07/05/2022 City Council Regular Agenda Packet (AMENDED)July 1, 2022 4:30 PM City Council Regular Meeting Agenda *AMENDED*Page1MAYOR Marie Blankley COUNCIL MEMBERS Rebeca Armendariz Dion Bracco Zach Hilton Peter Leroe-Muñoz Carol Marques Fred Tovar CITY COUNCIL *AMENDED* AGENDA CITY OF GILROY CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 7351 ROSANNA STREET GILROY, CA 95020 REGULAR MEETING 6:00 P.M. TUESDAY, JULY 5, 2022 CITY COUNCIL PACKET MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE AT www.cityofgilroy.org AGENDA CLOSING TIME IS 5:00 P.M. THE TUESDAY PRIOR TO THE MEETING Due to COVID-19, it is possible that the planned in-person meeting may have to change to a virtual meeting at any time and possibly on short notice. Please check the City of Gilroy website at http://gilroyca.iqm2.com/Citizens/default.aspx for any updates to meeting information. COMMENTS BY THE PUBLIC WILL BE TAKEN ON AGENDA ITEMS BEFORE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE CITY COUNCIL. Public testimony is subject to reasonable regulations, including but not limited to time restrictions for each individual speaker. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes. The amount of time allowed per speaker may vary at the Mayor’s discretion depending on the number of speakers and length of the agenda. Written comments on any agenda item may be emailed to the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org or mailed to the Gilroy City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020. Comments received by the City Clerk’s Office by 1 p.m. on the day of a Council meeting will be distributed to the City Council prior to or at the meeting and available for public inspection with the agenda packet located in the lobby of Administration at City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street prior to the meeting.Any correspondence received will be incorporated into the meeting record.Items received after the 1 p.m. deadline will be provided to the City Council as soon as practicable.Written comments are also available on the City’s Public Records Portal at https://bit.ly/3G1vihU. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Assembly Bill 361, the City will make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours prior to the meeting at (408) 846-0204. If you challenge any planning or land use decision made at this meeting in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing held at this meeting, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Please take notice that the time within which to seek judicial review of any final administrative determination reached at this meeting is governed by Section 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. A Closed Session may be called during this meeting pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (d)(2) if a point has been reached where, in the opinion of the legislative body of the City on the advice of its legal counsel, based on existing facts and circumstances, there is a City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 07/5/2022 Page2significant exposure to litigation against the City. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the City Council after distribution of the agenda packet are available with the agenda packet on the City website at www.cityofgilroy.org subject to Staff’s ability to post the documents before the meeting. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, task forces, councils and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE, TO RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE ORDINANCE OR TO REPORT A VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE, CONTACT THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION STAFF AT (408) 846-0204 The agenda for this regular meeting is as follows: 1.OPENING 1.1.Call to Order 1.Pledge of Allegiance 2.Invocation 3.City Clerk's Report on Posting the Agenda 4. Roll Call 1.2.Orders of the Day 1.3.Employee Introductions 2.CEREMONIAL ITEMS 2.1.Proclamations, Awards, and Presentations 3.PRESENTATIONS TO THE COUNCIL 3.1.PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the Council on matters within the Gilroy City Council’s jurisdiction but not on the agenda. Persons wishing to address the Council are requested to complete a Speaker’s Card located at the entrances and handed to the City Clerk. Speakers are limited to 1 to 3 minutes each, varying at the Mayor’s discretion depending on the number of speakers and length of the agenda. The law does not permit Council action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Council action is requested, the Council may place the matter on a future agenda. Written comments to address the Council on matters not on this agenda may be e- mailed to the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org or mailed to the Gilroy City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020. Comments received by the City Clerk’s Office by 1:00pm on the day of a Council City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 07/5/2022 Page3meeting will be distributed to the City Council prior to or at the meeting and available for public inspection with the agenda packet located in the lobby of Administration at City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street, prior to the meeting. Any correspondence received will be incorporated into the meeting record. Items received after the 1:00pm deadline will be provided to the City Council as soon as practicable. Written material provided by public members under this section of the agenda will be limited to 10 pages in hard copy. An unlimited amount of material may be provided electronically. 4.REPORTS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Bracco –Gilroy Sister Cities Association (alternate), Santa Clara Co. Library JPA, SCVWD Joint Council-SCRWA-Board Water Resources Committee, South County Regional Wastewater Authority Board, Street Naming Committee Council Member Armendariz –ABAG (Alternate), CalTrain Policy Group, Gilroy Downtown Business Association Board (alternate), Gourmet Alley Ad Hoc Committee, Historic Heritage Committee, Santa Clara Co. Library JPA (alternate), Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency Implementation Board, Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority JPA Board (Alternate), Street Naming Committee, VTA Committee for Transit Accessibility (Alternate) Council Member Marques –Gilroy Downtown Business Association Board, Gilroy Gardens Board of Directors, Gourmet Alley Ad Hoc Committee, Historic Heritage Committee (Alternate), Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency Governing Board, Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency Implementation Board, South County Regional Wastewater Authority (Alternate) Council Member Hilton –Gilroy Economic Development Partnership, Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority JPA Board, South County United for Health, Visit Gilroy California Welcome Center Board Council Member Tovar –Economic Development Corporation Board, Gourmet Alley Ad Hoc Committee, Recycling and Waste Reduction Commission, Santa Clara Co. Expressway Plan 2040 Policy Advisory Board, SCVWD Water Commission (alternate), South County Joint Recycled Water Advisory Committee, South County Regional Wastewater Authority Board, Street Naming Committee, South County Youth Task Force Policy Team (alternate), VTA Committee for Transit Accessibility Council Member Leroe-Muñoz –ABAG, CalTrain Policy Group (alternate), Cities Association of Santa Clara County Board of Directors, Economic Development Corporation Board, Gilroy Youth Task Force, SCVWD Water Commission, Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority Board, South County Youth Task Force Policy Team, VTA Mobility Partnership, VTA South County City Group (alternate),VTA Policy Advisory Committee (alternate) Mayor Blankley –Cities Association of Santa Clara Co. Board of Directors (alternate), Gilroy Economic Development Partnership, Gilroy Sister Cities Association, Gilroy Youth Task Force (alternate), Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency Governing Board, SCVWD Joint Council-SCRWA-Board Water Resources Committee, South County Joint Recycled Water Advisory Committee, South County Regional Wastewater Authority Board, VTA Board of Directors Alternate, VTA Mobility Partnership, VTA Policy Advisory Committee, VTA South County City Group City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 07/5/2022 Page45.COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE 6.FUTURE COUNCIL INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS 7.CONSENT CALENDAR (ROLL CALL VOTE) All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made by a member of the City Council or a member of the public. Any person desiring to speak on any item on the consent calendar should ask to have that item removed from the consent calendar prior to the time the Council votes to approve.If removed, the item will be discussed in the order in which it appears. 7.1.City Council -Regular Meeting -Jun 20, 2022 6:00 PM 7.2.Accept and File Quarterly Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 7.3.A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Amending the Budget for The City of Gilroy for Fiscal Years 2021-22 and 2022-23 in the Community Development Block Grant Fund and Appropriating Proposed Expenditure Amendments 7.4.Approval to Extend the Construction Management Consultant Pre- Approved List for an Additional Year through August 19, 2023 7.5.Retirement Proclamation for Senior Equipment Mechanic Michael Blundo 7.6.Adoption of An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Amending Sections 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code Entitled Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue 8.BIDS AND PROPOSALS 9.PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.1.Consideration of the Placement of Special Assessment Liens for the Non-payment of Charges for the Collection of Garbage, Rubbish, and Refuse on Certain Properties Located in the City of Gilroy 1.Staff Report:Harjot Sangha, Finance Director 2.Disclosure of Ex-Parte Communications 3.Open Public Hearing 4.Close Public Hearing 5.Possible Action: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy imposing special assessment liens for the costs of delinquent garbage collection services for certain properties located in Gilroy, California. City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 07/5/2022 Page59.2.Adopt a Resolution Updating the Citywide User Fee Schedule 1.Disclosure of Ex-Parte Communications 2.Staff Report:Harjot Sangha, Finance Director 3.Open Public Hearing 4.Close Public Hearing 5.Possible Action: 1.Open and close the Public Hearing. 2.Adopt a resolution updating the Citywide User Fee Schedule based on the 2022 Comprehensive User Fee Study. 10.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10.1.Appointments to City Boards, Commissions and Committees With Open Vacancies 1.Staff Report:Thai Pham, City Clerk 2.Public Comment 3.Possible Action: Appoint members to Boards, Commissions and Committees with open vacancies. 10.2.Report on Services for Unhoused Individuals and Enforcement of No-Camping Ordinances 1.Staff Report:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator / Andy Faber, City Attorney / Pedro Espinoza, Police Chief 2.Public Comment 3.Possible Action: Authorize the Gilroy Police Department (“GPD”) to enforce no-camping ordinances on public property if it offers space at a homeless shelter to individuals beforehand and ensures that the particular shelter that it is offering to connect the individual with could accommodate their needs pursuant to The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). Authorize city personnel to clean and clear encampments in public parks and other public land in compliance with a written protocol (GPD Police Policy 411) that provides a number of safeguards required by the Courts, including outreach and notice to occupants, provision of social services, photographic documentation, safeguarding of occupants’ personal property, and the making available of shelter space for displaced occupants. City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 07/5/2022 Page610.3.Approval of the Santa Teresa Interim Fire Station Alternate Location and Funding 1.Staff Report:Jim Wyatt, Fire Chief 2.Public Comment 3.Possible Action: 1.Approve construction of an interim fire station in the estimated amount of $344,000 located on the corner of 10th Street & DeAnza Place in the Santa Teresa Fire Response District. 2.Adopt a budget amendment resolution to appropriate $344,000 in the Capital Projects Fund for the construction at the alternate site of an interim fire station. 10.4.A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Amending the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City of a Certain Measure Relating to the Proposed City Charter Amendment at the Special Municipal Election to be Held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, as Called by Resolution No. 2022-36 1.Staff Report:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator 2.Public Comment 3.Possible Action: Council adopt the resolution amending the proposed City Charter amendment relating to the use of newspaper advertisements. 11.INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS 11.1.Resolution Declaring a Portion of the Gilroy Sports Park Property as Surplus Pursuant to Government Code Section 54221 1.Staff Report:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator 2.Public Comment 3.Possible Action: Adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy declaring a portion of the Gilroy Sports Park Property (approximately 9.1 acres) to be surplus land, and direct staff to proceed in conformance with the State Surplus Lands Act regarding the potential disposition of said property. 11.2.Gourmet Alley/Downtown Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations 1.Staff Report:Karine Decker, Management Analyst -Economic Development 2.Public Comment 3.Possible Action: Approve the Gourmet Alley/Downtown Ad Hoc committee recommendations. City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 07/5/2022 Page711.3.Approval of Gilroy Firefighters IAFF Local 2805 Memorandum of Understanding and Related Salary Schedules for the Period July 1, 2022 Through June 30, 2026 1.Staff Report:LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager 2.Public Comment 3.Possible Action: a)Adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy amending the budget for the City of Gilroy for 2022-2023 to implement the terms of the Gilroy Firefighters, IAFF, Local 2805 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for FY 23, appropriating proposed expenditure amendments, and authorizing the inclusion of appropriate funds in the future FY 24, FY 25, and FY 26 budgets for salary and benefit expenditures related to the implementation of the MOU. b)Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Gilroy Firefighters, IAFF, Local 2805 for the period July 1, 2022 -June 30, 2026. c)Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy approving the July 1, 2022, July 1, 2023,July 1, 2024 and July 1, 2025 salary schedules associated with the Gilroy Firefighters, IAFF, Local 2805 Memorandum of Understanding. 11.4.Approval of AFSCME, Local 101 General Unit and AFSCME, Local 101 Supervisory Unit Memoranda of Understanding and Related Salary Schedules for the Period July 1, 2022 Through June 30, 2026 1.Staff Report:LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager 2.Public Comment 3.Possible Action: a)Adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy amending the budget for FY 23 to implement the terms of the AFSCME, Local 101 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) for FY 23 and authorizing the inclusion of appropriate funds in the future FY 24, FY 25, and FY 26 budgets for salary and benefit expenditures related to the implementation of the MOUs. b)Approve the Memoranda of Understanding with AFSCME, Local 101 General Unit and AFSCME, Local 101 Supervisory Unit for the period July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026. c)Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy approving the July 1, 2022, July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024, and July 1, 2025 salary schedules associated with the AFSCME, Local 101 General unit. d)Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy approving the July 1, 2022, July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024, and July 1, 2025 salary schedules associated with the AFSCME, Local 101 Supervisory unit. City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 07/5/2022 Page811.5.Approval of Updated July 1, 2022, July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024, and July 1, 2025 Salary Schedules for Unrepresented Confidential Non- Exempt Employees and Unrepresented Hourly Part- Time/Temporary/Seasonal Employees 1.Staff Report:LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager 2.Public Comment 3.Possible Action: a)Adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy amending the budget for FY 23 to implement the terms of the full-time, unrepresented, confidential, non-exempt employees and unrepresented, hourly, part- time/temporary/seasonal employees salary resolutions, appropriating proposed expenditure amendments, and authorizing the inclusion of appropriate funds in the future FY 24, FY 25, and FY 26 budgets for salary and benefit expenditures related to the implementation of the salary resolutions. b)Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy approving the July 1,2022, July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024 and July 1, 2025 salary schedules for full- time, unrepresented, confidential, non-exempt employees. c)Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy approving the July 1,2022, July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024 and July 1, 2025 salary schedules for the unrepresented, non-exempt/hourly, part-time/temporary/seasonal employees. 11.6.Payment of a One-Time Retention Incentive in the Amount of $3,000 for All Full-Time City of Gilroy Employees as Allowed by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 1.Staff Report:LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager 2.Public Comment 3.Possible Action: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy approving a one-time retention incentive payment of $3,000.00 for all full-time City of Gilroy employees using funds provided by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and amending the Fiscal Year 2022-23 adopted budget. 12.CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORTS 12.1.City’s Animal Removal Contracts 12.2.Silicon Valley Economic Development Alliance Tour of Downtown Morgan Hill 13.CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 07/5/2022 Page914.CLOSED SESSION 14.1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL –EXISTING LITIGATION; Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of 54956.9 and Gilroy City Code Section 17A.11(3)(a) 14.1.1.Case Name: Sierra Granados; Elijah Correa, a minor vs. City of Gilroy Police Department and Does 1 through 50; Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara; Case No. 21CV392802, Filed January 4, 2022 14.1.2.Case Name: Pedro Bazurto vs. City of Gilroy Police Department et al.; Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara; Case No. 21CV384442, Filed July 19, 2021 14.1.3.Case Name: William Dudding; Gilroy Police Officers Association vs. City of Gilroy et al.; Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara; Case No. 22CV399385, Filed June 17, 2022 14.2.CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Pursuant to GC Sec. 54956.8 and GC Sec.17A.8 (a) (2) 14.2.1.Properties: 7259 Monterey Road: APN 799-09-059 Negotiators: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator; Karine Decker, Economic Development Manager Other Party to Negotiations: RIG I LLC Negotiating Price and terms of purchase regarding sale of property 14.3.CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS -COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNITS Pursuant to GC Section 54957.6 and GCC Section 17A.11 (4) Collective Bargaining Units: Gilroy Management Association Representing Mid-Management Employees; Unrepresented Exempt Employees (Confidential); Part-Time/Temporary/Seasonal Employees (Exempt); Unrepresented Exempt Department Heads City Negotiators: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator; LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services & Human Resources Director/Risk Manager Anticipated Issues(s) Under Negotiation: Wages, Hours, Benefits, Working Conditions; Memorandums of Understanding: City of Gilroy and Gilroy Management Association (GMA) 1.Receive advice from City Attorney pursuant to Gilroy City Code Section 17A.11(3) to assert the attorney-client privilege and enter into closed session because discussion in open session would likely and unavoidably prejudice the position of the City. 2.Receive Public Comment on Closed Session Item 3.Pursuant to Gilroy City Code Section 17A.11(3), approve motion to adjourn to Closed Session. City Council Regular Meeting Agenda 07/5/2022 Page1015.ADJOURN TO OPEN SESSION Report of any action taken in Closed Session and vote or abstention of each Councilmember if required by Government Code Section 54957.1 and GCC Section 17A.13 (a); Public Report of the vote to continue in closed session if required under GCC Section 17A.11 (e) 16.ADJOURNMENT FUTURE MEETING DATES AUGUST 2022 1*Regular Meeting -6:00 p.m. 15*Regular Meeting -6:00 p.m. SEPTEMBER 2022 12*Regular Meeting -6:00 p.m. 19*Regular Meeting -6:00 p.m. OCTOBER 2022 3*Regular Meeting -6:00 p.m. 17*Regular Meeting -6:00 p.m. NOVEMBER 2022 7*Regular Meeting -6:00 p.m. 21*Regular Meeting -6:00 p.m. DECEMBER 2022 5*Regular Meeting -6:00 p.m. *Meeting is webstreamed City Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2022 Page 1 of 9 City Council Meeting Minutes 06/20/2022 City of Gilroy City Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 20, 2022 1. OPENING 1.1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Marie Blankley 1. Pledge of Allegiance Council Member Leroe-Muñoz led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Invocation Pastor Trevor Van Laar from Gilroy Presbyterian led the invocation. 3. City Clerk's Report on Posting the Agenda City Clerk Pham declared the posting of the agenda. Attendee Name Title Status Marie Blankley Mayor Present Rebeca Armendáriz Council Member Present Dion Bracco Council Member Present Zach Hilton Council Member Present Peter Leroe-Muñoz Vice Mayor Present Carol Marques Council Member Absent Fred Tovar Council Member Present 1.2. Orders of the Day Mayor Blankley stated that the Council will adjourn in celebration of Juneteenth. 1.3. Employee Introductions There were none. 2. CEREMONIAL ITEMS 2.1. Proclamations, Awards, and Presentations 2.1.1. Proclamation - Parks Make Life Better! Month Mayor Blankley read aloud the Proclamation, which was then received by Recreation Manager Henig. 2.1.2. Proclamation - 50th Anniversary of Title IX Mayor Blankley read aloud the Proclamation, which was then received by Co - Presidents AAUW Gilroy Dr. Sandra Makela and Sabra Dupree. 2.1.3. Retirement Proclamation - Randy Decker Mayor Blankley read aloud the retirement proclamation. 7.1 Packet Pg. 11 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jun 20, 2022 6:00 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR (ROLL CALL VOTE)) City Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2022 Page 2 of 9 City Council Meeting Minutes 06/20/2022 2.1.4. Retirement Proclamation - Tracy Kester Mayor Blankley read aloud the retirement proclamation. 2.1.5. Retirement Proclamation - Nestor Quinones Mayor Blankley read aloud the retirement proclamation. 3. COMMISSION INTERVIEWS 3.1. Interviews for Open Seats on Boards, Commissions and Committees with Terms Expired or Vacant as of June 10, 2022 for Future Appointment July 5, 2022 City Clerk Pham provided a brief presentation to Council. The Council conducted Commission Interviews. 4. PRESENTATIONS TO THE COUNCIL 4.1. Presentation by Frontier Communications Concerning Gilroy Fiber-optic Upgrades Doug McAllister from Frontier Communications provided a brief presentation and responded to Council Member questions. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL The following individuals spoke on items not on the agenda: Andrea Hightower requested Council to use local animal control services within the City. Michelle Rodriguez requested Council to use local animal control services within the City. There being no further public comment, Mayor Blankley closed public comment. 5. COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Blankley announced Assembly Member Berman will pause on Assembly Bill 2181. Mayor Blankley opened Public Comment There being no speakers, Mayor Blankley closed public comment. 5.1. City Council Member Meeting Attendance 5.2. Correspondence from Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority 5.3. LAFCO Budget for FY 2022-2023 6. REPORTS OF COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Bracco had nothing to report. 7.1 Packet Pg. 12 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jun 20, 2022 6:00 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR (ROLL CALL VOTE)) City Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2022 Page 3 of 9 City Council Meeting Minutes 06/20/2022 Council Member Armendáriz recognized today as a for substitute of day of Juneteenth. Council Member Hilton reported Visit Gilroy California Welcome Center Board and Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority JPA Board. Council Member Tovar thanked the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce for the Garlic City Car Show that occurred on Saturday, June 18, 2022. Vice Mayor Leroe-Muñoz reported on Association of Bay Area Government, Gilroy Youth Task Force, and notified the public about the Ice Cream with a Cop event on August 2, 2022 and National Night Out event on October 11, 2022. Mayor Blankley reported on Gilroy Sister Cities, Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency Governing Board, and VTA Policy Advisory Committee. 7. FUTURE COUNCIL INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS Council Member Leroe-Muñoz stated that Board Chari Pro Tem John Varela from Santa Clara Valley Water would like to do a presentation about water conservation to Council. Council Member Armendáriz requested for staff to look into the two contracts that were mentioned in the Public Comment about Animal Control Services. City Administrator Forbis stated that he would provide an update at a City Administrator’s Report. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR (ROLL CALL VOTE) Mayor Blankley opened Public Comment. There being no comments, Mayor Blankley closed public comment. RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Fred Tovar, Council Member SECONDER: Peter Leroe-Muñoz, Vice Mayor AYES: Blankley, Armendáriz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Muñoz, Tovar ABSENT: Carol Marques 8.1. City Council - Regular Meeting - Jun 6, 2022 6:00 PM A motion was made to approve the minutes. 8.2. City Council - Special Meeting - Study Session - Jan 11, 2021 6:00 PM A motion was made to approve the minutes. 8.3. City Council - Special Meeting - Feb 20, 2021 8:00 AM A motion was made to approve the minutes. 8.4. City Council - Special Meeting - Study Session - Mar 8, 2021 6:00 PM A motion was made to approve the minutes. 8.5. City Council - Special Meeting - Study Session - Sep 14, 2021 6:00 PM A motion was made to approve the minutes. 7.1 Packet Pg. 13 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jun 20, 2022 6:00 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR (ROLL CALL VOTE)) City Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2022 Page 4 of 9 City Council Meeting Minutes 06/20/2022 8.6. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Setting the Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the Gilroy Community Library Project Bonds A motion was made to approve the resolution. Enactment No.: Resolution No. 2022-35 8.7. Amendment to the Agreement with Cal-West Lighting and Signal Maintenance, Inc. for Traffic Signal and Streetlight Maintenance A motion was made to approve the amendment to the agreement. 8.8. Approval of the Fourth Amendment to the Franchise Agreement Between the City of Gilroy and Recology South Valley for Solid Waste Management Services A motion was made to approve the franchise agreement extension. 9. BIDS AND PROPOSALS 9.1. Approve the Purchase of a Vactor 2100i Combination Single Engine Sewer Cleaner from Owen Equipment in an amount not to exceed $594,156.16. Public Work Director Jordan gave staff presentation and responded to Council Member questions. Mayor Blankley opened Public Comment. There being no comments, Mayor Blankley closed public comment. Possible Action: Approve the purchase of a Vactor 2100i Combination Single Engine Sewer Cleaner from Owen Equipment in an amount not to exceed $594,156.16 using the cooperative purchasing agreement with Sourcewell (formerly known as the National Joint Powers Alliance). RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Dion Bracco, Council Member SECONDER: Fred Tovar, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Armendáriz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Muñoz, Tovar ABSENT: Carol Marques 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS 10.1. Acceptance of the Public Health Goal Report for the Gilroy Drinking Water System in Accordance with California Health and Safety Code 116470 Mayor Blankley asked the Council if they have any ex -parte communications to disclose. There were none. Public Work Director Jordan gave staff presentation and responded to Council Member questions. Mayor Blankley opened the Public Hearing at 6:53 PM 7.1 Packet Pg. 14 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jun 20, 2022 6:00 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR (ROLL CALL VOTE)) City Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2022 Page 5 of 9 City Council Meeting Minutes 06/20/2022 Ron Kirkish inquired about if the water from the City water well located at Gilman Road and Camino Arroyo met the standard of being non -potable water. There being no comments, Mayor Blankley closed the public hearing at 6:54 PM. Possible Action: Accept the 2019-2021 Public Health Goal Report for the Gilroy Drinking Water System in accordance with California Health and Safety Code 116470. RESULT: ACCEPT REPORT [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Rebeca Armendáriz, Council Member SECONDER: Dion Bracco, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Armendáriz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Muñoz, Tovar ABSENT: Carol Marques 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11.1. Council Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Calling and Giving Notice of, on Its Own Motion, the Submission to the Electors of the City of Gilroy at a Special Municipal Election, to be Consolidated with the Statewide General Election on November 8, 2022, a Ballot Measure Proposal to Amend Sections 1109, 1111, and 1503 of the City of Gilroy City Charter to Modify Construction Contract Procurement and the Bidding Process City Administrator Forbis gave staff presentation and responded to Council Member questions. City Attorney Forbis and City Clerk Pham also responded to Council member questions. Mayor Blankley opened Public Comment. There being no comments, Mayor Blankley closed public comment. Possible Action: Adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy calling and giving notice of, on its own motion, the submission to the electors of the City of Gilroy at a special municipal election, to be consolidated with the statewide general election on November 8, 2022, a ballot measure proposal to amend sections 1109, 1111, and 1503 of the City of Gilroy City Charter to modify construction contract procurement and the bidding process; RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Dion Bracco, Council Member SECONDER: Fred Tovar, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Armendáriz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Muñoz, Tovar ABSENT: Carol Marques Enactment No.: Resolution No. 2022-36 7.1 Packet Pg. 15 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jun 20, 2022 6:00 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR (ROLL CALL VOTE)) City Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2022 Page 6 of 9 City Council Meeting Minutes 06/20/2022 Authorize the City Council or any member or members of the City Council to submit an argument in favor of the City measure on the November 8, 2022 Voter's Sample Ballot, pursuant to Elections Code Section 9282, to be incorporated in the resolution calling the election. RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Fred Tovar, Council Member SECONDER: Peter Leroe-Muñoz, Vice Mayor AYES: Blankley, Armendáriz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Muñoz, Tovar ABSENT: Carol Marques Permit rebuttal arguments and authorize the Mayor to submit a rebuttal argument in favor of the City measure in the November 8, 2022 Voter’s Sample Ballot, pursuant to Elections Code Section 9285, to be incorporated in the resolution calling the election. RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Peter Leroe-Muñoz, Vice Mayor SECONDER: Fred Tovar, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Armendáriz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Muñoz, Tovar ABSENT: Carol Marques x Direct the City Clerk to transmit a copy of the measure to the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis, pursuant to Elections Code Section 9280. RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Peter Leroe-Muñoz, Vice Mayor SECONDER: Dion Bracco, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Armendáriz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Muñoz, Tovar ABSENT: Carol Marques 11.2. Approval of Third Amendment to the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with Sharks Sports & Entertainment, LLC to Fully Assess the Potential of Having the Sharks Organization Operate a New Indoor Recreational Facility City Administrator Forbis gave staff presentation and responded to Council Member questions. Mayor Blankley opened Public Comment. There being no comments, Mayor Blankley closed public comment. 7.1 Packet Pg. 16 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jun 20, 2022 6:00 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR (ROLL CALL VOTE)) City Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2022 Page 7 of 9 City Council Meeting Minutes 06/20/2022 Possible Action: Approve the Third Amendment to Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement with the Sharks Sports & Entertainment, LLC, and authorize the City Administrator to execute the Amendment RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Rebeca Armendáriz, Council Member SECONDER: Fred Tovar, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Armendáriz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Muñoz, Tovar ABSENT: Carol Marques 11.3. Gilroy Ice Center Non-Binding Term Sheet Approval City Administrator Forbis gave staff presentation. City Administrator Forbis and San Jose Sharks Senior Vice President Jon Gustafson responded to Council Member questions. Mayor Blankley opened Public Comment. Mark Turner expressed support and asked Council to approve the term sheet. Jane Howard expressed support and asked Council to approve the term sheet. There being no further speakers, Mayor Blankley closed public comment. Possible Action: Approve a non-binding term sheet with Sharks Sports & Entertainment, LLC (SSE) for the development of a two sheet ice facility at the Gilroy Sports Park. RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Dion Bracco, Council Member SECONDER: Fred Tovar, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Armendáriz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Muñoz, Tovar ABSENT: Carol Marques 11.4. User Fee Study Introduction - Waive First Reading and Read By Title Only Finance Director Sangha gave staff presentation and responded to Council Member questions. Mayor Blankley opened Public Comment. There being no comments, Mayor Blankley closed public comment. 7.1 Packet Pg. 17 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jun 20, 2022 6:00 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR (ROLL CALL VOTE)) City Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2022 Page 8 of 9 City Council Meeting Minutes 06/20/2022 Possible Action: Motion to waive first reading and read by title only. RESULT: WAIVE FIRST READING AND READ BY TITLE ONLY [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Dion Bracco, Council Member SECONDER: Rebeca Armendáriz, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Armendáriz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Muñoz, Tovar ABSENT: Carol Marques City Clerk read aloud the title of the ordinance Modio to adopt the adopt RESULT: APPROVE THE ORDINANCE (1ST READING) [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Fred Tovar, Council Member SECONDER: Rebeca Armendáriz, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Armendáriz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Muñoz, Tovar ABSENT: Carol Marques 12. INTRODUCTION OF NEW BUSINESS 12.1. 2022 Fireworks Public Safety Mitigation Fees Fire Chief Wyatt gave staff presentation. The Chief and Deputy Fire Marsha l Crick responded to Council Member questions. Mayor Blankley opened Public Comment. There being no comments, Mayor Blankley closed public comment. Possible Action: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Setting the Annual Fireworks Service Fee for Impacts on City Fire and Police Services Related to the Sale and Use of Safe and Sane Fireworks Pursuant to Gilroy City Code Section 10A. RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Peter Leroe-Muñoz, Vice Mayor SECONDER: Fred Tovar, Council Member AYES: Blankley, Armendáriz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Muñoz, Tovar ABSENT: Carol Marques Enactment No.: Resolution No. 2022-37 7.1 Packet Pg. 18 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jun 20, 2022 6:00 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR (ROLL CALL VOTE)) City Council Regular Meeting Minutes June 6, 2022 Page 9 of 9 City Council Meeting Minutes 06/20/2022 12.2. Approval of the Third Operating Memorandum to the Glen Loma Ranch Development Agreement City Administrator Forbis gave staff presentation and responded to Council Member questions. Mayor Blankley opened Public Comment. There being no comments, Mayor Blankley closed public comment. Possible Action: Approve the Third Operating Memorandum to the Glen Loma Ranch Development Agreement. RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Dion Bracco, Council Member SECONDER: Peter Leroe-Muñoz, Vice Mayor AYES: Blankley, Armendáriz, Bracco, Hilton, Leroe-Muñoz, Tovar ABSENT: Carol Marques 13. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORTS City Administrator Forbis provided a brief presentation and responded to Council Member questions. 14. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS There were none. 15. CLOSED SESSION There were none. 16. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 P.M. by Mayor Blankley in celebration of Juneteenth. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing minutes were duly and regularly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Gilroy. /s/ Thai Pham, CMC, CPMC City Clerk 7.1 Packet Pg. 19 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Jun 20, 2022 6:00 PM (CONSENT CALENDAR (ROLL CALL VOTE)) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Accept and File Quarterly Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Finance Department Submitted By:Harjot Sangha, Finance Director Prepared By:Harjot Sangha, Finance Director Strategic Plan Goals ý Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION Accept and file the quarterly cash and investment report as of March 31, 2022. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council is requested to accept and file the quarterly investment report as of March 31, 2022. BACKGROUND The quarterly investment reports are prepared pursuant to the City’s investment policy to keep the City Council apprised of City’s investment activities. 7.2 Packet Pg. 20 ANALYSIS At March 31, 2022, the City’s cash and investments totaled $156.9 million, of which $148.3 million is invested with the LAIF. The fiscal year-to-date earnings are $276,710. In addition, approximately $50.5 million is held by Fiscal Agents in the Trustee capacity for various bond issues as bond proceeds, debt service reserves, bond payments, and for post-employment benefits related to pension. Majority of this balance ($42.9 million) consists of City of Gilroy’s share of the Acquisition and Construction Funds for the SCRWA Plant Expansion Project. FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE There are no direct fiscal impacts to receiving and filing the quarterly cash and investment report. This is an activity included in the Finance Department’s annual workplan. Attachments: 1.Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 7.2 Packet Pg. 21 7.2.a Packet Pg. 22 Attachment: Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 (3870 : Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022) 7.2.a Packet Pg. 23 Attachment: Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 (3870 : Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022) 7.2.aPacket Pg. 24Attachment: Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 (3870 : Cash and Investment Report as of 7.2.aPacket Pg. 25Attachment: Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 (3870 : Cash and Investment Report as of 7.2.aPacket Pg. 26Attachment: Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 (3870 : Cash and Investment Report as of 7.2.aPacket Pg. 27Attachment: Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 (3870 : Cash and Investment Report as of 7.2.aPacket Pg. 28Attachment: Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 (3870 : Cash and Investment Report as of 7.2.aPacket Pg. 29Attachment: Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 (3870 : Cash and Investment Report as of 7.2.aPacket Pg. 30Attachment: Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 (3870 : Cash and Investment Report as of 7.2.aPacket Pg. 31Attachment: Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 (3870 : Cash and Investment Report as of 7.2.a Packet Pg. 32 Attachment: Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022 (3870 : Cash and Investment Report as of March 31, 2022) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Amending the Budget for The City of Gilroy for Fiscal Years 2021-22 and 2022-23 in the Community Development Block Grant Fund and Appropriating Proposed Expenditure Amendments Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Administration Submitted By:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Prepared By:Crystal Zamora, Program Administrator Strategic Plan Goals •Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION Adopt the resolution. BACKGROUND At the May 16, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting, Council approved the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)Annual Action Plan and Public Service Grant Awards for FY 2022-23 (FY23) and FY 2023-24 (FY24). For FY23 the CDBG total amount (grants and City uses) is $438,117. As typically done in prior years, the initial adopted budget of $174,183 only included personnel costs for a given year until the award 7.3 Packet Pg. 33 amount from HUD is finalized, and the Annual Action Plan is adopted.After adoption, the difference ($263,994) must become appropriated. Additionally, there are unspent funds ($422,085) remaining from prior year appropriations for CDBG coronavirus funds (CDBG-CV). These funds are specifically dedicated to address the impacts resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.There are also prior Fiscal Year 2021-22 (FY22) unspent CDBG program funds ($122,659) that were previously approved by the City Council, but the work has either only partially been completed, or not yet begun on the associated project(s). ANALYSIS Staff is bringing to Council a proposed resolution to appropriate the funds identified below. These are for projects, programs and contracts already approved by Council in previous City Council actions. The resolution is appropriating the new funds for FY23 and appropriating and carrying forward the appropriations for FY22 in both the regular CDBG and CDBG-CV funds. Below is the amount by category and description of the proposed action. Funding Category Amount Description 1) CDBG FY23 $263,994 This is the difference in the new funding approved on May 16, 2022 as part of the Annual Action Plan and the amount already approved in the FY23 adopted budget. 2) CDBG FY22 $122,659 This is existing funding from FY22 that was previously approved by the City Council for programs and services. The amount being rolled forward includes projects that are in progress and/or about to commence. 3) CDBG-CV $422,085 This is funding for coronavirus impact remediation, much of which is already in contract with service providers, and the remaining is for small business assistance grants and program administration. Total $808,738 The draft resolution would appropriate these amounts in the following manner: 1)Appropriate the difference between the FY23 U.S. Housing and Urban Development award amount and the amount that was already in the FY23 adopted budget. 2)Roll forward any unspent funds from FY22 CDBG into FY23. 7.3 Packet Pg. 34 3)Appropriate the full CDBG-CV funds remaining into the current FY22 adopted budget and roll forward any unspent amounts into the FY23 adopted budget at year-end. ALTERNATIVES The City Council could reject the amendment to the budget. This is not recommended. If there are insufficient funds for existing programs and contracts, it could cause existing contracts to be terminated and planned services not to be provided. FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE $808,738 of CBDG funds. There are no General Fund fiscal impacts from this budget amendment. CONCLUSION To continue using the various CDBG funds already approved previously by the City Council, a budget amendment is required. The proposed amendment does not impact the City’s General Fund, nor any other funds except for the CDBG Fund. These funds are already committed to existing contracts and programs, and this action is essentially a ministerial item. Attachments: 1.Draft Budget Amendment Resolution 7.3 Packet Pg. 35 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF GILROY FOR FISCAL YEARS 2021-22 AND 2022-23 IN THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND AND APROPRIATING PROPOSED EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS WHEREAS, the City Administrator prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget for the City of Gilroy for Fiscal Years 2021-22 and 2022-2023, and the City Council carefully examined,considered and adopted the same on June 7, 2021; and WHEREAS, City Staff has prepared and submitted to the City Council a proposed amendment to said budget for Fiscal Year 2021-22 for the City of Gilroy in the staff report dated June 20, 2022 for the Community Development Block Grant Fund , appropriating funding for Fiscal Year 2022-23 and carrying forward appropriations from Fiscal Year 2021 -22; and WHEREAS, the City Council has carefully examined and considered the same and is satisfied with said budget amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY THAT: 1.Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2021-22 are hereby increased in the Community Development Block Grant Fund, Fund 245, by $422,085 for CDBG-CV funds, with any unspent funds to roll forward into Fiscal Year 2022 -23. 2.Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2022 -23 for CDBG shall be increased by $263,994. 3.Unspent appropriations in the amount of $122,659 from Fiscal Year 2021 -22 shall be rolled forward to Fiscal Year 2022 -23. 7.3.a Packet Pg. 36 Attachment: Draft Budget Amendment Resolution (3829 : CDBG budget amendment) Resolution No. 2022-XX Amending FY 21-22 & 22-23 Budget, CDBG Grant Fund City Council Regular Meeting | June 20, 2022 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of August by the following roll call vote: AYES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: APPROVED: Marie Blankley,Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 7.3.a Packet Pg. 37 Attachment: Draft Budget Amendment Resolution (3829 : CDBG budget amendment) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Approval to Extend the Construction Management Consultant Pre-Approved List for an Additional Year through August 19, 2023 Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Public Works Department Submitted By:Daryl Jordan, PE, Public Works Director Prepared By:Ogarita Carranza, Management Analyst Strategic Plan Goals •Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION Extension of the pre-approved list of construction management consultants for an additional year, until August 19, 2023. BACKGROUND The City’s Public Works Department requires the assistance of consultants to manage construction of capital improvement projects, to perform extensive project documentation required by State and local laws and regulations, and meet City Council driven customer service objectives. 7.4 Packet Pg. 38 On April 12, 2019 a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for On-Call Construction Management (CM) Services was issued by the Public Works Engineering Division through the City’s Finance Department on the City of Gilroy Website and the San Jose Mercury News. Five Statements of Qualifications were received by the Friday, May 10, 2019 deadline from the following consultants listed in alphabetical order: ·4LEAF, Inc. ·CSG Consultants ·Ghirardelli Associates ·Hill International ·Tanner Pacific The submittals were reviewed and ranked based on the criteria listed in the RFQ. All the firms provided well-presented proposals with thoughtful responses to the RFQ and were selected as the best qualified consultants for the construction management services. Selecting multiple firms gives the City the opportunity to select a consultant that is best suited for a particular job and to provide the efficiency of having multiple consultants working on multiple projects simultaneously. The pre-qualification process streamlines the consultant selection process for the various capital projects shown in the 5-Year Capital Improvement Program and provides for construction management services on an as-needed basis for a period of three years, with an allowance for two additional one-year extensions. The pre-qualified list of CM consultants was approved by Council on August 19, 2019. DISCUSSION There is a continued need for CM services for the City’s capital projects. City staff has determined that the process to select the pre-qualified list of CM consultants is still valid and still meets the needs of the City. The previous Council approval allows for two one- year extensions of the validity of the list. Staff recommends that Council approve the pre-qualified list for a one-year extension through August 19, 2023. ALTERNATIVES Council could choose to deny this request to extend the pre-approved list of on-call consultants. Staff does not recommend this alternative because it would limit staff’s ability to deliver projects and provide timely and sufficient customer service within the Capital Projects of the department. Additionally, putting out a new solicitation is not recommended due to the time it takes to advertise, evaluate, and select well qualified consultants. 7.4 Packet Pg. 39 FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE There are no fiscal impacts from the Council’s action to approve the pre-approved list of consultants for on-call Construction Management (CM) services. If there is a need for the City to engage one of these consultants for CM services in the future, a Request for Proposal (RFP) will be issued. A contract for professional services will be identified at the time of contract approval. 