2021-02-20 City Council Strategic Special Meeting Minutes Adopted 2022-06-20Page 1 of 2 City Council Special Strategic Meeting Minutes 02/20/2021 City of Gilroy City Council Meeting Minutes February 20, 2021 1. OPENING Call to Order and Roll Call Attendee Name Title Status Marie Blankley Mayor Remote Rebeca Armendariz Council Member Remote Dion Bracco Council Member Remote Zach Hilton Council Member Remote Peter Leroe-Muñoz Council Member Remote Carol Marques Council Member Remote Fred Tovar Council Member Remote 2. Mayor's Opening Remarks Mayor Blankley provided opening remarks. 3. City Administrator Introduction and Review of Meeting Objectives City Administrator Forbis introduced the meeting and provided an overview. Mayor Blankley opened public comment. Jan Bernstein Chargin presented Council a plan to community plan to address homelessness. Dashiell Leeds requested Council to agendize new Reach Codes by the end of this year to combat climate change. Vanessa Ashford requested Council to review and accept the community plan to address homelessness. There being no further speakers, Mayor Blankley closed public comment. 4. Order of the Day A motion was made from Council Member Tovar, seconded by Council Member Leroe-Muñoz, to work through the planned lunch recess. The motion was carried by the following vote. Ayes: Council Member Bracco, Leroe-Muñoz, Marques, Tovar, and Mayor Blankley Noes: Council Member Armendariz and Hilton 2. Strategic Planning Workshop City Administrator Forbis facilitated the workshop and provided an overview. Mayor Blankley opened public comment. Bruce Negel wanted more information about the City’s sustainability plan and its impact on the youth. He also brought attention to the City’s HVAC plan. M. Scelioti requested for Council to accept the community plan to address homelessnee. Jan Bernstein Chargin presented Council a plan to community plan to address homelessness. Vanessa Ashford addressed the issue of extreme low-income housing to the Council. Stephanie Brenal commented on the issue of homelessness within the City and that the Council should prioritize the residents and businesses that have contributed to their taxes first. Sabrina Herrera commented on that serving the on-house neighbor is an important priority and requested a community forum with stakeholders. There being no further speakers, Mayor Blankley closed public comment. Page 2 of 2 City Council Special Strategic Meeting Minutes 02/20/2021 3. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 3:02 PM by Mayor Blankley. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing minutes were duly and regularly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Gilroy on June 20, 2022. Thai Nam Pham, CMC, CPMC City Clerk