Agenda Item # 4.2 - Maria Aguilar | Received 06/20/2022CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:Maria Aguilar To:City Clerk Subject:EXTERNAL - city council meeting 6-20-2022 Date:Monday, June 20, 2022 11:16:49 AM Three individuals spoke up about the unhoused in our parks, I concur with them to a point. The city council members solution is for our law enforcement to find ways to use whatever laws are at their disposal to deal with these folks. These are individuals who for the most part have no means of income or such a low source of that they can't afford housing, etc. will you now fine or perhaps, incarcerate. We had a city council member who attended meetings with non-profits and we were given monthly updates: this is a complex issue, we discussed, we will meet next month and this went on for quite awhile, with no proposals for action. This issue was then taken over by city staff who for the last seven or so months have been in charge, but because of lack of staffing resources its been sitting there unattended. You have two city council members as well as many advocates who have come before you who have rallied for unhoused non-traditional solutions as well as multi level housing for very low income , to alleviate our housing shortage. You have been provided with information on where grant funds or sources of assistance could be obtained. Recently, a city poll was taken the number two items on residents priority were the two aforementioned. I urge you to listen to the majority of residents and finally take action. A few weeks ago several residents as well as doctors spoke on the affects of second hand smoke, following the above discussion Madam Mayor you stated we have issues to deal with and we are being asked to address second hand smoke? One, does not discount the other as residents we all have a right to have our concerns taken into account.