7.4 Packet Pg. 40 City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Retirement Proclamation for Senior Equipment Mechanic Michael Blundo Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Human Resources Department Submitted By:LeeAnn McPhillips,Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager Prepared By:LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager Strategic Plan Goals •Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION Attachments: 1.Retirement Proclamation for Michael Blundo 7.5 Packet Pg. 41 Proclamation of the City of Gilroy WHEREAS Michael Blundo has served the City of Gilroy for almost 24 years, most recently in the position of Senior Equipment Mechanic in the Fleet Division of the Administrative Services Department; and WHEREAS In Mike’s service as an Senior Equipment Mechanic, he has provided his skills and expertise to repair and maintain all types of city vehicles including, but not limited to fire engines, police patrol vehicles, public works utility trucks, vactors, trailers, tractors, loaders, chippers, city pool vehicles, and various mechanical equipment; and WHEREAS Mike’s outstanding service and knowledge in outfitting, repairing, and servicing Gilroy’s public safety vehicles has been second to none. He always ensured that police and fire vehicles were ready for safe use out in the field. No matter the time of day or night, without hesitation, Mike would respond to address any public safety vehicle issues as quickly as possible; and WHEREAS Mike is known and appreciated by all city staff for his excellent customer service, attention to safety, vehicle knowledge, hard work, and dedication to his job; and WHEREAS Mike has been a reliable and valuable employee of the City of Gilroy, demonstrating excellence in his work and providing the best internal customer service possible for his fellow employees; and WHEREAS Mike is retiring from the City of Gilroy on July 1, 2022 and during his retirement Mike plans to relax, travel, and fish as much as possible. NOW, THEREFORE I, Marie Blankley, Mayor of the City of Gilroy, and on behalf of the entire City Council and all the citizens and employees of Gilroy, join in thanking Michael Blundo For his commitment of service and wish him well in retirement for years to come. Marie Blankley Mayor, City of Gilroy 7.5.a Packet Pg. 42 Attachment: Retirement Proclamation for Michael Blundo (3888 : Retirement Proclamation for Michael Blundo) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Adoption of An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Amending Sections 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code Entitled Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Finance Department Submitted By:Harjot Sangha, Finance Director Prepared By:Harjot Sangha, Finance Director Strategic Plan Goals ý Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION Adopt an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gilroy amending sections 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code entitled Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue. BACKGROUND At the June 20, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting, Staff presented the 2022 Comprehensive User Fee Study to Council, and an ordinance was introduced to update sections of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code to: 7.6 Packet Pg. 43 ·Annually adjust the fee schedule based on a consumer price index to keep pace with the increases in cost of provide services and require a comprehensive fee study to be conducted at least every five years. ·Provide flexibility to exclude certain types of expenses not directly attributable to the cost of providing service when performing user fee calculations. ·Update language pertaining to types of regulation, product, and service the City provides and related percentage of costs to be recovered for such services. The June 20th staff report is attached to this report which contains additional analysis of the study and the related ordinance amendments. The introduction and first reading were approved by a unanimous vote of the City Council with no changes. This item, if approved by the City Council, will finalize the adoption of the ordinance, making it effective 30 days after adoption pursuant to the City Charter. ANALYSIS Full analysis and its impacts are contained in the staff report presented to Council on June 20, 2022. CONCLUSION Staff recommends that Council adopt the second reading of the ordinance to update sections of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code entitled Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue. Attachments: 1.Draft Ordinance 2.June 20, 2022 Staff Report 7.6 Packet Pg. 44 ORDINANCE NO. 2022-XX AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING SECTIONS 7.3, 7.4 AND 7.5 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE GILROY CITY CODE ENTITLED COST COMPARISON SYSTEM FOR FEE AND SERVICE CHARGE REVENUE WHEREAS, pursuant to Article XIIIB of the California Constitution, it is the intent of the City Council of the City of Gilroy to require the ascertainment and recovery of costs reasonably borne from fees and charges levied therefor in providing the regulation, products,or services as enumerated in the Chapter 7 of the City’s code;and WHEREAS, a comprehensive user fee study was conducted by the City of Gilroy to determine the costs of providing services; and WHEREAS, section 7.3 of the Chapter 7 defines “cost reasonably borne” as used and ordered to be applied; and WHEREAS, it is the City’s intent to exclude certain expense types which may not be directly attributable to a service being provided;and WHEREAS, section 7.4 and 7.5 of the Chapter 7 provides a schedule of fees and service charges and outlines the frequency at which the fees shall be reviewed and adjusted via an annual public hearing; and WHEREAS, it is the City’s intent to (1)replace the existing schedule with a revised schedule,(2)to automatically adjust the said fees and service charges annually in July based on the published Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the San Francisco Area or, if said index ceases to be published, according to a comparable measure of inflation determined by the City’s Finance Director;and (3) conduct a full analysis of City’s cost reasonably borne not less than every five years;and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I The forgoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION II Sections 7.3 through Section 7.5 of the Gilroy City Code is amended to read as follows: 7.3 “Costs reasonably borne” defined. “Costs reasonably borne,” as used and ordered to be applied in this chapter are to consist of the following elements: 7.6.a Packet Pg. 45 Attachment: Draft Ordinance (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) Ordinance No. 2022-XX User Fee Schedule City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 2 of 9 (a) All applicable direct costs including, but not limited to salaries, wages, overtime, employee fringe benefits, services and supplies, maintenance and operation expenses, contracted services, special supplies, and any other direct expense incurred. (b) All applicable indirect costs including, but not restricted to, building maintenance and operations, equipment maintenance and operations, communications expenses, computer costs, printing and reproduction, vehicle expenses, insurance, debt services and like expenses when distributed on an accounted and documented rational proration system. (c) Fixed assets recovery expenses, consisting of depreciation of fixed assets, and additional fixed asset expense recovery charges calculated on the current estimated cost of replacement, divided by the approximate life expectancy of the fixed asset. A further additional charge to make up the difference between book value depreciation not previously recovered and reserved in cash and the full cost of replacement, which also shall be calculated and considered a cost so as to recover such unrecovered costs between book value and cost of replacement over the remaining life of the asset. (d) General overhead, expressed as a percentage, distributing and cha rging the expenses of the city council, city administrator, city clerk, elections, city treasurer, finance department, city attorney, unallocated non-departmental expenses, and all other staff and support service provided to the entire city organization as now organized and as it may be reorganized at any time in the future. Overhead shall be prorated between tax -financed services and fee- financed services on the basis of said percentage so that each of taxes and fees and charges shall proportionately defray such overhead costs. (e) Departmental overhead, expressed as a percentage, distributing and charging the cost of each department head and his or her supporting expenses as enumerated in subsections (a), (b), (c) and (f) of this section. (f) Debt service costs, consisting of repayment of principal, payment of interest, and trustee fees and administrative expenses for all applicable bond, certificate, or securities issues or loans. Any required coverage factors of added reserves beyond basic debt service co sts also shall be considered a cost if required by covenant within any securities ordinance, resolution, indenture or general law applicable to the city. (Ord. No. 90 -5, § 1, 3-19-90; Ord. No. 91- 15, §§ 3, 4, 5-20-91) When developing the cost allocation plan or service charge model which establishes the said fees and service charges, certain expenses may be considered for exclusion from the calculation which may not be directly attributable to a service being provided. 7.4 Schedule of fees and service charges. The primary factor for the cost of a City’s service or fee is usually the costs of the personnel which typically increase year over year. As such, tying an inflationary factor to annually adjust the fees and services charges is deemed reasonable. Unless otherwise specified by resolution, the fees and service charges set pursuant to this chapter shall be automatically adjusted annually in July for Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase so as to recover the listed percentage of costs reasonably 7.6.a Packet Pg. 46 Attachment: Draft Ordinance (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) Ordinance No. 2022-XX User Fee Schedule City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 3 of 9 borne necessary to provide the listed regulation, product or service. The CPI increase shall be based on the published CPI for San Francisco Area (San Francisco –Oakland –San Jose) April Edition or, if said index ceases to be published, according to a co mparable measure of inflation as determined by the City’s Finance Director, and rounded to nearest dollar unless a different edition or rounding is otherwise specified by resolution. The City Administrator, Finance Director and each City department head, under the direction of the City Administrator, shall review the fees and services charges periodically and provide, if necessary, an adjusted fee or charge schedule to the City Council for its consideration, in place of or in addition to the automatic annua l CPI increase for the regulation, product or service below. A full analysis of City costs reasonably borne, as defined in Section 7.3, shall be conducted not less than every five years. Regulation, Product, or Service Percentage of Cost Reasonably Borne to Be Recovered (percent) Method of Cost Recovery (F=Fee) (H=Hourly) General Administration: Miscellaneous: Letters of verification, certification and clearance 100 H Notary service 100 F Notice of intention to file 100 F Research 100 H Special services/inspections 100 H Publications 100 H and F Reproduction 100 H and F Subpoena-witnesses/duces tecum 100 H and F Finance: Business license— New/Move/Change 100 F Miscellaneous: Abandoned shopping cart 100 F Delinquent account receivables 100 H Refuse collection lien process 100 H Returned check fee 100 F Rentals 100 F Sewer enterprise 100 F Water enterprise 100 F Backflow inspections 100 H Construction water 100 F Delinquency services 100 F Locking services 100 F Meter installation, removal and testing 100 H and F 7.6.a Packet Pg. 47 Attachment: Draft Ordinance (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) Ordinance No. 2022-XX User Fee Schedule City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 4 of 9 Portable meter rental 100 F Water meter 100 F Water (tank truck)100 F Water service initiation 100 F Water and Wastewater Rates Fees set by resolution, not subject to CPI adjustment Community Development Department—All Divisions: After hours building and fire inspection 100 H Building and fire re-inspections 100 H Special inspections 100 H Community Development Department—Building: Building plan change review 100 F Building plan check 100 F Building permit 100 F Miscellaneous Alternative materials review 100 F Building code appeal 100 F Building moving/demolition 100 F Lot change 100 F Pre-roof inspection 100 H Temporary certificate of occupancy 100 F Permits and inspection 100 F Community Development Department—Fire Prevention: Fire clearance inspection 100 H Fire code/gen. fire insp.100 F Fire flow test 100 F Fire plan check, including energy storage systems 100 F Hazmat/CUPA Inspection 100 F Fireworks—Aerial display 100 H Fireworks—Retail sales 100 F Fireworks—Warehouse 100 H Special event 100 F Weed abatement 100 F 7.6.a Packet Pg. 48 Attachment: Draft Ordinance (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) Ordinance No. 2022-XX User Fee Schedule City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 5 of 9 Community Development Department—Hazardous Materials: Facility closure 100 H Hazardous materials storage permit 100 F Hazardous waste generators 100 F Protected aboveground or underground storage tank 100 F Spill cleanup and investigation (including fire dept. costs)100 H Tank removal/installation 100 F Tiered permit 100 F Community Development Department—Pretreatment: Pool drain inspection 100 F Pretreatment plan check and inspections 100 F Special events plan check 100 F Community Development Department—Planning: Annexation 100 F Appeals 100 F Architectural and site 100 F Conditional use 100 F Continuance request by applicant 100 F Development time extension 100 H Environmental: Categorical exemption 100 F Initial study 100 H Expanded initial study 100 H Initial study—City preparation 100 H Environmental impact report 100 F General plan map amendment 100 F General plan text amendment 100 F Historic neighborhood 100 F Historic site 100 F Habitat Conservation 100 F Home occupation 0 — Home occupation appeal 100 F Minor deviation appeal 100 F Minor deviation variance 100 F 7.6.a Packet Pg. 49 Attachment: Draft Ordinance (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) Ordinance No. 2022-XX User Fee Schedule City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 6 of 9 Mobile home rent 100 F Planned unit development 100 F Sign permit 100 F Temporary use 100 F Tentative parcel map 100 F Tentative tract map 100 F Urban service area 100 F Variance 100 F Williamson Act cancellation 100 F Zoning change 100 F Zoning code enforcement 100 H Zoning ordinance amendment 100 F Public Works Department—Engineering: Development impact fees 100 F Miscellaneous: Assessment/100 Freapportionment map Certificate of compliance 100 F Encroachment Handicap signs 100 F Curb painting/signage 100 F Wide/oversized vehicle 100 F Stormwater best management practice (BMP) setup and monitoring 100 F Public improvement plan check and inspection 100 F Subdivision final map and parcel map 100 F Recreation Services—Parks and Facilities: Facility and parks rental*100 F 7.6.a Packet Pg. 50 Attachment: Draft Ordinance (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) Ordinance No. 2022-XX User Fee Schedule City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 7 of 9 *Recreation facility and park rental have 4 categories (Category A, B, C,and D) as outlined below. Category D represents 100 percent cost recovery. Fees for Categories A through C are set in the adopted resolution. Category A -City and GUSD programs and special events Category B -Non-profit Organizations Category C -City of Gilroy Residents (Private functions and/or open to the public) Category D -Non-Residents or any company/business or group holding an event (social, business, education or for profit) Recreation Services -Seasonal Classes, Programs, and Events: Aquatics Fees for recreation classes and programs are established seasonally at the time recreation activity guide is prepared. As such, these fees are to be adjusted based on seasonal market analysis and should consider fluctuations and trends in participation rates to attain maximum cost recovery. Recreation programs Adult programs Cultural classes/events Preschool Youth and teen programs Special events Fire Department: False alarm 100 F Police Department: Permits—Regulatory: Firearms sales 100 F Mobile vendor 100 F Massage 100 F Solicitor’s 100 F Animal control 100 F Bingo 100 F Cardroom 100 F Concealed weapons 100 F Dance hall 100 F Pawnbrokers, junk and secondhand dealers 100 F Regulatory bar 100 F Taxi cab—Company 100 F Taxi cab—Driver 100 F Tow Truck 100 F Other Services: Call back/2nd response 100 H 7.6.a Packet Pg. 51 Attachment: Draft Ordinance (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) Ordinance No. 2022-XX User Fee Schedule City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 8 of 9 Crime analysis services 100 H DUI investigation 100 H False alarm 100 F Graffiti abatement 100 H Provision of special services 100*H School truancy 100 H Tow truck driver 100 F Vehicle equipment inspection 100 F Vehicle impound/release 100 F Reproduction of documents 100 F False alarm 100 F * 100% cost recovery except for events where the public safety benefit, as determined by the police chief, is of community concern. In this case the event may be subsidized at 55%. All fees and charges set pursuant to this section shall take effect immediately upon th e passage of a resolution by the City Council setting forth said specific fee amounts, with the exception of the annual automatic CPI adjustment, which shall take effect every July 1 and shall not require passage of a resolution by the City Council. Said fees and charges will be initially adopted via resolution by the city council after a public hearing. The city clerk shall cause notice to be provided as set out in Government Code Section 6062.a. Section 7.5 Provision of data. Pursuant to the California Government Code, at least ten (10) days prior to the required public hearing set out herein, the city administrator shall make available to the public appropriate data indicating the cost, or estimated cost, required to support the fees and charges for which changes are proposed to be made or fees or charges imposed. The city administrator also shall provide a summary of the present fee and charge schedules and those proposed at such public hearing. A general explanation of such changes also shall be publishe d per the requirements of Government Code Section 6062.a. SECTION III Except as set forth in this Ordinance, all other provisions of the Gilroy Charter and City Code shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION IV This Ordinance is not intended to and shall not be construed or given effect in a manner that imposes upon the City or any officer or employee thereof a mandatory duty of care towards persons and property within or without the City, so as to provide a basis of civil liability for damages, except as otherwise imposed by law. 7.6.a Packet Pg. 52 Attachment: Draft Ordinance (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) Ordinance No. 2022-XX User Fee Schedule City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 9 of 9 SECTION V If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of the City of Gilroy hereby declares that it would have passed and adopted this ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sente nces, clauses or phrases may be declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION VI This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance or a summary thereof pursuant to Government Code Section 36933. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY this 5th day of July 2022 by the following vote: AYES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: APPROVED: Marie Blankley,Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 7.6.a Packet Pg. 53 Attachment: Draft Ordinance (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Introduction of the Comprehensive User Fee Study and First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Sections of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code Entitled "Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue" Meeting Date: June 20, 2022 From: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department: Finance Department Submitted By: Harjot Sangha, Finance Director Prepared By: Harjot Sangha, Finance Director Strategic Plan Goals  Develop a Financially Resilient Organization ☐ Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services ☐ Promote Economic Development Activities ☐ Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All ☐ Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION 1. Receive 2022 Comprehensive User Fee Study report; 2. After the City Clerk reads the title of the ordinance, motion to waive further reading of the ordinance; and b) Introduce an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gilroy amending sections 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code entitled "Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue". EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7.6.b Packet Pg. 54 Attachment: June 20, 2022 Staff Report (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) As part of its FY22 and FY23 workplan, staff has completed an update to the City’s Comprehensive User Fee Schedule. The City’s current fee schedule was last updated and adopted in 2014. The fee schedule establishes user fees charged for services rendered by various departments. The User Fee Study (“Study”) was made available to the community and frequent users of City services, such as developers and contr actors. Staff conducted two community meetings, on June 9 th and June 16th, to solicit feedback. In addition to adjusting the fees, staff is introducing an ordinance to amend sections of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code, entitled “Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue” for items outlined in the policy discussion below. POLICY DISCUSSION Should the City Council adopt an ordinance amending section of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code, entitled “Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue” to: 1. Annually adjust the fee schedule based on a consumer price index (CPI) to keep pace with the increases in cost of providing services and require a comprehensive fee to be conducted at least every five years. 2. Provide flexibility to exclude certain types of expenses not directly attributable to the cost of providing services when performing user fee calculations. 3. Update language pertaining to types of regulation, product, and service the City provides and related percentage of costs to be recovered for such services. BACKGROUND The City’s current fee schedule was last updated and adopted in 2014. In 2019, the City initiated a Study as part of its workplan. However, in 2020 the project was paused due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic which shifted the City’s priorities to addressing the challenges brought on by the pandemic. As part of the current biennial budget development process, staff included the completion of the user fee study project in its workplan. Over the last 10 months, staff re-engaged with the consultant (Willdan Financial Services), reviewed the 2019 draft fee study schedules, and worked with various departments to adjust the calculations based on budget and level of effort. This was needed as the 2019 update was based on p re-pandemic levels of staffing and service budgets. ANALYSIS The study’s objective is to help determine the full cost of the services the City provides. The total cost of each service included in the analysis is based on the full cost of providing the service, including direct salaries and benefits, direct departmental costs, and indirect costs from central support services. The scope of the study encompasse d a review and calculation of fees charged by the following departments and fee groups: General Administration, Finance, Wastewater, Community Development, Public Works, Recreation, Police, and Fire. 7.6.b Packet Pg. 55 Attachment: June 20, 2022 Staff Report (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) At the May 16th City Council meeting, Council received an update regarding the study which included information regarding the process and methodology utilized for the study, as well as what the Council and community can expect the recommendations to include: removal and addition of fees across departments, an inflationary factor to annually adjust the fees based on a consumer price index, and related amendment s to Chapter 7 of Gilroy City Code. A link to the May 16 th report is provided as an attachment. The User Fee Study The recommended fee schedules within the Study, Appendix C – Cost Recovery Analysis, include the description of the service/fee, the current fee, the full cost of providing the service related to that fee, the current subsidy, the recommended fee, and the net change in fee amount from the current fee. The recommended fees are set at 100% cost recovery for all service areas as required by the Gilroy City Code, with the exception of certain facility and park rental fees which are recommended to follow the current categorical subsidy based on whether the user is a Gilroy resident, a non -profit organization, or if the use is for a City/school event. The table below provides a summary of the number of fees that were adjusted or remain unchanged by service area. Details of the adjustments are within the Appendix C of the Study. Service Area # of Fees Increased # of Fees Decreased # of New Fees Added # of Fees Unchanged General Administration 1 - 2 13 Finance 33 5 4 40 Wastewater 3 - 1 9 Public Works 5 1 8 96 Recreation 70 3 12 30 Fire 56 2 8 18 Police 20 6 - 28 Community Development – Building 114 38 50 16 Community Development - Planning 42 6 12 10 Average 38 9 12 29 7.6.b Packet Pg. 56 Attachment: June 20, 2022 Staff Report (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) The following analysis provides a summary of the results by Service Area on types of fees collected and any new fees proposed. The User Fee Study and the fee schedules included in Appendix C should be reviewed for additional information and details. General Administration The fees within the General Administration services includes general governance functions such as City Administrator, City Attorney, City Clerk, and Administrative Services. The fees within this service group are mostly related to document reproduction and miscellaneous fees related to special services/research requested. Two new fees are recommended to be added, a document reproduction , and a notary fee set to the maximum amount as allowed by the Government Code 8211, current at $15. The majority of existing fees are recommended to follow current fee methodology of assessing the Department/Division’s hourly rate for the service. Finance The fees within the Finance services primarily include business license processing, water and wastewater utility services, and other miscellaneous fees such as returned check and/or delinquency charges. Four new fees are recommended to be added to the schedule which are pass-through costs from merchant processor for credit card and ACH/e-check type payments. The City currently absorbs the merchant processing fees and is recommending passing the cost onto the user of service s. The fee is 2.95% for non-utility payments, $3.50 for utility payments, and $0.75 per e-check/ACH transaction. The implementation of the pass-through costs will coincide with the Tyler Munis (Enterprise Resource Planning-ERP) and Tyler EnerGov (permitting) systems being fully live and operational. Wastewater The fees within the Wastewater services relate primarily to the South County Regional Wastewater Authority (SCRWA) and include services related to pretreatment plan checks and other related inspections to regulate the wastewater discharge of specific commercial and industrial users of the plant as required by law. One new fee, re- inspection fee, is recommended to be added, established at $214 with a ½ hour minimum. Public Works The fees within the Public Works services primarily include subdivision map and improvement plan check and inspection, encroachment permits, oversize transportation permits, stormwater compliance, special staff analysis and reimbursement rates for storm, sewer, and water main pipes. Eight new fees are recommended to be added, five of which relate to Stormwater post construction Best Management Practice (BMP) as required by State law. The fees, ranging from $31 to $504, cover initial costs to accept 7.6.b Packet Pg. 57 Attachment: June 20, 2022 Staff Report (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) and enter postconstruction BMP information from new development to the State database, and to annually solicit, accept, review, monitor and report on the semi-annual inspections required. The City of Gilroy contracts with the City of Morgan Hill for such environmental services and these fees would help recover a portion of the stormwater compliance service costs paid to the City of Morgan Hill. Other new fees include miscellaneous services such as curb paining ($467) and driveway red tipping ($357). Recreation The fees within Recreation services primarily include facilities and park rental fees. Most of the fees are time-based and thus are increasing due to higher personnel costs. The current facilities and park rental fees are subsidized based on a 4 -tier scale, Categories A through D, where category D is 100% cost recovery, and categories A through C are subsidized for Gilroy residents, non-profit organizations, and City/School events. No change to the current methodology is recommended at this time, other than increases to the fees. Twelve new fees are recommended to be added, which cover two new park facilities currently not on the fee schedule (Christmas Hill - Park Side, and San Ysidro Picnic Pavilion), and a new fee for cancellation of park and field reservation is also recommended to be added at $64. In 2020 a new approach was established for the recreation services where the General Fund contributes $1.5 million annually to be expended on programs that serve the needs of the City’s vulnerable population(s) including adaptive, special needs, senior center, youth center and volunteer programs. Any new programs identified by the division requires City Administrator approval to be accommodated within the existing $1.5 million funding or the program must demonstrate 100% cost recovery for consideration. Fees for seasonal recreation classes and programs are recommended to follow the current practice where program offerings and related fees are adjusted seasona lly based on market analysis and consider fluctuations and trends in participation rates to attain cost recovery. A related ordinance amendment is also recommended, as discussed further below, to bring the City Code in line with current practice. Fire The fees within the Fire services primarily include fire prevention and hazardous materials permits, plan checks and inspections. Eight new fees are recommended to be added related to false alarms, additional permits and inspections for hazardous materials and above ground petroleum storage sites, with fees ranging from $193 up to $562. Police The fees within the Police services primarily include annual operational permits for certain types of businesses, animal control, vehicle impound/release, graffiti abatement, and other cost recovery items such as call backs, crime analysis services , and DUI 7.6.b Packet Pg. 58 Attachment: June 20, 2022 Staff Report (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) related cost recovery. No new fees are recommended to be added within Police services. Community Development – Building The fees within Community Development’s Building Division primarily include plan checks and permits related to building, roofing, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, grading, and other miscellaneous structures. A total of 50 new fees, ranging from $30 up to $2,426, are recommended to be added across various permits categories: including solar and energy storage system permits, sign and monument, reproduction of documents, pool demolition, electrical permits related to electric vehicle charging, HVAC replacement, and permits related water and sewer re-piping. For building permits, the valuation-based method is utilized, using the International Code Council (ICC) building valuation data table, adjusted regionally, to provide the average construction cost per square foot. The Building permits value table is recommended to increase by 3.8%, to achieve 100% cost recovery. Community Development – Planning The fees within Community Development’s Planning Division primarily include architectural and site reviews, conditional use permits, general plan and zoning review and amendments, environmental review, urban service area amendments, tentative maps, and other miscellaneous review and permits. Twelve new fees , ranging from $126 up to $5,712, are recommended to be added to include historic site demolition/alternation permit, signage permits, additional temporary and conditional use permits, zoning verification, Murray Las Animas overlay, and public noticing. Ordinance As mentioned in the policy consideration above, staff is recommending that the City Council introduce an ordinance amending sections of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code, entitled “Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue” to: 1. Annually adjust the fee schedule based on a consumer price index to keep pace with the increases in cost of provide services and require a comprehensive fee study to be conducted at least every five years. 2. Provide flexibility to exclude certain types of expenses not directly attributable to the cost of providing service when performing user fee calculations. 3. Update language pertaining to types of regulation, product, and service the City provides and related percentage of costs to be recovered for such services. To effectuate the above, three sections of the code are recommended to be updated: Section 7.3 –outlines the various expenditure elements to be included in the calculation of the fee and service charge . Staff is recommending adding the following text at the end of the section to allow for certain exclusions: 7.6.b Packet Pg. 59 Attachment: June 20, 2022 Staff Report (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) “When developing the cost allocation plan or service charge model which establishes the said fees and service charges, certain expenses may be considered for exclusion from the calculation which may not be directly attributable to a service being provided.” Section 7.4 – outlines the adjustment of the fee schedule and provides a table of regulations, products, or services with their respective percentage of cost to be recovered. The recommended changes in this section include the following: 1. Replacing current language that requires annual fee studies to annual adjust the fees based on CPI and requiring comprehensive fee stud ies to be conducted not less than every five years. 2. Updating the fee table to: o Categorize the fees in correct Service Areas ▪ For example: Existing code had various business permits (massage, cardroom, taxicab etc.) as a Finance service, which is now a Police service. o Removal of fee descriptions that are outdated ▪ For example: The residential development ordinance (RDO) and related housing exemption fee are no longer service categories, thus are removed. o Updating cost recovery language for Recreation services ▪ For example: Under the current code, facilities and park rentals are required to be 100% cost recovery. In actuality the current fees adopted in 2014 are tiered in categories A - D, where category D is 100% cost recovery and A through C are subsidized at various percentages for Gilroy residents, non-profit organizations, and the City/School events. This change will bring the code in line with current practice. It is important to note that the table, while it is being replaced in its entirety, maintains the same cost recovery percentages established in the existing code, with certain adjustments as outlined above. Section 7.5 – Current code requires the fee analysis to be conducted annually and be presented to Council annually via public hearing. This is not the current practice. As a best practice, comprehensive fee studies are recommended to be conducted not less than every five years. As such, this section is being amended to remove the word “annual” from public hearing requirement to adjust the fees. Any future adoption of comprehensive fee analysis and any related adjustments would still be conducted via public hearing as required by law, just not annually. 7.6.b Packet Pg. 60 Attachment: June 20, 2022 Staff Report (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) This also does not prevent the City from adopting one-off fees as may be required. ALTERNATIVES 1. City Council could direct staff to not adjust select fees or adjust at a lower cost recovery level. This is not recommended as it is the Council’s strategic priority to be fiscally resilient and sustainable. As such, updating the City’s fees and charges periodically to ensure 100% cost recovery is critical. 2. City Council could decide to forgo one or more of the proposed amendments to Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code. This is not recommended, especially as the adjustments bring the code in line with current practice and include an annual inflationary factor to adjust the fees to keep up with the rising costs. FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE There is no fiscal impact to receiving this report. The cost for the user fee study to update the 2019 study is $7,500 and is included in the Finance Department’s adopted FY22 budget. Various departments have contributed efforts to review a nd update the fee calculation models and the work was accommodated within their respective department’s workplan. The fees will be brought back to City Council for adoption via formal Public Hearing on July 5th. The adjusted fees are projected to recover the cost of providing the various City services. NEXT STEPS Staff will return to Council on July 5th for formal adoption of the resolution setting the new fee schedule, with target implementation effective date of August 1, 2022 and formal adoption of the ordinance with amendments to Chapter 7. PUBLIC OUTREACH The Study was released to the community on June 3, 2022 and communicated via the weekly Email Express, and via email to the development community, with links to the City’s webpage, online comment form, and an invite to two community meetings conducted on June 9th (virtual) and June 16th (Council Chambers). Only one attendee from the community was present for the June 9th virtual town hall meeting and had no comments or questions. No attendees from the community were present for the June 16th in person meeting hosted at the Council Chambers for the development and business community. As of writing this staff report, no comments have been received via the online form either. 7.6.b Packet Pg. 61 Attachment: June 20, 2022 Staff Report (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) Attachments: 1. 2022 Comprehensive User Fee Study 2. Draft Ordinance 3. May 16th, 2022 Staff Report 7.6.b Packet Pg. 62 Attachment: June 20, 2022 Staff Report (3866 : Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 - User Fee Study) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Consideration of the Placement of Special Assessment Liens for the Non-payment of Charges for the Collection of Garbage, Rubbish, and Refuse on Certain Properties Located in the City of Gilroy Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Finance Department Submitted By:Harjot Sangha, Finance Director Prepared By:Harjot Sangha, Finance Director Strategic Plan Goals ý Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy imposing special assessment liens for the costs of delinquent garbage collection services for certain properties located in Gilroy, California. BACKGROUND In 1997, the City and South Valley Disposal and Recycling, Inc. (SVDR and now Recology South Valley (Recology)) entered into an exclusive franchise agreement. Under the agreement Recology provides mandatory garbage and refuse service, intended to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of Gilroy through the 9.1 Packet Pg. 63 assurance of regular collection and sanitary disposal of garbage. Ultimately, the property owner is held accountable for non-payment by a tenant. ANALYSIS As part of the collection process, Recology notified property owners of delinquent accounts on a monthly basis. In addition, Recology issued notices outlining the delinquency process which notified the property owners of the administrative hearing process. The administrative hearing allows the property owner to appeal their account to the City Finance Director. The City and Recology conducted a virtual administrative hearing session on April 28, 2022 to give the property owners more opportunity for timely appeal of their accounts. The final notice was sent to the remaining delinquent accounts via certified mail in May 2022. This notice explained the process and outlined the procedures that Recology was following to collect on the accounts. The interim delinquent account list (Report),as of June 28, 2022,is attached which includes 200 accounts amounting to $63,755. A revised Final Report with updated accounts and amounts will be provided just prior to the Council meeting on July 5, 2022, which will accommodate any subsequent adjustments and removal of accounts that may have paid subsequent to the publishing of this report.This amount includes the 1% collection fee charged by the Santa Clara County Tax Collector’s Office of $631. This public hearing is to consider the Finance Director’s final report. The Council may adopt, revise, reduce,or modify any charge shown in the Final Report. Pursuant to the provisions of City Code §12.23-9, the Council’s review of the Final Report shall be limited to the evidence presented at the Finance Director’s administrative hearing. FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE Approval of the Final Report does not impact the City’s budget. The City will collect the delinquent amounts through the County tax roll on behalf of Recology. CONCLUSION Staff recommends that the Final Report be approved, confirmed,and adopted, along with the Resolution imposing the related liens. NEXT STEPS Once approved, the Final Report and Resolution shall be submitted by the City Clerk to the County Auditor of the County of Santa Clara so that special assessments may be levied upon these accounts. 9.1 Packet Pg. 64 PUBLIC OUTREACH This public hearing was publicly noticed in the June 24th of the Gilroy Dispatch. All delinquent account holders were notified in billings and through specific mailings outlying the process for collection and notifying of this public hearing. Attachments: 1.Draft Resolution 2.Exhibit A -Customer List as of June 28 2022 9.1 Packet Pg. 65 RESOLUTION NO.2022-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY IMPOSING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LIENS FOR THE COSTS OF DELINQUENT GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICES FOR CERTAIN PROPERTIES LOCATED IN GILROY, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Gilroy finds that regular and prompt collection of garbage and refuse is necessary to protect the health, safety,and welfare of the residents of this City of Gilroy (“City”); and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that to insure and protect the health, safety,and welfare of the residents of the City, providing for garbage and refuse collection service by exclusive franchise is necessary; and WHEREAS, the City and South Valley Disposal and Recycling, Inc. (“SVDR”) have entered into an exclusive franchise agreement to provide that garbage and refuse services required by the City subject to the provisions, terms and conditions set forth in the Franchise Agreement (“Agreement”), dated September 2, 1997, as amended; and WHEREAS,pursuant to Gilroy City Code Sections 12.23-2 through 12.23-12, the City and SVDR have implemented a lien procedure for the collection of delinquent garbage and refuse customer billings; and WHEREAS, SVDR (now Recology South Valley or “Recology ”) notified property owners of delinquent accounts on a monthly basis, and issued notices explaining the delinquency process, including the availability of the City’s administrative hearing process; and WHEREAS, the City conducted an administrative hearing, on April 28, 2022; and WHEREAS, in May 2022,Recology sent a final notice by certified mail to the property owners and tenants with outstanding delinquent accounts and set the final deadline for payment. This notice also stated that Recology would ass ign the delinquent accounts to the City for lien procedures in order to collect the amounts due as a special assessment if they were not timely paid; and also included the date and time of the City Council meeting to review the Director’s Final Report; and WHEREAS, after the time period to hold the administrative hearings had expired, the Director issued a Final Report to the City Council and Recology; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held on July 5, 2022, at which hearing the Council considered all testimony and evidence, including the Final Report and any protests previously submitted regarding the amount of the assessment against the property owner’s property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 9.1.a Packet Pg. 66 Attachment: Draft Resolution (3784 : 2022 Garbage Liens) Resolution No. 2022-XX Special Assessment Liens City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 2 of 2 1.The Director’s Final Report is hereby approved, confirmed and adopted in every particular without modification. 2.The special assessment liens for garbage collection services as presented in the Final Report, attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by this reference, are hereby approved and ordered to be filed in the office of the City Clerk as a permanent record and to remain open to public inspection. 3.The special assessments as set forth in the Final Report shall include the delinquent garbage and refuse collection service charges, administrative charges and the collection fee charged by the Santa Clara County Tax Collector’s Office, and are hereby levied and assessed against the properties as identified in the Final Report, and are hereby ordered to be collected upon the last equalized, secured tax rolls upon which the property taxes are collected. They shall be in addition to all other property taxes levied, and shall be collected together with, and not separate therefrom, an d enforced in the same manner and by the same persons at the same time and with the same penalties and interest of said property taxes. All laws applicable to the collection and enforcement of said property taxes shall be applicable to said special assessment levies. 