 RANCHO HILLS DR 347' N/O LONGMEADOW DR END 130,944 95 RASPBERRY CT OAK BROOK WY END 22,642 96 REA ST FOURTH ST SECOND ST 40,932 97 RED HAWK DR MOCKINGBIRD LN CALLE DEL REY 17,510 98 RENZ LN CAMINO ARROYO CUL DE SAC EAST 74,032 99 RIDGEWAY DR RANCHO HILLS DR FINE DR 29,376 100 RONAN AVE WREN AVE CHURCH ST 48,510 101 ROYAL WY FILBRO DR IMPERIAL DR 7,840 102 SAGE HILL DR RODEO DR BENBOW DR 23,240 103 SAGEWOOD CT RED HAWK DR NORTH END (CUL-DE-SAC) 6,460 104 SENEGAL CT CUL DE SAC LOGANBERRY DR 16,116 105 SIXTH ST 308 E/O CHESTNUT ST ROGERS LN 12,280 106 SNOWBERRY CT OAK BROOK WY END 20,611 107 SOLEDAD ST 248' S/O LERMA LN LERMA LN 8,680 108 SOLEDAD ST HERTIAGE WY 248' S/O LERMA LN 10,914 109 SOUTH EGRET CT END CREST HILL DR 6,613 110 ST CLAR AVE KERN AVE AVEZAN WAY 12,954 111 STEPHAN CT PRINCEVALLE ST END 18,061 112 SWALLOW LN TWINBERRY WY LOGANBERRY DR 22,202 113 TAOS WAY RONAN AVE LA PRIMAVERA WAY 22,417 114 TAPESTRY WY SUNRISE DR N. END 24,885 115 TENTH ST/CHARLES LUX DR RAB TENTH ST NORTH TENTH ST SOUTH 5,120 116 TENTH ST/LUCHESSA AVE RAB LUCHESSA AVE WEST LUCHESSA AVE EAST 6,600 117 THISTLE WY PHEASANT DR BRIARBERRY LN 7,616 118 THOMAS RD 675' N/O OAK BROOK WY LUCHESSA AVE 6,765 119 THOMAS RD 105' N/O ALDER ST 255' S/O VINCA CT 9,477 120 TRAVEL PARK CIR BOLSA RD MONTEREY RD 48,645 121 TWINBERRY WY FINCH LN SWALLOW LN 7,650 122 VALBUSA DR SOLANA DR JACARANDA WY 32,095 123 VENTURE WY CAMINO ARROYO CAMERON BLVD 54,032 124 VISTA DEL SUR GATE RANCHO REAL 4,200 125 WESTWOOD DR S END THIRD ST 42,365 126 WREN AVE UVAS PARK DR SIXTH ST 43,248 3,954,676Total SF CERTIFICATE OF THE CLERK I, THAI NAM PHAM, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2022-34 is an original resolution, or true and correct copy of a city Resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a Regular Meeting of said held on Council held Monday, June 6, 2022, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this Monday, June 6, 2022. ____________________________________ Thai Nam Pham, CMC, CPMC City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal) DocuSign Envelope ID: 03160BE3-E1FA-470C-B634-111B9515DE71