4.Said Final Report together with the certificate of the City Clerk as to the facts and the date of final approval, confirmation and adoption by Resolution by the City Council, shall be forwarded to the Santa Clara County Tax Collector, who shal l thereafter deliver said Final Report, as adopted, to the officer of the County of Santa Clara designated by law to extend property taxes upon the tax roll . PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July 2022 by the following roll call vote: AYES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: APPROVED: Marie Blankley,Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 9.1.a Packet Pg. 67 Attachment: Draft Resolution (3784 : 2022 Garbage Liens) # APN# Customer Name Service AddressOwner NameOwner Address2Owner City Owner State Owner ZipLien # Acct # Lien $ County Fee 1% Total1 790-25-036 ESPARZA, ROSEMARY8407 WAYLAND LANE ESPARZA ROSEMARY8407 WAYLAND LN GILROYCA95020 20520 1285600 50.28$ 0.50$ 50.78$ 2 790-16-199 BARAJAS, VICENTE & REBECCA322 BRAZOS ST BARAJAS VICENTE AND REBECCA322 BRAZOS ST GILROYCA95020 20515 868778 52.77 0.53 53.30 3 790-47-065 CORZA, JAVIER JR 195 BENNETT ST LIANG ZHANG WEI AND XIU LAN YANG 2158 PASTORAL LOOP SAN JOSE CA95122 20362 1343185 53.69 0.54 54.23 4 808-49-007 ZAISS, DANIEL 33 LUSITANO WAYRIGAUD MARYSE 33 LUSITANO WAY GILROYCA95020 20414 1388750 55.59 0.56 56.15 5 790-59-019 VEGA, MIRIAM 8831 ZINNIA STREET PHAM PAUL HOANG AND GONZALEZ MONICA7730 CURRY DR GILROYCA95020 20314 1305226 57.93 0.58 58.51 6 790-58-078 VEGA, RAUL & MARISOL 951 CASCIANO CR VEGA RAUL ET AL 951 CASCIANO CIR GILROYCA95020 20471 501072 60.20 0.60 60.80 7 790-25-003 DUYAO, DESIREE 8491 WAYLAND LANE WEST LINDA TRUSTEE 8491 WAYLAND LN GILROYCA95020 20521 1322684 65.32 0.65 65.97 8 841-09-078 PALACIOS GARCIA, DOMINGO 7323 CHESTNUT STREETLE SON THANH AND CHU PHUONG L 2780 LEAVESLEY RD GILROYCA95020 20288 1274521 65.54 0.66 66.20 9 783-67-048 VIDAL, CARLOS 9735 TAPESTRY DR GONZALEZ BEATRIZ 9735 TAPESTRY DR GILROYCA95020 20477 996298 66.71 0.67 67.38 10 808-10-015 HAYGOOD, ADRIENNE1251 3RD ST VALERA STEPHANIE M ET AL PO BOX 1110 SAN MARTIN CA95046 20519 1178623 80.24 0.80 81.04 11 790-22-001 FLORES DELGADO, JUAN JOSE 8205 WREN AVENUE #AWEBELEE LLC 3855 CALIFORNIA ST #2 SAN FRANCISCO CA94118 20502 1381011 80.38 0.80 81.18 12 841-03-112 JUAREZ AGUILAR, LUIS A7720-B CHESTNUT STREET CHONG SANTIAGO LIU AND WONG SIM KEUN CHU ET 797 BUGATTI PL MORGAN HILL CA95037 20259 1231570 90.54 0.91 91.45 13 783-40-025 VAN BOKKELEN, ROBERT 1274 BLACKSMITH VAN BOKKELEN ROBERT AND C LYNNE TRUSTEE P.O. BOX 753 CHICO CA95927 20364 1344209 94.38 0.94 95.32 14 783-75-040 THORNBURG, JOHN & STACEY9561 RANCHO HILLS DR THORNBURG STACEY AND JOHNATHAN 9561 RANCHO HILLS DR GILROYCA95020 20527 1101732 98.92 0.99 99.91 15 790-22-044 REYES, ROCKY J 820 WELBURN AVENUE FONG FRANKLIN 705 LEXINGTON PL GILROYCA95020 20419 1391689 100.05 1.00 101.05 16 799-03-075 SARABIA GARAY, REFUGIO 7770 EIGLEBERRY ST #C REIMAL FAMILY PROPERTIES LLC 885 DEARBORN PL GILROYCA95020 20361 1342575 100.32 1.00 101.32 17 810-67-039 BELYEU, JULIET & JOE 7538 FERNIE CT BELYEU JULIET B AND JOE C JR 7538 FERNIE CT GILROYCA95020 19989 550871 100.59 1.01 101.60 18 783-03-049 EBANDA, STEPHAN 8501 MOSSROSE WYJORSTAD LAURENCE F TRUSTEE & ET AL 8700 SATTERLEE LN GILROYCA95020 20323 1315134 101.20 1.01 102.21 19 808-37-017 PEREZ, ANA ROSA1418 LODGEPOLE COURT SAGGI JAGDEEP SINGH TRUSTEE 1418 LODGEPOLE CT GILROYCA95020 20423 1393909 101.52 1.02 102.54 20 841-82-014 HIGGENBOTTOM, KELLY150 SARAFINA WAYBAETA KELLY M AND DAVID A150 SARAFINA WAY GILROYCA95020 20022 802967 101.52 1.02 102.54 21 810-48-009 DEL VECCHIO, MICHELLE1980 CLUB DR DEL VECCHIO MICHELE H AND ANTHONY J 1980 CLUB DR GILROYCA95020 20152 1102615 101.52 1.02 102.54 22 841-64-035AYALA, MELISSA RENEE 8160 SPRINGDALE CT CHENG PING H AND GUI R 8160 SPRINGDALE CT GILROYCA95020 20528 1267533 102.44 1.02 103.46 23 810-76-022 MICKEY, JEANNE 2812 TAYMOUTH WAYMICKEY JEANNE 2812 TAYMOUTH WAY GILROYCA95020 20517 1020841 103.04 1.03 104.07 24 790-34-048 GUIZAR, MARIA311 EL TORO WAYGUIZAR PABLO M 311 EL TORO WAY GILROYCA95020 20039 843797 107.19 1.07 108.26 25 841-62-051 JUAREZ, RACHAEL 460 ADAMS COURT CID CESARIO AND AGUSTINA975 SORRENTO CT GILROYCA95020 20124 1060524 107.19 1.07 108.26 26 835-27-039 GARCIA-SANTIAGO, ARCANGEL465 LINCOLN COURT #RER LUSTRE HERMELO ET AL 1845 PACHECO PASS HWY GILROYCA95020 20383 1356898 107.19 1.07 108.26 27 790-01-008 GONZALEZ, ERNEST JASON 530 RONAN AVENUE GONZALEZ GRACE A AND ERNIE F 581 SPRINGS GROVE RD HOLLISTER CA95023 20358 1341817 107.19 1.07 108.26 28 799-45-043 BUTLER, ROBERT 6480 BARRON PLACE BUTLER ROBERT D AND RHONDA L 6480 BARRON PL GILROYCA95020 19890 139667 107.19 1.07 108.26 29 799-05-060 HAYES, ADRIAN 7650 CARMEL STREET HAYES ADRIAN L AND HAYS LISA A7650 CARMEL ST GILROYCA95020 20207 1176049 107.19 1.07 108.26 30 799-04-018 CARRASCO, EDWARD 7670 EIGLEBERRY ST CARRASCO EDWARD E AND CHRISTINA R 7670 EIGLEBERRY ST GILROYCA95020 20046 861534 107.19 1.07 108.26 31 808-07-049 LEITNER, ANDREW 7670 WREN AVENUELEITNER ANDREW B 7670 WREN AVE GILROYCA95020 20078 975052 107.19 1.07 108.26 32 799-03-007 GONZALES, MARTIN 7741 CHURCH STREET ZACHARIAH ABRAHAM TRUSTEE & ET AL 10580 GUIBAL AVE GILROYCA95020 20256 1227420 107.19 1.07 108.26 33 799-09-040 HERNANDEZ, TED & HORTENCIA7208 CHURCH STREET HERNANDEZ HORTENCIA E 7206 CHURCH ST GILROYCA95020 19946 257519 107.65 1.08 108.73 34 799-18-036 SILHANEK, KELLY7420 DOWDY STREET SEIBERT SAM H TRUSTEE 1090 WESTWOOD DR SAN JOSE CA95125 20261 1236207 111.10 1.11 112.21 35 790-55-030 RODRIQUEZ, STEPHANIE NICOLE 891 WOODCREEK WYJM DEHARO PROPERTIES LLC 7050 SAN FELIPE RD HOLLISTER CA95023 20490 1236546 113.99 1.14 115.13 36 835-03-061 OROZCO, ARMANDO/GLORIA422 MADISON COURT OROZCO ARMANDO 422 MADISON CT GILROYCA95020 20511 176750 115.32 1.15 116.47 37 799-01-017 EATON, BRENDA7810 CHURCH STREET RIOS FERNANDO JR & JESSICA7810 CHURCH ST GILROYCA95020 20260 1235464 120.62 1.21 121.83 38 799-09-079AVILA, EROLINDA7201 CHURCH STREET JASO MARTHA M ET AL 7370 CHESTNUT ST GILROYCA95020 20475 921981 125.32 1.25 126.57 39 790-22-017 GARZA, ELIZABETH 820-B EL CERRITO WAYTEMPERINO VINCENT E 4520 ROOP RD GILROYCA95020 20501 1337039 125.32 1.25 126.57 40 799-15-048 FERNANDEZ, JESSICA467 W 8TH ST #ADESAI CHANDRAVATI C TRUSTEE & ET AL 22404 CRESTON DR LOS ALTOS CA94024 20482 1089358 132.89 1.33 134.22 41 808-55-051 TREVINO, EUGENE RENE 6951 GRENACHE CT PATEL SUNIL M & HENAL BEN 6951 GRENACHE CT GILROYCA95020 20446 1420116 138.21 1.38 139.59 42 790-32-041 ESCUTIA, RUSBELDA7957 HANNA STREET #1 KUANG BOB AND JUDY7957 HANNA ST GILROYCA95020 20254 1223262 138.33 1.38 139.71 43 799-07-023ADVANTAGE PEAK LLC 140 5TH STREET GILROY CITY OF 140 5TH ST GILROYCA95020 20372 1348366 142.92 1.43 144.35 44 790-32-026 ESTRADA, JESSICA MARIE 550-A BROADWAY STREET BALANESI JOYCE TRUSTEE & ET AL 8439 DORIS CT GILROYCA95020 20379 1353440 144.38 1.44 145.82 45 790-14-099 LUGO, MARIA15 CANTERBURY PL LOCKHEIMER F HIROSHI AND ERICA TRUSTEE 13740 PIERCE RD SARATOGACA95070 20438 1414143 147.66 1.48 149.14 46 808-45-004 ZAVALA, ESMERALDA SILVA710 TENNYSON DR LYMAN RICHARD 710 TENNYSON DR GILROYCA95020 20403 1378637 147.66 1.48 149.14 47 790-30-016 CARDENAS, JORGE 8447 CARMEL STREET CARDENAS JORGE AND FLORES SARA E 8447 CARMEL ST GILROYCA95020 20234 1201862 148.04 1.48 149.52 48 841-64-096 HOLLINS, LYNN8110-A SWANSTON LANEHEWELL MARK E AND SABRINA L TRUSTEE & ET AL PO BOX 1901 GILROYCA95021 20450 1424571 151.85 1.52 153.37 49 808-31-023 VILLALBA, EVELYN 7505 WREN AVENUE VILLALBA JACOB B TRUSTEE & ET AL 13860 SYCAMORE AVE SAN MARTIN CA95046 20273 1252352 152.61 1.53 154.14 50 790-23-018 YAMAMOTO, JOHN 8120 LAS ANIMAS CT YAMAMOTO JOHN Z AND DELIA S TRUSTEE 8120 LAS ANIMAS CT GILROYCA95020 19915 172601 153.16 1.53 154.69 51 799-46-030 CAHEJAS, ALFREDO 100 CHURCHILL PLACE CATTIVERA DONALD F AND LAURIE R ET AL 7135 YORKTOWN DR GILROYCA95020 20265 1242627 153.33 1.53 154.86 52 810-84-080ABALOS, GERALDINE 1853 THYME COURT #BAKHTER SOHAIL 1853 THYME CT GILROYCA95020 20460 1429802 153.33 1.53 154.86 53 841-12-053 JARQUIL, VALENTINA550 E 8TH ST #10 ROCHA JOE A AND VICTORIA M 575 SOUTHSIDE DR #C GILROYCA95020 20161 1115245 153.33 1.53 154.86 54 808-39-057 ETHERIDGE, SARAH 6031 HAWTHORNE ST MCINTYRE NATHAN AND ETHERIDGE SARAH 6031 HAWTHORNE ST GILROYCA95020 20200 1171354 153.33 1.53 154.86 55 808-40-068 GONZALES, GANT M. 6381 RASPBERRY CT GONZALES GANT 6381 RASPBERRY CT GILROYCA95020 20416 1389261 153.33 1.53 154.86 56 799-40-049 MARTINEZ, ANTHONY6830 GLENVIEW DRIVE MARTINEZ RADAMES AND ROSA PO BOX 23491 SAN JOSE CA95153 20257 1227875 153.33 1.53 154.86 57 799-17-004 CORTEZ, ROBERT AND JENNIFER 7351 CARMEL STREET CORTEZ ROBERT 7351 CARMEL ST GILROYCA95020 20229 1198415 153.33 1.53 154.86 58 790-24-011 THOMPSON, ELENA AND CODY757 WELBURN AVENUE THOMPSON CODY ET AL 757 WELBURN AVE GILROYCA95020 20178 1138403 153.33 1.53 154.86 59 790-19-015 GONZALES, RAY OR CHRISTINE 776 CARLA WAYGONZALES RAYMOND B TRUSTEE & ET AL 776 CARLA WAY GILROYCA95020 19892 142828 153.33 1.53 154.86 60 790-57-017 VILLARREAL, CELIA946 MARTIRI CT VILLARREAL JORGE 946 MARTIRI CT GILROYCA95020 20027 822718 153.33 1.53 154.86 61 841-02-001 LYNCH, LEILA8091 SWANSTON LANE #3 JOHN GIANCOLA & SONS INC PRO SHAR TR 10500 FOOTHILL AVE GILROYCA95020 20498 1328319 155.32 1.55 156.87 62 790-38-001 GONZALEZ, ROJELIO 290 LILLY AVE MATEOS MARIA E AND GONZALEZ ROGELIO D 290 LILLY AVE GILROYCA95020 20194 1167030 158.92 1.59 160.51 63 799-24-054 GALLEGOS, ATHENA781 5TH STREET GALLEGOS JUSTIN S AND ATHENA L 781 5TH ST GILROYCA95020 20404 1379262 158.92 1.59 160.51 64 783-76-018ALVAREZ, ALFREDO 9525 GRANDE DRIVEALVAREZ CHRISTINA L AND ALFREDO 9525 GRANDE DR GILROYCA95020 20100 1012384 160.30 1.60 161.90 65 799-03-070 HOSTON, ANNA7760-A EIGLEBERRY ST MARTINEZ FLORENCE 7760 EIGLEBERRY ST GILROYCA95020 19900 155853 167.46 1.67 169.13 66 790-19-050 FLUKER, DAVID 767 MARIA WAYFLUKER DAVID J 767 MARIA WAY GILROYCA95020 19958 360891 172.11 1.72 173.83 67 790-22-010 BAUTISTA MARTINEZ, CINTIA890-C EL CERRITO WAYLEE MAUREEN M 3855 CALIFORNIA ST #2 SAN FRANCISCO CA94118 20522 1366186 175.32 1.75 177.07 68 790-03-084 DUTRA, AMBER 1160 PETERSEN DRIVE MARTINEZ FRANCISCO N 1160 PETERSEN DR GILROYCA95020 20140 1085844 175.74 1.76 177.50 69 841-11-078 MONTELONGO, SALVADOR7201 CHESTNUT STREET #ABAY ELITE HOMES INC 530 LAWRENCE EXPWY #511 SUNNYVALE CA94085 20377 1351659 192.71 1.93 194.64 70 790-15-051 LOPEZ, ALFREDO 191 RONAN AVENUE LOPEZ ALFREDO AND RICO-LOPEZ MARGARITA191 RONAN AVE GILROYCA95020 20013 664706 192.81 1.93 194.74 71 783-75-018 VILLA, EWELINA1511 LONGMEADOW CT VILLA RIQUE A1511 LONGMEADOW CT GILROYCA95020 20145 1098656 196.79 1.97 198.76 72 790-47-035 OROZCO, MARIA AND ELISIO 159 HENNESSEY WAYOROZCO ELISEO 159 HENNESSEY WAY GILROYCA95020 20228 1195643 198.71 1.99 200.70 73 799-42-073 KATO, MELISSA305 VICTORIA DRIVE KATO MELISSA305 VICTORIA DR GILROYCA95020 20186 1152446 200.67 2.01 202.68 74 799-33-077 WALLACE, JANET 22 ANGRA WAYWALLACE GEORGE P AND JANET L 22 ANGRA WAY GILROYCA95020 20184 1151257 203.04 2.03 205.07 75 790-25-063 DUONG, NGOC MINH 728 CARVER PLACE DUONG MICHAEL & NGOC MINH 728 CARVER PL GILROYCA95020 20432 1403708 203.04 2.03 205.07 76 841-64-096 GARCIA, MIGUEL ANGEL ESPINOZA8110-A SWANSTON LANEHEWELL MARK E AND SABRINA L TRUSTEE & ET AL PO BOX 1901 GILROYCA95021 20408 1382639 203.40 2.03 205.43 77 783-23-034 NEWILL, PATRICIA1403 WELBURN AVENUE NEWILL VICTOR PAUL AND PATRICIA CARROLL TRU 1403 WELBURN AVE GILROYCA95020 20061 922310 207.12 2.07 209.19 78 783-66-014 CONTRERAS, ROSE MARIE 8920 AZARA ST CONTRERAS ADRIAN AND ROSEMARIE 8920 AZARA ST GILROYCA95020 20326 1318823 207.12 2.07 209.19 79 783-62-037 VARELA, SOLEDAD & RAFAEL 1146 SPRIG WAYVARELA SOLEDAD G ET AL 1146 SPRIG WAY GILROYCA95020 20068 945519 209.04 2.09 211.13 80 799-13-059 COLIN, MANUEL 7000 PRINCEVALLE ST PEREZ GERALDINE ET AL 7000 PRINCEVALLE ST GILROYCA95020 20202 1172840 209.04 2.09 211.13 81 790-07-054 LANDERS, LORI 30 STURLA WAYLANDERS ERIC E AND LORI D 30 STURLA WAY GILROYCA95020 20086 987370 210.20 2.10 212.30 82 790-14-062 GARZA, ANITA V. 9040 FREEMAN COURT ZAMORA JESSIE J AND ANITA9040 FREEMAN CT GILROYCA95020 19907 162073 210.20 2.10 212.30 83 799-24-019 BOYER, DAVID 821 5TH STREET BOYER DAVID B JR 821 5TH ST GILROYCA95020 20525 1002344 211.56 2.12 213.68 84 783-49-066 PAHN, TOM 1130 ARAPAHO DRIVE NGUYEN TIEN V AND PHAN LINDA L 1130 ARAPAHO DR GILROYCA95020 20103 1014729 214.38 2.14 216.52 85 799-12-036 MCKENNA, RUDY7151 ROSANNA STREET MCKENNA RUDY7151 ROSANNA ST GILROYCA95020 20514 842153 214.38 2.14 216.52 86 808-54-025 CHETTIAR, CENOBIA7180 SPUMANTE CT SHAO XIAOGUANG 7180 SPUMANTE CT GILROYCA95020 20375 1349919 214.38 2.14 216.52 87 808-32-036 MARTINEZ, CHRISTIAN ERNESTO 7400 FILICE DRIVEAUSTIN JANICE L 1153 APACHE CT GILROYCA95020 20363 1343268 214.38 2.14 216.52 Page 1 of 3As of June 28, 20229.1.bPacket Pg. 68Attachment: Exhibit A - Customer List as of June 28 2022 (3784 : 2022 Garbage Liens) # APN# Customer Name Service AddressOwner NameOwner Address2Owner City Owner State Owner ZipLien # Acct # Lien $ County Fee 1% Total88 799-29-017 BAGLIERE, JOSEPH MICHALE 724 GEORGETOWN PL PARODI SARAH SUSANNE 724 GEORGETOWN PL GILROYCA95020 20454 1425396 217.22 2.17 219.39 89 790-38-031 FERNANDEZ, DARLENE 282 LOUPE COURT FERNANDEZ DARLENE 282 LOUPE CT GILROYCA95020 19918 176552 220.71 2.21 222.92 90 799-40-018 TAMEZ, MICHAEL GARCIA610 BLOSSOM GLEN CT TAMEZ MICHAEL GARCIA & ROMAN GABRIEL GARCIA610 BLOSSOM GLEN CT GILROYCA95020 20443 1417534 221.53 2.22 223.75 91 808-56-059 DECKER, KARINE F. 7070 SPUMANTE WAYLOAIZA ROY THOMAS 7070 SPUMANTE WAY GILROYCA95020 20440 1416346 223.31 2.23 225.54 92 790-25-087 RAMELB, RUSSELL P 747 BAXTER WAYRAMELB RUSSELL AND CARDONA ANDREA747 BAXTER WAY GILROYCA95020 20327 1318906 232.10 2.32 234.42 93 808-10-030 LCRP PROPERTIES 1151 DRIFTWOOD TERR LCRP PROPERTIES LLC 4381 GUILFORD AVE LIVERMORE CA94550 20510 1436500 237.32 2.37 239.69 94 841-09-077AMADO, JOHANNA7327 CHESTNUT ST LE SON THANH AND CHU PHUONG L 2780 LEAVESLEY RD GILROYCA95020 20287 1273440 238.49 2.38 240.87 95 799-08-021 TENORIO, DONNA7311 B EIGLEBERRY ST LUONG NHON VAN ET AL 2320 MILLSTREAM LN SAN RAMON CA94582 20108 1021179 239.34 2.39 241.73 96 799-10-015 GARCIA HERNANDEZ, FIDEL 148 W 8TH ST #1/2 NSMS PROPERTIES LLC 148 W 8TH ST GILROYCA95020 20449 1423110 242.77 2.43 245.20 97 810-68-055 FLORES, JUANITA7547 TURNBERRY WYFLORES JUANITA ET AL 7547 TURNBERRY WAY GILROYCA95020 20094 1004993 243.49 2.43 245.92 98 808-05-039 DOMINGUEZ, ALEJANDRO SR. 1110 SAN MIGUEL ST DOMINGUEZ ALEJANDRO AND NATALIE F1110 SAN MIGUEL ST GILROYCA95020 19956 355842 245.15 2.45 247.60 99 808-55-004 WAN, BING 1571 ZEPHYR PLACE WAN BING AND DING LI 1140 RUBY WAY GILROYCA95020 20442 1417476 246.10 2.46 248.56 100 799-09-003 VILLALBA, JAKE 7297 CHURCH STREET VILLALBA JACOB B AND SENAIDA M 13860 SYCAMORE AVE SAN MARTIN CA95046 19999 600262 258.92 2.59 261.51 101 841-04-022 PONCELET, EVAN 291 LEWIS STREET PONCELET EVAN 291 LEWIS ST GILROYCA95020 20302 1295179 260.52 2.61 263.13 102 799-25-030 BECERRA, AURORA736 5TH STREET HISERMAN ELIZABETH A6675 DEVON PL GILROYCA95020 20412 1387307 275.66 2.76 278.42 103 799-32-002 MARTINEZ, ELISA6820 ROSANNA STREET MARTINEZ JOSEPH S AND ELISA6820 ROSANNA ST GILROYCA95020 19926 188524 275.79 2.76 278.55 104 808-02-022 CHAVEZ TORRES, BEATRIZ 1240 JUNIPER DRIVE #ABK BROWN FAM LP 438 N EL CAMINO REAL SAN CLEMENTE CA92672 20390 1361229 285.32 2.85 288.17 105 808-32-090 GARCIA, OSCAR 7440 SANTA THERESA DR GARCIA OSCAR 7440 SANTA THERESA DR GILROYCA95020 20286 1273119 295.15 2.95 298.10 106 790-53-058 JULIAN, MICHELLE 8750 FLORAL ST JULIAN ZYRUS AND MICHELE 8750 FLORAL ST GILROYCA95020 20212 1178961 295.32 2.95 298.27 107 790-22-017 HICKS, HEIDI 820-A EL CERRITO WAYTEMPERINO VINCENT E 4520 ROOP RD GILROYCA95020 20400 1375930 300.32 3.00 303.32 108 799-45-046 ROBLEDO, JOSE 6467 HYDE PARK DRIVE ROBLEDO MERCEDES ET AL 6467 HYDE PARK DR GILROYCA95020 20484 1115930 300.72 3.01 303.73 109 799-09-020 MUNOZ,VICTOR M JR 7256 ROSANNA STREET MUNOZ VICTOR M JR AND ALVAREZ HAIDEE E 12945 SYCAMORE AVE SAN MARTIN CA95046 19955 342477 300.76 3.01 303.77 110 808-48-099 VELASQUEZ, SANDRA164 LUSITANO WAYARTOLA DAVID R 164 LUSITANO WAY GILROYCA95020 20182 1144526 305.59 3.06 308.65 111 808-48-035 CAMPOS, RAFAEL JR. & VENISHA R 74 CASPIAN WAYCAMPOS RAFAEL J AND VENISHA ROSE ET AL 74 CASPIAN WAY GILROYCA95020 20271 1247204 305.59 3.06 308.65 112 808-44-043 FLORES, MARCO 7919 KIPLING CIR FLORES MARCO A AND CARRILLO TIFFANY E 7919 KIPLING CIR GILROYCA95020 20088 993071 305.59 3.06 308.65 113 799-01-032 PROUNH, CHRISTOPHER 111 2ND ST PROUNH CHRISTOPHER 111 2ND ST GILROYCA95020 20430 1403179 306.66 3.07 309.73 114 783-50-058 PALMER, MARYLOU 1463 PHEASANT DRIVE PALMER MARY L 1463 PHEASANT DR GILROYCA95020 20147 1100213 306.66 3.07 309.73 115 790-23-052 LILFAM, LLC, NICK THE GREEK741 1ST ST OW FAMILY - GILROY TOWN PLAZA LLC 1601 41ST AVE #202 CAPITOLACA95010 20508 1419449 314.14 3.14 317.28 116 810-53-013 TSIGARIS, DIMITRIOS 2380 CLUB DR GREWAL GAGANDEEP KAUR 2380 CLUB DR GILROYCA95020 20120 1051937 317.14 3.17 320.31 117 799-16-019 BEALE, MARY7240 PRINCEVALLE ST PICAZO MARTIN & ESTELA7240 PRINCEVALLE ST GILROYCA95020 20269 1246883 318.13 3.18 321.31 118 783-50-079 LANCASTER, KRIS 1400 BRIARBERRY LANE LANCASTER KRIS D AND LAURA1400 BRIARBERRY LN GILROYCA95020 20267 1245257 320.71 3.21 323.92 119 841-11-067 LEBARRE, PHILLIP F 423 E 8TH ST #4 PHAM DUNG H AND REGINA T18625 SAGE CT SARATOGACA95070 20371 1348291 320.71 3.21 323.92 120 790-29-008 MAQUINALEZ, SARAH 521 ARNOLD DRIVE MAQUINALEZ HENRY AND BRENDA8345 KERN AVE GILROYCA95020 20111 1029347 320.71 3.21 323.92 121 799-44-017 MARCELINO, ATILANO 6740 PRINCEVALLE ST HEINZEN ALAN B AND JANIS R TRUSTEE 2482 HOWELL LN GILROYCA95020 20266 1243435 320.71 3.21 323.92 122 799-38-029 VALENZUELA, SUSIE 706 W 9TH ST OCHOA ROBERT L AND MERCY E 1590 EL DORADO DR GILROYCA95020 20201 1171453 320.71 3.21 323.92 123 799-09-030 GONZALES, BENJAMIN 7265 EIGLEBERRY ST GONZALES BENJAMIN F ET AL 7265 EIGLEBERRY ST GILROYCA95020 20219 1184068 320.71 3.21 323.92 124 799-25-040 HERNANDEZ, ELEAZAR 731 W 6TH ST HERNANDEZ ELEAZAR U 731 W 6TH ST GILROYCA95020 20216 1183169 320.71 3.21 323.92 125 790-32-042 HUYNH, LOAN NGOC 7937 HANNA STREET HUYNH LOAN 7937 HANNA ST #A GILROYCA95020 20411 1387109 320.71 3.21 323.92 126 841-64-014 HERNANDEZ, OLIVIA8280 FOREST STREET CALIMPONG BENJAMIN F AND YOLANDA G 8280 FOREST ST GILROYCA95020 20055 910539 320.71 3.21 323.92 127 790-16-094 TAPIA, CANDIE 9167 EL VERANO WAYGARZA RUIZ CECILIA M 675 S 6TH ST SAN JOSE CA95112 20279 1261460 320.71 3.21 323.92 128 808-40-058 DOMINGUEZ, RAY & TERRY6301 SNOWBERRY CT DOMINGUEZ REMIGIO AND TERESA6301 SNOWBERRY CT GILROYCA95020 19994 581280 327.31 3.27 330.58 129 783-36-026 GRECO, GENESSA1605 ANSON COURT GRECO GENESSA A1605 ANSON CT GILROYCA95020 20074 967497 332.41 3.32 335.73 130 841-13-025 HERNANDEZ FOOD SERVICES40 HORNLEIN CTTN PROPERTIES, LLC 1642 REMUDA LN SAN JOSE CA95112 20489 1221829 341.81 3.42 345.23 131 799-11-021 MARTINEZ, ASUNCION CHAVEZ 7051 EIGLEBERRY ST BURGARA MONICO ARCINIEGA7051 EIGLEBERRY ST GILROYCA95020 20052 899765 343.92 3.44 347.36 132 790-39-001 MONGE-IZQUIERDO, MARIA DEL 8114 KELTON DRIVE #DPHAM REGINA T AND DUNG HONG 18625 SAGE CT SARATOGACA95070 20342 1333921 344.52 3.45 347.97 133 783-61-084 HERRERA, ESTHER & FRED 1510 DOVETAIL WYHERRERA FREDDIE AND ESTHER M 1510 DOVETAIL WAY GILROYCA95020 20241 1209683 346.01 3.46 349.47 134 835-27-016 DIAZ, LUZ M 400 KENNEDY COURT DIAZ LUZ M 400 KENNEDY CT GILROYCA95020 20089 994566 354.25 3.54 357.79 135 841-05-009 GARCIA, FRANCISCO 7521 1/2 CHESTNUT STREET MASOUMI BROTHERS LLC 12280 SARATOGA SUNNYVALE RD #211 SARATOGACA95070 20185 1151307 359.28 3.59 362.87 136 808-28-042 JIMENEZ, ATHENA MARIE 958-A MONTEBELLO DR KHAN MOHAMMAD SALEEM 4192 CRESCENDO AVE SAN JOSE CA95136 20248 1218957 380.76 3.81 384.57 137 799-15-041 LOPEZ GARCIA, ARMANDO 7240 HANNA STREET #6PHAM DUNG H AND REGINA T 18625 SAGE CT SARATOGACA95070 20333 1324789 389.19 3.89 393.08 138 790-22-011AVILA, GRACE 880 EL CERRITO WAY #ABAKHTAR MOHAMMAD H TRUSTEE & ET AL 2500 DRYDEN AVE GILROYCA95020 20499 1328830 396.72 3.97 400.69 139 783-71-061 RAM, KAMINI 1720 HEMLOCK CT LI DAQING AND NIE JIAN 1720 HEMLOCK CT GILROYCA95020 20398 1371244 400.40 4.00 404.40 140 841-09-048 LAZARO, VANITY7330 MAPLE STREET BERNSTEIN JAN A7350 MAPLE ST GILROYCA95020 20153 1104025 400.72 4.01 404.73 141 790-51-012 LOW, GREG 8841 FUCHSIA COURT LOW GREGORY S 8841 FUCHSIA CT GILROYCA95020 19908 162255 409.42 4.09 413.51 142 810-56-001 TRAN, RACHEAL 3030 CLUB DR TRAN RACHEL 3030 CLUB DR GILROYCA95020 20053 901587 410.20 4.10 414.30 143 808-52-007 DEMAYO, VALENTINO 6371 TANNAT LANE DEMAYO VALENTINO A AND THAI TAM T TRUSTEE 6371 TANNAT LN GILROYCA95020 20238 1206101 410.20 4.10 414.30 144 810-50-040 QUINBY, BEVERLY7432 HOYLAKE CT QUINBY PETE AND BEVERLY J 7432 HOYLAKE CT GILROYCA95020 19961 370007 410.20 4.10 414.30 145 799-10-020 GARCIA MONTERO, MIGUEL ANGEL 7131 EIGLEBERRY ST #ACENICEROS MANUEL B RAMIREZ & KAREN S RAMIREZ 7131 EIGLEBERRY ST GILROYCA95020 20436 1408111 418.89 4.19 423.08 146 783-76-001 REYES, MINDY1025 SPRIG WAYFILICE CRAIG P 7888 WREN AVE #D143 GILROYCA95020 20189 1159417 425.32 4.25 429.57 147 808-06-069 TOSCANO, RENE 1100 3RD ST TOSCANO RENE 1100 THIRD ST GILROYCA95020 19933 197442 425.32 4.25 429.57 148 783-50-109 LAZARO, ALAN D. 1407 BRIARBERRY LANE LAZARO ALAN D AND DELYN N 1407 BRIARBERRY LN GILROYCA95020 19970 451773 425.32 4.25 429.57 149 790-38-070 GUERRERO, JESSE 203 LOUPE COURT GUERRERO JESSE I 203 LOUPE CT GILROYCA95020 20028 822858 425.32 4.25 429.57 150 841-03-038 MIRAMONTES, CATHERINE 331 WALNUT LANE MIRAMONTES GUADALUPE AND CATHERINE ET AL 331 WALNUT LN GILROYCA95020 20168 1120187 425.32 4.25 429.57 151 790-53-103 MARSHALL, CHANDA355 MANTELLI DR MARSHALL CHANDA ET AL 355 MANTELLI DR GILROYCA95020 20268 1245778 425.32 4.25 429.57 152 799-13-045 PACHECO, LUIS 421 W 10TH ST PACHECO LUIS R 421 W 10TH ST GILROYCA95020 20072 965350 425.32 4.25 429.57 153 790-16-066 PEDROZA, RAQUEL 515 RONAN AVENUE PEDROZA MARIA DEL C AND ALFREDO D 515 RONAN AVE GILROYCA95020 20035 836023 425.32 4.25 429.57 154 808-56-065 VILLANUEVA, ALEJANDRA7000 SPUMANTE WAYVILLANUEVA ALEJANDRA ET AL7000 SPUMANTE WAY GILROYCA95020 20369 1347210 425.32 4.25 429.57 155 799-10-069 GUARDADO, AMERICA7100 ROSANNA STREET MUELLER MATTHEW L 13600 A CLAYTON RD SAN JOSE CA95127 20278 1258029 425.32 4.25 429.57 156 799-15-039 ORTIZ, CARLOS 7224 HANNA STREET #AHINDS JOE H TRUSTEE 2060 WILDER CT GILROYCA95020 20381 1356161 425.32 4.25 429.57 157 799-17-013 PUA, SUSHMITA7350 PRINCEVALLE ST PUA LEONA9087 SAN JUAN CT GILROYCA95020 20316 1305929 425.32 4.25 429.57 158 841-07-013 MATA DIAZ, REYNA7450 CHESTNUT STREET #BNGUYEN HUNG QUOC AND LE HUNG THI 7450 CHESTNUT ST GILROYCA95020 20382 1356252 425.32 4.25 429.57 159 841-05-004 MOZZONE, THOMAS ROBERT JR 7575 CHESTNUT STREET MOZZONE THOMAS R JR 7575 A CHESTNUT ST GILROYCA95020 20349 1337328 425.32 4.25 429.57 160 790-24-072 NEWTON, CHELSEY JANAE 763-C EL CERRITO WAYSCIUTTO GEORGE J AND ANITA L TRUSTEE 535 RIVERVIEW DR CAPITOLACA95010 20146 1100122 425.32 4.25 429.57 161 799-02-036 VILLA MARTINEZ, MAYRA7762 HANNA STREET HERNANDEZ ELEAZAR 7760 HANNA ST GILROYCA95020 20409 1384718 425.32 4.25 429.57 162 841-64-096 RAMIREZ, LETICIA8110-B SWANSTON LANE HEWELL MARK E AND SABRINA L TRUSTEE & ET AL PO BOX 1901 GILROYCA95021 20138 1083187 425.32 4.25 429.57 163 783-01-028 GOELZ, JASON 8120 CATALINA COURT GOELZ JASON AND ARASU JANAGI 8120 CATALINA CT GILROYCA95020 20128 1070796 425.32 4.25 429.57 164 790-02-005 SOLORIO, FREDDY8337 GAUNT AVENUE SOLORIO FREDDY8337 GAUNT AVE GILROYCA95020 20097 1007343 425.32 4.25 429.57 165 790-25-013 SUTHERLAND, KRISTINA8417 WAYLAND LANE REYNOSO JOSE JR ET AL 8417 WAYLAND LN GILROYCA95020 20357 1341619 425.32 4.25 429.57 166 790-03-018 BRUNS, JULIE 8421 GAUNT AVENUE BRUNS ROBERT M AND JULIE A8421 GAUNT AVE GILROYCA95020 20082 982926 425.32 4.25 429.57 167 790-42-047 BEVAN, TOM 8583 CULP DRIVE BEVAN THOMAS M 8583 CULP DR GILROYCA95020 20166 1119205 425.32 4.25 429.57 168 808-32-042 GIBSON, RACHELLE 905 WENTZ DRIVE CONTRERAS LARRY A AND RACHEL P 905 WENTZ DR GILROYCA95020 19953 328617 425.32 4.25 429.57 169 790-07-014 NUEZ, DANIEL9360 CHURCH ST NUEZ DANIEL C9360 CHURCH ST GILROYCA95020 19985 546184 425.32 4.25 429.57 170 783-63-054 HUYNH, STACY9632 CHERRYWOOD CT HUYNH CALVIN M AND STACY9632 CHERRYWOOD CT GILROYCA95020 20005 624775 425.32 4.25 429.57 171 790-01-037 VALLE, EDGAR 641 EDEN STREET YANG ZHIGANG AND ZHANG YING 4626 BATEN WAY SAN JOSE CA95135 20217 1183656 435.20 4.35 439.55 172 790-42-090 VARGAS, YVONNE 940 HOESCH WAYCASTRO AARON B AND LAURA940 HOESCH WAY GILROYCA95020 20389 1360791 437.21 4.37 441.58 173 790-53-043 LEDESMA, JENNIFER 8773 FLORAL ST LIZARRAGA JAIME S 8773 FLORAL ST GILROYCA95020 20245 1215193 443.80 4.44 448.24 174 841-03-021DIAZ, DUNIA360 WALNUT LANE SINGH KIRPAL 360 WALNUT LN GILROYCA95020 20218 1184001 451.47 4.51 455.98 Page 2 of 3As of June 28, 20229.1.bPacket Pg. 69Attachment: Exhibit A - Customer List as of June 28 2022 (3784 : 2022 Garbage Liens) # APN# Customer Name Service AddressOwner NameOwner Address2Owner City Owner State Owner ZipLien # Acct # Lien $ County Fee 1% Total175 799-12-029 ROSALES, ANGELICA7170 HANNA STREET #ACALIXTRO J ISABEL PO BOX 1256 GILROYCA95021 20040 848283 458.06 4.58 462.64 176 799-22-005 SANCHEZ DELGADO, JAVIER 7751 REA STREET FAROTTE NANCY7500 WESTWOOD DR GILROYCA95020 20311 1302389 458.61 4.59 463.20 177 841-03-011 HERNANDEZ, BARBARA340 IOOF AVE - FRONT SANDOVAL JOSE H 340 IOOF AVE GILROYCA95020 20009 654723 458.92 4.59 463.51 178 799-16-035 GARCIA, HELEN 7225 DOWDY STREET CID JOSE CARLOS 7225 DOWDY ST GILROYCA95020 20291 1275478 458.92 4.59 463.51 179 790-40-023 SOUZA, MEL 827 WELBURN AVENUE SOUZA MELVIN ET AL 827 WELBURN AVE GILROYCA95020 19945 254235 458.92 4.59 463.51 180 799-39-023 PEREZ, VICTOR & ANA MARIA875 DEARBORN PLACE PEREZ VICTOR & ANA MARIA875 DEARBORN PL GILROYCA95020 20272 1251347 458.92 4.59 463.51 181 790-65-070 VENKATESAN, SHYAMSUNDAR 9540 HUMMINGBIRD LANE VENKATESAN SHYAMSUNDAR 9540 HUMMINGBIRD LN GILROYCA95020 20170 1125822 458.92 4.59 463.51 182 790-19-070 LEON, MAURICIO 751 LAWRENCE DRIVE LEON FRANCISCO J 751 LAWRENCE DR GILROYCA95020 20172 1126200 468.34 4.68 473.02 183 841-62-008 ROMO, ANDREA430 TAFT COURT MOZZONE THOMAS R JR 430 TAFT CT GILROYCA95020 20163 1115948 505.77 5.06 510.83 184 835-04-011ARMENDARIZ, AUGUSTINA490 LAS ANIMAS AVEARMENDARIZ AUGUSTINA V DURAN 490 LAS ANIMAS AVE GILROYCA95020 20154 1104363 506.04 5.06 511.10 185 790-34-008 ROMERO, BRIAN 8390 CARMEL STREET ROMERO BRIAN K8390 CARMEL ST GILROYCA95020 19893 144261 525.32 5.25 530.57 186 799-37-062 MADRIL, DENISE 7170 HARVARD PLACE MADRIL DENISE J 16529 W FAWN DR GOODYEARAZ 85338 20101 1013077 557.93 5.58 563.51 187 808-04-067 MENDOZA, MONICA7612 LAUREL DRIVE ROSSO PEDRO J AND EVELIA M 7612 LAUREL DR GILROYCA95020 20076 971606 570.71 5.71 576.42 188 841-64-005 MIER, GRISELDA8120 FOREST STREET MIER JOSE AND GRISELDA8120 FOREST ST GILROYCA95020 20282 1263656 583.48 5.83 589.31 189 810-52-031 BUGNA, CHARLOTTE 2520 CLUB DR MAHGOUB NIDAL A AND WIDATALLA MIRGHANI A2520 CLUB DR GILROYCA95020 20274 1253822 593.92 5.94 599.86 190 808-46-056 SMITH, KASEY WILLIAM 7941 ENGLISH OAK CR SPENO JEFFREY AND JENNIFER L TRUSTEE 8140 DE VILLE CT GILROYCA95020 20367 1347160 593.92 5.94 599.86 191 783-40-014 MARTINEZ, FRANCISCO C. III.9416 WETSAND COURT LI PERCY T AND SHERRY H TRUSTEE 9416 WETSAND CT GILROYCA95020 20417 1389493 596.26 5.96 602.22 192 841-05-014 ZAPIEN, SANTOS 7536 FOREST STREET GONZALEZ SANTOS ZAPIEN 7536 FOREST ST GILROYCA95020 20526 1037951 601.44 6.01 607.45 193 783-34-036 VARGAS, RYAN AND ALLISON 1133 PAMPAS VARGAS RYAN J & ALLISON 1133 PAMPAS LN GILROYCA95020 19947 262964 609.04 6.09 615.13 194 799-09-036 SOTELO, FRANCES 7217 EIGLEBERRY ST VILLICANA ALICIA ET AL 1281 HERSMAN DR GILROYCA95020 20223 1187756 621.43 6.21 627.64 195 808-17-071 PADILLA, JOSEPH 1271 HERSMAN DRIVEAMAYA DAVID DANIEL 1271 HERSMAN DR GILROYCA95020 20193 1166594 637.28 6.37 643.65 196 841-13-025 HERNANDEZ FOOD SERVICES40 HORNLEIN CTTN PROPERTIES, LLC 1642 REMUDA LN SAN JOSE CA95112 20251 1221829 683.62 6.84 690.46 197 799-43-040 BOTELHO, MITCHELL 6455 HASTINGS PLACE BOTELHO MITCHELL E AND CAROLYN C 6455 HASTINGS PL GILROYCA95020 20313 1304013 730.63 7.31 737.94 198 841-53-019 HARRISON, ALLISON 564 HOOVER COURT LE MINH TRAM THI 564 HOOVER CT GILROYCA95020 20033 829796 797.52 7.98 805.50 199 841-05-060 MOUNTAIN EMPIRE ENTERPRISES LL 7560 MONTEREY RD GILROY INVESTMENT PARTNERS LLC 2564 WILDE AVE PLEASANTON CA94588 20529 1401272 2,675.95 26.76 2,702.71 200 841-04-029 THE CANNERY APTS 111 LEWIS STREET GILROY LEWIS STREET L P 151 KALMUS DR #J5 COSTA MESACA92626 20509 1436492 4,497.64 44.98 4,542.62 63,123.80$ 631.12$ 63,754.92$ Page 3 of 3As of June 28, 20229.1.bPacket Pg. 70Attachment: Exhibit A - Customer List as of June 28 2022 (3784 : 2022 Garbage Liens) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Adopt a Resolution Updating the Citywide User Fee Schedule Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Finance Department Submitted By:Harjot Sangha, Finance Director Prepared By:Harjot Sangha, Finance Director Strategic Plan Goals ý Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION 1.Open and close the Public Hearing. 2.Adopt a resolution updating the Citywide User Fee Schedule based on the 2022 Comprehensive User Fee Study. BACKGROUND As part of its FY22 and FY23 workplan, Finance has completed an update to the City’s Comprehensive User Fee Schedule.The City’s current fee schedule was last updated and adopted in 2014. The fee schedule establishes user fees charged for services rendered by various departments.The User Fee Study (“Study”) was made available to the community and frequent users of City services, such as developers and contractors. Staff conducted two community meetings, on June 9th and June 16th, to solicit feedback. 9.2 Packet Pg. 71 At the June 20, 2022 regular City Council meeting, the Study was formally presented to the City Council. The June 20th Staff Report provides the summary results of the Study, both of which are included as attachments to this report. In addition to adjusting the fees, staff introduced an ordinance to amend sections of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code, entitled “Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue”, which is agendized to be adopted on July 5, 2022 meeting as well. Formal adoption of the updated fee schedule is required by a duly passed Resolution of the City Council at Public Hearing. As such, staff recommends City Council conduct a Public Hearing and adopt the attached Resolution. FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE There is no fiscal impact to adopting the resolution which establishes the revision to the Citywide User Fee Schedule. The cost for the user fee study to update the 2019 study was $7,500 and is included in the Finance Department’s adopted FY22 budget. Various departments have contributed efforts to review and update the fee calculation models and the work was accommodated within their respective department workplans. The adjusted fees are projected to recover the cost of providing the various City services and make the organization financially resilient. NEXT STEPS The new fees will be updated and become effective August 1, 2022. The upcoming change will be communicated via the City’s Communications and Engagement office, and signage will be posted at the various service counters. Attachments: 1.Draft Resolution 2.Exhibit A -Fee Schedule 3.June 20 Staff Report 4.User Fee Study 9.2 Packet Pg. 72 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY UPDATING THE CITYWIDE USER FEE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, State law allows cities to charge fees for services rendered by various Departments to individuals or group so long as the amount of those fees and charges do not exceed the reasonable cost required to provide the service for which the fees and charges are levied; and WHEREAS, Gilroy City Code authorizes the establishment of such fees and charges and their cost recovery percentages; and WHEREAS, the City’s User Fee Schedule was last updated and adopted in 2014 via Resolution 2014-15; and WHEREAS, the City hired a consultant, Willdan Financial Services, to conduct a Comprehensive User Fee Study “Study” which outlines the basis for those fees and charges and provides the revised fee schedule, as set forth in the City Staff Report dated June 20, 2022; and WHEREAS, after review and analysis with all departments and the City Administrator, staff recommends revisions to the 2014 Citywide User Fee Schedule, as authorized by the various sections of the City Code; and WHEREAS, the public hearing for the updated Citywide User Fee Schedule has been publicly noticed for July 5, 2022; and WHEREAS, Section 7.4 of the Gilroy City Code provides that all fees and charges set forth shall take effect upon a duly passed resolution of the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Gilroy approves the 2022 update to the Citywide User Fee Schedule, attached hereto as “Exhibit A” and adopts the same to apply to all departments of the City of Gilroy. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the updated fees and charges contained in the schedule shall take effect August 1, 2022. 9.2.a Packet Pg. 73 Attachment: Draft Resolution (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Resolution No. 2022-XX Citywide User Fee Schedule City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED on this 5th day of July 2022, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: APPROVED: Marie Blankley, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 9.2.a Packet Pg. 74 Attachment: Draft Resolution (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) General Administration…………………………………………………….. 1 Finance……………………………………………………………………………… 3 South County Regional Wastewater Authority…………………… 7 Public Works……………………………………………………………………… 8 Recreation…………………………………………………………………………. 14 Fire…………………………………………………………………………………….. 19 Police…………………………………………………………………………………. 24 Community Development – Building…………………………………. 31 Community Development – Planning…………………………………. 44 9.2.b Packet Pg. 75 Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) General Administration# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Miscellaneous City Code Section 7.1.(a)1 Letter of Verification, Certification & ClearanceDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct costDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct cost2Notice of Intent to Circulate Filing Fee200.00(EC 9202(b))$200.003 ResearchDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct costminimum ½ hourDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct cost4Special Services/InspectionsDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct costAfter Hours: Calculated Rate at time and a halfminimum 3 hours if called back after hoursDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct costAfter Hours: Calculated Rate at time and a half5Notary FeeNewMaximum fees established by GC 8211 Maximum Reproduction Fees (City Code Section 7.1. (a), 17A.29 & Res. 2008‐55)6Agendas/Agenda Packet/Minutes of all Policy Body Meetings (City‐wide) 0.01Per page + postage$0.017Meeting Audio and Video Recordings (City‐wide)Direct Costs of Medium Used Direct Costs of Medium Used8Audio and Video Recording TranscriptionDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct costDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct cost9Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Filings Copies0.10Per Page$0.1010 Photo Copies (City‐wide)0.10Per page + postage$0.1011Other reproductions onto USBDirect Costs of Medium Used Direct Costs of Medium Used12Microfilm ReproductionNewActual CostSubpoena19.2.bPacket Pg. 76Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) General Administration# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 202213 Subpoena Duces Tecum ‐ standard page 0.10 per pageActual cost for oversize plus personnel costs and postage$0.1014 Subpoena Duces Tecum ‐ microfilm0.20per microfilmActual cost for oversize plus personnel costs and postageActual Cost15 Subpoena Duces Tecum ‐ personnel cost6.00per 1/4 hr plus postage costs$15.8516 City Employees Subpoenaed as Witness 275.00per day minimum depositGovernment Code Sections 68096.1 and 68097.2. Actual cost to be determined.  If less than min deposit, difference to be refunded, if more than min deposit, additional expense to be billed$275.0029.2.bPacket Pg. 77Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Finance# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022City Code Section 7.1. (a)) (City Code Chapter 13, Article IV and City Code Section 16A.6)(City Code Section 13.39)1Change (other than location of ownership) Renewal/Reprint15.00$44.002Commercial/Industrial ‐ No Fire/Bldg Inspections Required 120.00$183.003 Commercial/Industrial ‐ Only Fire Inspection Required 250.00$439.004Commercial/Industrial ‐ Fire & Building Inspections Required370.00$454.005Home Occupation 70.00$161.006Salon Space/Out‐of‐town business service address 30.00$30.007 Pretreatment/CUPA Review 40.00$24.008 Police Regulated Business Review 190.00 If fee is not covered under the cost of permit$255.009 a.New businesses will pay on esƟmated gross receipts for partial year and first full year's license. b.Fees for subsequent years will be based upon  annual gross receipts as follows: (Each branch location will be reported separately)City Code Sections 13.43 and 13.44(a)$           0 ‐ $     40,00040.00Annually$40.00$  40,001 ‐ $   140,00080.00Annually$80.00$140,001 ‐ $   240,000120.00Annually$120.00$240,001 ‐ $   340,000160.00Annually$160.00$340,001 ‐ $   540,000200.00Annually$200.00$540,001 ‐ $   740,000240.00Annually$240.00$740,001 ‐ $   940,000280.00Annually$280.00$940,001 ‐ $1,140,000320.00AnnuallyAdditional $20 per year for each $200,000, or any portion thereof.$320.00$ 17,740,001 or more2,000.00Annually$2,000.00100 ‐ 20.00Annually$0.003 ‐ 540.00Annually$40.006 ‐ 2080.00Annually$80.0021 ‐ 40120.00Annually$120.00Licenses due January 1st of each year Business License Regulatory Review/Inspection FeesBusiness Licenses ‐ New/moved/change in location or ownershipRetail, wholesale business, manufacturing, food processors with a fixed place of business within the city limits.Apartments (at one location or address)Number of Units39.2.bPacket Pg. 78Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Finance# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202241 ‐ 60160.00Annually$160.0061 ‐ 80200.00Annually$200.0081 ‐ 100240.00Annually$240.00101 ‐ Over280.00Annually$280.00(City Code Section 13.40‐42)11Circus, Menagerie, Bullfight, Amusement Ride,  Carnival, Fair, etc.200.00 For first Day$150.00 for each additional day(City Code Section 13.44(c)) $200.0012 Contractors/Sub‐Contractors 90.00 Semi‐Annual $90.0013 Contractors/Sub‐Contractors 150.00 Annual$150.0014 Motor Vehicles 50.00 Annually(delivery trucks, taxicabs*, tow trucks*, ambulances, etc.)*Note: Also needs permit(City Code Section 13.42) $50.0015Non‐Professional business‐type services(primary service function)50.00 Annually$50.0016 Seasonal Sales Stands 50.00 (Christmas trees, fireworks, pumpkin patch, etc.) (City Code Section 13.44) $50.0017 Transient Business License100.00Annually Also needs permit$100.0018Transient Business License ‐ (Peddlers, Solicitors, Vendors, Vehicle, Wagon, Pushcart)50.00Monthly$50.0019 Vending/Music/Amusement Machines10.00per machine/ annually(City Code Section 13.40)$10.0020 ACPP (Abandoned Cart Prevention Plan) Review Fee 125.00per plan(City Code Section 19A.20)$116.0021 Abandoned Shopping Carts115.00per cart(City Code Section 19A.11)$153.0022 Downtown Vacant Building Registration120.00annual registration(Ordinance No. 2012‐02)$87.0023 Delinquent Account ReceivablesFinance/Utility Division hourly rate + direct costs(City Code Section 7.1. (a))Finance/Utility Division hourly rate + direct costs24 Interest Rate1.5%per month(City Code Section 2.43(f))$0.0225 Refuse Collection Lien ProcessAdministration Fee based on total cost to City(City Code Section 12.23‐10)Administration Fee based on total cost to City26 Returned Check Fee25.00first check, $35.00 subsequent checkstriple the amount of check if under California Civil “mailed by certified mail.”(California Civil Code Section 1719(a)) $25.0027 Garage Sale License 0.00per event 1 event allowed per cal. Year(City Code Section 13.44 (d))$0.00Licenses due July 1st of each year Miscellaneous Fees49.2.bPacket Pg. 79Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Finance# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesCity CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202228 Deposits ‐ Residential50.00(City Code Chapter 19, Article VI)$200.0029 Deposits ‐ Commercial*75.00/250.00/Amount determined by Finance Dept.(City Code Chapter 19, Article VI)$175/$3,500/ Amount determined by Finance Dept.30 Deposits ‐ Per Apartment Unit20.00(City Code Chapter 19, Article VI)$160.0031 Sewer Service Initiation Fee10.00(City Code Chapter 19, Article VI)$18.00# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202232 Deposits ‐ Residential50.00(City Code Section 27.42)$200.0033 Deposits ‐ Commercial*75.00/250.00/or higher amount determined by Finance Dept.(City Code Section 27.42)$175/$3,500/ Amount determined by Finance Dept.34 Deposits ‐ Per Apartment Unit20.00(City Code Section 27.42)$160.0035 Service Charge ‐ Backflow Inspection 37.00per device$58.0036 Service Charge ‐ Construction Water3.00f.f + $182.73/acre$3.0037 Delinquent Services70.00$50.0038 Delinquent Services ‐ Over‐time15.00additional$15.0039 Delinquent Services ‐ Call‐out130.00additional$150.0040 Delinquent Services ‐ Locking Services Required 45.00additional$45.0041 Delinquent Services ‐ Locking Services Broken 20.00additional$20.0042 Removal 60.00$77.0043 Test ‐ 1 ½” and over75.00$100.0044 Test ‐ ¾” to 1”140.00$181.0045 Deposit1,000.00per meter$1,000.0046 Usage65.00 +$4.65/1,000 galsHillside Pressure Rate per 1,000 gals. Zone 2 $5.40 Zone 3 $6.1665.00 +$4.65/1,000 galsMeterPortable Fire Hydrant MeterSanitary Sewer ServiceWater Service59.2.bPacket Pg. 80Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Finance# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202247 Water Meter ‐ 5/8 x ¾ inch 674.67Basic Cost ‐ $417.48 + Angle Stop ‐ $77.81 + Corporation Stop & Tap ‐ $179.38$714.0048 Water Meter ‐ 1 inch 744.50Basic Cost ‐ $487.31 + Angle Stop ‐ $77.81 + Corporation Stop & Tap ‐ $179.39$820.0049 Water Meter ‐ 1 ½ inch1,291.03Basic Cost ‐ $889.13 + Angle Stop ‐ $167.87 + Corporation Stop & Tap ‐ $234.03$1,436.0050Water Meter ‐ 2 inch 1,626.11Basic Cost ‐ $1,111.42 + Angle Stop ‐ $213.97 + Corporation Stop & Tap ‐ $300.72$1,900.0051 Water Meter ‐ 2 inch Omni T21,386.34$1,434.0052 Water Meter ‐ 3 inch Omni T21,605.15$2,417.0053 Water Meter ‐ 4 inch Omni T22,823.49$2,806.0054 Water Meter ‐ 3 inch Omni C22,074.64$2,417.0055 Water Meter ‐ 4 inch Omni C23,368.76$3,900.0056 Water Meter ‐ 6 inch Omni C25,587.26$6,467.0057 Water Meter ‐ 8 inch Omni C2New$10,293.0058 Water Meter ‐ 3 inch Fire Hydrant Meter971.29$1,500.0059 Water Meter ‐ Flange to 1” Meter Adapter75.00$75.0060 Water Meter ‐ Special Order processing fee        40.00$54.0061 Water Tanker Truck20.00First 6,000 gals plus $4.65/1,000 gals after$20.0062 Water Service Initiation Fee ‐ Over‐time50.00$64.0063 Water Service Initiation Fee 15.00additional$22.0064 Water Service Initiation Fee ‐ Call‐out130.00additional$227.0065 Credit Card Processing Fee (pass‐through) Non‐Utility Newper transactionThis is a pass‐through cost from merchant processor.3%66 Credit Card Processing Fee (pass‐through) Utility Newper transactionThis is a pass‐through cost from merchant processor.$3.5067 ACH/e‐checkNewper transactionThis is a pass‐through cost from merchant processor.$0.75* Commercial accounts paying the higher sewer base amount will pay $250.00, or a higher amount determined by Finance Department.** If applications for both are submitted and processed at the same time, the fee will be $ 405.00 + 40.50 = $ 445.50.*** Rates for larger meters will be established by the Finance Department, as necessaryWater Meters***69.2.bPacket Pg. 81Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) South County Regional Wastewater Authority# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 20221 Board Agendas/Packet0.01per page plus mailing$0.012 Pool Drain Inspection80.00$183.00(Authority City Code Section 19.106(b))3 Inspection FeeDivision hourly rateActivities shall include time for inspection, monitoring, travel, reports, research, plus actual cost consulting, paperwork and any office time that relates to the industrial user.Division hourly rate4Re‐Inspection FeeNewper hour 1/2 hour minimum$214.005 Septage Hauler Treatment Service Fees 0.15per gal(Ord. 93‐2)$0.156 Reproduction0.10per page$0.107 Special Event Fee‐ Plan Check Fee*125.00$149.008 Special Event Fee‐ Event Fee*125.00per hourwith 1 hour minimum + 50% after hours and travel time$171.009 Surcharge ‐ BOD in excess of 300 mg/l 0.95per lb of BOD$0.9510Surcharge ‐ TSS in excess of 300 mg/l 0.23per lb of TSS$0.2311 Pretreatment Final InspectionDivision hourly rate per hour$135.0012 Pretreatment Plan‐check Division hourly rate per hour$135.0013 Pretreatment re‐inspection Division hourly rate1/2 hour minimum$135.00*The number of inspectors necessary to monitor an event shall be determined by the Program Administrator.  Factors to be considered shall be the number of vendors and area to be monitoredFeesPretreatment Fees 79.2.bPacket Pg. 82Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Public Works# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 20221Subdivision Map Check(A) ‐ Final Map1,755.00+$15.70/lot$8,000 Deposit + $220/hr2Subdivision Map Check(A) ‐ Parcel Map2,035.00 +$630.00/lot $5,000 Deposit + $220/hr3Subdivision Map Check(A) ‐ Re‐assessment Map1,710.00+$630.00/lot plus customer assessment consultant$5,000 Deposit + $220/hr4 Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment, Lot Merger) 500.00 per certificate $2,500 Deposit + $220/hr5 Community Facilities District Formation Fee 5,000.00$6,500 Deposit6Encroachment Permit *based on total cost of public right‐of‐way improvements360.00Plus % cost of the improvement constructed in ROW$401.007 $0.00 ‐ $100,00012.60%12.60%8 $100,001 ‐ $200,00010.50%10.50%9Over $200,0008.40%8.40%10 Re‐submittal Review after 3 submittalsDivision(s) hourly rate2 hour minimumDivision(s) hourly rate11 Annual Utility Encroachment Permit5000 + 200 for each base permitAnnuallyAllows staff to issue one annual permit and then bill utility company monthly for additional individual permits$7,500.0012 Additional VisitNewFBHR13 Community Event Banner Fee200.00$657.0014 Oversize Transportation Permits ‐ Single Trip16.00$16.0015 Oversize Transportation Permits ‐ Annual Permit90.00$90.0016 Oversize Transportation Permits ‐ Repetitive Permit 90.00$90.00Special Public Works Services89.2.bPacket Pg. 83Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Public Works# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Special Public Works Services17 Impact Fee Deferral 285.00+ $25.00/additional lotsame address plus Expungement Fee $180.00$411 + $32.00/additional lotsame address plus Expungement Fee $234.0018Special Cost Schedules, Agreements, Right of Way Reviews and other Misc Services185.00per hourCity Attorney Hourly Rate19Special Staff Analysis(A)Division(s) hourly rate for public works engineering review and inspection services on specified applications applicable in Resolution 2014‐14Deposit RequiredDivision(s) hourly rate for public works engineering review and inspection services on specified applications applicable in Resolution 2014‐1420 Special Legal ReviewCity Attorney Hourly RateDeposit RequiredCity Attorney Hourly Rate21 Curb Painting/Signage RequestNewRed/Green/Yellow/White Parking Restriction Upon Request by Property Owner$467.0022 Driveway Red TippingNewRed Tipping Driveway for Visibility$357.00#DescriptionOld FeePrior to August 1, 2022Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 202223Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans Division(s) hourly rate 2 hour minimum Division(s) hourly rate24 Re‐inspection fee and fee for inspections not shown 125.00per hour Minimum charge‐one half hour$162.00Improvement Plan Check and Inspection Fees(A)        99.2.bPacket Pg. 84Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Public Works# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Special Public Works Services25Inspections outside of normal business hoursImprovement Plan Check and Inspection Fees475.00 + 160.00/hour after 3 hours $435.00*At time of Improvement Plan/Final Map submittal 40% of fee is due for Plan Check.  Remainder 60% due prior to submittal of Final Map for Council approval#DescriptionOld FeePrior to August 1, 2022Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 202226Stormwater Post Construction BMP Initial Setup Fee ‐ Base Fee and First BMPNew$504.0027Stormwater Post Construction BMP Initial Setup Fee ‐ Additional BMPNew$100.0028Stormwater Postconstruction BMP Annual Administration and Monitoring Fee ‐ Base Fee and First BMPNew$413.0029Stormwater Postconstruction BMP Annual Administration and Monitoring Fee  ‐ Additional BMPNew$31.0030Stormwater Postconstruction BMP Annual Administration and Monitoring Delinquent Fee (per month of delinquency)New$58.00#DescriptionOld FeePrior to August 1, 2022Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Sewer Mains ‐ including manhole and other pertinences Developer responsibility is up to and including 12" mains31 6" Main ‐ Full Pipe N/A per LF NA32 6" Main ‐ Half Pipe73.00per LF$73.0033 8" Main ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNA34 8" Main ‐ Half Pipe75.00per LF$75.0035 10" Main ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNAReimbursementsStormwater109.2.bPacket Pg. 85Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Public Works# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Special Public Works Services36 10" Main ‐ Half Pipe81.00per LF$81.0037 12" Main ‐ Full Pipe166.00per LF$166.0038 12" Main ‐ Half Pipe83.00per LF$83.0039 15" Main ‐ Full Pipe174.00per LF$174.0040 15" Main ‐ Half Pipe87.00per LF$87.0041 18" Main ‐ Full Pipe186.00per LF$186.0042 18" Main ‐ Half Pipe93.00per LF$93.0043 21" Main ‐ Full Pipe204.00per LF$204.0044 21" Main ‐ Half Pipe102.00per LF$102.0045 24" Main ‐ Full Pipe211.00per LF$211.0046 24" Main ‐ Half Pipe106.00per LF$106.0047 27" Main ‐ Full Pipe244.00per LF$244.0048 27" Main ‐ Half Pipe122.00per LF$122.0049 30" Main ‐ Full Pipe287.00per LF$287.0050 30" Main ‐ Half Pipe144.00per LF$144.0051 33" Main ‐ Full Pipe315.00per LF$315.0052 33" Main ‐ Half Pipe158.00per LF$158.0053 36" Main ‐ Full Pipe356.00per LF$356.0054 36" Main ‐ Half Pipe178.00per LF$178.0055 39" Main ‐ Full Pipe423.00per LF$423.0056 39" Main ‐ Half Pipe212.00per LF$212.0057 42" Main ‐ Full Pipe529.00per LF$529.0058 42" Main ‐ Half Pipe265.00per LF$265.00Storm Mains ‐ including manholes, catch basins and other pertinences Developer responsibility is up to and including 24" mains59 18" Main RCP ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNA60 18" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe63.00per LF$63.0061 21" Main RCP ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNA62 21" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe69.00per LF$69.0063 24" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe140.00per LF$140.0064 24" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe70.00per LF$70.00119.2.bPacket Pg. 86Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Public Works# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Special Public Works Services65 27" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe 164.00 per LF $164.0066 27" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe82.00per LF$82.0067 30" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe177.00per LF$177.0068 30" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe86.00per LF$86.0069 33" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe182.00per LF$182.0070 33" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe91.00per LF$91.0071 36" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe189.00per LF$189.0072 36" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe95.00per LF$95.0073 42" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe197.00per LF$197.0074 42" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe99.00per LF$99.0075 48" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe233.00per LF$233.0076 48" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe117.00per LF$117.0077 54" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe273.00per LF$273.0078 54" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe137.00per LF$137.0079 60" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe315.00per LF$315.0080 60" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe158.00per LF$158.0081 66" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe357.00per LF$357.0082 66" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe179.00per LF$179.0083 72" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe399.00per LF$399.008472" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe200.00per LF$200.0085 78" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe431.00per LF$431.0086 78" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe216.00per LF$216.0087 84" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe461.00per LF$461.0088 84" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe231.00per LF$231.0089 90" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe492.00per LF$492.0090 90" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe246.00per LF$246.0091 96" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe522.00per LF$522.0092 96" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe261.00per LF$261.0093TrafficIn accordance with City's reimbursement policyIn accordance with City's reimbursement policy129.2.bPacket Pg. 87Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Public Works# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Special Public Works ServicesWater Mains ‐ including fire hydrants, valves, valve boxes and other pertinences Developer responsibility is up to and including 12" mains94 6" Main ‐ Full Pipe N/A per LF NA95 6" Main ‐ Half Pipe39.00per LF$39.0096 8" Main ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNA97 8" Main ‐ Half Pipe41.00per LF$41.0098 10" Main ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNA99 10" Main ‐ Half Pipe47.00per LF$47.00100 12" Main ‐ Full Pipe104.00per LF$104.00101 12" Main ‐ Half Pipe52.00per LF$52.00102 14" Main ‐ Full Pipe114.00per LF$114.00103 14" Main ‐ Half Pipe57.00per LF$57.00104 16" Main ‐ Full Pipe124.00per LF$124.00105 16" Main ‐ Half Pipe62.00per LF$62.00106 18" Main ‐ Full Pipe135.00per LF$135.00107 18" Main ‐ Half Pipe68.00per LF$68.00108 20" Main ‐ Full Pipe151.00per LF$151.00109 20" Main ‐ Half Pipe76.00per LF$76.00110 24" Main ‐ Full Pipe164.00per LF$164.00111 24" Main ‐ Half Pipe82.00per LF$82.00112 30" Main ‐ Full Pipe182.00per LF$182.00113 30" Main ‐ Half Pipe91.00per LF$91.00114 36" Main ‐ Full Pipe211.00per LF$211.00115 36" Main ‐ Half Pipe106.00per LF$106.00Notes: The Half Pipe schedule is used to determine the front footage reimbursement to former developers for infrastructure previously installed along the front footage of the development.The Full Pipe schedule is used to determine the oversizing reimbursement to the developer for installing water, sewer, and storm main extensions to sizes required by each master plan that are greater than the sizes required by the development. The oversized portion is the difference between the master planned size for the main and the greater of the main size required by the development or the developer’s minimum responsibility for each main.(A) Reflects fee increases to offset the City’s expenditures for the city’s High Speed Rail Master Plan effort. *For any user fee service request that is outside the scope, or for services for which there is no fee currently set, the City can charge up to the full cost of the FBHR for personnel involved.139.2.bPacket Pg. 88Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Recreation# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Facility Fees (City Code Section 18.9)Christmas Hill Park Outdoor Sites1 Mulberry (East or West) ‐ A*0.00Per Day$0.002 Mulberry (East or West) ‐ B*100.00Per Day$165.003 Mulberry (East or West) ‐ C*150.00Per Day$200.004 Mulberry (East or West) ‐ D*200.00Per Day$226.005 Mulberry (East or West) ‐ Deposit100.00Per Day$135.006 Mulberry (Total) ‐ A*0.00Per Day$0.007 Mulberry (Total) ‐ B*200.00Per Day$208.008 Mulberry (Total) ‐ C*250.00Per Day$260.009Mulberry (Total) ‐ D*300.00Per Day$312.0010 Mulberry (Total) ‐ Deposit100.00Per Day$135.0011Sycamore (No Lights) ‐ A*0.00Per Day$0.0012Sycamore (No Lights) ‐ B*55.00Per Day$69.0013Sycamore (No Lights) ‐ C*105.00Per Day$132.0014Sycamore (No Lights) ‐ D*155.00Per Day$196.0015Sycamore (No Lights) ‐ Deposit100.00Per Day$135.0016Amphitheater ‐ A*0.00Per Day$0.0017Amphitheater ‐ B*155.00Per Day$181.0018Amphitheater ‐ C*205.00Per Day$239.0019Amphitheater ‐ D*255.00Per Day$298.0020Amphitheater ‐ Deposit100.00Per Day$135.0021Walnut ‐ A*0.00Per Day$0.0022Walnut ‐ B*55.00Per Day$69.0023Walnut ‐ C*105.00Per Day$132.0024Walnut ‐ D*155.00Per Day$196.0025Walnut ‐ Deposit100.00Per Day$135.0026Christmas Hill Ranch Site not including TEEC Bldg. ‐ A*0.00Per Day$0.0027Christmas Hill Ranch Site not including TEEC Bldg. ‐ B*250.00Per Day$437.0028Christmas Hill Ranch Site not including TEEC Bldg. ‐ C*300.00Per Day$524.00Facilities & Parks149.2.bPacket Pg. 89Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Recreation# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Facilities & Parks29Christmas Hill Ranch Site not including TEEC Bldg. ‐ D*350.00Per Day$612.0030Christmas Hill Ranch Site not including TEEC Bldg. ‐ Deposit500.00Per Day$500.0031Christmas Hill Park Side ‐ A*NewPer Day$0.0032Christmas Hill Park Side ‐ B*NewPer Day$585.0033Christmas Hill Park Side ‐ C*NewPer Day$702.0034Christmas Hill Park Side ‐ D*NewPer Day$819.0035Christmas Hill Park Side ‐ DepositNewPer Day$500.0036Entire Christmas Hill Including Ranch Site (Not including TEEC Bldg.) ‐ A*0.00Per Day$0.0037Entire Christmas Hill Including Ranch Site (Not including TEEC Bldg.) ‐ B*750.00Per Day$1,500.0038Entire Christmas Hill Including Ranch Site (Not including TEEC Bldg.) ‐ C*1,000.00Per Day$1,750.0039Entire Christmas Hill Including Ranch Site (Not including TEEC Bldg.) ‐ D*1,250.00Per Day$2,067.0040Entire Christmas Hill Including Ranch Site (Not including TEEC Bldg.) ‐ Deposit750.00Per Day$750.00Las Animas Veteran’s Park Outdoor Sites41 Lakeside ‐ A*0.00Per DayNo Music allowed$0.0042 Lakeside ‐ B*100.00Per DayNo Music allowed$105.0043 Lakeside ‐ C*150.00Per DayNo Music allowed$158.0044 Lakeside ‐ D*200.00Per DayNo Music allowed$211.0045Lakeside ‐ Deposit100.00Per DayNo Music allowed$135.0046 The Oaks ‐ A*0.00Per DayNo lights/no music allowed$0.0047 The Oaks ‐ B*120.00Per DayNo lights/no music allowed$165.0048 The Oaks ‐ C*170.00Per DayNo lights/no music allowed$200.0049 The Oaks ‐ D*220.00Per DayNo lights/no music allowed$226.00159.2.bPacket Pg. 90Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Recreation# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Facilities & Parks50 The Oaks ‐ Deposit100.00Per DayNo lights/no music allowed$135.0051Park Site Reservation Cancellation FeeNewPlus Actual Payment Processing Cost$64.00Other Park Amenities52Bounce House Special Permit Fee at Non‐Reservable Picnic Sites ‐ A*0.00$0.0053Bounce House Special Permit Fee at Non‐Reservable Picnic Sites ‐ B, C, or D*35.00$50.0054 San Ysidro Picnic Pavilion ‐ A*NewPer Day$0.0055 San Ysidro Picnic Pavilion ‐ B*NewPer Day$75.0056 San Ysidro Picnic Pavilion ‐ C*NewPer Day$125.0057 San Ysidro Picnic Pavilion ‐ D*NewPer Day$211.0058 San Ysidro Picnic Pavilion DepositNew$135.00Softball Fields59 Field Reservations ‐ A*0.00per 2  hoursbaseball/softball/Soccer$0.0060 Field Reservations ‐ B*45.00per 2  hoursbaseball/softball/Soccer$60.0061 Field Reservations ‐ C*55.00per 2  hoursbaseball/softball/Soccer$70.0062 Field Reservations ‐ D*65.00per 2  hoursbaseball/softball/Soccer$90.0063 Field Reservations ‐ Deposit100.00baseball/softball/Soccer$135.0064 Lights ‐ A*0.00$0.0065 Lights ‐ B*25.00per hour$30.0066 Lights ‐ C*25.00per hour$30.0067 Lights ‐ D*25.00per hour$30.0068 Lights ‐ DepositNANA69 Field Reservation Cancellation FeeNewPlus Actual Payment Processing Cost$64.00Senior Center 70 Main Hall ‐ A*0.00per hour.$0.0071 Main Hall ‐ B*65.00per hour.$79.0072 Main Hall ‐ C*85.00per hour.$103.0073 Main Hall ‐ D*105.00per hour.$128.0074 Main Hall ‐ Deposit500.00$500.0075 Meeting Room ‐ A*0.00per hour.$0.00169.2.bPacket Pg. 91Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Recreation# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Facilities & Parks76 Meeting Room ‐ B*25.00per hour.$39.0077 Meeting Room ‐ C*35.00per hour.$55.0078 Meeting Room ‐ D*45.00per hour.$71.0079 Meeting Room ‐ Deposit100.00$135.00Wheeler Center80 Multi‐purpose Rm. ‐ A*0.00per hour.$0.0081 Multi‐purpose Rm. ‐ B*25.00per hour.$39.0082 Multi‐purpose Rm. ‐ C*35.00per hour.$55.0083 Multi‐purpose Rm. ‐ D*45.00per hour.$71.0084 Multi‐purpose Rm. ‐ Deposit100.00$135.0085 Craft Room ‐ A*0.00per hour.$0.0086 Craft Room ‐ B*25.00per hour.$39.0087 Craft Room ‐ C*35.00per hour.$55.0088 Craft Room ‐ D*45.00per hour.$71.0089Craft Room ‐ Deposit100.00$135.0090 Dance Room ‐ A*0.00per hour.$0.0091 Dance Room ‐ B*25.00per hour.$39.0092 Dance Room ‐ C*35.00per hour.$55.0093 Dance Room ‐ D*45.00per hour.$71.0094 Dance Room ‐ Deposit100.00$135.00Other Community Recreation Buildings95 Las Animas Park Multi‐Purpose Room ‐ A*0.00per hour.$0.0096 Las Animas Park Multi‐Purpose Room ‐ B*65.00per hour.$39.0097 Las Animas Park Multi‐Purpose Room ‐ C*75.00per hour.$55.0098 Las Animas Park Multi‐Purpose Room ‐ D*85.00per hour.$71.0099 Las Animas Park Multi‐Purpose Room ‐ Deposit100.00$135.00100Facility Reservation Cancellation Fee50.00Plus Actual Payment Processing Cost$64.00Gymnasiums 101 Wheeler ‐ A*0.00per hour.$0.00102 Wheeler ‐ B*35.00per hour.$54.00103 Wheeler ‐ C*45.00per hour.$70.00104 Wheeler ‐ D*55.00per hour.$86.00179.2.bPacket Pg. 92Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Recreation# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Facilities & Parks105 Wheeler ‐ Deposit250.00per hour.$250.00106 Solorsano ‐ A*0.00per hour.$0.00107 Solorsano ‐ B*50.00per hour.$61.00108 Solorsano ‐ C*60.00per hour.$73.00109 Solorsano ‐ D*70.00per hour.$86.00110 Solorsano ‐ Deposit250.00$250.00111 Christopher High School Small GymSet by GUSD$86.00112 Cesar Chavez GymSet by GUSD$86.00113Gymnasium Reservation Cancellation Fee (except those managed by GUSD)50.00Plus Actual Payment Processing Cost$64.00Facility Attendant and Custodial Hourly Rates for Rentals114 Facility Attendant18.00per hourMinimum 2 hours$21.00115 Custodial Attendant 24.00per hourMinimum 2 hours$24.00*Note:Category A ‐ City and GUSD programs and special eventsCategory B ‐ Non‐profit OrganizationsCategory C ‐ City of Gilroy Residents (Private functions and/or open to the public) Category D ‐ Non‐Residents or any company/business or group holding an event (social, business, educaƟon or for profit)                                  Requires a City of Gilroy business license when rented for “profit‐making” events and may require a special event permit approval.         In addition to the approval of the City of Gilroy Recreation Department Director, ten percent (10%) of gross revenues from the event or $500,        whichever is greater, are payable and due to the City at the conclusion of the event.Additional personnel, set‐up and equipment costs will be assessed and applied accordingly to all categories189.2.bPacket Pg. 93Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Fire# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 20221Flammable/Combustible Material above‐ground Storage Tank (over 600 gallons) and new technological hazards, Fire training &  equipment fee1,020.00per address$1,914.002 Reproduction ‐ PRA's ‐ Photos copy, scanning Department hourly rate + cost of photoDepartment hourly rate + cost of photo3Business License Regulatory Review Fire Inspections130.00per hour One hour minimum$279.004 Annual Business Inspections ‐ Fire CompanyNewper hour One hour minimum$485.00BLES/Fire Prevention5 Delinquent Service265.00$313.006False AlarmNewper code$252.007Fire Alternates Materials ReviewDivision Hourly Rate + Contractual Costsper application$265 minimum/application +$130.00/hour for each additional review/inspection Division Hourly Rate + Contractual Costs8Fire Alternates Materials Review ‐ additional review/inspection 130.00per hour$298.009Fire Clearance Inspection115.00per hour 2 hr minimum$375.0010 Fire Code Operational Permits (Section 105 of the CFC/GFC) 275.00Opertional, currently includes inpsection $432.0011 Fire Code Re‐Inspection130.00per hour 1/2 hr minimum$193.0012 Hazmat/CUPA Re‐Inspection Newper hour 1/2 hr minimum$193.0013 Fire Flow Per Hydrant300.00$459.0014 Permit for new Fire or Haz Mat SystemsBuilding Table ADoes not include plan review or inspections ie:Sprinkler System and Chemical Equipment Review, including Fire Protection Systems, Alarm System, Aboveground TankBuilding Table A15 Fire Plan Check400.00for 2 hours$537.0016 Fire Plan Check ‐ additional hour including resubmittals130.00per hour$237.0017Energy Storage System ‐ Plan Check (Fire Prevention) ESS having capacities exceeding 20 KWh400.00+ divisional hourly rate for each additional hour$421.0018Energy Storage System ‐  Inspection (Fire Prevention)ESS having capacities exceeding 20 KWh 260.00+ divisional hourly rate for each additional hour$275.00Fees199.2.bPacket Pg. 94Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Fire# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Fees19 Fireworks ‐ Aerial Display Fire Engine Standby Rate 1 hr minimumCity Code Section 10A.8 as required by the Fire Chief City Code Section 10.9$1,736.0020 Fireworks ‐ Aerial Display Inspection permit New 3 hr minimumPlus 150% after hours and travel time. (Does not include Fire Code permits)$562.0021 Fireworks ‐ Retail Sales 635.00 per booth $758.0022 Special Event Inpsection Fee 130.00 per hourPlus 50% after hours and travel time. 1 hr minimum (Does not include Uniform Fire Code permits)$389.0023 Special Inspection/Consultant 310.00 for 2 hours Plus consultant cost $361.0024 Special Inspection/Consultant ‐ additional hour 125.00 per hour Plus consultant cost$160.0025State Fire Marshal Required Inspection ‐ Business License processing Fee Apartments: 3‐16 units35.00per parcelState Health and Safety Code 13146.2(a) if not under a regulatory permit$256.0026State Fire Marshal Required Inspection ‐ Business License Processing Fee Apartments: 17‐32 units65.00per parcelState Health and Safety Code 13146.2(a) if not under a regulatory permit$332.0027State Fire Marshal Required Inspection ‐ Business License Processing Fee Apartments: 33‐100 units135.00per parcelState Health and Safety Code 13146.2(a) if not under a regulatory permit$408.0028State Fire Marshal Required Inspection ‐ Business License Processing Fee Apartments: 101 plus units270.00per parcelState Health and Safety Code 13146.2(a) if not under a regulatory permit$560.0029State Fire Marshal Required Inspection ‐ Apartments: Inspections/testing140.00per hour 1 hr minimum$649.0030 Other State Regulated Sites140.00per hour1 hr minimum. Schools, Hotels/Motels, Licensed Care Facilities, Institutions, $500.0031 Hazmat/Fire Prevention Application ReviewNewper hour$319.0032 Tree Lots Cleaning DepsitNew$198.00BLES/Hazardous Materials33 Above Ground Petroleum Storage Site ‐Tier 1165.00site annualNo containers greater than 5,000 gallons and aggregate not more than 10, 000 gallons$384.00209.2.bPacket Pg. 95Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Fire# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Fees34 Above Ground Petroleum Storage Site Non‐qualifying Facility NewContainers greater than 10,000 gallons $505.0035 Above Ground Petroleum Storage Site ‐Tier 2NewContainers greater than 5,000 gallons and no more than 10, 000 gallons. Cannot have an aggregate total storage of more than 10,000 gallons.$444.0036 CAL‐ARP Facility Inspection Fee/Permit375.00per year$626.0037 CAL‐ARP Facility Audit/Processing Fee ‐ in house1,000.00$2,077.0038 CAL‐ARP Facility Audit Fee ‐ outsourced375.00plus consultant cost$2,532.0039 Technology Data Management Fee20.00per year Old CERS fee$11.0040 Facility Closure295.00first 2 hours $125 for each add 1 hour$449.0041 Hazardous Material Plan Check/Inspection125.00per hour$686.00Hazardous Material Storage Ordinance Permit Fees42 HMS01/HMORT  Retail  Only (limited substances) 140.00per year over 1 hour inspection$263.0043 HMS02270.00per year plus$384.0044 Up to 5,000 lbs, solidsHourly over 2 hour inspectionHourly45 55 ‐ 550 gal, liquidsHourly over 2 hour inspectionHourly46 200 ‐ 2,000 cubic ft. at STP for compressed gasHourly over 2 hour inspectionHourly47 HMS03500.00per year plus$626.0048 5,000 ‐ 25,000 lbs, solidsHourly over 4 hour inspectionHourly49 550 ‐ 2,750 gal, liquidsHourly over 4 hour inspectionHourly50 2,000 ‐ 10,000 cubic ft. at STP for compressed gasHourly over 4 hour inspectionHourly51 HMS04690.00per year plus$807.0052 25,000 ‐ 50,000 lbs, solidsHourly over 5 1/2 hour inspectionHourly53 2,750 ‐ 5,500 gal, liquidsHourly over 5 1/2 hour inspectionHourly54 10,000 ‐ 20,000 cubic ft. at STP for compressed gasHourly over 5 1/2 hour inspectionHourly55 HMS05820.00per year plus$928.0056 > 50,000 lbs, solidsHourly over 6 1/2 hour inspectionHourly57 > 5,500 gal, liquidsHourly over 6 1/2 hour inspectionHourly58 > 20,000 cubic ft. at STP for compressed gasHourly over 6 1/2 hour inspectionHourlyCorrosive, Toxic, & Highly Toxic Gas Fees including liquified and sub atmospheric materials219.2.bPacket Pg. 96Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Fire# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Fees59 Storage below MAQ 125.00 annual $382.0060 Storage above MAQ375.00annual$503.0061 Use below MAQ500.00annual$654.0062 Use above MAQ1,000.00annual$887.0063 Cryogens270.00annual not corrosive, toxic or highly toxic$412.00Hazardous Waste Generator Fees64 HWG 1 – less than 2.5 tons/year100.00per year$263.0065 HWG 2 – 2.5 to less than 5 tons/year160.00per year$323.0066 HWG 3 ‐ 5 to less than 25 tons/year350.00per year$505.0067 HWG 4 ‐ 25 to less than 50 tons/year665.00per year$686.0068 HWG 5 ‐ 50 to less than 250 tons/year790.00per year$868.0069 HWG 6 ‐ 250 to less than 500 tons/year915.00per year$1,049.0070 HWG 7 ‐ 500 to less than 1,000 tons/year1,040.00per year$1,231.0071 HWG 8 ‐ 1,000 to less than 2,000 tons/year1,290.00per year$1,412.0072Hazardous Waste Generator (HWG0)–Retail/Episodic (Generates less  than 100 kg/month)50.00per year$240.0073Hazardous Waste Generator RCRALQG (Generates more than 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of acute hazardous waste)50.00per year$240.00Tiered Permit Fees74 Conditional Exempt (CE)250.00annual$384.0075 Conditional Authorization (CA)500.00annual$626.0076 Permit by Rule (PBR)1,005.00annual plus recording fees$1,231.0077 Spill Investigation, Response/Cleanup oversightDepartment/Division hourly rate$125 minimumDepartment/Division hourly rate, $135 minimumUnderground Tank78 Installation1,190.00per site up to 3 tanks$3,344.0079 Modification (piping & repair only)270.00minimum plus $125/hr addl review/inspections$468.0080 Operating Permit 500.00 site annualfull compliance ($820.62 for first 3 tanks) $230 for each additional tank$1,184.0081 Re‐inspection 270.00 each $470.00229.2.bPacket Pg. 97Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Fire# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit NotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Fees82 Removal815.00per tank Including additional hourly rate $1,473.0083 Testing250.00per tank$267.00239.2.bPacket Pg. 98Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Police # DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge UnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 20221Call Back/Second ResponsePolice Operation Division Hourly ratesCity reserves legal options for amounts over $500.00(City Code Section 16.35)Police Operation Division Hourly rates2Crime Analysis Services120.00per hour$152.003DUI Cost Recovery Department(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus actual repair and/or replacement of damaged public propertyAll Emergency PersonnelGovernment Code Section 53130‐53158Department(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus actual repair and/or replacement of damaged public property4 Graffiti Abatement FeesDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus actual repair and/or replacement of damaged public property(City Code Section 12.5)Department(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus actual repair and/or replacement of damaged public property5Provision of Special Services(Subsided Rate)145.00per hour 45% of Police Operation Division hourly rate or $65.00 per hour$153.00249.2.bPacket Pg. 99Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Police # DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge UnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 20226 Reproduction ‐ Photos Department hourly rate plus cost of photoDepartment hourly rate plus cost of photo7 School Truancy Charges Police division hourly rates (City Code Section 7.4) Police division hourly rates8Tow Truck Driver ‐ Annual Fee 50.00 (City Code Section 24.A.2) $51.009Vehicle Equipment Inspection and Certification ‐ Resident 10.00$56.0010Vehicle Equipment Inspection and Certification ‐ Non‐Resident 35.00$56.0011 Vehicle Impound/Release Fees 150.00(California Vehicle Code Section 22850.5)$146.0012Police Community Room Fee ‐ *Category "A"FreeFree13Police Community Room Fee ‐ *Category "B"50.00per hour with $200.00 security deposit$50.0014Police Community Room Fee ‐ *Category "C"100.00per hour with $200.00 security deposit$100.0015Police Community Room Fee ‐ *Category "D"100.00per hour with $200.00 security deposit$200.00# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Police Permits259.2.bPacket Pg. 100Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Police # DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge UnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202216 Firearms Sales Permit 205.00 Annually Also needs license (City Code Section 9A.4) $303.0017 Mobile Vendor ‐ New Application 160.00(Portable container, pushcart, stands, vehicle or wagon that is placed on private property)Also needs license(City Code Section 16A.13) $146.0018 Mobile Vendor ‐ Renewal Application60.00Annually(Portable container, pushcart, stands, vehicle or wagon that is placed on private property)Also needs license(City Code Section 16A.13) $76.0019Solicitor’s Identity Permit (door‐to‐door solicitor) ‐ New Application160.00Also needs license (City Code Section 16A.1) $146.0020Solicitor’s Identity Permit (door‐to‐door solicitor) ‐ Renewal Application60.00Annually Also needs license (City Code Section 16A.1) $76.0021Adult Business Permit ‐ New ApplicationOperations hourly rate (minimum fee of $8,440.00)Police Investigations Also needs licenseOperations hourly rate (minimum fee of $8,440.00)22Adult Business Permit ‐ Renewal Application1,515.00 Annually $1,951.00269.2.bPacket Pg. 101Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Police # DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge UnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022(City Code Sections 4.7, 4.13, 4.14, 4.27, 4.28, 4.30, 4.37, 4.42, 4.59)23Animal Bite Investigation/Quarantine175.00$152.0024 Spay/Neutered 1 yr. /3 yrs 17.00/49.00Per 3rd Party Contract25 Non‐Altered    1 yr. /3 yrs. 25.00/70.00Per 3rd Party Contract26 Late fees ‐ 60 days after due date 25.00Per 3rd Party Contract27 Duplicate tag (Renewals only) 4.00Per 3rd Party Contract28Authority to contract for private serviceTo be determined by services contractTo be determined by services contract29 First 24 hour impound at Police Dept 100.00$100.0030 Each additional day at station 40.00per day$40.0031 Animals quarantined at shelter 175.00+ County impound fee & board$175.0032 At Large impound110.00+ County impound fee & board, set mileage and Animal Shelter Fee$110.00Animal Control FeesImpound FeeAnimal License: Dog/Cat279.2.bPacket Pg. 102Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Police # DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge UnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202233 Animal Control Permit Fee   45.00 AnnuallyPet shop, commercial kennel, private kennel, pet grooming parlor, animal menagerie, animal shelter or horse establishment or exotic animal(City Code Section 4.37) $45.0034 Bingo Permit ‐ New Application 200.00(City Code Section 5A.7) $159.0035 Bingo Permit ‐ Annual Renewal Fee 25.00$56.0036 Initial Cardroom Permit Fee 5,000.00deposit(Resolution 2013‐06) $5,000.0037 Annual Cardroom Permit (Renewal) 555.00$555.0038 Annual Table Permit Fees300.00per table$300.0039 One Week Table Permit 25.00Must have a minimum of one Annual Table Permit $25.0040Initial Employee Registration Application370.00per employee$370.0041 Annual Employee185.00$185.0042 Concealed Weapons Permit ‐ New Ap100.00$20.00 upon filing and remainder upon approvalPenal Code Section 12054 $100.00289.2.bPacket Pg. 103Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Police # DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge UnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202243 Concealed Weapons Permit ‐ Annual 25.00 Penal Code Section 12054 $25.0044 Dance Hall Permit**405.00(City Code Chapter 8.2) $409.0045 Massage Permit ‐ Initial215.00(Establishments, managing employees and/or practitioners) Practitioners permit fee is waived if simultaneously applying for an establishment or management employee permit(City Code Section 13.52(c))$288.0046 Massage Permit ‐ Renewal 125.00Annually(Establishments, managing employees and/or practitioners) Practitioners permit fee is waived if simultaneously applying for an establishment or management employee permit$137.0047 Pawnbrokers, Junk and Secondhand D55.00Annual Fee(City Code Chapter 12B) $55.00299.2.bPacket Pg. 104Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Police # DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge UnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202248 Regulatory Bar Permit 405.00 Annually (City Code Section 16.5) $439.0049 Taxi Cab ‐ Company Permits 235.00Permit(City Code Sections 23.6, 23.35)$273.0050 Taxi Cab Driver ‐ New 150.00$178.0051 Taxi Cab Driver ‐ Renewal100.00$132.0052 False Alarms Reponse195.00After 3rd and subsequent alarm within 12 months.City reserves legal options for amounts over $500.00(City Code Section 3B.5) $192.0053 False Alarms Registration 35.00 per registrationInitial registration only.(City Code Section 3B.5) $38.0054 False Alarms Reinstatement 25.00 per reinstatementNo response status after 7 alarms in 12 months. (City Code Section 3B.5) $38.00*Note:See Facilities Fees for category descriptions309.2.bPacket Pg. 105Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Building and Misc.# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022General Inspections and Fees (all divisions)(A)(B)1Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plansDivision(s) hourly rate 2 hour minimum (City Code Sections 6.1 & 7.1. (a))Division(s) hourly rate 2 Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated Division(s) hourly rate minimum charge‐one half hour Division(s) hourly rate 3 Inspections outside of normal business hours ‐ BldgDivision(s) hourly rate $525.003 hoursplus $170/hr each additional hour$895.004 Inspections outside of normal business hours ‐ Planning575.003 hoursplus $185/hr$476.465Re‐inspection fees assessed determination75.00+ Division(s) hourly rate $89.696 Building Damage Survey Inspection and ReportNEW+ Division(s) hourly rate OR see Inspection outside of normal business hrs.$291.89Building Life Environmental Safety (BLES)# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 20227Plan Check Review 75% of building permit feeMinimum 1/2 hour division hourly rate of $75.00 as set forth on Table 1‐A page 16 75% of building permit fee 8 Deferred Submittal 75.00 + Division(s) hourly rate (2 hour minimum)CA Bldg Code Sec. $137.039 Revisions Division(s) hourly rate + Division(s) hourly rate (2 hour minimum)$137.0310 Expedited Building Plan Check Review150% of Building Permit fee1st round review only 150% of Building Permit fee Building Permit Fees# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202211 Building Permit As set forth in Table 1‐A (page 14)12 Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing As set forth in pages 17‐2413 GradingAs set forth in pages 25State of California Fees# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202214Strong Motion Fee (Charged by State through City)Strong Motion instrumentation and Seismic Hazard Mapping Fees (SMIP) State FeesFee is based on attached Building Valuation schedule which is determined by: $ .00010 x valuation with a minimum of $ 0.50 for Group R occupancies excluding hotels and motels, and $.00021 x valuation for all other occupancies.Public Resources Code, Section 2705(a) Fee is based on attached Building Valuation schedule which is determined by: $ .00010 x valuation with a minimum of $ 0.50 for Group R occupancies excluding hotels and motels, and $.00021 x valuation for all other occupancies. 15 Category 1 ‐ Residential, 1st to 3rd Story: Valuation x 0.00013= Fee $ 0.50 Min. Fee $ 0.50 Min. Fee 16 Category 2 ‐ All Other Buildings: Valuation x 0.00028= Fee $ 0.50 Min. Fee $ 0.50 Min. Fee 17 Building Standards Administration Special Revolving Fund  (BSASRF)18 Permit Valuation $1 to $25,000 $1 $1 Building Plan Check 319.2.bPacket Pg. 106Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Building and Misc.# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202219 Permit Valuation $25,001 to $50,000$2 $2 20 Permit Valuation $50,001 to $75,000$3 $3 21 Permit Valuation $75,001 to $100,000$4 $4 22 Every $25,000 or fraction thereof above $100,000Add $ 1 Add $ 1 City of Gilroy Standard Permitting Fees# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202223General Plan Update Fee / High Speed Rail Master Plan Fee to offset city’s expenditures  (Excludes Residential: photovoltaic; water heater, furnace, and air conditioning replacements; reroofs; and interior remodeling such as kitchen and bath remodels.  For purposes of this section, “residential” is considered as one‐ and two‐family residences, including interior and photovoltaic work on individual condominium and townhouse units)4.7%of Building and Engineering fees AKA General Plan Update Fee 4.7%13%# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202224 Accessibility ‐ Equivalent Facilitation 225.00for first  hour + divisional hourly rate for each additional hour$224.0025 Accessibility ‐ Unreasonable Hardship Application295.00for first hour + divisional hourly rate for each additional hour$291.0026 Addressing FeeNEWeach$89.0027 Administrative Hearing1,195.00each$1,188.0028 Alternative Materials Review960.00each type$944.0029 Building Code Appeal Fee2,180.00each$1,601.0030 Certificate of Occupancy ‐ Reproduction50.00each$84.0031 Demolition  ‐ Historical Building 3,565.00$2,415.0032 Demolition ‐ Major (Greater than 501 sq. ft.)1,050.00$996.0033 Demolition ‐ Minor (120‐500 sq. ft.)395.00$366.0034 House Moving ‐ Within City2,100.00$1,645.0035 House Moving ‐ From outside City2,100.00plus travel time$1,645.0036 Physically Challenged Board of Appeal2,180.00$1,439.0037 Plot Plan Review/Lot Change550.00each$612.0038 Reproduction ‐ Building Permit40.00$50.0039 Reproduction ‐ Building Plans (Architectural 24x36, max 20 sheets) 92.00for first sheet $7.50 for each additional sheet$117.0040Reproduction ‐ Building Address Files/Plans (8x14/11x17, max 20 sheets)NEWfor first sheet +$0.20/sheet$56.0041 Reproduction ‐ Building Address Files/Plans (8x11, max 20 sheets) NEWfor first sheet +$0.10/sheet$56.0042Reproduction ‐ Microfilm ‐ Building Plan Sheet (24x36, max 20 sheets)39.00for first sheet $7.50 for each additional sheet$117.0043Reproduction ‐ Microfilm ‐ Project Specification Sheet (24x36, max 20 sheets)92.00for first sheet $7.50 for each additional sheet$117.00Miscellaneous Fees (City Code Sections 6.1 & 7.1. (a))329.2.bPacket Pg. 107Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Building and Misc.# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202244 Reproduction ‐ Project Specifications (8x11, max 20 sheets) 23.00 for first sheet +$0.10/sheet $56.0045Temporary Certificate of OccupancyBond Application345.00$1,028.0046 Utility Bond Application 245.00$295.0047 Building Technology FeeNEW% of permit fees5%Photovoltaic Permitting Fees# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202248 Residential 15 kW or less NEW Residential AB 1414 $450.0049 Residential More than 15 kW NEW + $15.00 per kwW above 15 kW$500.0050 Commercial 50 kW or lessNEWCommercial$1,000.0051 Commercial 50 kW ‐ 250 kWNEW+ $7.00 per kw above 50 kW$1,000.0052 Commercial More than 250 kWNEW+ $5.00 per kW above 250 kW$2,400.00Solar Thermal Permiting Fees# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202253Residential 10 kWth or less NEW$450.0054Residential More than 10 kWth NEW+ $ 15.00 per kWth above 10 kWth$450.0055Commercial 30 kWth or lessNEW$1,000.0056Commercial 30 kWth – 260 kWthNEW+ $ 7.00 per kWth above 30 kWth$1,000.0057Commercial More than 260 kWthNEW+ $ 5.00 per kWth$2,426.00Photovoltaic Energy Storage System Permitting Fees# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202258 Energy Storage System ‐ Permit Fee NEW each $103.2759 Energy Storage System ‐ Plan Check (Building) NEW + divisional hourly rate for each additional hour $166.0361 Energy Storage System ‐ Inspection (Building) NEW + divisional hourly rate for each additional hour $146.77Table  1‐A ‐ Building Permit Fees Roofing Permitting Fees# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202262Residential Inspection 160.00 minimum fee + $147.00/each additional hour $146.00Residential Re‐roof overlay, prep old roof, felt, new roof63 Application Fee 70.00 plus$69.0064 1st 25 squares 275.00 plus $195.00339.2.bPacket Pg. 108Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Building and Misc.# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202265 Ea. additional 25 squares 130.00 plus$135.0066 Ea. additional inspection after 3 inspections 130.00$146.00Residential conversion, tear‐off  plywood, felt, new roof67 Application Fee 70.00 plus$69.0068 1st 25 squares 370.00 plus $270.0069 Ea. additional 25 squares 130.00 plus$165.0070 Ea. additional inspection after 3 inspections 125.00$165.00Commercial/Industrial 71Commercial/Industrial Pre‐roof Inspections(A)  (minimum charge – 1 hour) 205.00 minimum fee + 147.00/each additional hour $215.0072 Commercial Re‐roofBased on valuation or contract price whichever is greater. ** Based on valuation or contract price whichever is greater. ** Swimming Pool Permitting Fees# Description*Minimum ValuationUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202273ResidentialSwimming Pools and/or Spas55.00 per sq. ft.Based on construction valuation or minimum sq. ft. whichever is greater$120.0074CommercialSwimming Pools and/or Spas73.00 per sq. ft.Based on construction valuation or minimum sq. ft. whichever is greater$150.0075 Supplementals (Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical)210.00$179.0076 Pool Replaster SurfaceNEW$330.0077 Demo: VinylNEW$345.0078 Demo: GuniteNEW$450.0079 Pre‐Treatment Discharge Permit80.00$80.00Wall / Monument Sign or Art Sculpture Permitting FeesSigns, Outline Lighting and Marquees(A)# Description*Minimum ValuationUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202280 New Sign / Art SculptureNEWBased on valuation or contract price whichever is greater.** Based on valuation or contract price whichever is greater.** 81For signs with outline lighting systems or marquees supplied from a new branch circuit22.50each$60.0082For signs with outline lighting systems or marquees supplied from an existing branch circuit NEWeach$30.0083For additional branch circuits within the same sign, outline lighting system or marquee4.50 each$6.0084 Structural Footings for Monument Sign/Art Sculpture New each$363.0085 Electrical Supplemental Fee 47.00 As set forth on pg 17 $52.00# Description *Minimum ValuationUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202286 Deck 8.70 per sq. ft. * $15.00Miscellaneous Permitting Fees349.2.bPacket Pg. 109Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Building and Misc.# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 202287 Patio Cover / Structures with open walls 16.30 per sq. ft. * $45.0088 Exterior Stucco to Residence Home NEW per sq ft. * $7.0089 Outdoor Fireplace Based on valuation of $3,260 or contract price whichever is greater.+ supplemental fees for Electrical, Mechanical and/or Plumbing Based on valuation of $3,260 or contract price whichever is greater. 90 Above ground Tank 905.00 + supplemental fees for Electrical, Mechanical and/or Plumbing‐Based on valuation or contract price whichever is greater.** Based on valuation or contract price whichever is greater.** * Minimum Valuation is considered as the valuation on this page or the contract / construction valuation whichever is greater ** ValuaƟon is based on contract price or construcƟon valuaƟon for material and labor at fair market value whicever is greaterTable  A ‐ Building Valuation Data # Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Permit Issuance91 For issuing each permit 115.00 plus $155.0092 For issuing each supplemental permit 47.00$52.00Temporary Power Service+ Issuance fees93For a temporary service power pole or pedestal including all pole or pedestal‐mounted receptacle outlets and appurtenances, each23.50 flat fee$30.0094For a temporary distribution system and temporary lighting and receptacle outlets for construction sites, decorative light, Christmas tree sales lots, firework stands, etc. each11.50 flat fee$124.00Lighting FixturesFor lighting fixtures, sockets or other lamp‐holding devices:95 First 20 each 26.00 plus $31.0096 Additional fixtures, each additional 20 21.00 each$25.00For pole or platform‐mounted lighting fixtures:97 First 1026.00plus$31.0098 each additional 1.30each$1.00For theatrical‐type lighting fixtures or assemblies99 First 1026.00plus$31.00100 each additional 1.30each$1.00Electrical Permittings Fees359.2.bPacket Pg. 110Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Building and Misc.# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Power Apparatus(A)(B)For motors, generators, transformers, rectifiers, synchronous converters, capacitors, industrial eating, air conditioners and heat pumps, cooking or baking equipment and other apparatus, as follows:  Rating in horsepower (HP), kilowatts (KW), kilovolt‐amperes (KVA), or kilovolt‐amperes‐reactive (KVAR):Note: a.For equipment or appliances having more than one motor, transformer, heater, etc., the sum of the combined ratings may be used. b.These fees include all switches, circuit breakers, contactors, thermostats, relays and other directly related control equipment101 Up to and including 1, each 4.50$36.00102 Over 1 and not over 10, each 11.50$31.00103 Over 10 and not over 50, each 22.50$29.00104 Over 50 and not over 100, each 42.50$26.00105 Over 100, each64.00$24.00Busways+ Issuance fees106For trolley and plug‐in type busways, each 100 feet, or fraction thereof.6.80 Note:An additional fee will be required for lighting fixtures, motors and other appliances that are connected to trolley and plug‐in type busways.  No fee is required for portable tools.$60.00Carnivals and Circuses(A)Carnivals, circuses, or other traveling shows or exhibitions utilizing  transportable‐type rides, booths, displays and attractionsFor permanently installed rides, booths, displays and attractions, use the UNIT FEE SCHEDULE107 For electric generators and electrically driven ride, each23.50each+ Issuance fees$33.00108For mechanically driven rides and walk‐through attractions or displays having electric lighting, each6.80 each + Issuance fees $27.00109 For a system of area and booth lighting, each6.80each+ Issuance fees$13.00Electrical Services110 For main services of 400 amps or less314.00$385.00111 For main services over 400 amps805.00$704.00112For Sub-Panels of 200 amps or lessNEW+ Issuance fees$177.00113For Sub-Panels over 200 amps NEW+ Issuance fees$269.00114 Meter Pedelstal NEWflat fee$293.00Cell Tower: 115Cell Tower Permit feefee includes plan check for 1st and 2nd reviewNEWeachplus$1,038.00116     With BatteryNEW$785.00117     No BatteryNEW$249.00Electrical Vehicle Charging118 EVC ‐ ResidentialNEW$275.00119 EVC ‐ CommercialNEWBased on valuation or contract price whichever is greater.**Based on valuation or contract price whichever is greater.**369.2.bPacket Pg. 111Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Building and Misc.# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Unit Fee ScheduleFor receptacle, switch and lighting outlets.  For receptacle, switch, lighting or other outlets at which current is used or controlled, except services, feeders and meters:+ issuance fees120 First 20, lump sum26.00plus$31.00121 each additional 20 21.00$25.00Electrical Permit Fees for new construction or addition shall be the Division Hourly Rate (half‐hour minimum) per required inspection or based on the fixture counts or the fee per square foot based on the construction category as set# CategoryCost per TradeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022122 Assembly Occupancies 0.115 per square foot$0.118123 Hazardous Use 0.251 per square foot$0.256124 Hotel / Motel 0.115 per square foot$0.136125 Manufacturing 0.251 per square foot$0.256126 Medical / Dental Office 0.168 per square foot$0.247127 Office / Shell Speculative Uses 0.168 per square foot$0.178128 Parking Structure 0.021 per square foot$0.021129 Repair Garage / Gas Station 0.251 per square foot$0.256130 Research and Development 0.168 per square foot$0.172131Residential (single, two‐family and multifamily apartments and condominiums)0.136per square foot$0.158132 Restaurant / Market0.251per square foot$0.242133 Commercial Restrooms0.251per square foot$0.724134 Store / Retail0.168per square foot$0.167135 Warehouses0.052per square foot$0.092136 All Others0.136per square foot$0.079# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Permit Issuance(A) (B)137 For issuing each permit 115.00 plus $155.00138 For issuing each supplemental permit 47.00$52.00Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)139Residential (New) Furnace and / or AC/Condenser293.00$332.00140Residential existing (Replace) Furnace and / or AC/CondenserNEW$192.00141Residential (New, Adding, Replacing and / or Relocating) Ducting and vents.NEW each + Issuance fees, if standalone $27.00142 Commercial (New) Furnace and/or HVAC/Condenser NEW$494.00Electrical Permits Fees (A)(B)forth below.  These Permit Fees are in addition to the Permit Issuance Fees.  These fees do not include Plan Check fees.Mechanical Permit and Plan Review(a)(b)379.2.bPacket Pg. 112Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Building and Misc.# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022143 Commercial existing (Replace)  Furnace and/or HVAC/Condensor NEWFlat Fee or based on construction valuation, whichever is greater$366.00144 Commercial ‐ Ducts and Vents (New, Replacing or Relocating) NEW each +issuance fees, if standalone $30.00Unit Fee Schedule + issuance fees145For the installation or relocation of each forced‐air or gravity‐type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance, up to 100,000 btu/h13.60$18.00146For the installation or relocation of each forced‐air or gravity‐type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance, over 100,000 btu/h15.70$18.00147For the installation or relocation of each floor furnace, including vent 13.60$15.00148For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater, recessed wall heater or floor‐mounted unit heater13.60$15.00149For the installation, relocations or replacements of each appliance vent installed and not included in an appliance permit 6.50$7.00150For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration unit, cooling unit absorption unit, or each heating, cooling, absorption, or evaporative cooling system, including installation of controls regulated by this code13.60$15.00151For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor to and including 3 horsepower, or each absorption system to and including 100,000 btu/h13.60$15.00152For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor to and including 3 horsepower and including 15 horsepower, or each absorption system over 100,000 btu/h to and including 500,000 btu/h23.50$27.00153For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 15 horsepower to and including 30 horsepower, or each absorption system over 500,000 btu/h to and including 1,000,000 btu/h32.70$38.00154For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 30 horsepower to and including 50 horsepower, or each absorption system over 1,000,000 btu/h to and including 1,750,000 btu/h48.20$56.00389.2.bPacket Pg. 113Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Building and Misc.# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022155For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor to and including 50 horsepower, or each absorption system over 1,750,000 btu/h87.00$102.00156 For each air‐handling unit over 10,000 cfm 15.70$18.00157 For each evaporative cooler other than portable type10.00$12.00158 For each ventilating fan connected to a single duct6.50$7.00159For each ventilation system which is not a portion of any heating or air conditioning system authorized by a permit 10.00$12.00160For the installation of each hood which is served by mechanical exhaust, including the ducts for such hood10.00$12.00161 For installation or relocation of each domestic type incinerator 15.70$18.00162For the installation or relocation of each commercial or industrial type incinerator64.00$76.00163For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by this code but not classed in other appliance categories or for which no other fee is listed 10.00$12.00Mechanical Permit Fees for new construction or addition shall be the Division Hourly Rate (half‐hour minimum) per required inspection or based on the fixture counts or the fee per square foot based on the construction category as set# CategoryCost per TradeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022164 Assembly Occupancies 0.115 per square foot$0.118165 Hazardous Use 0.251 per square foot$0.256166 Hotel / Motel 0.115 per square foot$0.136167 Manufacturing 0.251 per square foot$0.256168 Medical / Dental Office 0.168 per square foot$0.247169 Office / Shell Speculative Uses 0.168 per square foot$0.178170 Parking Structure 0.021 per square foot$0.021171 Repair Garage / Gas Station 0.251 per square foot$0.256172 Research and Development 0.168 per square foot$0.172173Residential (single, two‐family and multifamily apartments and condominiums)0.136per square foot$0.158174 Restaurant / Market0.251per square foot$0.242175 Restrooms0.251per square foot$0.724176 Store / Retail0.168per square foot$0.167177 Warehouses0.052per square foot$0.092forth below.  These Permit Fees are in addition to the Permit Issuance Fees.  These fees do not include Plan Check fees.Mechanical Permits Fees (A)(B)399.2.bPacket Pg. 114Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Building and Misc.# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022178 All Others 0.136 per square foot$0.079# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022Permit Issuance(A) (B)179 For issuing each permit 115.00 plus $155.00180 For issuing each supplemental permit 47.00$52.00Water Heater & Water Softener permitting fees181 Tankles Water‐heater NEW$219.00182 Water heater replacement 147.00$185.00183 Electric water heater New$185.00184 Heat Pump Water Heater New flat fee$254.00185 For each water heater vent 11.00 each+ Issuance Fees, if standalone$13.00*If converting and/or relocating,  Building Plan Check and Building Inspections fees are also applicable.186 Water Softner NEW flat fee$146.00Waterline & Sewer Repipe187 Residential repipe waterline NEW$265.00188 Residential repipe from house to main waterlineNEW$185.00189 Residential repipe sewerNEW$354.00190 Residential repipe from house to main sewerNEW$264.00191 Commercial repipe sewerNEW$715.00192 Commercial repipe from house to main sewerNEW$448.00193 For each building sewer and each trailer park sewer28.30each+issuance fee$33.00Unit Fee Schedule + issuance fees194For each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures on one trap 8.90each$12.00194For each industrial waste pretreatment interceptor including its trap and vent excepting kitchen‐type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps18.00 each$24.00195For installation, alteration, or repair of water piping and/or water treating equipment, each4.50each$5.00196 For repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping, each fixture 4.50each$5.00197For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter, including backflow protection devices therefore 13.00 each$15.00For atmospheric‐type vacuum breakers:198 1 to 5 11.00 each$13.00199 Over 52.40each$2.00Plumbing Permit and Plan Review(a)(b)409.2.bPacket Pg. 115Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Building and Misc.# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022For each back flow protective device other than atmospheric‐type vacuum breakers200 2 inches and smaller 11.00 each$13.00201 Over 2 inches 22.50 each$26.00Plumbing Permit Fees for new construction or addition shall be the Division Hourly Rate (half‐hour minimum) per required inspection or based on the fixture counts or the fee per square foot based on the construction category as set# CategoryCost per TradeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022202 Assembly Occupancies 0.115 per square foot$0.118203 Hazardous Use 0.251 per square foot$0.256204 Hotel / Motel 0.115 per square foot$0.136205 Manufacturing 0.251 per square foot$0.256206 Medical / Dental Office 0.168 per square foot$0.247207 Office / Shell Speculative Uses 0.168 per square foot$0.178208 Parking Structure 0.021 per square foot$0.021209 Repair Garage / Gas Station 0.251 per square foot$0.256210 Research and Development 0.168 per square foot$0.172211Residential (single, two‐family and multifamily apartments and condominiums)0.136per square foot$0.158212 Restaurant / Market0.251per square foot$0.242213 Restrooms0.251per square foot$0.724214 Store / Retail0.168per square foot$0.167215 Warehouses0.052per square foot$0.092216 All Others0.136per square foot$0.079# CategoryCost per TradeUnitNotesCodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022217 Mininmum plan review 290.00 Minimum (1 hr Plan Review)$263.00218 Up to 1000 cubic yards 390.00Inpection Times Included.$384.00219 1001 cubic yards, to 10,000 cubic yards390.00for the first 1,000 cubic yardsplus $12.60 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards, or fraction thereof$384.00220 10,001 cubic yards, to 100,000 cubic yards 500.00for the first 10,000 cubic yardsplus $54.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards, or fraction thereof$495.00forth below.  These Permit Fees are in addition to the Permit Issuance Fees.  These fees do not include Plan Check fees.Plumbing Permits Fees (A)(B)Grading/Cut and/or Fill Permit Fees(a)419.2.bPacket Pg. 116Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Building and Misc.# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022221 100,001 cubic yards or more985.00for the first 10,000 cubic yardsplus $30.40 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards, or fraction thereof$1,074.00# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes CodeNew FeeEffective August 1, 2022222 Loan Demand Payoff Fee 250.00$6.00(A)  Reflects fee increases to offset the city’s expenditures for the city’s High Speed Rail Master Plan effort.*For any user fee service request that is outside the scope, or for services for which there is no fee currently set, the City can charge up to the full cost of the FBHR for personnel involved.(B) Fee will be reduced by 4.49% for residential: photovoltaic; water heater, furnace, and air conditioning replacements; reroofs; and interior remodeling such as kitchen and bath remodels.  For purposes of this section, “residential” is considered as one‐ and two‐family residences, including interior and photovoltaic work on individual condominium and townhouse units. Housing Community Development Loan Fees429.2.bPacket Pg. 117Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Minimum Value Maximum Value Current Base RateNew Base RateEffective August 1, 2022Current Plus $$ New Plus $$ For every11,000 250.00259.560.000.0001,0012,000 250.00259.563.483.611002,001 25,000 286.04296.9815.2215.801,00025,001 50,000 636.18660.5010.9811.401,00050,001 100,000 910.75945.577.617.901,000100,001 500,000 1,291.341,340.716.086.311,000500,001 1,000,000 3,724.573,866.965.165.361,0001,000,001 and up 6,305.426,545.593.423.551,000Percent Change =3.8%Cost Recovery Level = 100%Building Valuation TableSuggested (All New Construction)439.2.bPacket Pg. 118Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Planning Fees ‐ Processing Fees and Charges (City Code Section 7.1. (a))# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge UnitNotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 20221Administrative Time Extension380.00 plus publishing costs*** $410.062Annexation15,910.00Plus actual attorney fees. Note: Actual cost for other related fees will be collected by the City  for outside agencies.$19,632.13Appeals 3 Appeal, Planning Commission 600.00 Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees $930.004 Appeal, All others 2,540.00 Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees $1,145.00Architectural and Site Review ‐ Commercial, Wireless & Miscelleanous4,55New Construction (up to 5,000 sq.ft.) 8,900.00$10,365.886New Construction (each additonal 5,000 sq.ft.) 695.00$925.927 Remodel/Additions 4,065.00 Additions up to 10% of existing SF $2,647.74Architectural and Site Review ‐ Residential8New Construction, 4 or more homes (base fee)7,295.00$8,294.009New Construction, 4 or more homes (add for each flat land tract plan)$540.00$592.0010New Construction, 4 or more homes  (add for each hillside tract plan)1,160.00$1,203.0011Hillside (single custom home), Duplex or Triplex4,090.00$4,532.0012 Remodel/Additions735.00$1,172.46Architectural and Site Review ‐ Industrial4,513 New Construction (up to 10,000 sq.ft.) 5,125.00$7,655.1514 New Construction (each additonal 10,000 sq.ft.) $290.00$604.0815 Remodel/Additions 2,130.00 Additions up to 10% of existing SF $2,292.1416Conditional Use Permit5,275.00 Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees $5,530.0017Development Agreement17,250.00 DepositMinimum (Hourly rate invoiced against initial deposit, plus $10,000 deposit for attorney fees)$19,081.10Environmental 18 Categorical Exemption450.00$536.0019 Initial Study/ND/MND, non‐complex project (Staff Review)9,415.00min15% of contract cost (admin) + Mitigation Monitoring cost +  publishing cost*** + 15% staff review + 10% contingency$12,113.1720 Environmental Impact Report (staff review)19,820.00min15% of contract cost (admin) + Mitigation Monitoring cost +  publishing cost*** + 15% staff review + 10% contingency$23,739.7921 EIR/MND/Initial Study (Consultant Contract)pass throughActual contract cost plus 15% of contract cost + 15% staff review + 10% contingencyGeneral Plan Amendment22 General Plan Map Amendment (up to 10 acres)15,575.00min + hourly rate if fee explus attorney fees and publishing cost***$15,603.9323 General Plan Map Amendment (each additional 10 acres)$100.00$150.0024 General Plan Text Amendment10,710.00min + hourly rate if fee explus attorney fees and publishing cost***$18,747.7425Habitat Conservation Permit Processing, Not Complex1,150.00DepositDivision hourly rate invoiced against initial deposit plus consultant cost and 15% admin fee$1,373.34449.2.bPacket Pg. 119Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Planning Fees ‐ Processing Fees and Charges (City Code Section 7.1. (a))# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge UnitNotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 202226Mills Act Request1,305.00 Plus actual attorney fees $2,112.4927Minor Deviation Variance Review1,235.00$2,451.8428Minor Modification320.00 Deposit$320.0029Miscellaneousdivision hourly ratedivision hourly rate30Mobile Home Rent Review4,945.00 plus arbitrator's fee$5,032.2631Planned Unit Development 13,875.00plus A&S fee, plus attorney fees + publishing fees$16,203.0032Reasonable Accommodation400.00$1,120.0033Sign Permit (first sign)126.00$293.0034Temporary Use Permit (standard) 925.00minPlanning Division hourly rate plus attorney fees$2,074.0035Tentative Parcel Map (up to 4 lots)7,355.00Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees$10,253.00Tentative Tract Map (5 or more lots)36 Tentative Tract Map (5 ‐ 12 lots)13,995.00Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees$19,036.4937 Tentative Tract Map (each lot over 12 lots, flat lot)$115.00$302.0038 Tentative Tract Map (each lot over 12 lots, Hillside lot)$500.00$877.0039 Tentative Tract Map Extension1,010.00Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees$768.00Urban Service Area Amendment 40 Urban Service Area Amendment (up to 10 acres)27,785.00plus publishing cost and attorney fees. LAFCO fees and additional deposit to be provided after city action***$29,188.0041 Urban Service Area Amendment (each additoinal 10 acres)$165.00$423.0042Variance Request5,185.00Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees$5,469.66Zoning Amendment43 Zoning Map Amendment (up to 10 acres)5,060.00plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees$11,884.5644 Zoning Map Amendment (each additional 10 acres)120.00$150.2745 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment7,085.00Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees$14,417.4246Pre‐Application DRG Review1,520.00$3,485.52Other Review and Service Fees47 Continuation Request by ApplicantHourly Ratehourly rate, minimum $370 plus publishing cost***Hourly Rate48 Research Hourly Rate + Direct Cost Depositminimum 2 hourHourly Rate + Direct Cost49 Planning InspectionsDivisional hourly rate$69.00 minimumDivisional hourly rate50 Planning Plan CheckDivisional hourly rate$69.00 minimumDivisional hourly rate51 Security Deposit Application Fee270.00Deposit$270.0052 Affordable Housing Project4,290.00plus attorney fees$3,271.0353 Affordable Housing Agreement3,450.00unit/Depositplus attorney fees$6,089.2054 Designated Historic Resource review permit (Admin)3,560.00$2,935.8855 Designated Historic Resource review permit  (Commission)  3,560.00plus consultant fees and 15% admin fee$2,967.0056Historic Demolition / Significant Alteration review permit (commission)Newplus consultant fees and 15% admin fee$5,712.9157 Initial Study/ND/MND, Complex project (Staff Review)New15% of contract cost (admin) + Mitigation Monitoring cost +  publishing cost***$12,581.51459.2.bPacket Pg. 120Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development ‐ Planning Fees ‐ Processing Fees and Charges (City Code Section 7.1. (a))# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge UnitNotesNew FeeEffective August 1, 202258 Existing Sign Program Permit New$507.7059 New Sign Program (e.g., for new/remodeled shopping centers) New$2,224.2060 Sign Permit, each additional sign New$126.9361 Minor Temporary Use Permit (e.g. flower vendors, model homes, trailers)New$1,536.1762 Minor Conditional Use Permit (e.g., wine bar, farmers market) New$1,159.6863 Habitat Conservation Permit Processing ‐ Complex New plus consultant fees $3,162.0064 Zoning Verification New$400.4265 General Plan / Zoning Ordinance Update Fee15%of Planning Applications20%66Technology FeeNewOf Planning Applications and Building Permits5%67 Public Noticing FeeNew$1,128.3268 Murray Las Animas Overlay FeeNew$1,422.0069 Tree Removal Permit300.00$300.0070 Zoning Clearance (Wireless Facilities320.00Depositplus RF Report Preparation Cost$320.00For those projects involving multiple public hearing applications, the publication costs will be reduced to a single charge when it is determined, and reasonably possible, that the public‐hearing applications can be processed together.For any user fee service request that is outside the scope, or for services for which there is no fee currently set, the City can charge up to the full cost of the FBHR for personnel involved.City Attorney costs will be passed on directly to applicant as neededAdditional fees may be assessed, as determined by the Community Development Director, based upon complications due to environmental review, three or more re‐submittals, applicant‐initiated project revisions, continued public 469.2.bPacket Pg. 121Attachment: Exhibit A - Fee Schedule (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Introduction of the Comprehensive User Fee Study and First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Sections of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code Entitled "Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue" Meeting Date: June 20, 2022 From: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department: Finance Department Submitted By: Harjot Sangha, Finance Director Prepared By: Harjot Sangha, Finance Director Strategic Plan Goals  Develop a Financially Resilient Organization ☐ Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services ☐ Promote Economic Development Activities ☐ Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All ☐ Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION 1. Receive 2022 Comprehensive User Fee Study report; 2. After the City Clerk reads the title of the ordinance, motion to waive further reading of the ordinance; and b) Introduce an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gilroy amending sections 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code entitled "Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue". EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9.2.c Packet Pg. 122 Attachment: June 20 Staff Report (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) As part of its FY22 and FY23 workplan, staff has completed an update to the City’s Comprehensive User Fee Schedule. The City’s current fee schedule was last updated and adopted in 2014. The fee schedule establishes user fees charged for services rendered by various departments. The User Fee Study (“Study”) was made available to the community and frequent users of City services, such as developers and contr actors. Staff conducted two community meetings, on June 9 th and June 16th, to solicit feedback. In addition to adjusting the fees, staff is introducing an ordinance to amend sections of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code, entitled “Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue” for items outlined in the policy discussion below. POLICY DISCUSSION Should the City Council adopt an ordinance amending section of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code, entitled “Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue” to: 1. Annually adjust the fee schedule based on a consumer price index (CPI) to keep pace with the increases in cost of providing services and require a comprehensive fee to be conducted at least every five years. 2. Provide flexibility to exclude certain types of expenses not directly attributable to the cost of providing services when performing user fee calculations. 3. Update language pertaining to types of regulation, product, and service the City provides and related percentage of costs to be recovered for such services. BACKGROUND The City’s current fee schedule was last updated and adopted in 2014. In 2019, the City initiated a Study as part of its workplan. However, in 2020 the project was paused due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic which shifted the City’s priorities to addressing the challenges brought on by the pandemic. As part of the current biennial budget development process, staff included the completion of the user fee study project in its workplan. Over the last 10 months, staff re-engaged with the consultant (Willdan Financial Services), reviewed the 2019 draft fee study schedules, and worked with various departments to adjust the calculations based on budget and level of effort. This was needed as the 2019 update was based on p re-pandemic levels of staffing and service budgets. ANALYSIS The study’s objective is to help determine the full cost of the services the City provides. The total cost of each service included in the analysis is based on the full cost of providing the service, including direct salaries and benefits, direct departmental costs, and indirect costs from central support services. The scope of the study encompasse d a review and calculation of fees charged by the following departments and fee groups: General Administration, Finance, Wastewater, Community Development, Public Works, Recreation, Police, and Fire. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 123 Attachment: June 20 Staff Report (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) At the May 16th City Council meeting, Council received an update regarding the study which included information regarding the process and methodology utilized for the study, as well as what the Council and community can expect the recommendations to include: removal and addition of fees across departments, an inflationary factor to annually adjust the fees based on a consumer price index, and related amendment s to Chapter 7 of Gilroy City Code. A link to the May 16 th report is provided as an attachment. The User Fee Study The recommended fee schedules within the Study, Appendix C – Cost Recovery Analysis, include the description of the service/fee, the current fee, the full cost of providing the service related to that fee, the current subsidy, the recommended fee, and the net change in fee amount from the current fee. The recommended fees are set at 100% cost recovery for all service areas as required by the Gilroy City Code, with the exception of certain facility and park rental fees which are recommended to follow the current categorical subsidy based on whether the user is a Gilroy resident, a non -profit organization, or if the use is for a City/school event. The table below provides a summary of the number of fees that were adjusted or remain unchanged by service area. Details of the adjustments are within the Appendix C of the Study. Service Area # of Fees Increased # of Fees Decreased # of New Fees Added # of Fees Unchanged General Administration 1 - 2 13 Finance 33 5 4 40 Wastewater 3 - 1 9 Public Works 5 1 8 96 Recreation 70 3 12 30 Fire 56 2 8 18 Police 20 6 - 28 Community Development – Building 114 38 50 16 Community Development - Planning 42 6 12 10 Average 38 9 12 29 9.2.c Packet Pg. 124 Attachment: June 20 Staff Report (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) The following analysis provides a summary of the results by Service Area on types of fees collected and any new fees proposed. The User Fee Study and the fee schedules included in Appendix C should be reviewed for additional information and details. General Administration The fees within the General Administration services includes general governance functions such as City Administrator, City Attorney, City Clerk, and Administrative Services. The fees within this service group are mostly related to document reproduction and miscellaneous fees related to special services/research requested. Two new fees are recommended to be added, a document reproduction , and a notary fee set to the maximum amount as allowed by the Government Code 8211, current at $15. The majority of existing fees are recommended to follow current fee methodology of assessing the Department/Division’s hourly rate for the service. Finance The fees within the Finance services primarily include business license processing, water and wastewater utility services, and other miscellaneous fees such as returned check and/or delinquency charges. Four new fees are recommended to be added to the schedule which are pass-through costs from merchant processor for credit card and ACH/e-check type payments. The City currently absorbs the merchant processing fees and is recommending passing the cost onto the user of service s. The fee is 2.95% for non-utility payments, $3.50 for utility payments, and $0.75 per e-check/ACH transaction. The implementation of the pass-through costs will coincide with the Tyler Munis (Enterprise Resource Planning-ERP) and Tyler EnerGov (permitting) systems being fully live and operational. Wastewater The fees within the Wastewater services relate primarily to the South County Regional Wastewater Authority (SCRWA) and include services related to pretreatment plan checks and other related inspections to regulate the wastewater discharge of specific commercial and industrial users of the plant as required by law. One new fee, re- inspection fee, is recommended to be added, established at $214 with a ½ hour minimum. Public Works The fees within the Public Works services primarily include subdivision map and improvement plan check and inspection, encroachment permits, oversize transportation permits, stormwater compliance, special staff analysis and reimbursement rates for storm, sewer, and water main pipes. Eight new fees are recommended to be added, five of which relate to Stormwater post construction Best Management Practice (BMP) as required by State law. The fees, ranging from $31 to $504, cover initial costs to accept 9.2.c Packet Pg. 125 Attachment: June 20 Staff Report (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) and enter postconstruction BMP information from new development to the State database, and to annually solicit, accept, review, monitor and report on the semi-annual inspections required. The City of Gilroy contracts with the City of Morgan Hill for such environmental services and these fees would help recover a portion of the stormwater compliance service costs paid to the City of Morgan Hill. Other new fees include miscellaneous services such as curb paining ($467) and driveway red tipping ($357). Recreation The fees within Recreation services primarily include facilities and park rental fees. Most of the fees are time-based and thus are increasing due to higher personnel costs. The current facilities and park rental fees are subsidized based on a 4 -tier scale, Categories A through D, where category D is 100% cost recovery, and categories A through C are subsidized for Gilroy residents, non-profit organizations, and City/School events. No change to the current methodology is recommended at this time, other than increases to the fees. Twelve new fees are recommended to be added, which cover two new park facilities currently not on the fee schedule (Christmas Hill - Park Side, and San Ysidro Picnic Pavilion), and a new fee for cancellation of park and field reservation is also recommended to be added at $64. In 2020 a new approach was established for the recreation services where the General Fund contributes $1.5 million annually to be expended on programs that serve the needs of the City’s vulnerable population(s) including adaptive, special needs, senior center, youth center and volunteer programs. Any new programs identified by the division requires City Administrator approval to be accommodated within the existing $1.5 million funding or the program must demonstrate 100% cost recovery for consideration. Fees for seasonal recreation classes and programs are recommended to follow the current practice where program offerings and related fees are adjusted seasona lly based on market analysis and consider fluctuations and trends in participation rates to attain cost recovery. A related ordinance amendment is also recommended, as discussed further below, to bring the City Code in line with current practice. Fire The fees within the Fire services primarily include fire prevention and hazardous materials permits, plan checks and inspections. Eight new fees are recommended to be added related to false alarms, additional permits and inspections for hazardous materials and above ground petroleum storage sites, with fees ranging from $193 up to $562. Police The fees within the Police services primarily include annual operational permits for certain types of businesses, animal control, vehicle impound/release, graffiti abatement, and other cost recovery items such as call backs, crime analysis services , and DUI 9.2.c Packet Pg. 126 Attachment: June 20 Staff Report (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) related cost recovery. No new fees are recommended to be added within Police services. Community Development – Building The fees within Community Development’s Building Division primarily include plan checks and permits related to building, roofing, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, grading, and other miscellaneous structures. A total of 50 new fees, ranging from $30 up to $2,426, are recommended to be added across various permits categories: including solar and energy storage system permits, sign and monument, reproduction of documents, pool demolition, electrical permits related to electric vehicle charging, HVAC replacement, and permits related water and sewer re-piping. For building permits, the valuation-based method is utilized, using the International Code Council (ICC) building valuation data table, adjusted regionally, to provide the average construction cost per square foot. The Building permits value table is recommended to increase by 3.8%, to achieve 100% cost recovery. Community Development – Planning The fees within Community Development’s Planning Division primarily include architectural and site reviews, conditional use permits, general plan and zoning review and amendments, environmental review, urban service area amendments, tentative maps, and other miscellaneous review and permits. Twelve new fees , ranging from $126 up to $5,712, are recommended to be added to include historic site demolition/alternation permit, signage permits, additional temporary and conditional use permits, zoning verification, Murray Las Animas overlay, and public noticing. Ordinance As mentioned in the policy consideration above, staff is recommending that the City Council introduce an ordinance amending sections of Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code, entitled “Cost Comparison System for Fee and Service Charge Revenue” to: 1. Annually adjust the fee schedule based on a consumer price index to keep pace with the increases in cost of provide services and require a comprehensive fee study to be conducted at least every five years. 2. Provide flexibility to exclude certain types of expenses not directly attributable to the cost of providing service when performing user fee calculations. 3. Update language pertaining to types of regulation, product, and service the City provides and related percentage of costs to be recovered for such services. To effectuate the above, three sections of the code are recommended to be updated: Section 7.3 –outlines the various expenditure elements to be included in the calculation of the fee and service charge . Staff is recommending adding the following text at the end of the section to allow for certain exclusions: 9.2.c Packet Pg. 127 Attachment: June 20 Staff Report (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) “When developing the cost allocation plan or service charge model which establishes the said fees and service charges, certain expenses may be considered for exclusion from the calculation which may not be directly attributable to a service being provided.” Section 7.4 – outlines the adjustment of the fee schedule and provides a table of regulations, products, or services with their respective percentage of cost to be recovered. The recommended changes in this section include the following: 1. Replacing current language that requires annual fee studies to annual adjust the fees based on CPI and requiring comprehensive fee stud ies to be conducted not less than every five years. 2. Updating the fee table to: o Categorize the fees in correct Service Areas ▪ For example: Existing code had various business permits (massage, cardroom, taxicab etc.) as a Finance service, which is now a Police service. o Removal of fee descriptions that are outdated ▪ For example: The residential development ordinance (RDO) and related housing exemption fee are no longer service categories, thus are removed. o Updating cost recovery language for Recreation services ▪ For example: Under the current code, facilities and park rentals are required to be 100% cost recovery. In actuality the current fees adopted in 2014 are tiered in categories A - D, where category D is 100% cost recovery and A through C are subsidized at various percentages for Gilroy residents, non-profit organizations, and the City/School events. This change will bring the code in line with current practice. It is important to note that the table, while it is being replaced in its entirety, maintains the same cost recovery percentages established in the existing code, with certain adjustments as outlined above. Section 7.5 – Current code requires the fee analysis to be conducted annually and be presented to Council annually via public hearing. This is not the current practice. As a best practice, comprehensive fee studies are recommended to be conducted not less than every five years. As such, this section is being amended to remove the word “annual” from public hearing requirement to adjust the fees. Any future adoption of comprehensive fee analysis and any related adjustments would still be conducted via public hearing as required by law, just not annually. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 128 Attachment: June 20 Staff Report (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) This also does not prevent the City from adopting one-off fees as may be required. ALTERNATIVES 1. City Council could direct staff to not adjust select fees or adjust at a lower cost recovery level. This is not recommended as it is the Council’s strategic priority to be fiscally resilient and sustainable. As such, updating the City’s fees and charges periodically to ensure 100% cost recovery is critical. 2. City Council could decide to forgo one or more of the proposed amendments to Chapter 7 of the Gilroy City Code. This is not recommended, especially as the adjustments bring the code in line with current practice and include an annual inflationary factor to adjust the fees to keep up with the rising costs. FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE There is no fiscal impact to receiving this report. The cost for the user fee study to update the 2019 study is $7,500 and is included in the Finance Department’s adopted FY22 budget. Various departments have contributed efforts to review a nd update the fee calculation models and the work was accommodated within their respective department’s workplan. The fees will be brought back to City Council for adoption via formal Public Hearing on July 5th. The adjusted fees are projected to recover the cost of providing the various City services. NEXT STEPS Staff will return to Council on July 5th for formal adoption of the resolution setting the new fee schedule, with target implementation effective date of August 1, 2022 and formal adoption of the ordinance with amendments to Chapter 7. PUBLIC OUTREACH The Study was released to the community on June 3, 2022 and communicated via the weekly Email Express, and via email to the development community, with links to the City’s webpage, online comment form, and an invite to two community meetings conducted on June 9th (virtual) and June 16th (Council Chambers). Only one attendee from the community was present for the June 9th virtual town hall meeting and had no comments or questions. No attendees from the community were present for the June 16th in person meeting hosted at the Council Chambers for the development and business community. As of writing this staff report, no comments have been received via the online form either. 9.2.c Packet Pg. 129 Attachment: June 20 Staff Report (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Attachments: 1. 2022 Comprehensive User Fee Study 2. Draft Ordinance 3. May 16th, 2022 Staff Report 9.2.c Packet Pg. 130 Attachment: June 20 Staff Report (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) City of Gilroy User Fee Study June 20, 2022 9.2.d Packet Pg. 131 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) i Comprehensive User Fee Study TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 1 User Fee Background .............................................................................................................................. 2 Background .................................................................................................................................................. 2 California User Fee History .......................................................................................................................... 2 Additional Policy Considerations ................................................................................................................. 3 Study Objective....................................................................................................................................... 4 Scope of the Study ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Aim of the Report ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Project Approach and Methodology ........................................................................................................ 6 Conceptual Approach ................................................................................................................................... 6 Fully Burdened Hourly Rates ........................................................................................................................ 6 Summary Steps of the Study ........................................................................................................................ 7 Allowable Costs ............................................................................................................................................ 7 Methodology ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Quality Control/Quality Assurance .............................................................................................................. 8 Reasons for cost increases/decreases over current fees............................................................................. 9 City Staff Contributions ................................................................................................................................ 9 Gilroy User Fees .................................................................................................................................... 10 Cost Recovery............................................................................................................................................. 10 Subsidization .............................................................................................................................................. 10 Impact on Demand (Elasticity) ................................................................................................................... 11 Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 11 General Administration ......................................................................................................................... 12 Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Finance ................................................................................................................................................. 13 Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 Wastewater .......................................................................................................................................... 14 Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 Public Works ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Recreation ............................................................................................................................................ 16 9.2.d Packet Pg. 132 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) ii Comprehensive User Fee Study Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 16 Fire ....................................................................................................................................................... 17 Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 Police .................................................................................................................................................... 18 Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 18 Community Development ..................................................................................................................... 19 Analysis ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 Appendix A – Total Allowable Cost to be Recovered ............................................................................. 21 Appendix B – Fully Burdened Hourly Rates ............................................................................................ 22 Appendix C – Cost Recovery Analysis .................................................................................................... 26 9.2.d Packet Pg. 133 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 1 Comprehensive User Fee Study Executive Summary The City of Gilroy engaged Willdan Financial Services (Willdan) to determine the full costs incurred by the City to support the various activities for which the City charges user fees. Due to the complexity and the breadth of performing a comprehensive review of fees, Willdan employed a variety of fee methodologies to identify the full costs of individual fee and program activities. This report and the appendices herein identifies 100% full cost recovery for City services and the recommended level of recovery as determined through discussion with departmental staff. The reality of the local government fee environment is that significant increases to achieve 100% cost recovery can often not be feasible, desirable, or appropriate depending on policy direction —particularly in a single year. The recommended fees identified herein are either at or less than full cost recovery. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 134 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 2 Comprehensive User Fee Study U ser Fee Background Background As part of a general cost recovery strategy, local governments adopt user fees to fund programs and services that provide limited or no direct benefit to the community as a whole. As cities struggle to maintain levels of service and variability of demand, they have become increasingly aware of subsidies provided by the General Fund and have implemented cost-recovery targets. To the extent that governments use general tax monies to provide individuals with private benefits, and not require them to pay the full cost of the service (and, therefore, receive a subsidy), the government is limiting funds that may be available to provide other community-wide benefits. In effect, the government is using community funds to pay for private benefit. Unlike most revenue sources, cities have more control over the level of user fees they charge to recover costs, or the subsidies they can institute. Fees in California are required to conform to the statutory requirements of the California Consti tution, Proposition 218, and the California Code of Regulations. The Code also requires that the City Council adopt fees by either ordinance or resolution, and that any fees in excess of the estimated total cost of rendering the related services must be approved by a popular vote of two-thirds of those electors voting because the charge would be considered a tax and not a fee. California User Fee History Before Proposition 13, California cities were less concerned with potential subsidies and recovering the cost of their services from individual fee payers. In times of fiscal shortages, cities simply raised property taxes, which funded everything from police and recreation to development-related services. However, this situation changed with the passage of Proposition 13 in 1978. Proposition 13 established the era of revenue limitation in California local government. In subsequent years, the State saw a series of additional limitations to local government revenues. Proposition 4 (1979) defined the difference between a tax and a fee: a fee can be no greater than the cost of providing the service; and Proposition 218 (1996) further limited the imposition of taxes for certain classes of fees. As a result, cities were required to secure a supermajority vote in order to enact or increase taxes. Since the public continues to resist efforts to raise local government taxes, cities have little control and very few successful options for new revenues. Compounding this limitation, the State of California took a series of actions in the 1990’s and 2000’s to improve the State’s fiscal situation—at the expense of local governments. As an example, in 2004-05, the Educational Revenue Augmentation Funds (“ERAF”) take-away of property taxes and the reduction of Vehicle License Fees have severely reduced local tax revenues. In addition, on November 2, 2010, California voters approved Proposition 26, the “Stop Hidden Taxes Initiative”, which is aimed at defining “regulatory fees” as a special tax rather than a fee, thus requiring approval by two-thirds vote of local voters. These regulatory fees are typically intended to mitigate the societal and environmental impacts of a business or person’s activities. Proposition 26 contains seven categories of exceptions. The vast majority of fees that cities would seek to adopt will most likely fall into one or more of these exemptions. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 135 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 3 Comprehensive User Fee Study Additional Policy Considerations The recent trend for municipalities is to update their fee schedules to reflect the actual costs of certain public services primarily benefitting users. User Fees recover costs associated with the provision of specific services benefiting the user, thereby reducing the use of General Fund monies for such purposes. In addition to collecting the direct cost of labor and materials associated with processing and administering user services, it is common for local governments to recover support costs. Support costs are those costs relating to a local government’s central service departments that are properly allocable to the local government’s operating departments. Central services support cost allocations were incorporated using the resulting indirect overhead percentages determined through the Cost Allocation Plan. This plan was developed prior to the User Fee study to determine the burden placed upon central services by the operating departments in order to allocate a proportionate share of central service cost. As labor effort and costs associated with the provision of services fluctuate over time, a significant element in the development of any fee schedule is that it has the flexibility to remain current. Therefore, it is recommended that the City include an inflationary factor in the resolution adopting the fee schedule to allow the City Council, by resolution, to annually increase or decrease the fees. The City may employ many different inflationary factors. The most commonly used inflator is some form of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as it is widely well known and accepted. A similar inflator is the implicit price deflator for Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is much like the CPI except that while the CPI is based on the same “basket” of goods and services every year, the price deflators’ “basket” can change year to year. Since the primary factor for the cost of a City’s services is usually the costs of the personnel involved, tying an inflationary factor that connects more directly to the personnel costs can be suitable if there is a clear method, or current practice of obtaining said factor. Each City should use an inflator that they believe works the best for their specific situation and needs. It is also recommended that the City perform this internal review annually with a comprehensive review of services and fees performed every three to five years, which would include adding or removing fees for any new or eliminated programs/services, as well as updating the underlying cost and personnel data. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 136 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 4 Comprehensive User Fee Study Study Objective As the City of Gilroy seeks to efficiently manage limited resources and adequately respond to increased service demands, it needs a variety of tools. These tools provide assurance that the City has the best information and the best resources available to make sound decisions, fairly and legitimately set fees, maintain compliance with state law and local policies, and meet the needs of the City administration and its constituency. Given the limitations on raising revenue in local government, the City recognizes that a User Fee Study is a very cost-effective way to understand the total cost of services and identify potential fee deficiencies. Essentially, a User Fee is a payment for a requested service provided by a local government that primarily benefits an individual or group. The total cost of each service included in this analysis is based on the full cost of providing City services, including direct salaries and benefits of City staff, direct departmental costs, and indirect costs from central service support. This study determines the full cost recovery fee for the City to provide each service; however, each fee is set at the City’s discretion, up to 100% of the total cost, as specified in this report. The principal goal of the study was to help the City determine the full cost of the services that the City provides. In addition, Willdan established a series of additional objectives including: • Developing a rational basis for setting fees • Identifying subsidy amount, if applicable, of each fee in the model • Ensuring compliance with State law • Developing an updatable and comprehensive list of fees • Maintaining the fees accordance with City policies and goals The study results will help the City better understand its true costs of providing services and may serve as a basis for making informed policy decisions regarding the most appropriate fees, if any, to collect from individuals and organizations that require individualized services from the City. Scope of the Study The scope of this study encompasses a review and calculation of the user fees charged by the following Gilroy departments and fee groups: • General Administration • Finance • Wastewater • Public Works • Recreation • Fire • Police • Community Development 9.2.d Packet Pg. 137 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 5 Comprehensive User Fee Study The study involved the identification of existing and potential new fees, fee schedule restructuring, data collection and analysis, orientation and consultation, quality control, communication and presentations, and calculation of individual service costs (fees) or program cost recovery levels. Aim of the Report The User Fee Study focused on the cost of City services, as City staff currently provides them at existing, known, or reasonably anticipated service and staff levels. This report provides a summary of the study results, and a general description of the approach and methods Willdan and City staff used to determine the recommended fee schedule. The report is not intended to document all of the numerous discussions throughout the process, nor is it intended to provide influential dissertation on the qualities of the utilized tools, techniques, or other approaches. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 138 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 6 Comprehensive User Fee Study Project Approach and M ethodology Conceptual Approach The basic concept of a User Fee Study is to determine the “reasonable cost” of each service provided by the City for which it charges a user fee. The full cost of providing a service may not necessarily become the City’s fee, but it serves as the objective basis as to the maximum amount that may be collected. The standard fee limitation established in California law for property-related (non-discretionary) fees is the “estimated, reasonable cost” principle. In order to maintain compliance with the letter and spirit of this standard, every component of the fee study process included a related review. The use of budget figures , time estimates, and improvement valuation clearly indicates reliance upon estimates for some data. F ully Burdened Hourly Rat es The total cost of each service included in this analysis is primarily based on the Fully Burdened Hourly Rates (FBHRs) that were determined for City personnel directly involved in providing services. The FBHRs include not only personnel salary and benefits, but also any costs that are reasonably ascribable to personnel. The cost elements that are included in the calculation of fully burdened rates are: • Salaries & benefits of personnel involved • Operating costs applicable to fee operations • Departmental support, supervision, and administration overhead • Internal Service Costs charged to each department • Indirect City-wide overhead costs An important factor in determining the fully burdened rate is in the calculation of productive hours for personnel. This calculation takes the available workable hours in a year of 2,080 and adjusts this figure to account for calculated or anticipated hours’ employees are involved in non‐billable activities such as paid vacation, sick leave, emergency leave, holidays, and other considerations, as necessary. Dividing the full cost by the number of productive hours provides the FBHR. The FBHRs are then used in conjunction with time estimates, when appropriate, to calculate a fees' cost based on the personnel and the amount of their time that is involved in providing each service. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 139 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 7 Comprehensive User Fee Study Summary Steps of the Study The methodology to evaluate most User Fee levels is straightforward and simple in concept. The following list provides a summary of the study process steps: Allowable Costs This report identifies three types of costs that, when combined, constitute the fully burdened cost of a service (Appendix A). Costs are defined as direct labor, including salary and benefits, departmental overhead costs, and the City’s central services overhead, where departmental and central service overhead costs constitute support costs. These cost types are defined as follows: • Direct Labor (Personnel Costs): The costs related to staff salaries for time spent directly on fee-related services. • Departmental Overhead: A proportional allocation of departmental overhead costs, including operation costs such as supplies and materials that are necessary for the department to function. • Central Services Overhead: These costs, represent services provided by those Central Services Departments whose primary function is to support other City departments. The calculations utilized the de minimus rate of 10% proscribed by 2 CFR Part 200 Cost Principles for use in organizations that do not have a cost allocation plan. Data Analysis Department Interviews Time Estimates Labor Costs Cost Allocation Plan Building Cost Layers Direct Services Indirect Services Department Overhead City-Wide Overhead Set Fees Define the Full Cost of Services Set Cost Recovery Policy 9.2.d Packet Pg. 140 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 8 Comprehensive User Fee Study Methodology The three methods of analysis for calculating fees used in this report are the: Case Study Method (Standard Unit Cost Build-Up Approach): This approach estimates the actual labor and material costs associated with providing a unit of service to a single user. This analysis is suitable when City staff time requirements do not vary dramatically for a service, or for special projects where the time and cost requirements are easy to identify at the project’s outset. Further, the method is effective in instances when a staff member from one department assists on an application, service or permit for another department on an as-needed basis. Costs are estimated based upon interviews with City staff regarding the time typically spent on tasks, a review of available records, and a time and materials analysis. Programmatic Approach: In some instances, the underlying data is not available or varies widely, leaving a standard unit cost build-up approach impractical. In addition, market factors and policy concerns (as opposed to actual costs) tend to influence fee levels more than other types of services. Willdan employed a different methodology where appropriate to fit the programs’ needs and goals. Typical programmatic approach cases are facility use fees, penalties, and instances where a program cost is divided over the user base to obtain a per applicant cost for shared cost services. Valuation Based Fees: This manner of collection is used when the valuation of the improvement can be used as a proxy for the amount of effort it would take for City staff to complete the service provided. More specifically, this approach is commonly used for certain User Fees in the Building Division. It is generally accepted that as a project’s size scales up, the cost of the project increases, and the amount of effort needed to review and inspect also increases. It is also generally true that the more complex the type of construction, the more the cost, and time needed to review and inspect. Using a valuation-based fees provides for a system that can adjust as project sizes scale. Land is not included in valuation determination. Quality Control/Quality Assurance All study components are interrelated, thus flawed data at any step in the process will cause the ultimate results to be inconsistent and unsound. The elements of our Quality Control process for User Fee calculations include: • Involvement of knowledgeable City staff • Clear instructions and guidance to City staff • Reasonableness tests and validation • Normalcy/expectation ranges • FTE balancing • Internal and external reviews • Cross-checking 9.2.d Packet Pg. 141 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 9 Comprehensive User Fee Study Reasons for cost inc reases/decreases over current fees Within the fee tables in Appendix C, the differences are identified between the full costs calculated through the study and the fee levels currently in effect. The reasons for differences between the two can arise from a number of possible factors including: • Previous fee levels may have been set at levels less than full cost intentionally, based on policy decisions • Staffing levels and the positions that complete fee and service activity may vary from when the previous costs were calculated • Personnel and materials costs could have increased at levels that differed from any inflationary factors used to increase fees since the last study • Costs that this study has identified as part of the full cost of services may not have been accounted for in a previous study o Departmental overhead and administration costs o Vehicle and Facility Maintenance support costs o Indirect overhead from central service support • Changes in processes and procedures within a department, or the City as a whole City Staff Contributions As part of the study process, Willdan received tremendous support and cooperation from City staff, which contributed and reviewed a variety of components to the study, including: • Budget and other cost data • Staffing structures • Fee and service structures, organization, and descriptions • Direct and indirect work hours (billable/non-billable) • Time estimates to complete work tasks • Frequency and current fee levels • Review of draft results and other documentation A User Fee Study requires significant involvement of the managers and line staff from the departments— on top of their existing workloads and competing priorities. The contributions from City staff were critical to this study. We would like to express our appreciation to the City and its staff for their assistance, professionalism, positive attitudes, helpful suggestions, responsiveness, and overall cooperation. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 142 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 10 Comprehensive User Fee Study Gilroy U ser Fees Cost Recovery The cost recovery models, by department/division fee type, are presented in detail in Appendix C. Full cost recovery is determined by summing the estimated amount of time each position (in increments of minutes or hours) spends to render a service. Time estimates for each service rendered were predominately determined by Willdan and City Staff through a time and materials survey conducted for each department/division fee included in the study. The resulting cost recovery amount represents the total cost of providing each service. The City’s current fee being charged for each service, if applicable, is provided in this section, as well, for reference. It is important to note that the time and materials survey used to determine the amount of time each employee spends assisting in the provision of the services listed on the fee schedule is essential in identifying the total cost of providing each service. Specifically, in providing services, a number of employees are often involved in various aspects of the process, spending anywhere from a few minutes to several hours on the service. The principal goal of this study was to identify the cost of City services, to provide information to help the City make informed decisions regarding the actual fee levels and charges. The responsibility to determine the final fee levels is a complicated task. City staff must consider many issues in formulating recommendations, and the City Council must consider those same issues and more in making the final decisions. City staff assumes the responsibility to develop specific fee level recommendations to present to the City Council. Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules to guide the City, since many of the considerations are based on the unique characteristics of the City of Gilroy, and administrative and political discretion. However, in setting the level of full cost recovery for each fee, one should consider whether the service solely benefits one end user or the general community. Subsidization Recalling the definition of a user fee helps guide decisions regarding subsidization . The general standard is that individuals (or groups) who receive a wholly private benefit should pay 100% of the full cost of the services. In contrast, services that are simply public benefit should be funded entirely by the general fund’s tax dollars. Unfortunately, for the decision makers, many services fall into the range between these two extremes. The graphic on the following page illustrates the potential decision basis. Further complicating the decision, opponents of fees often assert that the activities subject to the fees provide economic, cultural, “quality of life,” or other community benefits that exceed the costs to the City. It is recommended the City consider such factors during its deliberations regarding appropriate fee levels. Of course, subsidization can be an effective public policy tool since it can be used to reduce fees to encourage certain activities (such as compliance inspections to ensure public safety) or allow some people to be able to afford to receive services they otherwise could not at the full cost. In addition, subsidies can 9.2.d Packet Pg. 143 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 11 Comprehensive User Fee Study be an appropriate and justifiable action, such as to allow citizens to rightfully access services, without burdensome costs. Despite the intent, it is important for the City and public to understand that subsidies must be covered by another revenue source, such as the General Fund. Therefore, the general taxpayer will potentially help to fund private benefits, and/or other City services will not receive funds that are otherwise directed to cover subsidies. Impact on Demand (Elasti city ) Economic principles of elasticity suggest that increased costs for services (higher fees) will eventually curtail the demand for the services; whereas lower fees may spark an incentive to utilize the services and encourage certain actions. Either of these conditions may be a desirable effect to the City. However, the level of the fees that would cause demand changes is largely unknown. The Cost of Service Study did not attempt to evaluate the economic or behavioral impacts of higher or lower fees; nevertheless, the City should consider the potential impacts of these issues when deciding on fee levels. Summary If the City’s principal goal of this study were to maximize revenues from user fees, Willdan would recommend setting user fees at 100% of the full cost identified in this study. However, we understand that revenue enhancement is not the only goal of a cost of service study, and sometimes full-cost recovery is not needed, desired, or appropriate. Other City and departmental goals, City Council priorities, policy initiatives, past experience, implementation issues, and other internal and external factors may influence staff recommendations and City Council decisions. City staff has reviewed the full costs and identified the “recommended fee levels” for consideration by City Council. The attached appendices exhibit these unit fees individually. The preceding sections provide background for each department or division and the results of this study’s analysis of their fees. For the full list of each fee and their analysis, refer to Appendix C of this report. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 144 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 12 Comprehensive User Fee Study General Administration The Administration Department is a central services department that provides oversight and guidance to all departments within the City of Gilroy. Operational oversight of the Department is provided by the City Administrator through general direction provided to the offices contained within. These offices include the following: City Administrator’s Office, City Attorney’s Office (Contracted), Administrative Services (Human Resources, Fleet, Facilities and Information Technology), City Clerk’s Office, Communications and Engagement Office, Economic Development, and Emergency Services. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services associated with the General Administration fees. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The analysis of the General Administration services relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build-up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cost of staff and the pro-rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. Willdan then compared the calculated full cost against the current fee amount to determine, if charged, whether the current fee is recovering the costs associated with the requested service. The analysis found that services are currently being provided below full cost. As a result of the fee recommendations, there would be: • An increase to the Subpoena Duces Tecum – personnel cost to $15.85, • 2 new fees would be added and; • The remaining fees would remain as currently set as detailed in Appendix C. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 145 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 13 Comprehensive User Fee Study Finance The Finance Department provides timely and accurate financial information to City management, the City Council and the public, and administers the City’s assets including cash and investments in a prudent and responsible manner. Within the Finance Department, there are various function s including: accounts payable/receivable, payroll, investments, debt service, general accounting, budget, and utility billing. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services associated with the Finance Department. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The analysis of the Finance services relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build-up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to reco ver the direct cost of staff and the pro-rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. Willdan then compared the calculated full cost against the current fee amount to determine, if charged, whether the current fee is recovering the costs associated with the requested service. It is recommended that the City set Finance fees at the at or near 100% cost recovery for most fees as detailed in Appendix C. As a result of the suggested fees in total for the Finance schedule there would be: • An increase to 33 fees; • 40 fees would remain as currently set; • 4 new fees would be added, and; • 5 fees would decrease as detailed in Appendix C. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 146 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 14 Comprehensive User Fee Study Wastewater The Public Works Department oversee the capital budget and operations of the South County Regional Wastewater Authority (SCRWA). SCRWA treats the wastewater for the Cities of Gilroy and Morgan Hill and produces recycled water for South Santa Clara County. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services associated with Wastewater fees. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The analysis of the Wastewater services relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build-up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cost of staff and the pro-rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. Willdan then compared the calculated full cost against the current fee amount to determine, if charged, whether the current fee is recovering the costs associated with the requested service. The analysis found that most of the services being provided are currently set below their full cost. It is recommended that the City set Water Billing fees at the levels detailed in Appendix C. As a result, there would be: • An increase to 3 fees; • 9 fees would remain as currently set; • 1 new fee would be added, and; • The average fee change would be 52% as detailed in Appendix C. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 147 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 15 Comprehensive User Fee Study Public Works Public Works designs, builds and maintains the City’s water, wastewater, storm drain, street, sidewalk, park, landscape, urban forest and related infrastructure. The department is also responsible for managing various City facilities including buildings, building systems, parking lots, shelters as well as the entire fleet for the City of Gilroy. The department prepares and coordinates the capital budget for facilities and the capital and maintenance budgets for all City infrastructure. The Public Works Department is comprised of two divisions; the Engineering Division and the Operations Division. The Engineering Division oversees the functions related to the Capital Improvement Program, Traffic Engineering and Land Development. The Operations Division is made up of Street, Sewer and Urban Forest Maintenance, Park Maintenance, and Water Operations. Public Works Engineering reviews new developments to ensure that all new public infrastructure is in compliance with City, State and Federal codes, regulations and standards. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services and programs associated with the Public Works Department. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The analysis of services in Public Works relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build-up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cost of staff and pro-rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. Willdan then compared the calculated full cost against the current fee amount to determine whether the current fee is recovering the costs associated with the requested service. The analysis found that current fee levels are subsidizing the cost of service. It is recommended that the City set most Engineering Services fees at or near 100% cost recovery for most fees as detailed in Appendix C. As a result, there would be: • an increase to 5 fees; • 1 fee would decrease; • 8 new fees would be added; • 5 fees would change from flat to deposit based; • 96 fees would remain as currently set, and; • the average estimated fee increase would be around 15% for flat fee services. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 148 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 16 Comprehensive User Fee Study Recreation Housed with the City Administrator’s office, the Recreation Division offers programming geared for all ages and interests. From preschoolers to youth theater actors to active baby boomers and beyond, there are many diversified program options offered annually to residents. The Recreation Division comprises of a Recreation Manager, 2 Recreation Coordinators, a Community Coordinator, and a Management Analyst. Focused program areas are senior services, adaptive, at-risk youth, general recreation services, and facility/park rentals. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services and programs associated with the Recreation Division. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The analysis of Recreation Division mainly encompassed facility rentals. The fee for use for government owned facilities and property can be set discretionally by the City, typically based on past usage characteristics, policy goals, and surrounding jurisdiction comparison. The cost of capital acquisition, maintenance, repair, and upgrade to the City and subsequently the public is offset through rental or use fees. As such these fees should be set using the knowledge of activity use for the facilities, policy desires of the City, and market factors when desirable. It is generally accepted that some Recreation programs provide a measure of public benefit to the residents and City as a whole, and as such is it common for services to bear significant subsidies. In addition, cities generally want to ensure that their programs and services remain affordable to the community at large, and that the programs remain competitive with surrounding jurisdictions. As such, the Recreation Division has established facility and park rental fees as part of this analysis, and any programmatic fees are established seasonally taking various market factors into consideration. The suggested fees detailed in Appendix C would result in: • An increase for 70 fees; • 3 fees would decrease; • 12 new fees will be added, and; • 30 fees would remain as currently set as detailed in Appendix C. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 149 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 17 Comprehensive User Fee Study Fire The Gilroy Fire Department is a multi-risk community service provider and is comprised of two divisions: Administration and Operations. Administration provides leadership direction and oversight necessary to deliver services in a cost-effective manner. They are also responsible for managing the department’s business transactions. Administration ensures that they adhere to state and federal mandates and standards of practice. They strive to meet or exceed the City Council’s established performance objectives. The Operations Division is comprised of three sub-divisions: Field Operations, Training, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Each sub-division is managed by a Division Chief who provides direction and oversight. The department currently deploys its response resources from three fire stations within the City of Gilroy. The department relies on boundary drop, auto-aid and mutual-aid agreements with the South Santa Clara County Fire Protection District, CalFire and other fire departments within the County to obtain additional and specialized resources when needed. Without these agreements, the department could not safely extinguish large wildland and structure fires or mitigate hazardous materials events. When requested, these agencies will also respond to City incidents when all three Gilroy fire stations are committed to other emergency incidents. In addition to response, the Fire Department also performs proactive community services. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services and programs associated with the Fire Department. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. Most of the fees within the Fire services relate to fire prevention and hazardous materials handling and are utilized by the Fire Prevention and Hazardous Materials Division which is strategically housed within the Community Development Department to provide enhanced service delivery complimenting the Building and Planning services. The Division works collaboratively with the Fire Department on inspections and hazmat response activities. The analysis of services in Fire relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build-up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cost of staff and pro-rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. Willdan then compared the calculated full cost against the current fee amount to determine whether the current fee is recovering the costs associated with the requested service. The analysis found that current fee levels are subsidizing the cost of service. It is recommended that the City set most Fire Services fees at or near 100% cost recovery for most fees as detailed in Appendix C, with some specific fees set to retain subsidies. As a result, there would be: • An increase for 56 fees; • 2 fees would decrease; • 8 new fees will be added, and; • 18 fees would remain as currently set as detailed in Appendix C. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 150 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 18 Comprehensive User Fee Study Police The Police Department is divided into three divisions; Field Operations (Patrol), Special Operations (Investigations & Specialty Units/Teams/Policy/Training/Hiring/Legal Issues), and Administration (Records/Communications/Budget) each managed by a Police Captain. The overall mission of the department is to provide public safety services in partnership with the community. Community generated calls for service including emergency and nonemergency requests comprise Department activity. When not actively engaged in community requests for service, Department personnel engage in proactive or self - generated activities to further department and community goals for public safety. The Department also maintains an Investigations component to include Detectives, the Anti-Crime Team and participation in regional crime task forces. Non-sworn staff provide communications/dispatch services, records processing, property/evidence management, animal control, and several other ancillary duties in support of the Department’s mission. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services and programs associated with the Police Department. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The services included in Police are a mixture of fines and user fees. The fines are set to deter the listed and the analysis of the user fees relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build -up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cos t of staff and the pro-rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. Willdan then compared the calculated full cost against the current fee amount to determine, if charged, whether the current fee is recovering the costs associated with the requested service. The analysis found that all services are currently under recovering the cost of providing them. Based on the suggested fees for the penalties and services listed under Police, there would be: • An increase to 20 fees; • 6 fees would decrease; • 28 fees would remain as currently set, and; • The average fee change would be 8% as detailed in Appendix C. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 151 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 19 Comprehensive User Fee Study Community Development The Community Development Department works with the public, development community, and community partners to protect and enhance the quality of life in the community by facilitating development activity across the City. This facilitation is conducted through the entitlement and permitting process, where the Department ensures safe, orderly and quality development that adheres to the local zoning ordinance, 2040 General Plan, building and fire codes, and other applicable local and state laws and policies. Our attention to the safety and well-being of the community is balanced with fostering the pursuit of economic growth and opportunity The Building Division ensures that the City’s adopted building codes are adhered to during the plan review and building permit process. By collaborating with our customers, we are able to assist them with the application, plan review, and inspection process. Providing a good building inspection program enhances and encourages a solid and safer housing stock and further promotes code compliant commercial and industrial buildings within our community. The Planning Division provides current and long-term community planning services in conformance with the Gilroy General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Development shall be consistent with City Council direction to enhance the design and livability of residential neighborhoods, commercial areas and industrial zones within the City’s urban sphere while promoting sustainable development. Analysis Willdan individually reviewed the services and programs associated with the Community Development Department. The review also consisted of an evaluation of existing services in an effort to update the fee schedule. The analysis of Community Development services relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build-up approach (except for fees related to the Building Permit program), whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cost of staff and pro -rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. The analysis found that services are currently set below the full cost of providing them. For unit fees under Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical sections the services listed are not typically provided on a single use basis, but often combi ne multitudes within those sections. As such the suggested fees in those sections were limited in the cost recovery recommended. It is recommended that the City increase cost recovery for Community Development services to the levels shown for each fee as detailed in Appendix C. As a result, there would be: • an increase to 114 fees; • 38 fees would decrease; • 50 new fees will be added, and; • 16 fees would remain as currently set. In addition to the above referenced fees listed under Community Development, the Building Permit fees are also provided by this division. For the Building Permit fees, valuation is used as a proxy for measuring the amount of effort needed to provide services on a case by case basis. This method is an industry standard 9.2.d Packet Pg. 152 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 20 Comprehensive User Fee Study widely used by other California cities and counties to evaluate the cost of providing service. It is generally understood that the larger and more complex a project is, more time and effort that is required to provide the service. Project valuation also follows that trend where additional square footage for a building type increase the total valuation. At the same time difference construction projects carry different costs of construction per square foot that correspond to more complex construction needs and would also correspond to additional plan review and inspection time needed by staff. So, by using a combination of project valuation and historical revenue figures to calculate a cost multiplier and a cost recovery analysis for historical and anticipated future construction trends, current cost recovery along with variability in charges due to project type and scale is determined. The result of the cost analysis completed using fee activity going back to fiscal year 2008 for Building Permits and found that the program is currently operating at 96% cost recovery. It is recommended that the fees be increased to raise cost recovery to 100%, which would require a 3.8% increase. Current and new fees are detailed in Appendix C. The analysis of Planning Services relied primarily upon a standard unit cost build-up approach, whereby we determined the reasonable cost of each fee occurrence using staff time to recover the direct cost of staff and the pro-rata share of departmental costs, including indirect costs for City Central Services. Willdan then compared the calculated full cost against the current fee amount to determine, if charged, whether the current fee is recovering the costs associated with the requested service. The analysis found that flat rate fees were regularly set below the full cost of providing the service. It is recommended that the City set most Planning Division fees at 100% cost recovery for most fees as detailed in Appendix C. As a result, there would be: • an increase to 42 fees; • 6 fees would decrease; • 12 new fees will be added; • 10 fees would remain as currently set, and; • The average fee change would be 24% for flat fee services as detailed in Appendix C. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 153 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 21 Comprehensive User Fee Study Appendix A – Total Allowable Cost to be Recovered Below are the total department costs for those departments included in the fee study. However, only a percentage of the total cost is realized as staff does not just work on services related to User Fees, but also works on an array of other City functions during the operational hours of the City. The amounts listed below will not reconcile to City budgets as costs that should not be included in overhead for personnel in the application of determining fully burdened hourly rates were excluded. Examples of these costs are capital, debt, monetary transfers, passthrough contract costs, and any other costs that are charged directly to the service requestor. City of Gilroy - User Fee Overhead Rate Calculations Department Salary and Benefits Department Operations & Administration Direct Overhead % Indirect Allocation % 100: CITY CLERK 221,948 54,287 24.5%0.0% 100: COMMUNICATIONS & ENGAGEMENT 169,493 18,500 10.9%0.0% 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 3,105,012 66,046 2.1%7.5% 100: COUNCIL 210,303 11,684 5.6%0.0% 100: FINANCE 669,039 32,087 4.8%0.0% 100: FIRE 10,570,948 418,200 4.0%6.8% 100: HUMAN RESOURCES 872,866 401,810 46.0%0.0% 100: POLICE 20,103,405 538,077 2.7%7.4% 100: PUBLIC WORKS 2,559,761 296,340 11.6%6.1% 254: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 81,337 118,433 145.6%3.6% 259: HOUSING TRUST FUND 256,581 4,350 1.7%5.1% 268: REACT TASK FORCE 257,455 - 0.0%6.8% 290: COMMUNITY RECREATION 865,854 120,245 13.9%7.2% 600: FLEET INTERNAL SERVICE FUND 602,298 98,715 16.4%6.9% 651: FACILITIES INTERNAL SERVICE FUND 718,637 787,098 109.5%3.9% 690: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERNAL SERVICE FUND 674,387 794,523 117.8%4.5% 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 3,425,441 150,114 4.4%9.5% 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND 3,554,536 442,550 12.5%5.7% 9.2.d Packet Pg. 154 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 22 Comprehensive User Fee Study Appendix B – Fully Burdened Hou rly Rates Below are fully burdened hourly rates (FBHR’s) of staff positions that provide for the services detailed in Appendix C. The FBHR’s were used to determine the full cost of each service. They include the salary and benefit costs for each position as well as all applicable overhead amounts for each position as determined by the department they are assigned to. Positions of the same title will have different fully burdened hourly rates due to the different overhead factors of the departments. Refer previously to Appendix A for identifying the percentage overheads for each department. For any user fee service request that is outside the scope of the fees detailed in Appendix C, or for services for which there is no fee currently set, the City can notify and charge up to the full cost of the personnel, third party, or material cost involved to the service requestor. City of Gilroy - User Fee Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Calculation Department Position Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Position Rates 100: CITY ADMINISTRATOR Administator - CITY ADMINISTRATOR 224.90 100: CITY ADMINISTRATOR Administator - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MANAGER 133.95 100: CITY ADMINISTRATOR Administator - MANAGEMENT ANALYST (NON-CONFIDENTIAL)100.10 100: CITY ADMINISTRATOR Administator - PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR 150.19 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - BUILDING INSPECTOR 1 103.33 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - BUILDING INSPECTOR 2 121.11 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - BUILDING OFFICIAL 135.03 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 116.20 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 193.73 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER 155.77 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL/HAZ MAT SUPERVISOR 149.39 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - GIS COORDINATOR 109.18 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTOR 1 97.30 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INSPECTOR 2 120.97 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - MANAGEMENT ANALYST (NON-CONFIDENTIAL)84.06 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 93.48 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - OFFICE ASSISTANT 2 56.26 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - PERMIT TECHNICIAN 77.61 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - PLANNER 2 107.28 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - PLANNING TECHNICIAN 78.58 100: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CD - SENIOR PLANNER 150.27 100: CITY CLERK Clerk - CITY CLERK 140.65 100: COMMUNICATIONS & ENGAGEMENT Communications - COMMUNICATION & ENGAGEMENT MANAGER 123.91 100: COUNCIL Council - COUNCIL MEMBER 19.05 100: COUNCIL Counil - MAYOR 21.90 100: FINANCE Finance - ACCOUNTANT 2 99.45 100: FINANCE Finance - ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT 2 89.19 100: FINANCE Finance - ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 2 - PAYROLL 98.17 100: FINANCE Finance - BUDGET/FINANCE ANALYST (NON-CONFIDENTIAL)104.49 100: FINANCE Finance - FINANCE DIRECTOR 201.55 9.2.d Packet Pg. 155 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 23 Comprehensive User Fee Study City of Gilroy - User Fee Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Calculation Department Position Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Position Rates 100: FINANCE Finance - FINANCE MANAGER 127.20 100: FINANCE Finance - SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST (CONFIDENTIAL)114.42 100: FIRE Fire - FIRE ADMINISTRATION TECHNICIAN 56.71 100: FIRE Fire - FIRE CAPTAIN 177.39 100: FIRE Fire - FIRE CHIEF 217.57 100: FIRE Fire - FIRE DIVISION CHIEF 213.29 100: FIRE Fire - FIRE ENGINEER 159.49 100: FIRE Fire - FIREFIGHTER 1 128.62 100: FIRE Fire - FIREFIGHTER 2 151.92 100: FIRE Fire - MANAGEMENT ANALYST (NON-CONFIDENTIAL)100.32 100: HUMAN RESOURCES HR - HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 130.73 100: HUMAN RESOURCES HR - HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 2 117.46 100: HUMAN RESOURCES HR - HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR/RISK MANAGER 278.73 100: HUMAN RESOURCES HR - HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 1 131.36 100: HUMAN RESOURCES HR - SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 155.72 100: POLICE Police - COMMUNITY SERVICES OFFICER 77.02 100: POLICE Police - CRIME ANALYSIS/RECORDS/PROP&EVIDENCE MGR 152.81 100: POLICE Police - DETENTION SERVICES OFFICER 118.40 100: POLICE Police - MANAGEMENT ANALYST (NON-CONFIDENTIAL)96.35 100: POLICE Police - MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 77.15 100: POLICE Police - MULTI-SERVICE OFFICER 125.05 100: POLICE Police - OFFICE ASSISTANT 2 82.27 100: POLICE Police - POLICE CAPTAIN 209.17 100: POLICE Police - POLICE CHIEF 254.17 100: POLICE Police - POLICE CORPORAL 167.89 100: POLICE Police - POLICE OFFICER 153.53 100: POLICE Police - POLICE RECORDS TECHNICIAN 1 70.97 100: POLICE Police - POLICE RECORDS TECHNICIAN 2 74.70 100: POLICE Police - POLICE SERGEANT 187.14 100: POLICE Police - PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN 88.14 100: POLICE Police - PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR 137.94 100: POLICE Police - PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATOR 110.44 100: POLICE Police - PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATOR TRAINEE 78.89 100: POLICE Police - SENIOR POLICE RECORDS TECHNICIAN 96.07 100: POLICE Police - YOUTH TASK FORCE COORDINATOR 100.66 100: PUBLIC WORKS PW - CITY ENGINEER/TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER 199.86 100: PUBLIC WORKS PW - DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - OPS 186.17 100: PUBLIC WORKS PW - ENGINEER 2 134.48 100: PUBLIC WORKS PW - ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN/INSPECTOR 2 95.67 100: PUBLIC WORKS PW - ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN/INSPECTOR 3 96.86 100: PUBLIC WORKS PW - MAINTENANCE WORKER 1 86.61 100: PUBLIC WORKS PW - MAINTENANCE WORKER 2 92.84 100: PUBLIC WORKS PW - MANAGEMENT ANALYST (NON-CONFIDENTIAL)114.67 100: PUBLIC WORKS PW - MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 98.36 100: PUBLIC WORKS PW - OPERATIONS SERVICES SUPERVISOR 115.18 100: PUBLIC WORKS PW - PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER 215.83 9.2.d Packet Pg. 156 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 24 Comprehensive User Fee Study City of Gilroy - User Fee Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Calculation Department Position Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Position Rates 100: PUBLIC WORKS PW - SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER 162.68 100: PUBLIC WORKS PW - SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 136.42 254: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT Fund 254 - HCD TECHNICIAN 2 208.64 254: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT Fund 254 - PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR 361.59 259: HOUSING TRUST FUND Fund 259 - HCD TECHNICIAN 2 87.59 259: HOUSING TRUST FUND Fund 259 - PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR 151.81 268: REACT TASK FORCE Fund 268 - POLICE OFFICER 160.56 290: COMMUNITY RECREATION Fund 290 - COMMUNITY COORDINATOR 82.57 290: COMMUNITY RECREATION Fund 290 - RECREATION COORDINATOR 98.98 290: COMMUNITY RECREATION Fund 290 - RECREATION MANAGER 152.78 290: COMMUNITY RECREATION Fund 290 - SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST (CONFIDENTIAL)133.26 600: FLEET INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Fund 600 - EQUIPMENT MECHANIC 95.55 600: FLEET INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Fund 600 - FLEET SUPERINTENDENT 118.53 600: FLEET INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Fund 600 - SENIOR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC 104.70 651: FACILITIES INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Fund 651 - FACILITIES MAINTENANCE SPECIALIST 165.59 651: FACILITIES INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Fund 651 - FACILITIES SUPERINTENDENT 248.34 651: FACILITIES INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Fund 651 - SENIOR CUSTODIAN 171.34 690: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Fund 690 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS ANALYST 203.84 690: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Fund 690 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER 337.55 690: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Fund 690 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TECHNICIAN 1 141.84 690: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERNAL SERVICE FUND Fund 690 - PUBLIC SAFETY SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR 260.20 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - ACCOUNTANT 2 108.46 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT 1 80.44 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT 2 89.67 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 2 109.65 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 2 - PAYROLL 107.06 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - BUDGET/FINANCE ANALYST (NON-CONFIDENTIAL)113.96 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - CITY ENGINEER/TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER 192.86 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - OPS 179.65 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - ENGINEER 1 110.21 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - ENGINEER 2 137.09 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN/INSPECTOR 3 93.46 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - FINANCE DIRECTOR 219.81 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - FINANCE MANAGER 138.72 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - GIS COORDINATOR 113.68 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - MAINTENANCE WORKER 1 74.43 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - MAINTENANCE WORKER 2 87.29 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - MANAGEMENT ANALYST (NON-CONFIDENTIAL)113.96 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 93.71 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - OPERATIONS SERVICES SUPERVISOR 112.69 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER 208.27 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER 156.98 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER 156.98 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - SENIOR MAINTENANCE WORKER - STREETS 107.02 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 131.64 700: SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 700 - SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST (CONFIDENTIAL)124.79 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - ACCOUNTANT 2 112.84 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT 1 83.68 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT 2 93.28 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 2 114.07 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 2 - PAYROLL 111.38 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - BUDGET/FINANCE ANALYST (NON-CONFIDENTIAL)118.55 9.2.d Packet Pg. 157 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 25 Comprehensive User Fee Study City of Gilroy - User Fee Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Calculation Department Position Fully Burdened Hourly Rate Position Rates 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - CITY ENGINEER/TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER 200.64 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - OPS 186.89 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - ENGINEER 1 114.65 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - ENGINEER 2 142.61 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN/INSPECTOR 3 97.23 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - FINANCE DIRECTOR 228.67 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - FINANCE MANAGER 144.32 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - GIS COORDINATOR 118.26 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - MAINTENANCE WORKER 1 77.27 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - MAINTENANCE WORKER 2 90.92 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - MANAGEMENT ANALYST (NON-CONFIDENTIAL)118.55 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 97.49 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - OPERATIONS SERVICES SUPERVISOR 125.35 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER 216.67 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER 163.31 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - SENIOR MAINTENANCE WORKER - WATER 109.91 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 136.95 720: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Fund 720 - SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST (CONFIDENTIAL)129.82 9.2.d Packet Pg. 158 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 26 Comprehensive User Fee Study Appendix C – Cost Recovery Analysis The following tables provide the results of the analysis, resulting full cost recovery amount, and recommended fees. For fees in which the full cost, existing fee and suggested fee is listed as “NA,” the amount or percentage was not calculable based on cost data or variable fee structure. This is most common when either the current or the suggested fee includes a variable component that is not c omparable on a one to one basis, a full cost was not calculated (for penalties, fines, and facility use), or when there is not a current fee amount to compare against. 9.2.d Packet Pg. 159 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) General Administration# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔMiscellaneous City Code Section 7.1.(a)1 Letter of Verification, Certification & ClearanceDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct costNA NADepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct cost$02 Notice of Intent to Circulate Filing Fee 200.00 (EC 9202(b)) NA NA $200.00$03 ResearchDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct costminimum ½ hourNA NADepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct cost$04 Special Services/InspectionsDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct costAfter Hours: Calculated Rate at time and a halfminimum 3 hours if called back after hoursNA NADepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct costAfter Hours: Calculated Rate at time and a half$05 Notary FeeNewMaximum fees established by GC 8211 NA NA Maximum NAReproduction Fees (City Code Section 7.1. (a), 17A.29 & Res. 2008‐55)6Agendas/Agenda Packet/Minutes of all Policy Body Meetings (City‐wide) 0.01Per page + postageNA NA $0.01$07Meeting Audio and Video Recordings (City‐wide)Direct Costs of Medium UsedNA NA Direct Costs of Medium Used $08Audio and Video Recording TranscriptionDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct costNA NADepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus direct cost$09Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Filings Copies0.10Per PageNA NA $0.10$010 Photo Copies (City‐wide)0.10Per page + postageNA NA $0.10$011Other reproductions onto USBDirect Costs of Medium UsedNA NA Direct Costs of Medium Used $012Microfilm ReproductionNewNA NA Actual Cost$0Subpoena13 Subpoena Duces Tecum ‐ standard page0.10per pageActual cost for oversize plus personnel costs and postageNA NA $0.10$014 Subpoena Duces Tecum ‐ microfilm0.20per microfilmActual cost for oversize plus personnel costs and postageVariable NA Actual CostNA15 Subpoena Duces Tecum ‐ personnel cost6.00per 1/4 hr plus postage costs$17.74 66% $15.85$1016 City Employees Subpoenaed as Witness 275.00per day minimum depositGovernment Code Sections 68096.1 and 68097.2. Actual cost to be determined.  If less than min deposit, difference to be refunded, if more than min deposit, additional expense to be billedNA NA $275.00$0City of Gilroy27Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 160Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Finance# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesCodeFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔCity Code Section 7.1. (a)) (City Code Chapter 13, Article IV and City Code Section 16A.6)(City Code Section 13.39)1Change (other than location of ownership) Renewal/Reprint15.00$44.59 66%$44.00$29 2Commercial/Industrial ‐ No Fire/Bldg Inspections Required 120.00$183.61 35%$183.00$63 3 Commercial/Industrial ‐ Only Fire Inspection Required 250.00$439.90 43%$439.00$189 4Commercial/Industrial ‐ Fire & Building Inspections Required370.00$454.10 19%$454.00$84 5 Home Occupation70.00$161.53 57%$161.00$91 6 Salon Space/Out‐of‐town business service address 30.00$30.32 1%$30.00$0 7 Pretreatment/CUPA Review40.00$24.19 ‐65%$24.00($16)8 Police Regulated Business Review190.00If fee is not covered under the cost of permit$255.90 26%$255.00$65 9 a.New businesses will pay on esƟmated gross receipts for partial year and first full year's license. b.Fees for subsequent years will be based upon  annual gross receipts as follows: (Each branch location will be reported separately)City Code Sections 13.43 and 13.44(a)$           0 ‐ $     40,000 40.00 AnnuallyNA NA $40.00 $0 $  40,001 ‐ $   140,00080.00AnnuallyNA NA$80.00$0 $140,001 ‐ $   240,000120.00AnnuallyNA NA$120.00$0 $240,001 ‐ $   340,000160.00AnnuallyNA NA$160.00$0 $340,001 ‐ $   540,000200.00AnnuallyNA NA$200.00$0 $540,001 ‐ $   740,000240.00AnnuallyNA NA$240.00$0 $740,001 ‐ $   940,000280.00AnnuallyNA NA$280.00$0 $940,001 ‐ $1,140,000320.00AnnuallyAdditional $20 per year for each $200,000, or any portion thereof.NA NA$320.00$0 $ 17,740,001 or more2,000.00AnnuallyNA NA$2,000.00$0 100 ‐ 20.00AnnuallyNA NA$0.00$0 3 ‐ 540.00AnnuallyNA NA$40.00$0 6 ‐ 2080.00AnnuallyNA NA$80.00$0 21 ‐ 40120.00AnnuallyNA NA$120.00$0 41 ‐ 60160.00AnnuallyNA NA$160.00$0 61 ‐ 80200.00AnnuallyNA NA$200.00$0 81 ‐ 100240.00AnnuallyNA NA$240.00$0 101 ‐ Over280.00AnnuallyNA NA$280.00$0 Licenses due January 1st of each year Business License Regulatory Review/Inspection FeesBusiness Licenses ‐ New/moved/change in location or ownershipRetail, wholesale business, manufacturing, food processors with a fixed place of business within the city limits.Apartments (at one location or address)Number of UnitsCity of Gilroy28Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 161Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Finance# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesCodeFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ(City Code Section 13.40‐42)11Circus, Menagerie, Bullfight, Amusement Ride,  Carnival, Fair, etc.200.00 For first Day$150.00 for each additional day(City Code Section 13.44(c)) NA NA $200.00 $0 12 Contractors/Sub‐Contractors  90.00 Semi‐Annual NA NA $90.00 $0 13 Contractors/Sub‐Contractors 150.00 AnnualNA NA $150.00 $0 14 Motor Vehicles  50.00 Annually(delivery trucks, taxicabs*, tow trucks*, ambulances, etc.)*Note: Also needs permit(City Code Section 13.42)  NA NA $50.00 $0 15Non‐Professional business‐type services(primary service function)50.00AnnuallyNA NA$50.00$0 16 Seasonal Sales Stands 50.00(Christmas trees, fireworks, pumpkin patch, etc.) (City Code Section 13.44)NA NA$50.00$0 17 Transient Business License100.00Annually Also needs permitNA NA$100.00$0 18Transient Business License ‐ (Peddlers, Solicitors, Vendors, Vehicle, Wagon, Pushcart)50.00MonthlyNA NA$50.00$0 19 Vending/Music/Amusement Machines10.00per machine/ annually(City Code Section 13.40)NA NA$10.00$0 20 ACPP (Abandoned Cart Prevention Plan) Review Fee 125.00per plan(City Code Section 19A.20)$116.20 ‐8%$116.00($9)21 Abandoned Shopping Carts115.00per cart(City Code Section 19A.11)$153.49 25%$153.00$38 22 Downtown Vacant Building Registration120.00annual registration(Ordinance No. 2012‐02)$87.15 ‐38%$87.00($33)23 Delinquent Account ReceivablesFinance/Utility Division hourly rate + direct costs(City Code Section 7.1. (a))NA NAFinance/Utility Division hourly rate + direct costs$0 24 Interest Rate1.5%per month(City Code Section 2.43(f))NA NA$0.02$0 25 Refuse Collection Lien ProcessAdministration Fee based on total cost to City(City Code Section 12.23‐10)NA NAAdministration Fee based on total cost to City$0 26 Returned Check Fee25.00first check, $35.00 subsequent checkstriple the amount of check if under California Civil “mailed by certified mail.”(California Civil Code Section 1719(a)) NA NA$25.00$0 27 Garage Sale License0.00per event 1 event allowed per cal. Year(City Code Section 13.44 (d))$11.19 100% $0.00$0 # DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesCity CodeFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ28 Deposits ‐ Residential50.00(City Code Chapter 19, Article VI)NA NA$200.00$150 29 Deposits ‐ Commercial*75.00/250.00/Amount determined by Finance Dept.(City Code Chapter 19, Article VI)NA NA$175/$3,500/ Amount determined by Finance Dept.$100 30 Deposits ‐ Per Apartment Unit20.00(City Code Chapter 19, Article VI)NA NA$160.00$140 Licenses due July 1st of each year Miscellaneous FeesSanitary Sewer ServiceCity of Gilroy29Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 162Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Finance# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesCodeFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ31 Sewer Service Initiation Fee10.00(City Code Chapter 19, Article VI)$18.66 46%$18.00$8 # DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesCodeFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ32 Deposits ‐ Residential50.00(City Code Section 27.42)NA NA$200.00$150 33 Deposits ‐ Commercial*75.00/250.00/or higher amount determined by Finance Dept.(City Code Section 27.42)NA NA$175/$3,500/ Amount determined by Finance Dept.$100 34 Deposits ‐ Per Apartment Unit20.00(City Code Section 27.42)NA NA$160.00$140 35 Service Charge ‐ Backflow Inspection 37.00per device$58.51 37%$58.00$21 36 Service Charge ‐ Construction Water3.00f.f + $182.73/acreNA NA$3.00$0 37 Delinquent Services70.00NA NA$50.00($20)38 Delinquent Services ‐ Over‐time15.00additionalNA NA$15.00$0 39 Delinquent Services ‐ Call‐out130.00additionalNA NA$150.00$20 40 Delinquent Services ‐ Locking Services Required  45.00additionalNA NA$45.00$0 41 Delinquent Services ‐ Locking Services Broken 20.00additionalNA NA$20.00$0 42 Removal 60.00$77.52 23%$77.00$17 43 Test ‐ 1 ½” and over75.00$100.25 25%$100.00$25 44 Test ‐ ¾” to 1”140.00$181.83 23%$181.00$41 45 Deposit1,000.00per meterNA NA$1,000.00$0 46 Usage65.00 +$4.65/1,000 galsHillside Pressure Rate per 1,000 gals. Zone 2 $5.40 Zone 3 $6.16NA NA65.00 +$4.65/1,000 gals $0 47 Water Meter ‐ 5/8 x ¾ inch674.67Basic Cost ‐ $417.48 + Angle Stop ‐ $77.81 + Corporation Stop & Tap ‐ $179.38$714.55 6%$714.00$39 48 Water Meter ‐ 1 inch 744.50Basic Cost ‐ $487.31 + Angle Stop ‐ $77.81 + Corporation Stop & Tap ‐ $179.39$820.40 9%$820.00$76 49 Water Meter ‐ 1 ½ inch1,291.03Basic Cost ‐ $889.13 + Angle Stop ‐ $167.87 + Corporation Stop & Tap ‐ $234.03$1,436.04 10%$1,436.00$145 50 Water Meter ‐ 2 inch 1,626.11Basic Cost ‐ $1,111.42 + Angle Stop ‐ $213.97 + Corporation Stop & Tap ‐ $300.72$1,900.38 14%$1,900.00$274 51 Water Meter ‐ 2 inch Omni T21,386.34$1,434.26 3%$1,434.00$48 52 Water Meter ‐ 3 inch Omni T21,605.15$2,417.47 34%$2,417.00$812 53 Water Meter ‐ 4 inch Omni T22,823.49$2,806.84 ‐1%$2,806.00($17)54 Water Meter ‐ 3 inch Omni C22,074.64$2,417.47 14%$2,417.00$342 55 Water Meter ‐ 4 inch Omni C23,368.76$3,900.48 14%$3,900.00$531 56 Water Meter ‐ 6 inch Omni C25,587.26$6,467.10 14%$6,467.00$880 57 Water Meter ‐ 8 inch Omni C2New$10,293.02 NA$10,293.00NA58 Water Meter ‐ 3 inch Fire Hydrant Meter971.29$1,500.47 35%$1,500.00$529 59 Water Meter ‐ Flange to 1” Meter Adapter75.00$75.00 0%$75.00$0 60 Water Meter ‐ Special Order processing fee         40.00$54.95 27%$54.00$14 MeterPortable Fire Hydrant MeterWater Meters***Water ServiceCity of Gilroy30Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 163Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Finance# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesCodeFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ61 Water Tanker Truck20.00First 6,000 gals plus $4.65/1,000 gals afterNA NA$20.00$0 62 Water Service Initiation Fee ‐ Over‐time50.00$64.11 22%$64.00$14 63 Water Service Initiation Fee 15.00additional$22.73 34%$22.00$7 64 Water Service Initiation Fee ‐ Call‐out130.00additional$227.29 43%$227.00$97 65 Credit Card Processing Fee (pass‐through) Non‐Utility Newper transactionThis is a pass‐through cost from merchant processor.NA NA3%NA66 Credit Card Processing Fee (pass‐through) Utility Newper transactionThis is a pass‐through cost from merchant processor.NA NA$3.50NA67 ACH/e‐checkNewper transactionThis is a pass‐through cost from merchant processor.NA NA$0.75NA* Commercial accounts paying the higher sewer base amount will pay $250.00, or a higher amount determined by Finance Department.** If applications for both are submitted and processed at the same time, the fee will be $ 405.00 + 40.50 = $ 445.50.*** Rates for larger meters will be established by the Finance Department, as necessaryCity of Gilroy31Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 164Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) South County Regional Wastewater Authority# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Code Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended FeeFee Δ1 Board Agendas/Packet 0.01 per page plus mailing NA NA $0.01 $02 Pool Drain Inspection80.00$183.95 57% $183.00 $103(Authority City Code Section 19.106(b))3 Inspection FeeDivision hourly rateActivities shall include time for inspection, monitoring, travel, reports, research, plus actual cost consulting, paperwork and any office time that relates to the industrial user.NA NADivision hourly rate$04 Re‐Inspection FeeNewper hour 1/2 hour minimum$214.58 NA $214.00 NA5 Septage Hauler Treatment Service Fees  0.15per gal(Ord. 93‐2)NA NA $0.15 $06 Reproduction0.10per page$6.05 98% $0.10 $07 Special Event Fee‐ Plan Check Fee*125.00$149.39 16% $149.00 $248 Special Event Fee‐ Event Fee*125.00per hourwith 1 hour minimum + 50% after hours and travel time$195.67 36% $171.00 $469 Surcharge ‐ BOD in excess of 300 mg/l 0.95per lb of BODNA NA $0.95 $010 Surcharge ‐ TSS in excess of 300 mg/l 0.23per lb of TSSNA NA $0.23 $011 Pretreatment Final InspectionDivision hourly rate per hour$135.18 NA $135.00 NA12 Pretreatment Plan‐check Division hourly rate per hour$135.18 NA $135.00 NA13 Pretreatment re‐inspection Division hourly rate1/2 hour minimum$135.18 NA $135.00 NA*The number of inspectors necessary to monitor an event shall be determined by the Program Administrator.  Factors to be considered shall be the number of vendors and area to be monitored.FeesPretreatment Fees City of Gilroy32Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 165Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Public Works# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ1Subdivision Map Check(A) ‐ Final Map1,755.00 +$15.70/lot NA NA$8,000 Deposit + $220/hrNA2Subdivision Map Check(A) ‐ Parcel Map2,035.00 +$630.00/lot NA NA$5,000 Deposit + $220/hrNA3Subdivision Map Check(A) ‐ Re‐assessment Map1,710.00+$630.00/lot plus customer assessment consultantNA NA$5,000 Deposit + $220/hrNA4 Certificate of Compliance (Lot Line Adjustment, Lot Merger) 500.00per certificateNA NA$2,500 Deposit + $220/hrNA5 Community Facilities District Formation Fee5,000.00NA NA$6,500 Deposit NA6Encroachment Permit *based on total cost of public right‐of‐way improvements360.00Plus % cost of the improvement constructed in ROW$401.13 10% $401.00$41 7 $0.00 ‐ $100,00012.60%NA NA12.60%$0 8 $100,001 ‐ $200,00010.50%NA NA10.50%$0 9 Over $200,0008.40%NA NA8.40%$0 10 Re‐submittal Review after 3 submittalsDivision(s) hourly rate2 hour minimumNA NADivision(s) hourly rate $0 11 Annual Utility Encroachment Permit5000 + 200 for each base permitAnnuallyAllows staff to issue one annual permit and then bill utility company monthly for additional individual permits$8,134.05 NA$7,500.00$2,500 12 Additional VisitNewNA NAFBHRNA13 Community Event Banner Fee200.00$657.85 70% $657.00$457 14 Oversize Transportation Permits ‐ Single Trip16.00NA NA$16.00$0 15 Oversize Transportation Permits ‐ Annual Permit90.00NA NA$90.00$0 16 Oversize Transportation Permits ‐ Repetitive Permit 90.00NA NA$90.00$0 17 Impact Fee Deferral 285.00+ $25.00/additional lotsame address plus Expungement Fee $180.00$411.87 31%$411 + $32.00/additional lotsame address plus Expungement Fee $234.00$126 Special Public Works ServicesCity of Gilroy33Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 166Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Public Works# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔSpecial Public Works Services18Special Cost Schedules, Agreements, Right of Way Reviews and other Misc Services185.00per hourNA NACity Attorney Hourly Rate$0 19Special Staff Analysis(A)Division(s) hourly rate for public works engineering review and inspection services on specified applications applicable in Resolution 2014‐14Deposit RequiredNA NADivision(s) hourly rate for public works engineering review and inspection services on specified applications applicable in Resolution 2014‐14$0 20 Special Legal ReviewCity Attorney Hourly RateDeposit RequiredNA NACity Attorney Hourly Rate$0 21 Curb Painting/Signage RequestNewRed/Green/Yellow/White Parking Restriction Upon Request by Property Owner$467.74 NA$467.00NA22 Driveway Red TippingNewRed Tipping Driveway for Visibility$357.53 NA$357.00NA# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ23Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans Division(s) hourly rate2 hour minimumNA NADivision(s) hourly rate $0 24 Re‐inspection fee and fee for inspections not shown 125.00per hour Minimum charge‐one half hour$162.68 23% $162.00$37 25Inspections outside of normal business hoursImprovement Plan Check and Inspection Fees475.00+ 160.00/hour after 3 hours$435.86 ‐9%$435.00($40)*At time of Improvement Plan/Final Map submittal 40% of fee is due for Plan Check.  Remainder 60% due prior to submittal of Final Map for Council approval# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ26Stormwater Post Construction BMP Initial Setup Fee ‐ Base Fee and First BMPNew$504.30 NA$504.00NA27Stormwater Post Construction BMP Initial Setup Fee ‐ Additional BMPNew$100.86 NA$100.00NAImprovement Plan Check and Inspection Fees(A)        StormwaterCity of Gilroy34Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 167Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Public Works# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔSpecial Public Works Services28Stormwater Postconstruction BMP Annual Administration and Monitoring Fee ‐ Base Fee and First BMPNew$413.98 NA$413.00NA29Stormwater Postconstruction BMP Annual Administration and Monitoring Fee  ‐ Additional BMPNew$31.84 NA$31.00NA30Stormwater Postconstruction BMP Annual Administration and Monitoring Delinquent Fee (per month of delinquency)New$58.38 NA$58.00NA# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔSewer Mains ‐ including manhole and other pertinences Developer responsibility is up to and including 12" mains31 6" Main ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNA NANA$0 32 6" Main ‐ Half Pipe73.00per LFNA NA$73.00$0 33 8" Main ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNA NANA$0 34 8" Main ‐ Half Pipe75.00per LFNA NA$75.00$0 35 10" Main ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNA NANA$0 36 10" Main ‐ Half Pipe81.00per LFNA NA$81.00$0 37 12" Main ‐ Full Pipe166.00per LFNA NA$166.00$0 38 12" Main ‐ Half Pipe83.00per LFNA NA$83.00$0 39 15" Main ‐ Full Pipe174.00per LFNA NA$174.00$0 40 15" Main ‐ Half Pipe87.00per LFNA NA$87.00$0 41 18" Main ‐ Full Pipe186.00per LFNA NA$186.00$0 42 18" Main ‐ Half Pipe93.00per LFNA NA$93.00$0 43 21" Main ‐ Full Pipe204.00per LFNA NA$204.00$0 44 21" Main ‐ Half Pipe102.00per LFNA NA$102.00$0 45 24" Main ‐ Full Pipe211.00per LFNA NA$211.00$0 46 24" Main ‐ Half Pipe106.00per LFNA NA$106.00$0 47 27" Main ‐ Full Pipe244.00per LFNA NA$244.00$0 48 27" Main ‐ Half Pipe122.00per LFNA NA$122.00$0 49 30" Main ‐ Full Pipe287.00per LFNA NA$287.00$0 50 30" Main ‐ Half Pipe144.00per LFNA NA$144.00$0 51 33" Main ‐ Full Pipe315.00per LFNA NA$315.00$0 52 33" Main ‐ Half Pipe158.00per LFNA NA$158.00$0 53 36" Main ‐ Full Pipe356.00per LFNA NA$356.00$0 54 36" Main ‐ Half Pipe178.00per LFNA NA$178.00$0 55 39" Main ‐ Full Pipe423.00per LFNA NA$423.00$0 56 39" Main ‐ Half Pipe212.00per LFNA NA$212.00$0 ReimbursementsCity of Gilroy35Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 168Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Public Works# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔSpecial Public Works Services57 42" Main ‐ Full Pipe529.00per LFNA NA$529.00$0 58 42" Main ‐ Half Pipe265.00per LFNA NA$265.00$0 Storm Mains ‐ including manholes, catch basins and other pertinences Developer responsibility is up to and including 24" mains59 18" Main RCP ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNA NANA$0 60 18" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe63.00per LFNA NA$63.00$0 61 21" Main RCP ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNA NANA$0 62 21" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe69.00per LFNA NA$69.00$0 63 24" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe140.00per LFNA NA$140.00$0 64 24" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe70.00per LFNA NA$70.00$0 65 27" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe164.00per LFNA NA$164.00$0 66 27" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe82.00per LFNA NA$82.00$0 67 30" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe177.00per LFNA NA$177.00$0 68 30" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe86.00per LFNA NA$86.00$0 69 33" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe182.00per LFNA NA$182.00$0 70 33" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe91.00per LFNA NA$91.00$0 71 36" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe189.00per LFNA NA$189.00$0 72 36" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe95.00per LFNA NA$95.00$0 73 42" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe197.00per LFNA NA$197.00$0 74 42" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe99.00per LFNA NA$99.00$0 75 48" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe233.00per LFNA NA$233.00$0 76 48" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe117.00per LFNA NA$117.00$0 77 54" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe273.00per LFNA NA$273.00$0 78 54" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe137.00per LFNA NA$137.00$0 79 60" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe315.00per LFNA NA$315.00$0 80 60" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe158.00per LFNA NA$158.00$0 81 66" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe357.00per LFNA NA$357.00$0 82 66" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe179.00per LFNA NA$179.00$0 83 72" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe399.00per LFNA NA$399.00$0 84 72" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe200.00per LFNA NA$200.00$0 85 78" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe431.00per LFNA NA$431.00$0 86 78" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe216.00per LFNA NA$216.00$0 87 84" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe461.00per LFNA NA$461.00$0 88 84" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe231.00per LFNA NA$231.00$0 89 90" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe492.00per LFNA NA$492.00$0 90 90" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe246.00per LFNA NA$246.00$0 91 96" Main RCP ‐ Full Pipe522.00per LFNA NA$522.00$0 City of Gilroy36Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 169Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Public Works# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge Unit NotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔSpecial Public Works Services92 96" Main RCP ‐ Half Pipe261.00per LFNA NA$261.00$0 93 TrafficIn accordance with City's reimbursement policyNA NAIn accordance with City's reimbursement policy$0 Water Mains ‐ including fire hydrants, valves, valve boxes and other pertinences Developer responsibility is up to and including 12" mains94 6" Main ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNA NANA$0 95 6" Main ‐ Half Pipe39.00per LFNA NA$39.00$0 96 8" Main ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNA NANA$0 97 8" Main ‐ Half Pipe41.00per LFNA NA$41.00$0 98 10" Main ‐ Full PipeN/Aper LFNA NANA$0 99 10" Main ‐ Half Pipe47.00per LFNA NA$47.00$0 100 12" Main ‐ Full Pipe104.00per LFNA NA$104.00$0 101 12" Main ‐ Half Pipe52.00per LFNA NA$52.00$0 102 14" Main ‐ Full Pipe114.00per LFNA NA$114.00$0 103 14" Main ‐ Half Pipe57.00per LFNA NA$57.00$0 104 16" Main ‐ Full Pipe124.00per LFNA NA$124.00$0 105 16" Main ‐ Half Pipe62.00per LFNA NA$62.00$0 106 18" Main ‐ Full Pipe135.00per LFNA NA$135.00$0 107 18" Main ‐ Half Pipe68.00per LFNA NA$68.00$0 108 20" Main ‐ Full Pipe151.00per LFNA NA$151.00$0 109 20" Main ‐ Half Pipe76.00per LFNA NA$76.00$0 110 24" Main ‐ Full Pipe164.00per LFNA NA$164.00$0 111 24" Main ‐ Half Pipe82.00per LFNA NA$82.00$0 112 30" Main ‐ Full Pipe182.00per LFNA NA$182.00$0 113 30" Main ‐ Half Pipe91.00per LFNA NA$91.00$0 114 36" Main ‐ Full Pipe211.00per LFNA NA$211.00$0 115 36" Main ‐ Half Pipe106.00per LFNA NA$106.00$0 Notes: The Half Pipe schedule is used to determine the front footage reimbursement to former developers for infrastructure previously installed along the front footage of the development.The Full Pipe schedule is used to determine the oversizing reimbursement to the developer for installing water, sewer, and storm main extensions to sizes required by each master plan that are greater than the sizes required by the development. The oversized portion is the difference between the master planned size for the main and the greater of the main size required by the development or the developer’s minimum responsibility for each main.(A) Reflects fee increases to offset the City’s expenditures for the city’s High Speed Rail Master Plan effort. *For any user fee service request that is outside the scope, or for services for which there is no fee currently set, the City can charge up to the full cost of the FBHR for personnel involved.City of Gilroy37Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 170Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Recreation# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔFacility Fees (City Code Section 18.9)Christmas Hill Park Outdoor Sites1Mulberry (East or West) ‐ A*0.00Per Day$218.61 100% $0.00 $0 2Mulberry (East or West) ‐ B*100.00Per Day$226.03 56% $165.00 $65 3Mulberry (East or West) ‐ C*150.00Per Day$226.03 34% $200.00 $50 4Mulberry (East or West) ‐ D*200.00Per Day$226.03 12% $226.00 $26 5Mulberry (East or West) ‐ Deposit100.00Per DayNA NA $135.00 $35 6Mulberry (Total) ‐ A*0.00Per Day$305.22 100% $0.00 $0 7Mulberry (Total) ‐ B*200.00Per Day$312.63 36% $208.00 $8 8Mulberry (Total) ‐ C*250.00Per Day$312.63 20% $260.00 $10 9Mulberry (Total) ‐ D*300.00Per Day$312.63 4% $312.00 $12 10Mulberry (Total) ‐ Deposit100.00Per DayNA NA $135.00 $35 11Sycamore (No Lights) ‐ A*0.00Per Day$188.97 100% $0.00 $0 12Sycamore (No Lights) ‐ B*55.00Per Day$196.38 72% $69.00 $14 13Sycamore (No Lights) ‐ C*105.00Per Day$196.38 47% $132.00 $27 14Sycamore (No Lights) ‐ D*155.00Per Day$196.38 21% $196.00 $41 15Sycamore (No Lights) ‐ Deposit100.00Per DayNA NA $135.00 $35 16Amphitheater ‐ A*0.00Per Day$290.83 100% $0.00 $0 17Amphitheater ‐ B*155.00Per Day$298.24 48% $181.00 $26 18Amphitheater ‐ C*205.00Per Day$298.24 31% $239.00 $34 19Amphitheater ‐ D*255.00Per Day$298.24 14% $298.00 $43 20Amphitheater ‐ Deposit100.00Per DayNANA$135.00$35 21Walnut ‐ A*0.00Per Day$188.97 100% $0.00$0 22Walnut ‐ B*55.00Per Day$196.38 72% $69.00$14 23Walnut ‐ C*105.00Per Day$196.38 47% $132.00$27 24Walnut ‐ D*155.00Per Day$196.38 21% $196.00$41 25Walnut ‐ Deposit100.00Per DayNANA$135.00$35 26Christmas Hill Ranch Site not including TEEC Bldg. ‐ A*0.00Per Day$605.54 100% $0.00$0 27Christmas Hill Ranch Site not including TEEC Bldg. ‐ B*250.00Per Day$612.95 59% $437.00$187 28Christmas Hill Ranch Site not including TEEC Bldg. ‐ C*300.00Per Day$612.95 51% $524.00$224 29Christmas Hill Ranch Site not including TEEC Bldg. ‐ D*350.00Per Day$612.95 43% $612.00$262 30Christmas Hill Ranch Site not including TEEC Bldg. ‐ Deposit500.00Per DayNANA$500.00$0 31Christmas Hill Park Side ‐ A*NewPer Day$812.12 NA$0.00NA32Christmas Hill Park Side ‐ B*NewPer Day$819.53 NA$585.00NA33Christmas Hill Park Side ‐ C*NewPer Day$819.53 NA$702.00NAFacilities & ParksCity of Gilroy38Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 171Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Recreation# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔFacilities & Parks34Christmas Hill Park Side ‐ D*NewPer Day$819.53 NA $819.00 NA35Christmas Hill Park Side ‐ DepositNewPer DayNA NA $500.00 NA36Entire Christmas Hill Including Ranch Site (Not including TEEC Bldg.) ‐ A*0.00Per Day$2,038.13 100% $0.00 $0 37Entire Christmas Hill Including Ranch Site (Not including TEEC Bldg.) ‐ B*750.00Per Day$2,067.77 64% $1,500.00 $750 38Entire Christmas Hill Including Ranch Site (Not including TEEC Bldg.) ‐ C*1,000.00Per Day$2,067.77 52% $1,750.00 $750 39Entire Christmas Hill Including Ranch Site (Not including TEEC Bldg.) ‐ D*1,250.00Per Day$2,067.77 40% $2,067.00 $817 40Entire Christmas Hill Including Ranch Site (Not including TEEC Bldg.) ‐ Deposit750.00Per DayNA NA $750.00 $0 Las Animas Veteran’s Park Outdoor Sites41Lakeside ‐ A*0.00Per DayNo Music allowed $203.79 100% $0.00 $0 42Lakeside ‐ B*100.00Per DayNo Music allowed $211.20 53% $105.00 $5 43Lakeside ‐ C*150.00Per DayNo Music allowed $211.20 29% $158.00 $8 44Lakeside ‐ D*200.00Per DayNo Music allowed $211.20 5% $211.00 $11 45Lakeside ‐ Deposit100.00Per DayNo Music allowed NA NA $135.00 $35 46The Oaks ‐ A*0.00Per DayNo lights/no music allowed $218.61 100% $0.00 $0 47The Oaks ‐ B*120.00Per DayNo lights/no music allowed $226.03 47% $165.00 $45 48The Oaks ‐ C*170.00Per DayNo lights/no music allowed $226.03 25% $200.00 $30 49The Oaks ‐ D*220.00Per DayNo lights/no music allowed $226.03 3% $226.00 $6 50The Oaks ‐ Deposit100.00Per DayNo lights/no music allowed NA NA $135.00 $35 51Park Site Reservation Cancellation FeeNewPlus Actual Payment Processing Cost$64.31 NA $64.00 NAOther Park Amenities52Bounce House Special Permit Fee at Non‐Reservable Picnic Sites ‐ A*0.00$50.71 100% $0.00$0 53Bounce House Special Permit Fee at Non‐Reservable Picnic Sites ‐ B, C, or D*35.00$50.71 31% $50.00$15 54 San Ysidro Picnic Pavilion ‐ A*NewPer Day$203.79 NA$0.00NA55 San Ysidro Picnic Pavilion ‐ B*NewPer Day$211.20 NA$75.00NA56 San Ysidro Picnic Pavilion ‐ C*NewPer Day$211.20 NA$125.00NA57 San Ysidro Picnic Pavilion ‐ D*NewPer Day$211.20 NA$211.00NA58 San Ysidro Picnic Pavilion DepositNewNANA$135.00NACity of Gilroy39Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 172Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Recreation# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔFacilities & ParksSoftball Fields59 Field Reservations ‐ A* 0.00 per 2  hours baseball/softball/Soccer $188.47 100% $0.00 $0 60 Field Reservations ‐ B* 45.00 per 2  hours baseball/softball/Soccer $203.30 78% $60.00 $15 61 Field Reservations ‐ C* 55.00 per 2  hours baseball/softball/Soccer $203.30 73% $70.00 $15 62 Field Reservations ‐ D* 65.00 per 2  hours baseball/softball/Soccer $203.30 68% $90.00 $25 63 Field Reservations ‐ Deposit 100.00 baseball/softball/Soccer NA NA $135.00 $35 64 Lights ‐ A* 0.00$30.14 100% $0.00 $0 65 Lights ‐ B* 25.00 per hour $30.14 17% $30.00 $5 66 Lights ‐ C* 25.00 per hour $30.14 17% $30.00 $5 67 Lights ‐ D* 25.00 per hour $30.14 17% $30.00 $5 68 Lights ‐ Deposit NANA NA NA $0 69 Field Reservation Cancellation Fee NewPlus Actual Payment Processing Cost$64.31 NA $64.00 NASenior Center 70 Main Hall ‐ A* 0.00 per hour. $121.21 100% $0.00 $0 71 Main Hall ‐ B* 65.00 per hour. $128.63 49% $79.00 $14 72 Main Hall ‐ C* 85.00 per hour. $128.63 34% $103.00 $18 73 Main Hall ‐ D* 105.00 per hour. $128.63 18% $128.00 $23 74 Main Hall ‐ Deposit 500.00NA NA $500.00 $0 75 Meeting Room ‐ A* 0.00 per hour. $64.31 100% $0.00 $0 76 Meeting Room ‐ B* 25.00 per hour. $71.73 65% $39.00 $14 77 Meeting Room ‐ C* 35.00 per hour. $71.73 51% $55.00 $20 78 Meeting Room ‐ D* 45.00 per hour. $71.73 37% $71.00 $26 79 Meeting Room ‐ Deposit 100.00NA NA $135.00 $35 Wheeler Center80 Multi‐purpose Rm. ‐ A* 0.00 per hour. $64.31 100% $0.00 $0 81 Multi‐purpose Rm. ‐ B* 25.00 per hour. $71.73 65% $39.00 $14 82 Multi‐purpose Rm. ‐ C* 35.00 per hour. $71.73 51% $55.00 $20 83 Multi‐purpose Rm. ‐ D* 45.00 per hour. $71.73 37% $71.00 $26 84 Multi‐purpose Rm. ‐ Deposit 100.00NA NA $135.00 $35 85 Craft Room ‐ A* 0.00 per hour. $64.31 100% $0.00 $0 86 Craft Room ‐ B* 25.00 per hour. $71.73 65% $39.00 $14 87 Craft Room ‐ C* 35.00 per hour. $71.73 51% $55.00 $20 88 Craft Room ‐ D* 45.00 per hour. $71.73 37% $71.00 $26 89 Craft Room ‐ Deposit 100.00NA NA $135.00 $35 90 Dance Room ‐ A* 0.00 per hour. $64.31 100% $0.00 $0 91 Dance Room ‐ B* 25.00 per hour. $71.73 65% $39.00 $14 92 Dance Room ‐ C* 35.00 per hour. $71.73 51% $55.00 $20 93 Dance Room ‐ D* 45.00 per hour. $71.73 37% $71.00 $26 94 Dance Room ‐ Deposit 100.00NA NA $135.00 $35 City of Gilroy40Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 173Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Recreation# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔFacilities & ParksOther Community Recreation Buildings95Las Animas Park Multi‐Purpose Room ‐ A*0.00 per hour. $64.31 100% $0.00 $0 96Las Animas Park Multi‐Purpose Room ‐ B*65.00 per hour. $71.73 9% $39.00 ($26)97Las Animas Park Multi‐Purpose Room ‐ C*75.00 per hour. $71.73 ‐5% $55.00 ($20)98Las Animas Park Multi‐Purpose Room ‐ D*85.00 per hour. $71.73 ‐19% $71.00 ($14)99Las Animas Park Multi‐Purpose Room ‐ Deposit100.00NA NA $135.00 $35 100Facility Reservation Cancellation Fee50.00Plus Actual Payment Processing Cost$64.31 NA $64.00 $25 Gymnasiums 101 Wheeler ‐ A* 0.00 per hour. $79.14 100% $0.00 $0 102 Wheeler ‐ B* 35.00 per hour. $86.55 60% $54.00 $19 103 Wheeler ‐ C* 45.00 per hour. $86.55 48% $70.00 $25 104 Wheeler ‐ D* 55.00 per hour. $86.55 36% $86.00 $31 105 Wheeler ‐ Deposit 250.00 per hour. NA NA $250.00 $0 106 Solorsano ‐ A* 0.00 per hour. $79.14 100% $0.00 $0 107 Solorsano ‐ B* 50.00 per hour. $86.55 42% $61.00 $11 108 Solorsano ‐ C* 60.00 per hour. $86.55 31% $73.00 $13 109 Solorsano ‐ D* 70.00 per hour. $86.55 19% $86.00 $16 110 Solorsano ‐ Deposit 250.00NA NA $250.00 $0 111 Christopher High School Small Gym Set by GUSD$86.55 NA $86.00 $0 112 Cesar Chavez Gym Set by GUSD$86.55 NA $86.00 $0 113Gymnasium Reservation Cancellation Fee (except those managed by GUSD)50.00Plus Actual Payment Processing Cost$64.31 22% $64.00 $0 Facility Attendant and Custodial Hourly Rates for Rentals114 Facility Attendant 18.00 per hourMinimum 2 hours$21.39 16% $21.00$3 115 Custodial Attendant 24.00per hourMinimum 2 hours$24.60 2%$24.00$0 *Note:Category A ‐ City and GUSD programs and special eventsCategory B ‐ Non‐profit OrganizationsCategory C ‐ City of Gilroy Residents (Private functions and/or open to the public) Category D ‐ Non‐Residents or any company/business or group holding an event (social, business, educaƟon or for profit)                                  Requires a City of Gilroy business license when rented for “profit‐making” events and may require a special event permit approval.         In addition to the approval of the City of Gilroy Recreation Department Director, ten percent (10%) of gross revenues from the event or $500,        whichever is greater, are payable and due to the City at the conclusion of the event.Additional personnel, set‐up and equipment costs will be assessed and applied accordingly to all categoriesCity of Gilroy41Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 174Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Fire# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ1Flammable/Combustible Material above‐ground Storage Tank (over 600 gallons) and new technological hazards, Fire training &  equipment fee1,020.00 per address $1,914.02 47% $1,914.00 $894 2 Reproduction ‐ PRA's ‐ Photos copy, scanning Department hourly rate + cost of photoNA NADepartment hourly rate + cost of photo$0 3 Business License Regulatory Review Fire Inspections 130.00 per hour One hour minimum$279.98 NA$279.00$149 4 Annual Business Inspections ‐ Fire CompanyNewper hour One hour minimum$485.09 NA$485.00NABLES/Fire Prevention5 Delinquent Service265.00$313.40 15%$313.00$48 6 False AlarmNewper code$252.72 NA$252.00NA7 Fire Alternates Materials ReviewDivision Hourly Rate + Contractual Costsper application$265 minimum/application +$130.00/hour for each additional review/inspection NA NADivision Hourly Rate + Contractual Costs$0 8 Fire Alternates Materials Review ‐ additional review/inspection 130.00per hour$298.77 56%$298.00$168 9 Fire Clearance Inspection115.00per hour 2 hr minimum$375.43 69%$375.00$260 10 Fire Code Operational Permits (Section 105 of the CFC/GFC) 275.00Opertional, currently includes inpsection $432.18 36%$432.00$157 11 Fire Code Re‐Inspection130.00per hour 1/2 hr minimum$193.28 33%$193.00$63 12 Hazmat/CUPA Re‐Inspection Newper hour 1/2 hr minimum$193.28 NA$193.00NA13 Fire Flow Per Hydrant300.00$459.47 35%$459.00$159 14 Permit for new Fire or Haz Mat SystemsBuilding Table ADoes not include plan review or inspections ie:Sprinkler System and Chemical Equipment Review, including Fire Protection Systems, Alarm System, Aboveground TankNA NABuilding Table A $0 15 Fire Plan Check 400.00 for 2 hours $537.36 26% $537.00 $137 16 Fire Plan Check ‐ additional hour including resubmittals 130.00per hour$237.13 45%$237.00$107 17Energy Storage System ‐ Plan Check (Fire Prevention) ESS having capacities exceeding 20 KWh400.00+ divisional hourly rate for each additionalhour$421.44 5%$421.00$21 18Energy Storage System ‐  Inspection (Fire Prevention)ESS having capacities exceeding 20 KWh260.00+ divisional hourly rate for each additionalhour$275.49 6%$275.00$15 19 Fireworks ‐ Aerial DisplayFire Engine Standby Rate 1 hr minimumCity Code Section 10A.8 as required by the Fire Chief City Code Section 10.9$1,736.09 NA$1,736.00$0 20 Fireworks ‐ Aerial Display Inspection permit New  3 hr minimumPlus 150% after hours and travel time. (Does not include Fire Code permits)$562.57 NA$562.00$0 21 Fireworks ‐ Retail Sales635.00per booth$758.87 16%$758.00$123 FeesCity of Gilroy42Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 175Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Fire# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔFees22 Special Event Inpsection Fee130.00per hourPlus 50% after hours and travel time. 1 hr minimum (Does not include Uniform Fire Code permits)$389.63 67%$389.00$259 23 Special Inspection/Consultant310.00for 2 hours Plus consultant cost$361.78 14%$361.00$51 24 Special Inspection/Consultant ‐ additional hour125.00per hour Plus consultant cost$160.98 22%$160.00$35 25State Fire Marshal Required Inspection ‐ Business License processing Fee Apartments: 3‐16 units35.00per parcelState Health and Safety Code 13146.2(a) if not under a regulatory permit$256.99 86%$256.00$221 26State Fire Marshal Required Inspection ‐ Business License Processing Fee Apartments: 17‐32 units65.00per parcelState Health and Safety Code 13146.2(a) if not under a regulatory permit$332.95 80%$332.00$267 27State Fire Marshal Required Inspection ‐ Business License Processing Fee Apartments: 33‐100 units135.00per parcelState Health and Safety Code 13146.2(a) if not under a regulatory permit$408.92 67%$408.00$273 28State Fire Marshal Required Inspection ‐ Business License Processing Fee Apartments: 101 plus units270.00per parcelState Health and Safety Code 13146.2(a) if not under a regulatory permit$560.84 52%$560.00$290 29State Fire Marshal Required Inspection ‐ Apartments: Inspections/testing140.00per hour 1 hr minimum$649.79 78%$649.00$509 30 Other State Regulated Sites140.00per hour1 hr minimum. Schools, Hotels/Motels, Licensed Care Facilities, Institutions, $500.40 72%$500.00$360 31 Hazmat/Fire Prevention Application ReviewNewper hour$319.30 NA$319.00NA32 Tree Lots Cleaning DepsitNew$198.33 NA$198.00NABLES/Hazardous Materials33 Above Ground Petroleum Storage Site ‐Tier 1165.00site annualNo containers greater than 5,000 gallons and aggregate not more than 10, 000 gallons$384.36 57%$384.00$219 34 Above Ground Petroleum Storage Site Non‐qualifying Facility  NewContainers greater than 10,000 gallons $505.34 NA$505.00NA35 Above Ground Petroleum Storage Site ‐Tier 2NewContainers greater than 5,000 gallons and no more than 10, 000 gallons. Cannot have an aggregate total storage of more than 10,000 gallons.$444.85 NA$444.00NA36 CAL‐ARP Facility Inspection Fee/Permit375.00per year$626.31 40%$626.00$251 37 CAL‐ARP Facility Audit/Processing Fee ‐ in house1,000.00$2,077.99 52%$2,077.00$1,077 38 CAL‐ARP Facility Audit Fee ‐ outsourced375.00plus consultant cost$2,532.59 85%$2,532.00$2,157 39 Technology Data Management Fee20.00per year Old CERS fee$11.59 ‐72%$11.00($9)40 Facility Closure295.00first 2 hours $125 for each add 1 hour$449.21 34%$449.00$154 41 Hazardous Material Plan Check/Inspection125.00per hour$686.75 82%$686.00$561 Hazardous Material Storage Ordinance Permit Fees42 HMS01/HMORT  Retail  Only (limited substances) 140.00per year over 1 hour inspection$263.39 47%$263.00$123 43 HMS02270.00per year plus$384.36 30%$384.00$114 City of Gilroy43Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 176Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Fire# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔFees44 Up to 5,000 lbs, solidsHourly over 2 hour inspection$0.00 NAHourly$0 45 55 ‐ 550 gal, liquidsHourly over 2 hour inspection$0.00 NAHourly$0 46 200 ‐ 2,000 cubic ft. at STP for compressed gasHourly over 2 hour inspection$0.00 NAHourly$0 47 HMS03500.00per year plus$626.31 20%$626.00$126 48 5,000 ‐ 25,000 lbs, solidsHourly over 4 hour inspection$0.00 NAHourly$0 49 550 ‐ 2,750 gal, liquidsHourly over 4 hour inspection$0.00 NAHourly$0 50 2,000 ‐ 10,000 cubic ft. at STP for compressed gasHourly over 4 hour inspection$0.00 NAHourly$0 51 HMS04690.00per year plus$807.77 15%$807.00$117 52 25,000 ‐ 50,000 lbs, solidsHourly over 5 1/2 hour inspection$0.00 NAHourly$0 53 2,750 ‐ 5,500 gal, liquidsHourly over 5 1/2 hour inspection$0.00 NAHourly$0 54 10,000 ‐ 20,000 cubic ft. at STP for compressed gasHourly over 5 1/2 hour inspection$0.00 NAHourly$0 55 HMS05820.00per year plus$928.74 12%$928.00$108 56 > 50,000 lbs, solidsHourly over 6 1/2 hour inspection$0.00 NAHourly$0 57 > 5,500 gal, liquidsHourly over 6 1/2 hour inspection$0.00 NAHourly$0 58 > 20,000 cubic ft. at STP for compressed gasHourly over 6 1/2 hour inspection$0.00 NAHourly$0 Corrosive, Toxic, & Highly Toxic Gas Fees including liquified and sub atmospheric materials59 Storage below MAQ125.00annual$382.53 67%$382.00$257 60 Storage above MAQ375.00annual$503.50 26%$503.00$128 61 Use below MAQ500.00annual$654.72 24%$654.00$154 62 Use above MAQ1,000.00annual$887.73 ‐13%$887.00($113)63 Cryogens270.00annual not corrosive, toxic or highly toxic$412.77 35%$412.00$142 Hazardous Waste Generator Fees64 HWG 1 – less than 2.5 tons/year100.00per year$263.39 62%$263.00$163 65 HWG 2 – 2.5 to less than 5 tons/year160.00per year$323.88 51%$323.00$163 66 HWG 3 ‐ 5 to less than 25 tons/year350.00per year$505.34 31%$505.00$155 67 HWG 4 ‐ 25 to less than 50 tons/year665.00per year$686.80 3%$686.00$21 68 HWG 5 ‐ 50 to less than 250 tons/year790.00per year$868.25 9%$868.00$78 69 HWG 6 ‐ 250 to less than 500 tons/year915.00per year$1,049.71 13%$1,049.00$134 70 HWG 7 ‐ 500 to less than 1,000 tons/year1,040.00per year$1,231.17 16%$1,231.00$191 71 HWG 8 ‐ 1,000 to less than 2,000 tons/year1,290.00per year$1,412.63 9%$1,412.00$122 72Hazardous Waste Generator (HWG0)–Retail/Episodic (Generates less  than 100 kg/month)50.00per year$240.98 79%$240.00$190 73Hazardous Waste Generator RCRALQG (Generates more than 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of acute hazardous waste)50.00per year$240.98 79%$240.00$190 Tiered Permit Fees74 Conditional Exempt (CE)250.00annual$384.36 35%$384.00$134 City of Gilroy44Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 177Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Fire# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔFees75 Conditional Authorization (CA)500.00annual$626.31 20%$626.00$126 76 Permit by Rule (PBR)1,005.00annual plus recording fees$1,231.17 18%$1,231.00$226 77 Spill Investigation, Response/Cleanup oversightDepartment/Division hourly rate$125 minimum$600.74 NADepartment/Division hourly rate, $135 minimum$0 Underground Tank78 Installation1,190.00per site up to 3 tanks$3,344.54 64%$3,344.00$2,154 79 Modification (piping & repair only)270.00minimum plus $125/hr addl review/inspections$468.12 42%$468.00$198 80 Operating Permit500.00site annualfull compliance ($820.62 for first 3 tanks) $230 for each additional tank$1,184.89 58%$1,184.00$684 81 Re‐inspection270.00each$470.23 43%$470.00$200 82 Removal815.00per tank Including additional hourly rate $1,473.25 45%$1,473.00$658 83 Testing250.00per tank$267.61 7%$267.00$17 City of Gilroy45Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 178Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Police # Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Code Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ1 Call Back/Second ResponsePolice Operation Division Hourly ratesCity reserves legal options for amounts over $500.00(City Code Section 16.35) NA NAPolice Operation Division Hourly rates$0 2 Crime Analysis Services 120.00 per hour $152.81 21% $152.00 $32 3 DUI Cost Recovery Department(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus actual repair and/or replacement of damaged public propertyAll Emergency PersonnelGovernment Code Section 53130‐53158NA NADepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus actual repair and/or replacement of damaged public property$0 4 Graffiti Abatement FeesDepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus actual repair and/or replacement of damaged public property(City Code Section 12.5) NA NADepartment(s)/Division(s) hourly rates plus actual repair and/or replacement of damaged public property$0 5Provision of Special Services(Subsided Rate)145.00 per hour 45% of Police Operation Division hourly rate or $65.00 per hour$153.53 6% $153.00 $8 6 Reproduction ‐ Photos Department hourly rate plus cost of photoNA NADepartment hourly rate plus cost of photo$0 7 School Truancy Charges Police division hourly rates (City Code Section 7.4) NA NA Police division hourly rates $0 8 Tow Truck Driver ‐ Annual Fee 50.00 (City Code Section 24.A.2) $51.87 4% $51.00$1 City of Gilroy46Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 179Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Police # Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Code Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ9Vehicle Equipment Inspection and Certification ‐ Resident 10.00$56.13 82% $56.00 $46 10Vehicle Equipment Inspection and Certification ‐ Non‐Resident 35.00$56.13 38% $56.00 $21 11 Vehicle Impound/Release Fees 150.00(California Vehicle Code Section 22850.5)$146.80 ‐2% $146.00 ($4)12Police Community Room Fee ‐ *Category "A"FreeNA NA Free $0 13Police Community Room Fee ‐ *Category "B"50.00per hour with $200.00 security depositNA NA $50.00 $0 14Police Community Room Fee ‐ *Category "C"100.00per hour with $200.00 security depositNA NA $100.00 $0 15Police Community Room Fee ‐ *Category "D"100.00per hour with $200.00 security depositNA NA $200.00 $100 # Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Code Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ16 Firearms Sales Permit  205.00 Annually Also needs license (City Code Section 9A.4) $303.89 33% $303.00$98 17 Mobile Vendor ‐ New Application 160.00(Portable container, pushcart, stands, vehicle or wagon that is placed on private property)Also needs license(City Code Section 16A.13)  $146.72 ‐9% $146.00($14)Police PermitsCity of Gilroy47Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 180Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Police # Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Code Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ18Mobile Vendor ‐ Renewal Application60.00 Annually(Portable container, pushcart, stands, vehicle or wagon that is placed on private property)Also needs license(City Code Section 16A.13)  $76.93 22% $76.00 $16 19Solicitor’s Identity Permit (door‐to‐door solicitor) ‐ New Application160.00 Also needs license (City Code Section 16A.1) $146.72 ‐9% $146.00($14)20Solicitor’s Identity Permit (door‐to‐door solicitor) ‐ Renewal Application60.00Annually Also needs license (City Code Section 16A.1) $76.93 22% $76.00$16 21Adult Business Permit ‐ New ApplicationOperations hourly rate (minimum fee of $8,440.00)Police Investigations Also needs licenseNA NAOperations hourly rate (minimum fee of $8,440.00)$0 22Adult Business Permit ‐ Renewal Application1,515.00 Annually $1,951.78 22% $1,951.00 $436 (City Code Sections 4.7, 4.13, 4.14, 4.27, 4.28, 4.30, 4.37, 4.42, 4.59)23Animal Bite Investigation/Quarantine175.00$152.53 ‐15% $152.00 ($23)24 Spay/Neutered 1 yr. /3 yrs 17.00/49.00NA NA Per 3rd Party Contract $0 25 Non‐Altered    1 yr. /3 yrs. 25.00/70.00NA NA Per 3rd Party Contract $0 26 Late fees ‐ 60 days after due date 25.00NA NA Per 3rd Party Contract $0 27 Duplicate tag (Renewals only) 4.00NA NA Per 3rd Party Contract $0 Animal Control FeesAnimal License: Dog/CatCity of Gilroy48Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 181Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Police # Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Code Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ28Authority to contract for private serviceTo be determined by services contractNA NATo be determined by services contract$0 29First 24 hour impound at Police Dept100.00NA NA $100.00 $0 30 Each additional day at station 40.00 per day NA NA $40.00 $0 31 Animals quarantined at shelter 175.00+ County impound fee & boardNA NA $175.00 $0 32 At Large impound 110.00+ County impound fee & board, set mileage and Animal Shelter FeeNA NA $110.00 $0 33 Animal Control Permit Fee    45.00 AnnuallyPet shop, commercial kennel, private kennel, pet grooming parlor, animal menagerie, animal shelter or horse establishment or exotic animal(City Code Section 4.37) NA NA $45.00 $0 34 Bingo Permit ‐ New Application 200.00 (City Code Section 5A.7) $159.38 ‐25% $159.00($41)35 Bingo Permit ‐ Annual Renewal Fee 25.00$56.59 56% $56.00$31 36 Initial Cardroom Permit Fee 5,000.00deposit(Resolution 2013‐06) NA NA $5,000.00$0 37 Annual Cardroom Permit (Renewal) 555.00NA NA $555.00$0 38 Annual Table Permit Fees 300.00per tableNA NA $300.00$0 Impound FeeCity of Gilroy49Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 182Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Police # Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Code Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ39 One Week Table Permit 25.00Must have a minimum of one Annual Table Permit NA NA $25.00$0 40Initial Employee Registration Application370.00per employeeNA NA $370.00$0 41 Annual Employee185.00NA NA $185.00$0 42 Concealed Weapons Permit ‐ New Ap100.00$20.00 upon filing and remainder upon approvalPenal Code Section 12054 NA NA $100.00 $0 43 Concealed Weapons Permit ‐ Annual 25.00 Penal Code Section 12054 NA NA $25.00$0 44 Dance Hall Permit**405.00(City Code Chapter 8.2) $409.43 1% $409.00$4 45 Massage Permit ‐ Initial215.00(Establishments, managing employees and/or practitioners) Practitioners permit fee is waived if simultaneously applying for an establishment or management employee permit(City Code Section 13.52(c))$288.31 25% $288.00 $73 City of Gilroy50Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 183Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Police # Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Code Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ46 Massage Permit ‐ Renewal 125.00Annually(Establishments, managing employees and/or practitioners) Practitioners permit fee is waived if simultaneously applying for an establishment or management employee permit$137.82 9% $137.00 $12 47 Pawnbrokers, Junk and Secondhand  55.00 Annual Fee (City Code Chapter 12B) NA NA $55.00$0 48 Regulatory Bar Permit 405.00Annually(City Code Section 16.5)  $439.72 8% $439.00$34 49 Taxi Cab ‐ Company Permits 235.00Permit(City Code Sections 23.6, 23.35)$273.97 14% $273.00$38 50 Taxi Cab Driver ‐ New 150.00$178.86 16% $178.00$28 51 Taxi Cab Driver ‐ Renewal 100.00$132.08 24% $132.00$32 52 False Alarms Reponse195.00After 3rd and subsequent alarm within 12 months.City reserves legal options for amounts over $500.00(City Code Section 3B.5) $192.11 ‐2% $192.00($3)53 False Alarms Registration 35.00per registrationInitial registration only.(City Code Section 3B.5) $38.58 9% $38.00$3 54 False Alarms Reinstatement 25.00per reinstatementNo response status after 7 alarms in 12 months. (City Code Section 3B.5) $38.58 35% $38.00$13 *Note:See Facilities Fees for category descriptionsCity of Gilroy51Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 184Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔGeneral Inspections and Fees (all divisions)(A)(B)1Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plansDivision(s) hourly rate  2 hour minimum  NA NA Division(s) hourly rate  $0 2 Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated Division(s) hourly rate  minimum charge‐one half hour NA NA Division(s) hourly rate  $0 3 Inspections outside of normal business hours ‐ BldgDivision(s) hourly rate $525.003 hours plus $170/hr each additional hour $524.02 NA $895.00 NA4 Inspections outside of normal business hours ‐ Planning 575.00 3 hours plus $185/hr $476.46 ‐21% $476.46 ($99)5 Re‐inspection fees assessed determination 75.00 + Division(s) hourly rate  $89.69 16% $89.69 $15 6 Building Damage Survey Inspection and Report NEW+ Division(s) hourly rate OR see Inspection outside of normal business hrs.$291.89 NA $291.89 NABuilding Life Environmental Safety (BLES)# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ7 Plan Check Review  75% of building permit feeMinimum 1/2 hour division hourly rate of $75.00 as set forth on Table 1‐A page 16NA NA  75% of building permit fee  $0 8 Deferred Submittal  75.00 + Division(s) hourly rate (2 hour minimum)$137.03 45% $137.03$62 9 RevisionsDivision(s) hourly rate + Division(s) hourly rate (2 hour minimum)$137.03 NA$137.03NA10 Expedited Building Plan Check Review150% of Building Permit fee1st round review onlyNANA 150% of Building Permit fee  $0 Building Permit Fees# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ11 Building PermitAs set forth in Table 1‐A (page 14)12 Electrical, Mechanical and PlumbingAs set forth in pages 17‐2413 GradingAs set forth in pages 25State of California Fees# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ14Strong Motion Fee (Charged by State through City)Strong Motion instrumentation and Seismic Hazard Mapping Fees (SMIP) State FeesFee is based on attached Building Valuation schedule which is determined by: $ .00010 x valuation with a minimum of $ 0.50 for Group R occupancies excluding hotels and motels, and $.00021 x valuation for all other occupancies.NANA Fee is based on attached Building Valuation schedule which is determined by: $ .00010 x valuation with a minimum of $ 0.50 for Group R occupancies excluding hotels and motels, and $.00021 x valuation for all other occupancies. $0 15 Category 1 ‐ Residential, 1st to 3rd Story: Valuation x 0.00013= Fee  $ 0.50 Min. FeeNA NA  $ 0.50 Min. Fee  $0 16 Category 2 ‐ All Other Buildings: Valuation x 0.00028= Fee  $ 0.50 Min. FeeNA NA  $ 0.50 Min. Fee  $0 17 Building Standards Administration Special Revolving Fund  (BSASRF)18 Permit Valuation $1 to $25,000  $1 NA NA $1  $0 Building Plan Check City of Gilroy52Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 185Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ19 Permit Valuation $25,001 to $50,000$2 NANA$2 $0 20 Permit Valuation $50,001 to $75,000$3 NANA$3 $0 21 Permit Valuation $75,001 to $100,000$4 NANA$4 $0 22 Every $25,000 or fraction thereof above $100,000Add $ 1NANA Add $ 1 $0 City of Gilroy Standard Permitting Fees# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ23General Plan Update Fee / High Speed Rail Master Plan Fee to offset city’s expenditures  (Excludes Residential: photovoltaic; water heater, furnace, and air conditioning replacements; reroofs; and interior remodeling such as kitchen and bath remodels.  For purposes of this section, “residential” is considered as one‐ and two‐family residences, including interior and photovoltaic work on individual condominium and townhouse units)4.7%of Building and Engineering fees AKA General Plan Update Fee 4.7% 13% 64% 13% 8%# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ24 Accessibility ‐ Equivalent Facilitation 225.00for first  hour+ divisional hourly rate for each additional hour $224.23 0%$224.00($1)25 Accessibility ‐ Unreasonable Hardship Application295.00for first hour + divisional hourly rate for each additional hour $291.75 ‐1%$291.00($4)26 Addressing FeeNEWeach$89.20 NA$89.00NA27 Administrative Hearing1,195.00each$1,188.78 ‐1%$1,188.00($7)28 Alternative Materials Review960.00each type$944.09 ‐2%$944.00($16)29 Building Code Appeal Fee2,180.00each$1,601.79 ‐36% $1,601.00($579)30 Certificate of Occupancy ‐ Reproduction50.00each$84.74 41% $84.00$34 31 Demolition  ‐ Historical Building 3,565.00$2,415.62 ‐48% $2,415.00($1,150)32 Demolition ‐ Major (Greater than 501 sq. ft.)1,050.00$996.88 ‐5%$996.00($54)33 Demolition ‐ Minor (120‐500 sq. ft.)395.00$366.51 ‐8%$366.00($29)34 House Moving ‐ Within City2,100.00$1,645.80 ‐28% $1,645.00($455)35 House Moving ‐ From outside City2,100.00plus travel time$1,645.80 ‐28% $1,645.00($455)36 Physically Challenged Board of Appeal2,180.00$1,439.50 ‐51% $1,439.00($741)37 Plot Plan Review/Lot Change550.00each$612.13 10% $612.00$62 38 Reproduction ‐ Building Permit40.00$50.40 21% $50.00$10 39 Reproduction ‐ Building Plans (Architectural 24x36, max 20 sheets) 92.00for first sheet $7.50 for each additional sheet$117.3322% $117.00$25 40Reproduction ‐ Building Address Files/Plans (8x14/11x17, max 20 sheets)NEWfor first sheet +$0.20/sheet$56.02 NA$56.00NA41 Reproduction ‐ Building Address Files/Plans (8x11, max 20 sheets) NEWfor first sheet +$0.10/sheet$56.02 NA$56.00NA42Reproduction ‐ Microfilm ‐ Building Plan Sheet (24x36, max 20 sheets)39.00for first sheet $7.50 for each additional sheet$117.33 67% $117.00$78 43Reproduction ‐ Microfilm ‐ Project Specification Sheet (24x36, max 20 sheets)92.00for first sheet $7.50 for each additional sheet$117.33 22% $117.00$25 Miscellaneous Fees (City Code Sections 6.1 & 7.1. (a))City of Gilroy53Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 186Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ44 Reproduction ‐ Project Specifications (8x11, max 20 sheets) 23.00 for first sheet +$0.10/sheet $56.02 59% $56.00 $33 45Temporary Certificate of OccupancyBond Application345.00$1,028.97 66% $1,028.00 $683 46 Utility Bond Application 245.00$295.87 17% $295.00 $50 47 Building Technology Fee NEW % of permit fees 5% NA 5% NAPhotovoltaic Permitting Fees# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ48 Residential 15 kW or less NEW Residential $562.10 NA $450.00 NA49 Residential More than 15 kW NEW + $15.00 per kwW above 15 kW $755.48 NA $500.00 NA50 Commercial 50 kW or less NEW Commercial $1,064.93 NA $1,000.00 NA51 Commercial 50 kW ‐ 250 kW NEW + $7.00 per kw above 50 kW $1,490.79 NA $1,000.00 NA52 Commercial More than 250 kW NEW + $5.00 per kW above 250 kW $2,681.77 NA $2,400.00 NASolar Thermal Permiting Fees# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ53Residential 10 kWth or less NEW$480.52 NA $450.00 NA54Residential More than 10 kWth NEW+ $ 15.00 per kWth above 10 kWth $533.39 NA $450.00 NA55Commercial 30 kWth or less NEW$1,104.75 NA $1,000.00 NA56Commercial 30 kWth – 260 kWth NEW+ $ 7.00 per kWth above 30 kWth $1,245.26 NA $1,000.00 NA57Commercial More than 260 kWth NEW+ $ 5.00 per kWth $2,426.94 NA $2,426.00 NAPhotovoltaic Energy Storage System Permitting Fees# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ58 Energy Storage System ‐ Permit Fee NEW each $103.27 NA $103.27 NA59 Energy Storage System ‐ Plan Check (Building) NEW + divisional hourly rate for each additional hour $166.03 NA $166.03 NA61 Energy Storage System ‐ Inspection (Building) NEW + divisional hourly rate for each additional hour $146.77 NA $146.77 NATable  1‐A ‐ Building Permit Fees Roofing Permitting Fees# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ62Residential Inspection 160.00 minimum fee  + $147.00/each additional hour $146.77 ‐9% $146.00 ($14)Residential Re‐roof overlay, prep old roof, felt, new roof63 Application Fee 70.00 plus $69.80 0% $69.00 ($1)64 1st 25 squares 275.00 plus  $195.73 ‐40% $195.00 ($80)City of Gilroy54Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 187Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ65 Ea. additional 25 squares130.00plus$135.18 4%$135.00$5 66 Ea. additional inspection after 3 inspections130.00$146.77 11% $146.00$16 Residential conversion, tear‐off  plywood, felt, new roof67 Application Fee70.00plus$69.80 0%$69.00($1)68 1st 25 squares370.00plus $270.35 ‐37% $270.00($100)69 Ea. additional 25 squares130.00plus$165.45 21% $165.00$35 70 Ea. additional inspection after 3 inspections125.00$165.45 24% $165.00$40 Commercial/Industrial 71Commercial/Industrial Pre‐roof Inspections(A)  (minimum charge – 1 hour) 205.00 minimum fee + 147.00/each additional hour $215.85 5% $215.00 $10 72 Commercial Re‐roofBased on valuation or contract price whichever is greater. **NA NA Based on valuation or contract price whichever is greater. ** $0 Swimming Pool Permitting Fees# Description *Minimum Valuation Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ73ResidentialSwimming Pools and/or Spas55.00 per sq. ft.Based on construction valuation or minimum sq. ft. whichever is greaterNA NA $120.00 $65 74CommercialSwimming Pools and/or Spas73.00 per sq. ft.Based on construction valuation or minimum sq. ft. whichever is greaterNA NA $150.00 $77 75 Supplementals (Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical) 210.00NA NA $179.00 ($31)76 Pool Replaster Surface NEW$333.05 NA $330.00 NA77 Demo: Vinyl NEW$345.49 NA $345.00 NA78 Demo: Gunite NEW$462.03 NA $450.00 NA79 Pre‐Treatment Discharge Permit 80.00NA NA $80.00 $0 Wall / Monument Sign or Art Sculpture Permitting FeesSigns, Outline Lighting and Marquees(A)# Description*Minimum ValuationUnitNotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ80 New Sign / Art SculptureNEWBased on valuation or contract price whichever is greater.**NA NA Based on valuation or contract price whichever is greater.** NA81For signs with outline lighting systems or marquees supplied from a new branch circuit22.50 each $60.56 NA $60.00 $38 82For signs with outline lighting systems or marquees supplied from an existing branch circuit NEW each $30.28 NA $30.00 NA83For additional branch circuits within the same sign, outline lighting system or marquee4.50 each $6.06 NA $6.00 $2 84 Structural Footings for Monument Sign/Art Sculpture New each $363.85 NA $363.00 NA85 Electrical Supplemental Fee 47.00 As set forth on pg 17 $52.87 NA$52.00 $5 # Description *Minimum Valuation Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ86 Deck 8.70 per sq. ft.  * NA NA $15.00 $6 Miscellaneous Permitting FeesCity of Gilroy55Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 188Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ87 Patio Cover / Structures with open walls16.30per sq. ft. *NANA$45.00$29 88 Exterior Stucco to Residence HomeNEWper sq ft.*NANA$7.00NA89 Outdoor Fireplace Based on valuation of $3,260 or contract price whichever is greater.+ supplemental fees for Electrical, Mechanical and/or PlumbingNANABased on valuation of $3,260 or contract price whichever is greater. $0 90 Above ground Tank905.00 + supplemental fees for Electrical, Mechanical and/or Plumbing‐Based on valuation or contract price whichever is greater.**NANA Based on valuation or contract price whichever is greater.** $0 * Minimum Valuation is considered as the valuation on this page or the contract / construction valuation whichever is greater ** ValuaƟon is based on contract price or construcƟon valuaƟon for material and labor at fair market value whicever is greaterTable  A ‐ Building Valuation Data # Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔPermit Issuance91 For issuing each permit 115.00 plus $155.30 26% $155.00 $40 92 For issuing each supplemental permit 47.00$52.87 11% $52.00 $5 Temporary Power Service+ Issuance fees93For a temporary service power pole or pedestal including all pole or pedestal‐mounted receptacle outlets and appurtenances, each23.50 flat fee $30.28 NA $30.00 $7 94For a temporary distribution system and temporary lighting and receptacle outlets for construction sites, decorative light, Christmas tree sales lots, firework stands, etc. each11.50 flat fee $124.39 NA $124.00 $113 Lighting FixturesFor lighting fixtures, sockets or other lamp‐holding devices:95 First 20 each 26.00 plus $31.49 17% $31.00 $5 96 Additional fixtures, each additional 20 21.00 each $25.43 NA $25.00 $4 For pole or platform‐mounted lighting fixtures:97 First 10 26.00 plus $31.49 17% $31.00 $5 98 each additional  1.30 each $1.82 NA $1.00 ($0)For theatrical‐type lighting fixtures or assemblies99 First 10 26.00 plus $31.49 17% $31.00 $5 100 each additional  1.30 each $1.82 NA $1.00 ($0)Electrical Permittings FeesCity of Gilroy56Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 189Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔPower Apparatus(A)(B)For motors, generators, transformers, rectifiers, synchronous converters, capacitors, industrial eating, air conditioners and heat pumps, cooking or baking equipment and other apparatus, as follows:  Rating in horsepower (HP), kilowatts (KW), kilovolt‐amperes (KVA), or kilovolt‐amperes‐reactive (KVAR):Note: a.For equipment or appliances having more than one motor, transformer, heater, etc., the sum of the combined ratings may be used. b.These fees include all switches, circuit breakers, contactors, thermostats, relays and other directly related control equipment.101 Up to and including 1, each 4.50$36.33 88% $36.00 $32 102 Over 1 and not over 10, each 11.50$31.49 63% $31.00 $20 103 Over 10 and not over 50, each 22.50$29.07 23% $29.00 $7 104 Over 50 and not over 100, each 42.50$26.64 ‐60% $26.00 ($17)105 Over 100, each 64.00$24.22 ‐164% $24.00 ($40)Busways+ Issuance fees106For trolley and plug‐in type busways, each 100 feet, or fraction thereof.6.80 Note:An additional fee will be required for lighting fixtures, motors and other appliances that are connected to trolley and plug‐in type busways.  No fee is required for portable tools.$60.56 89% $60.00 $53 Carnivals and Circuses(A)Carnivals, circuses, or other traveling shows or exhibitions utilizing  transportable‐type rides, booths, displays and attractionsFor permanently installed rides, booths, displays and attractions, use the UNIT FEE SCHEDULE107 For electric generators and electrically driven ride, each 23.50 each + Issuance fees $33.76 30% $33.00 $10 108For mechanically driven rides and walk‐through attractions or displays having electric lighting, each6.80 each + Issuance fees $27.01 75% $27.00 $20 109 For a system of area and booth lighting, each 6.80 each + Issuance fees $13.50 50% $13.00 $6 Electrical Services110 For main services of 400 amps or less 314.00$385.16 18% $385.00 $71 111 For main services over 400 amps 805.00$704.21 ‐14% $704.00 ($101)112For Sub-Panels of 200 amps or lessNEW + Issuance fees $177.55 NA $177.00 NA113For Sub-Panels over 200 amps NEW + Issuance fees $269.95 NA $269.00 NA114 Meter Pedelstal  NEW flat fee $293.61 NA $293.00 NACell Tower: 115Cell Tower Permit feefee includes plan check for 1st and 2nd reviewNEW each plus $1,038.64 NA $1,038.00 NA116      With Battery NEW$785.11 NA $785.00 NA117      No Battery NEW$249.05 NA $249.00 NAElectrical Vehicle Charging118 EVC ‐ Residential NEW$275.68 NA $275.00 NA119 EVC ‐ Commercial NEWBased on valuation or contract price whichever is greater.**NA NABased on valuation or contract price whichever is greater.**NACity of Gilroy57Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 190Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔUnit Fee ScheduleFor receptacle, switch and lighting outlets.  For receptacle, switch, lighting or other outlets at which current is used or controlled, except services, feeders and meters:+ issuance fees120 First 20, lump sum 26.00 plus $31.49 17% $31.00 $5 121 each additional 20  21.00$25.43 17% $25.00 $4 Electrical Permit Fees for new construction or addition shall be the Division Hourly Rate (half‐hour minimum) per required inspection or based on the fixture counts or the fee per square foot based on the construction category as set# Category Cost per Trade Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ122 Assembly Occupancies 0.115 per square foot $0.118 NA $0.118 $0 123 Hazardous Use 0.251 per square foot $0.256 NA $0.256 $0 124 Hotel / Motel 0.115 per square foot $0.136 NA $0.136 $0 125 Manufacturing 0.251 per square foot $0.256 NA $0.256 $0 126 Medical / Dental Office 0.168 per square foot $0.247 NA $0.247 $0 127 Office / Shell Speculative Uses 0.168 per square foot $0.178 NA $0.178 $0 128 Parking Structure 0.021 per square foot $0.021 NA $0.021 $0 129 Repair Garage / Gas Station 0.251 per square foot $0.256 NA $0.256$0 130 Research and Development0.168per square foot$0.172 NA$0.172$0 131Residential (single, two‐family and multifamily apartments and condominiums)0.136per square foot$0.158 NA$0.158$0 132 Restaurant / Market0.251per square foot$0.242 NA$0.242($0)133 Commercial Restrooms0.251per square foot$0.724 NA$0.724$0 134 Store / Retail0.168per square foot$0.167 NA$0.167($0)135 Warehouses0.052per square foot$0.092 NA$0.092$0 136 All Others0.136per square foot$0.079 NA$0.079($0)# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔPermit Issuance(A) (B)137 For issuing each permit115.00plus$155.30 26% $155.00$40 138 For issuing each supplemental permit47.00$52.87 11% $52.00$5 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)139Residential (New) Furnace and / or AC/Condenser293.00$332.00 12% $332.00$39 140Residential existing (Replace) Furnace and / or AC/CondenserNEW$192.73 NA$192.00NA141Residential (New, Adding, Replacing and / or Relocating) Ducting and vents.NEW each + Issuance fees, if standalone $27.58 NA $27.00 NA142 Commercial (New) Furnace and/or HVAC/Condenser NEW$494.58 NA $494.00 NAElectrical Permits Fees (A)(B)forth below.  These Permit Fees are in addition to the Permit Issuance Fees.  These fees do not include Plan Check fees.Mechanical Permit and Plan Review(a)(b)City of Gilroy58Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 191Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ143 Commercial existing (Replace)  Furnace and/or HVAC/CondensorNEWFlat Fee or based on construction valuation, whichever is greater$366.51 NA $366.00 NA144 Commercial ‐ Ducts and Vents (New, Replacing or Relocating) NEW each +issuance fees, if standalone $30.00 NA $30.00 NAUnit Fee Schedule + issuance fees145For the installation or relocation of each forced‐air or gravity‐type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance, up to 100,000 btu/h13.60$18.41 NA $18.00 $4 146For the installation or relocation of each forced‐air or gravity‐type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance, over 100,000 btu/h15.70$18.41 NA $18.00 $2 147For the installation or relocation of each floor furnace, including vent 13.60$15.99 NA $15.00 $1 148For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater, recessed wall heater or floor‐mounted unit heater13.60$15.99 NA $15.00 $1 149For the installation, relocations or replacements of each appliance vent installed and not included in an appliance permit 6.50$7.75 NA $7.00 $1 150For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration unit, cooling unit absorption unit, or each heating, cooling, absorption, or evaporative cooling system, including installation of controls regulated by this code13.60$15.99 NA $15.00 $1 151For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor to and including 3 horsepower, or each absorption system to and including 100,000 btu/h13.60$15.99 NA $15.00 $1 152For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor to and including 3 horsepower and including 15 horsepower, or each absorption system over 100,000 btu/h to and including 500,000 btu/h23.50$27.86 NA $27.00 $4 153For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 15 horsepower to and including 30 horsepower, or each absorption system over 500,000 btu/h to and including 1,000,000 btu/h32.70$38.76 NA $38.00 $5 154For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 30 horsepower to and including 50 horsepower, or each absorption system over 1,000,000 btu/h to and including 1,750,000 btu/h48.20$56.92 NA $56.00 $8 City of Gilroy59Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 192Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ155For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor to and including 50 horsepower, or each absorption system over 1,750,000 btu/h87.00$102.94 NA $102.00 $15 156 For each air‐handling unit over 10,000 cfm 15.70$18.41 NA $18.00 $2 157 For each evaporative cooler other than portable type 10.00$15.74 NA $12.00 $2 158 For each ventilating fan connected to a single duct 6.50$7.63 NA $7.00 $1 159For each ventilation system which is not a portion of any heating or air conditioning system authorized by a permit 10.00$12.11 NA $12.00 $2 160For the installation of each hood which is served by mechanical exhaust, including the ducts for such hood10.00$12.11 NA $12.00 $2 161 For installation or relocation of each domestic type incinerator 15.70$18.41 NA $18.00 $2 162For the installation or relocation of each commercial or industrial type incinerator64.00$76.30 NA $76.00 $12 163For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by this code but not classed in other appliance categories or for which no other fee is listed 10.00$12.11 NA $12.00 $2 Mechanical Permit Fees for new construction or addition shall be the Division Hourly Rate (half‐hour minimum) per required inspection or based on the fixture counts or the fee per square foot based on the construction category as set# Category Cost per Trade Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ164 Assembly Occupancies 0.115 per square foot $0.118 NA $0.118 $0 165 Hazardous Use 0.251 per square foot $0.256 NA $0.256 $0 166 Hotel / Motel 0.115 per square foot $0.136 NA $0.136 $0 167 Manufacturing 0.251 per square foot $0.256 NA $0.256 $0 168 Medical / Dental Office 0.168 per square foot $0.247 NA $0.247 $0 169 Office / Shell Speculative Uses 0.168 per square foot $0.178 NA $0.178 $0 170 Parking Structure 0.021 per square foot $0.021 NA $0.021 $0 171 Repair Garage / Gas Station 0.251 per square foot $0.256 NA $0.256$0 172 Research and Development0.168per square foot$0.172 NA$0.172$0 173Residential (single, two‐family and multifamily apartments and condominiums)0.136per square foot$0.158 NA$0.158$0 174 Restaurant / Market0.251per square foot$0.242 NA$0.242($0)175 Restrooms0.251per square foot$0.724 NA$0.724$0 176 Store / Retail0.168per square foot$0.167 NA$0.167($0)177 Warehouses0.052per square foot$0.092 NA$0.092$0 forth below.  These Permit Fees are in addition to the Permit Issuance Fees.  These fees do not include Plan Check fees.Mechanical Permits Fees (A)(B)City of Gilroy60Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 193Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ178 All Others0.136per square foot$0.079 NA$0.079($0)# DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔPermit Issuance(A) (B)179 For issuing each permit115.00plus$155.30 26% $155.00$40 180 For issuing each supplemental permit47.00$52.87 11% $52.00$5 Water Heater & Water Softener permitting fees181 Tankles Water‐heaterNEW$219.33 NA$219.00NA182 Water heater replacement147.00$185.57 21% $185.00$38 183 Electric water heaterNew$185.57 NA$185.00NA184 Heat Pump Water HeaterNewflat fee$254.66 NA$254.00NA185 For each water heater vent11.00each+ Issuance Fees, if standalone$13.32 NA$13.00$2 *If converting and/or relocating,  Building Plan Check and Building Inspections fees are also applicable.186 Water SoftnerNEWflat fee$146.86 NA$146.00NAWaterline & Sewer Repipe187 Residential repipe waterlineNEW$265.53 NA$265.00NA188 Residential repipe from house to main waterlineNEW$185.57 NA$185.00NA189 Residential repipe sewerNEW$354.89 NA$354.00NA190 Residential repipe from house to main sewerNEW$264.05 NA$264.00NA191 Commercial repipe sewerNEW$715.06 NA$715.00NA192 Commercial repipe from house to main sewerNEW$449.00 NA$448.00NA193 For each building sewer and each trailer park sewer28.30each+issuance fee$33.91 17% $33.00$5 Unit Fee Schedule + issuance fees194 For each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures on one trap  8.90each$12.11 NA$12.00$3 194For each industrial waste pretreatment interceptor including its trap and vent excepting kitchen‐type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps18.00each$24.22 NA$24.00$6 195For installation, alteration, or repair of water piping and/or water treating equipment, each4.50each$5.45 NA$5.00$1 196 For repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping, each fixture  4.50each$5.45 NA$5.00$1 197For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter, including backflow protection devices therefore 13.00each$15.74 NA$15.00$2 For atmospheric‐type vacuum breakers:198 1 to 5 11.00each$13.32 NA$13.00$2 199 Over 52.40each$2.91 NA$2.00($0)Plumbing Permit and Plan Review(a)(b)City of Gilroy61Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 194Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee ΔFor each back flow protective device other than atmospheric‐type vacuum breakers200 2 inches and smaller 11.00 each $13.32 NA $13.00 $2 201 Over 2 inches 22.50 each $26.64 NA $26.00 $4 Plumbing Permit Fees for new construction or addition shall be the Division Hourly Rate (half‐hour minimum) per required inspection or based on the fixture counts or the fee per square foot based on the construction category as set# Category Cost per Trade Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ202 Assembly Occupancies 0.115 per square foot $0.118 NA $0.118 $0 203 Hazardous Use 0.251 per square foot $0.256 NA $0.256 $0 204 Hotel / Motel 0.115 per square foot $0.136 NA $0.136 $0 205 Manufacturing 0.251 per square foot $0.256 NA $0.256 $0 206 Medical / Dental Office 0.168 per square foot $0.247 NA $0.247 $0 207 Office / Shell Speculative Uses 0.168 per square foot $0.178 NA $0.178 $0 208 Parking Structure 0.021 per square foot $0.021 NA $0.021 $0 209 Repair Garage / Gas Station 0.251 per square foot $0.256 NA $0.256$0 210 Research and Development0.168per square foot$0.172 NA$0.172$0 211Residential (single, two‐family and multifamily apartments and condominiums)0.136per square foot$0.158 NA$0.158$0 212 Restaurant / Market0.251per square foot$0.242 NA$0.242($0)213 Restrooms0.251per square foot$0.724 NA$0.724$0 214 Store / Retail0.168per square foot$0.167 NA$0.167($0)215 Warehouses0.052per square foot$0.092 NA$0.092$0 216 All Others0.136per square foot$0.079 NA$0.079($0)# CategoryCost per TradeUnitNotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ217 Mininmum plan review290.00Minimum (1 hr Plan Review)$263.62 ‐10% $263.00($27)218 Up to 1000 cubic yards 390.00Inpection Times Included.$384.31 ‐1%$384.00($6)219 1001 cubic yards, to 10,000 cubic yards390.00for the first 1,000 cubic yardsplus $12.60 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards, or fraction thereof$384.31 ‐1%$384.00($6)220 10,001 cubic yards, to 100,000 cubic yards500.00for the first 10,000 cubic yardsplus $54.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards, or fraction thereof$495.62 ‐1%$495.00($5)forth below.  These Permit Fees are in addition to the Permit Issuance Fees.  These fees do not include Plan Check fees.Plumbing Permits Fees (A)(B)Grading/Cut and/or Fill Permit Fees(a)City of Gilroy62Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 195Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Community Development# Description Current Fee/Charge Unit Notes Full CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ221 100,001 cubic yards or more985.00for the first 10,000 cubic yardsplus $30.40 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards, or fraction thereof$1,074.36 8%$1,074.00$89 # DescriptionCurrent Fee/ChargeUnitNotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy %Recommended Fee Fee Δ222 Loan Demand Payoff Fee250.00$6.00 ‐4067% $6.00($244)(A)  Reflects fee increases to offset the city’s expenditures for the city’s High Speed Rail Master Plan effort.*For any user fee service request that is outside the scope, or for services for which there is no fee currently set, the City can charge up to the full cost of the FBHR for personnel involved.(B) Fee will be reduced by 4.49% for residential: photovoltaic; water heater, furnace, and air conditioning replacements; reroofs; and interior remodeling such as kitchen and bath remodels.  For purposes of this section, “residential” is considered as one‐ and two‐family residences, including interior and photovoltaic work on individual condominium and townhouse units. Housing Community Development Loan FeesCity of Gilroy63Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 196Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Minimum Value Maximum ValueCurrent Base RateSuggested Base RateCurrent Plus $$Suggested Plus $$ For every11,000 250.00259.560.000.0001,0012,000 250.00259.563.483.611002,001 25,000 286.04296.9815.2215.801,00025,001 50,000 636.18660.5010.9811.401,00050,001 100,000 910.75945.577.617.901,000100,001 500,000 1,291.341,340.716.086.311,000500,001 1,000,000 3,724.573,866.965.165.361,0001,000,001 and up 6,305.426,545.593.423.551,000Percent Change = 3.8%Cost Recovery Level = 100%Building Valuation TableSuggested (All New Construction)City of Gilroy64Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 197Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Planning Fees ‐ Processing Fees and Charges (City Code Section 7.1. (a))# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge UnitNotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy % Recommended Fee  Fee Δ1Administrative Time Extension380.00plus publishing costs***$410.06 7% $410.06$30 2Annexation15,910.00Plus actual attorney fees. Note: Actual cost for other related fees will be collected by the City  for outside agencies.$19,632.13 19% $19,632.13$3,722 Appeals 3 Appeal, Planning Commission600.00Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees$930.31 36% $930.00$330 4 Appeal, All others2,540.00Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees$1,145.09 ‐122% $1,145.00($1,395)Architectural and Site Review ‐ Commercial, Wireless & Miscelleanous4,55 New Construction (up to 5,000 sq.ft.)8,900.00$10,365.88 14% $10,365.88$1,466 6 New Construction (each additonal 5,000 sq.ft.)695.00$925.92 25% $925.92$231 7 Remodel/Additions4,065.00Additions up to 10% of existing SF$2,647.74 ‐54% $2,647.74($1,417)Architectural and Site Review ‐ Residential8 New Construction, 4 or more homes (base fee)7,295.00$8,293.65 12% $8,294.00$999 9New Construction, 4 or more homes (add for each flat land tract plan)$540.00$591.58 9% $592.00$52 10New Construction, 4 or more homes  (add for each hillside tract plan)1,160.00$1,202.53 4% $1,203.00$43 11 Hillside (single custom home), Duplex or Triplex4,090.00$4,532.05 10% $4,532.00$442 12 Remodel/Additions735.00$1,172.46 37% $1,172.46$437 Architectural and Site Review ‐ Industrial4,513 New Construction (up to 10,000 sq.ft.)5,125.00$7,655.15 33% $7,655.15$2,530 14 New Construction (each additonal 10,000 sq.ft.)$290.00$604.08 52% $604.08$314 15 Remodel/Additions2,130.00Additions up to 10% of existing SF$2,292.14 7% $2,292.14$162 16Conditional Use Permit5,275.00Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees$5,530.11 5% $5,530.00$255 17Development Agreement17,250.00DepositMinimum (Hourly rate invoiced against initial deposit, plus $10,000 deposit for attorney fees)$19,081.10 10% $19,081.10$1,831 Environmental 18 Categorical Exemption450.00$536.41 16% $536.00$86 19 Initial Study/ND/MND, non‐complex project (Staff Review) 9,415.00min15% of contract cost (admin) + Mitigation Monitoring cost +  publishing cost*** + 15% staff review + 10% contingency$12,113.17 22% $12,113.17$2,698 20 Environmental Impact Report (staff review)19,820.00min15% of contract cost (admin) + Mitigation Monitoring cost +  publishing cost*** + 15% staff review + 10% contingency$23,739.79 17% $23,739.79$3,920 21 EIR/MND/Initial Study (Consultant Contract)pass throughActual contract cost plus 15% of contract cost + 15% staff review + 10% contingency NA NA$0 General Plan Amendment22 General Plan Map Amendment (up to 10 acres)15,575.00min + hourly rate if fee explus attorney fees and publishing cost***$15,603.93 0% $15,603.93$29 23 General Plan Map Amendment (each additional 10 acres)$100.00$150.27 33% $150.00$50 24 General Plan Text Amendment10,710.00min + hourly rate if fee explus attorney fees and publishing cost***$18,747.74 43% $18,747.74$8,038 25Habitat Conservation Permit Processing, Not Complex1,150.00DepositDivision hourly rate invoiced against initial deposit plus consultant cost and 15% admin fee$1,373.34 16% $1,373.34$223 26Mills Act Request1,305.00Plus actual attorney fees$2,112.49 38% $2,112.49$807 27Minor Deviation Variance Review1,235.00$2,451.84 50% $2,451.84$1,217 28Minor Modification320.00Deposit$332.71 4% $320.00$0 29Miscellaneousdivision hourly rate NA NA division hourly rate $0 30Mobile Home Rent Review4,945.00plus arbitrator's fee$5,032.26 2% $5,032.26$87 31Planned Unit Development 13,875.00plus A&S fee, plus attorney fees + publishing fees$16,202.91 14% $16,203.00$2,328 City of Gilroy65Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 198Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Planning Fees ‐ Processing Fees and Charges (City Code Section 7.1. (a))# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge UnitNotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy % Recommended Fee  Fee Δ32Reasonable Accommodation400.00$1,120.29 64% $1,120.00 $720 33Sign Permit (first sign)126.00$293.14 57% $293.00 $167 34Temporary Use Permit (standard)  925.00 min Planning Division hourly rate plus attorney fees $2,074.06 55% $2,074.00 $1,149 35Tentative Parcel Map (up to 4 lots)7,355.00 Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees $10,252.85 28% $10,253.00 $2,898 Tentative Tract Map (5 or more lots)36 Tentative Tract Map (5 ‐ 12 lots) 13,995.00 Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees $19,036.49 26% $19,036.49 $5,041 37 Tentative Tract Map (each lot over 12 lots, flat lot) $115.00$301.85 62% $302.00 $187 38 Tentative Tract Map (each lot over 12 lots, Hillside lot) $500.00$876.58 43% $877.00 $377 39 Tentative Tract Map Extension 1,010.00 Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees $767.71 ‐32% $768.00 ($242)Urban Service Area Amendment 40 Urban Service Area Amendment (up to 10 acres) 27,785.00plus publishing cost and attorney fees. LAFCO fees and additional deposit to be provided after city action***$29,187.63 5% $29,188.00 $1,403 41 Urban Service Area Amendment (each additoinal 10 acres) $165.00$423.15 61% $423.00 $258 42Variance Request5,185.00 Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees $5,469.66 5% $5,469.66 $285 Zoning Amendment43 Zoning Map Amendment (up to 10 acres) 5,060.00 plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees $11,884.56 $0.57 $11,884.56 $6,825 44 Zoning Map Amendment (each additional 10 acres) 120.00$150.27 $0.20 $150.27 $30 45 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment7,085.00Plus publishing costs***Plus actual attorney fees$14,417.42 $0.51 $14,417.42$7,332 46Pre‐Application DRG Review1,520.00$3,485.52 56% $3,485.52$1,966 Other Review and Service Fees47 Continuation Request by ApplicantHourly Ratehourly rate, minimum $370 plus publishing cost***NA NA Hourly Rate$0 48 Research Hourly Rate + Direct Cost Depositminimum 2 hourNA NA Hourly Rate + Direct Cost $0 49 Planning InspectionsDivisional hourly rate$69.00 minimumNA NADivisional hourly rate $0 50 Planning Plan CheckDivisional hourly rate$69.00 minimumNA NA Divisional hourly rate $0 51 Security Deposit Application Fee270.00DepositNA NA $270.00$0 52 Affordable Housing Project4,290.00plus attorney fees$3,271.03‐31% $3,271.03($1,019)53 Affordable Housing Agreement3,450.00unit/Depositplus attorney fees$6,089.20 43% $6,089.20$2,639 54 Designated Historic Resource review permit (Admin)3,560.00$2,935.88 ‐21% $2,935.88($624)55 Designated Historic Resource review permit  (Commission)   3,560.00plus consultant fees and 15% admin fee$2,967.01 ‐20% $2,967.00($593)56 Historic Demolition / Significant Alteration review permit (commission) Newplus consultant fees and 15% admin fee$4,423.38 NA $5,712.91NA57 Initial Study/ND/MND, Complex project (Staff Review)New15% of contract cost (admin) + Mitigation Monitoring cost +  publishing cost***$5,068.23 NA $12,581.51NA58 Existing Sign Program PermitNew$507.70 NA $507.70NA59 New Sign Program (e.g., for new/remodeled shopping centers)  New$2,224.20 NA $2,224.20NA60  Sign Permit, each additional sign New$126.93 NA $126.93NA61 Minor Temporary Use Permit (e.g. flower vendors, model homes, trailers)New$1,536.17 NA $1,536.17NA62 Minor Conditional Use Permit (e.g., wine bar, farmers market)New$1,159.68 NA $1,159.68NA63 Habitat Conservation Permit Processing ‐ Complex Newplus consultant fees$3,162.47 NA $3,162.00NA64 Zoning VerificationNew$400.42 NA $400.42NA65 General Plan / Zoning Ordinance Update Fee15%of Planning Applications20%25% 20%5%City of Gilroy66Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 199Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) Planning Fees ‐ Processing Fees and Charges (City Code Section 7.1. (a))# DescriptionCurrent Fee/Charge UnitNotesFull CostCurrent Subsidy % Recommended Fee  Fee Δ66 Technology FeeNewOf Planning Applications and Building Permits5%NA 5%NA67 Public Noticing FeeNew$1,128.32 NA $1,128.32NA68 Murray Las Animas Overlay FeeNew$1,422.32 NA $1,422.00NA69 Tree Removal Permit300.00$332.71 NA $300.00$0 70 Zoning Clearance (Wireless Facilities320.00Depositplus RF Report Preparation Cost$335.57 NA $320.00$0 For those projects involving multiple public hearing applications, the publication costs will be reduced to a single charge when it is determined, and reasonably possible, that the public‐hearing applications can be processed together.For any user fee service request that is outside the scope, or for services for which there is no fee currently set, the City can charge up to the full cost of the FBHR for personnel involved.City Attorney costs will be passed on directly to applicant as neededAdditional fees may be assessed, as determined by the Community Development Director, based upon complications due to environmental review, three or more re‐submittals, applicant‐initiated project revisions, continued public hearings, additional publishing City of Gilroy67Comprehensive User Fee Study9.2.dPacket Pg. 200Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) 27368 Via Industria, Suite 200 Temecula, California 92590-4856 800.755.6864 | Fax: 888.326.6864 951.587.3500 | Fax: 951.587.3510 www.willdan.com 9.2.d Packet Pg. 201 Attachment: User Fee Study (3865 : User Fee Adoption Public Hearing) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Appointments to City Boards, Commissions and Committees With Open Vacancies Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:City Clerk Submitted By:Thai Pham, City Clerk Prepared By:Thai Pham, City Clerk Strategic Plan Goals •Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION Appoint members to Boards, Commissions and Committees with open vacancies. BACKGROUND Four of the City’s Boards, Commissions, and Committees (Arts & Culture Commission, Open Government Commission,Parks and Recreation Commission, and Physically Challenged Board of Appeals) currently have seats vacant as of July 5, 2022. At the close of the recruitment period, two (2) applications were received for the Open Government Commission with a term expiring December 31, 2025. The Council interviewed applicant Jessica Irwin at the June 20, 2022 City Council meeting. Applicant Diego Martinez was not interviewed. Council is now asked to consider whom to appoint to the Open Government Commission. 10.1 Packet Pg. 202 Attachments: 1.Application -Martinez, Diego 2.Application -Irwin, Jessica 3.Application -Martinez, Diego 10.1 Packet Pg. 203 CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:noreply@civicplus.com To:City Clerk Subject:EXTERNAL - Online Form Submittal: City of Gilroy Application for Board, Commission and Committee Appointment Date:Tuesday, May 3, 2022 1:56:45 PM City of Gilroy Application for Board, Commission and Committee Appointment City of Gilroy Application for Board, Commission, and Committee Appointment * All Commission, Board and Committee applications are a public record. First Name Diego Last Name Martinez Board/Commission/Committee of Interest Open Government Commission Are you a registered voter within the City limits? Yes Physical Address 1 8800 Lilly Ave. Apt J135 City, State, Zip Gilroy, California, 95020 Phone Number 4085932212 E-mail Address mdiego2543@gmail.com Alternate Phone Number Field not completed. List your qualifications for this appointment: I am currently in my sophomore year at Gavilan College where I am majoring in political science. I have great computer literacy, leadership, dependability, research skills, communication and teamwork, and I am also fluent in Spanish as my second language. List any service to the community including any prior appointments. I have volunteered at goodwill and at St. Mary’s food pantry back in 2016-2017. I have also helped create petitions for action at the apartments that I live at. What are you goals while serving on this Board/Commission/Committee? I hope to help the community grow as this is where I have lived all of my life. I aim to gain experience in my field of study, which is political science, and to use that experience to come back in the future to run for office 10.1.a Packet Pg. 204 Attachment: Application - Martinez, Diego (3853 : Quarterly Appointments to City Boards, Commissions and Committees) in Gilroy. I wish to serve with complete eloquence. Why are you the most qualified to serve on this Board/Commission/Committee? I am the most qualified to serve, as I believe I will be the most passionate about serving my city and to help the people of this great community. I will be the most dependable out of everyone, and will strive to create a great experience for myself and my peers. Declaration of Residency I Understand Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 10.1.a Packet Pg. 205 Attachment: Application - Martinez, Diego (3853 : Quarterly Appointments to City Boards, Commissions and Committees) CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:noreply@civicplus.com To:City Clerk Subject:EXTERNAL - Online Form Submittal: City of Gilroy Application for Board, Commission and Committee Appointment Date:Saturday, June 4, 2022 1:27:00 PM City of Gilroy Application for Board, Commission and Committee Appointment City of Gilroy Application for Board, Commission, and Committee Appointment * All Commission, Board and Committee applications are a public record. First Name Jessica Last Name Irwin Board/Commission/Committee of Interest Open Government Commission Are you a registered voter within the City limits? Yes Physical Address 1 2305 Olea Court City, State, Zip Gilroy, CA 95020 Phone Number 7574180357 E-mail Address jessy@villaemery.com Alternate Phone Number Field not completed. List your qualifications for this appointment: Professionally, I have - 10+ years of security experience, - 15 years of experience with strategic communications, community management, and community outreach with a focus on open source technology and open access/open information. As my primary expertise is in security and risk management, I have: - created data classification and data management systems and policies, - built and audited processes and systems in highly regulated environments for sharing data and information. 10.1.b Packet Pg. 206 Attachment: Application - Irwin, Jessica (3853 : Quarterly Appointments to City Boards, Commissions and Committees) In addition to keeping an eye on data quality and data integrity, I have also: - lead the communications and coordination for sharing sensitive or important information with audiences large and small after notable security breaches, legal action, or and other high-profile incidents - collaborated with several other entities and organizations (local, state, and federal enforcement, policy makers, private companies) to ensure that any information being shared is not abused or misused. List any service to the community including any prior appointments. Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I spent 7 years organizing and leading cybersecurity and privacy trainings for librarians, educators, and students. I have delivered cybersecurity and privacy trainings to students of all ages — elementary school to college student. I have also done security trainings for lawyers, judges, and public officials who are frequently the target of harassment or threats. What are you goals while serving on this Board/Commission/Committee? I have 3 main goals in community participation: 1) To actively invest in my time, talents, and skills in my community here in Gilroy. 2) To help Gilroy reach its full potential by doing my part to help build trust with open government initiatives. 3) To share cutting-edge professional knowledge that helps the city do more despite resource drain and budget cuts, potentially in cost-effective ways — especially if technology can help! Why are you the most qualified to serve on this Board/Commission/Committee? Professionally, my work history and day-to-day experience give me deep understanding and fluency in balancing the need for openness with the need for data privacy and discretion. I am also versed in educating people about why some information cannot or should not be shared, and actively demonstrating the various policies and standards (municipal, state, federal) that various organizations and entities have to comply with in order to dispell disinformation or rumors from becoming an issue. Having collaborated with various law enforcement agencies and regulators (local, state, federal, and international) during active investigations and incidents, I understand the nuance of articulating policy and making decisions around information sharing, especially when there is significant pressure from external groups for radical transparency (e.g. putting it all out there without thinking about how 10.1.b Packet Pg. 207 Attachment: Application - Irwin, Jessica (3853 : Quarterly Appointments to City Boards, Commissions and Committees) information could be weaponized to cause harm to a community or individuals). On a personal level, I am deeply motivated to contribute to my community in meaningful ways to make it better and stronger for everyone. Declaration of Residency I Understand Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. 10.1.b Packet Pg. 208 Attachment: Application - Irwin, Jessica (3853 : Quarterly Appointments to City Boards, Commissions and Committees) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Report on Services for Unhoused Individuals and Enforcement of No-Camping Ordinances Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Administration Submitted By:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Prepared By:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Strategic Plan Goals •Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION Authorize the Gilroy Police Department (“GPD”) to enforce no-camping ordinances on public property if it offers space at a homeless shelter to individuals beforehand and ensures that the particular shelter that it is offering to connect the individual with could accommodate their needs pursuant to The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). Authorize city personnel to clean and clear encampments in public parks and other public land in compliance with a written protocol (GPD Police Policy 411) that provides a number of safeguards required by the Courts, including outreach and notice to occupants, provision of social services, photographic documentation, safeguarding of occupants’ personal property, and the making available of shelter space for displaced occupants. 10.2 Packet Pg. 209 DISCUSSION Over the past several months,numerous Gilroy community members have contacted the Gilroy Police Department (“GPD”) and the Gilroy City Council expressing concern for their safety at public parks in Gilroy, including Christmas Hill Park and Miller Park. Community members have asked the GPD to take Code enforcement action to remove unhoused individuals from the public parks. A.The Limits of the Boise Case The Council has previously been informed of the 2019 Boise decision of the Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (discussed more fully below),which has restricted the ability of local agencies to enforce ordinances against camping on public property. We have been asked to explore what appear to be the current limits of the Boise case, and thus what the City can do regarding prohibiting camping in public parks and/or to clear homeless encampments. In addition to doing our own legal research, the City Attorney’s office has communicated with a number of other cities, all of which face similar problems, though the details of the concerns vary from city to city. We found considerable differences regarding their approaches to what they thought was acceptable under the Boise case as well as what kinds of actions would be most appropriate for the individual circumstances of each city. A summary of some of the information gleaned from these calls is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The 2019 Ninth Circuit case Martin v. City of Boise (9th Cir. 2019) 920 F.3d 584 held that it is a violation of the Eighth Amendment,which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment,to enforce ordinances that prevent individuals from “sitting,sleeping,or lying outside on public property” when the unhoused individual has “no option of sleeping indoors”.Several unhoused individuals filed the case against the City of Boise, claiming that the city’s enforcement of its no-camping ordinances against them violated the Eight Amendment.Even though the City of Boise had a “Shelter Protocol” pursuant to which it coordinated with local shelters to let the Police Department (“PD”)know when the shelters were full,the court still found that the City of Boise had violated the Eighth Amendment by enforcing its no-camping ordinances, because some of the local shelters’ policies “functionally limit[ed] access” to their facilities, due to various restrictive policies, for example: ·One of the shelters had a wait list process that was so cumbersome that it resulted in some individuals waiting to find out if they could stay at the shelter only to find out at the last minute that the shelter was full and then not having enough time to find another shelter for the night. ·One of the shelters had a policy pursuant to which it turned individuals away if they voluntarily left the shelter before staying there for 17 days straight and then attempted to return within 30 days. 10.2 Packet Pg. 210 The court explained that a municipality cannot criminalize sitting,sleeping,or lying in public “when no sleeping place is practically available in any shelter.”(Id.At 618, emphasis added.) The language of Boise is not completely clear and it leaves an open question as to when and how jurisdictions can enforce no-camping ordinances if there are more unhoused individuals in the jurisdiction than available shelter beds. The decision states at page 617 (with emphasis added): We hold only that "so long as there is a greater number of homeless individuals in [a jurisdiction] than the number of available beds [in shelters]," the jurisdiction cannot prosecute homeless individuals for "involuntarily sitting, lying, and sleeping in public." That is, as long as there is no option of sleeping indoors, the government cannot criminalize indigent,homeless people for sleeping outdoors, on public property, on the false premise they had a choice in the matter. However,the case also includes language in Footnote No.8 that scales back the breadth of the holding and states that under some circumstances jurisdictions can enforce no-camping ordinances even if they do not have sufficient room in shelters for the entire unhoused population in the jurisdiction, and it states that the decision does not cover individuals who have “access to adequate temporary shelter”.That footnote No. 8 states (with emphasis added): Naturally, our holding does not cover individuals who do have access to adequate temporary shelter,whether because they have the means to pay for it or because it is realistically available to them for free,but who choose not to use it. Nor do we suggest that a jurisdiction with insufficient shelter can never criminalize the act of sleeping outside. Even where shelter is unavailable, an ordinance prohibiting sitting, lying, or sleeping outside at particular times or in particular locations might well be constitutionally permissible. So,too, might an ordinance barring the obstruction of public rights of way or the erection of certain structures. Whether some other ordinance is consistent with the Eighth Amendment will depend, as here, on whether it punishes a person for lacking the means to live out the "universal and unavoidable consequences of being human" in the way the ordinance prescribes. Id. at 1136. Although the universal initial reaction by cities to the Boise case was a cessation of attempts to enforce their no-camping ordinances, since then a number of courts have elaborated on the limits of the holding,as explained above in Footnote 8, and have recognized limits to the Boise holding. These cases include: 10.2 Packet Pg. 211 1.In Petaluma,a court dissolved an injunction that had been granted pursuant to a temporary restraining order that had temporarily enjoined the defendant city from “closing the encampment at issue, evicting campers therefrom, seizing and disposing of their property, and/or arresting them for violating the anti- camping ordinance." (Naretto v. City of Petaluma (N.D.Cal.May 16,2022,No. 21-cv-10027-EMC)2022 U.S.Dist.LEXIS 87827,at *1.)The appellate court dissolved the injunction in part because the record suggested that the remaining plaintiff in the action “was previously provided shelter that was adequate under [Boise]” but was “unable to adhere to the rules required to maintain that Shelter through no fault of the City.” (Id. at 6.) 2.In a case in the County of Kauai,Hawaii,a District Court emphasized that: [The Boise case] did not "dictate to the City that it must provide sufficient shelter for the homeless, or allow anyone who wishes to sit, lie, or sleep on the streets . . . at any time and at any place."920 F.3d at 617 (citation omitted).Rather,"an ordinance prohibiting sitting,lying,or sleeping outside at particular times or in particular locations might well be constitutionally permissible," as well as "an ordinance barring the obstruction of public rights of way or the erection of certain structures." (Gomes v. Cty of Kauai D.Haw. Nov. 24, 2020, No. 20-00189 JMS-WRP)2020 U.S.Dist.LEXIS 220037at *7- 8.) In Gomes, the plaintiffs alleged that they had been cited multiple times for “camping and sleeping”in a public park.The court rejected the claim, emphasizing that the plaintiffs had not stated a claim for a violation of the Eight Amendment because the criminal citations were for permit-related violations for sleeping in a particular park and not for sleeping in public, and “there is nothing in the Complaint to suggest that Plaintiffs could not sleep in other public places within the County of Kauai.”(Id.at *7)The court reasoned that Boise "does not limit the [c]ity's ability to evict homeless individuals from particular public places."(Id. at *8.) 3.In an Oakland case, the District Court approved of the City’s clearing of an encampment in a park. The court held that it would not violate the holding of Boise for the City of Oakland to clean and clear the park (remove the encampment)as long as it followed protocol that included proving a Notice of Vacate at least 72 hours in advance, offering shelter beds to the encampment residents, and providing notice and storage for any property that PD collected during the clean and clear, and otherwise adhering to the City’s policies and representations that it had made to the court regarding its protocol. The City’s protocol is similar to that we are recommending for Gilroy. (Le Van Hung v. Schaaf (N.D.Cal.Apr.23,2019,No.19-cv-01436-CRB) 2019 U.S.Dist.LEXIS 68867, at *5.) 4.In an Orange County case, a district court held that an allegation that police 10.2 Packet Pg. 212 had threatened unhoused people with arrest was not enough to hold that the City of San Clemente had violated the Eighth Amendment. The court explained that threats were not enough to violate Boise,because Boise “require[s]the initiation of the criminal process to state a claim for damages for an Eight Amendment violation.”To support its reasoning,the court cited Footnote No. 8 in Boise. (Housing is A Human Right Orange Cty.v.Cty.of Orange (C.D.Cal. Aug. 12, 2019, No. SA CV 19-388 PA (JDEx)) 2019 U.S.Dist.LEXIS 210837, at *26, *31.) The interpretations of Boise in the decisions above suggest that Gilroy could take some enforcement actions related to unlawful camping (such as clearing out encampments with proper notice) while still mitigating risk of (successful) lawsuits challenging those actions. B.Application to Gilroy The Gilroy City Code (“GCC”)includes a several sections that could be construed as “no-camping” ordinances. Examples are GCC § 18.5 and § 15.8, which respectively restrict camping in parks and in cars. GCC § 18.5(k) prohibits individuals from “Claim[ing] exclusive use of, prevent the use by others of, or reserve for use any park area without prior written permission of the director”and GCC §18.5 (m)prohibits people in a park from “Sleep[ing]on park benches or furniture without prior written permission of the director.” GCC § 15.8, with certain narrow exceptions, prohibits human habitation of motor vehicles other than trailers or recreational vehicle parks as provided in the city’s zoning ordinances. The City has refrained from enforcing no-camping ordinances since the Boise decision, but given the public safety issues that have arisen in relation to encampments in public parks, we recommend that the City evaluate and consider enforcing the no-camping ordinances in a manner that involves offering to connect unhoused individuals with shelter.By taking a compassionate approach to enforcing Gilroy’s no-camping ordinances, the City could offer unhoused individuals more opportunities to receive the vital services that they need,and at the same time, Gilroy could also help to make its public parks safer for everyone. RISKS If the City enforces no-camping ordinances or begins encampment clean and clears, then it could face legal challenges to those actions.Other local cities including Watsonville have faced lawsuits when they have attempted to abate encampments. ALTERNATIVES 1.Do not enforce the City’s anti-camping ordinances or take any legal action whatsoever in relation to encampments in Gilroy. This option is not recommended because the proliferation of encampments in the City’s public 10.2 Packet Pg. 213 parks poses a public safety issue for the unhoused and other park visitors alike.Moreover,to do nothing is to miss an opportunity to connect unhoused individuals with vital services. 2.Clear encampments pursuant to protocol approved by the Gilroy City Council. Only remove items and store or dispose of them in compliance with written protocol.This approach is taken by Redwood City. Redwood City provides seven days’ notice prior to clearing an encampment, and does not cite any individuals at the encampment for sitting, sleeping or lying in public, but only if they are violating the Code in some other manner (for example, possession of illegal drugs or an illegal weapon). This approach mitigates risk in some ways to potential legal challenges for enforcing no-camping ordinances. If this approach were taken, GPD would not cite for violations of no-camping ordinances, but still could cite individuals if they are violating the Gilroy City Code or breaking the law in another manner (such as possession of an illicit substance). FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE The citation of individuals would also result in a court process being initiated against those individuals,which would require additional staff time from the Police Department and the City Attorney. If individuals were cited after refusing shelter, and the case went to court,the court would most likely divert the case,meaning that it would allow the individual to participate in a program of Gilroy’s choosing and then to return in three months with proof so that the court will dismiss the case. A potential associated cost would likely be the cost of defending additional lawsuits. If the City begins to enforce its no-camping ordinances or conduct clean and clears,it could face lawsuits, which would require funding to defend even if the lawsuit is legally meritless. RELATED ISSUES A number of unhoused individuals are living in RVs in Gilroy as transitional housing. Some of these RVs pose a safety hazard to the inhabitants and community members, due to sanitation issues and fire hazards. Should the City of Gilroy seek to enforce ordinances restricting or prohibiting parking for RVs, then the City Attorney will need to determine whether the ordinances include appropriate time, place, and manner restrictions ensuring that the ordinance will be equally applied whether the owner of the vehicle is unhoused or not, and will not be applied only to those using RVs as transitional housing. Other cities nearby, including Mountain View, have faced lawsuits relating to the breadth of their ordinances that restrict or prohibit overnight parking. Attachments: 10.2 Packet Pg. 214 1.Exhibit A 10.2 Packet Pg. 215 -7- DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY 4855-2351-7990v1 ALF\04706176 EXHIBIT A Redwood City Redwood City presently does not enforce no-camping ordinances at all. Redwood City clears encampments but does not require individuals to leave the site. The Police Department (“PD”) posts a notice 7 days in advance before clearing an encampment. The notice states that time and the date of the encampment clear-out. During the clearance of the encampment, the PD only clears possessions. The PD determine what is an abandoned item (which will be thrown away) versus a personal possession (which the City stores in a locker for 3 months on city property with instructions posted on the outside as to what number to call to retrieve the items). The PD does not cite anyone during these encampment clearances for violating no-camping ordinances. If other unlawful activity is occurring, though (possession of illegal weapons or drugs, for example) then the PD would cite individuals for those activities. Watsonville At the present time, Watsonville generally does not cite encampment residents for violations of no-camping ordinances. Attorney Anthony Prince filed 3 lawsuits against Watsonville on behalf of the unhoused. Healdsburg Healdsburg does not enforce no-camping ordinances. Healdsburg has one employee whose position is dedicated to verifying whether there is room open at shelters for unhoused individuals. The employee partners with a local agency to verify in real time that the City has room for a particular person in a shelter and that the shelter can accommodate the individual’s particular needs (if they have a pet, if they have medical needs, etc.) Mountain View Mountain View does not have many encampments, so this issue is not an area of focus for Mountain View. The City does not have any strong enforcement policy related to no-camping ordinances, if it is issuing those citations at all. Calabasas Calabasas generally does arrest or cite unhoused individuals in its jurisdiction. Calabasas take a gentle approach and just offers to connect the unhoused individual with shelter and services. Calabasas has a liaison that it sends out to speak with unhoused individuals and offer them services. This liaison was formerly homeless. If the liaison is not available, then a deputy sheriff will arrive and offer accommodations to the individual at a shelter. The sheriff verifies in real time that space is available. 10.2.a Packet Pg. 216 Attachment: Exhibit A (3887 : Unhoused Services and No Camping Ordinances) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Approval of the Santa Teresa Interim Fire Station Alternate Location and Funding Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Fire Department Submitted By:Jim Wyatt, Fire Chief Prepared By:Jennifer Fortino, Management Analyst Strategic Plan Goals •Develop a Financially Resilient Organization ý Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION 1.Approve construction of an interim fire station in the estimated amount of $344,000 located on the corner of 10th Street & DeAnza Place in the Santa Teresa Fire Response District. 2.Adopt a budget amendment resolution to appropriate $344,000 in the Capital Projects Fund for the construction at the alternate site of an interim fire station. BACKGROUND The Gilroy Fire Department, with the approval of Council in mid-2019, began a pilot study called the “Alternative Service Model” (ASM) that positioned a fire crew within the Santa Teresa District (STR). The purpose of the ASM study was to determine if a fire 10.3 Packet Pg. 217 crew positioned in STR could improve emergency response times within the district and throughout the city. The study was a success, showing marked improvement to response times throughout the city, and became the catalyst towards planning the construction of an interim, and eventually a permanent fire station at the designated site located at the corner of W. Luchessa and Miller Avenue. Since mid-2020, the STR crew has been temporarily housed at the TEEC Building located on the ranch-side at Christmas Hill Park. However, as the City pursues providing fire staffing resources from 12 hours per day to 24 hours per day, the current location at the TEEC Building is inadequate to meet the needs of the fire crew stationed there. The TEEC Building lacks shower and kitchen amenities, a garage to house fire apparatus, and its location and position at the park makes it less than ideal for emergency response to areas south, east, or west within STR. As the City’s agreement with the Glen Loma Development Group (GLDG) requires funding from GLDG for the new permanent fire station, the requirement for GLDG to remit such funding to the City has not yet been triggered, thus there is a need to build and house fire personnel at an alternate interim site. At this time, an interim fire station is needed to house two to three fire personnel at an alternate site. The proposed location of this alternate site is City-owned property at the corner of 10th Street and DeAnza Place (currently planned as the future 10th Street Bridge project).The proposed site is approximately three blocks from the permanent fire station site. This proposed alternate site is located where the 10th Street bridge will be built, however, the bridge project timeline is dependent upon funding. The City has applied for a grant that would fund the 10th Street Bridge project. If the City is awarded the grant, the bridge project will begin in 3-4 years. If the City is not awarded the grant, the bridge project is likely to be delayed beyond 3-4 years. The Interim Fire Station is expected to remain at this alternate site for an estimated 2-3 years. The proposal, if approved, is to prepare and pave this alternate site, trench and install utility hookups, install a leased modular trailer, provide for secured outside parking for Fire Department personal vehicles, and erect a temporary steel garage to house Type 1 and Type 6 fire engines for cross-staffing. ANALYSIS The current temporary fire station at the TEEC Building is inadequate to meet the needs of the fire crew stationed there. As stated previously, the facility lacks key amenities, and its location is inadequate for emergency response throughout the district.The Fire Department has researched the possibility of remodeling the TEEC Building to meet at least basic requirements of a temporary station. Estimates to remodel the building exceed $800,000 with no improvement to emergency response capabilities originating from Christmas Hill Park. 10.3 Packet Pg. 218 In reviewing the proposed alternate location of an interim fire station at 10th Street and DeAnza Place, the Fire Department finds the location better suited to provide emergency access and response times closer to the original permanent fire station site. Interim Fire Station Estimated Site Construction Costs: $344,000 Below are the estimated costs for development of the interim fire station alternative site. ·$150,000 site work ·$40,000 security fence and gate ·$40,000 2-apparatus bay garage ·$72,000 G2 dispatching equipment ·$32,000 electrical work to install G2 equipment ·$10,000 for utilities The security fence and gate, the two-apparatus bay garage, and the G2 dispatching equipment can be removed and reused at the permanent Santa Teresa Fire Station when it is built. The $150,000 site work, the $10,000 cost to upgrade the utilities and the $32,000 for the electrical work to install the G2 equipment are sunk costs (totaling $192,000) that cannot be reused or transferred to the permanent fire station when it is built. Subject to Council’s approval tonight to proceed with the interim fire station at the alternate site, the Fire Department will work to obtain a bid price for a modular doublewide trailer equipped with sleeping quarters, an office, shower, and kitchen facilities to be installed on the alternate site. The modular trailer would be leased for the interim period. Staff will return to Council for recommendation and approval of the lease and improvements at a future date. ALTERNATIVES If this request is not approved, the Fire Department would continue to use the TEEC Building as the Santa Teresa Interim Fire Station. However, the Department would still have limited use of the facility beyond 12 hours per day because of the lack of necessary amenities (kitchen, showers, and security) to sufficiently house a fire crew 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Additionally, the cost to renovate the building to maintain consistent occupancy at 24 hours per day would exceed $800,000. Lastly, the response times from the TEEC Building would continue to be extended due to the poor location of the building within Christmas Hill Park and poor access to other points throughout the district. Staff does not recommend this option. FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE At the City of Gilroy Council Meeting on June 20, 2022, GLDG has agreed to forgo the construction of McCutchin Park within the Glen Loma Development and transfer to the City what it would cost to build the park. This amount, $2.3 million, will be deposited into 10.3 Packet Pg. 219 the Capital Projects Fund and would go towards funding the Santa Teresa Interim Fire Station as well as the permanent Santa Teresa Fire Station in the future. As such, staff recommends Council adopt a budget amendment resolution to appropriate $344,000 in the Capital Projects Fund for the construction of the interim fire station. NEXT STEPS If approved, the City will move forward with a formal bid for the modular building and will begin the site improvement work to prepare for the modular building’s delivery. Subject to Council’s approval,the Fire Department will work to obtain a bid price for a modular doublewide trailer equipped with sleeping quarters, an office, shower, and kitchen facilities to be installed on the alternate site. The modular trailer would be leased for the interim period. Staff will return to Council for recommendation and approval at a future date. PUBLIC OUTREACH Public outreach will occur as follows: Letter to Neighbors -At least 2 weeks prior to construction activities. Notification to GUSD -At least 2 weeks prior to construction activities. Messaging on City Website, Email Express, Nextdoor, and Social Media -At least 1 week prior to construction activities. Attachments: 1.Draft Resolution 2.Draft Resolution 10.3 Packet Pg. 220 RESOLUTION NO.2022-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF GILROY FOR 2022-2023 AND APPROPRIATING PROPOSED EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS WHEREAS,the City Administrator prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget for the City of Gilroy for Fiscal Years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023,and the City Council carefully examined,considered,and adopted the same on June 7, 2021; and WHEREAS,City Staff has prepared and submitted to the City Council proposed amendments to said budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the City of Gilroy in the staff report dated July 5,2022 for the Alternate Site for an Interim Santa Teresa Fire Station. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED THAT the appropriations for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 in Fund 400 –Capital Projects Fund shall be increased by $344,000. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July 2022 by the following roll call vote: AYES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: APPROVED: Marie Blankley,Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 10.3.a Packet Pg. 221 Attachment: Draft Resolution (3813 : Santa Teresa Interim Fire Station Alternate Location and Funding Request) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Amending the Submission to the Qualified Electors of the City of a Certain Measure Relating to the Proposed City Charter Amendment at the Special Municipal Election to be Held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, as Called by Resolution No. 2022- 36 Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Administration Submitted By:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Prepared By:Bryce Atkins, Senior Management Analyst Strategic Plan Goals •Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION Council adopt the resolution amending the proposed City Charter amendment relating to the use of newspaper advertisements. BACKGROUND 10.4 Packet Pg. 222 At the June 20, 2022 regular City Council meeting, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-36 to place a proposed measure on the November 8, 2022 election ballot. The measure was to amend the City Charter to accomplish four changes: 1)Increase the formal bidding threshold for public projects from $35,000 to be consistent with the California Public Contract Code. 2)Add best value contracting as a procurement option. 3)Add design-build contracting as a procurement option. 4)Modernize the public noticing/bid solicitation rules in the Charter. The resolution was adopted and submitted to the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters shortly after adoption. ANALYSIS After adoption, the City became aware of an editorial article by the Gilroy Dispatch regarding the proposed ballot measure. Staff contacted the Gilroy Dispatch where their representatives stated concerns about the language change in Section 1109 relating to where the bid advertisements could be placed for construction contracts. The proposed language adopted allowed for bids to be advertised in one or more of four options as demonstrated in the original language provided further below. The reason for the options was twofold: 1) to provide staff more options for bid advertising in the interest of reaching as many contractors as possible for the specific type of work involved; and 2) to aid in timely advertisement in certain cases where the occasional bid advertisement required short timeframes due to exigent circumstances. If a bid advertisement were needed to be posted immediately, but the Dispatch could only advertise once per week and the timing didn’t work for the deadlines, these other options would allow the project to continue in keeping with any deadlines in place. The concern as stated by the Dispatch was that the newspaper of general circulation is a source of public information about construction contracts, which in their view are a matter of public interest starting from the time bids are first advertised. By advertising in other publications, they were concerned that public information would not be readily available to the community. After discussions, City staff determined to propose for Council consideration a change to the ballot measure language, as identified below, with the intent of demonstrating the City’s continued commitment to use the local newspaper if it is available to place the advertisement in a timely fashion. Section 1109. Contracts for Public Projects. Every public project involving an expenditure of City monies of more than Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000) greater than the amount allowed for informal bidding pursuant to Section 22032 of the California Public Contract Code, or successor statute, as the same may be amended from time to time, for the construction or improvement of public buildings, works, drains, sewers, utilities, parks and streets (exclusive of projects for 10.4 Packet Pg. 223 maintenance and repair of streets) shall be let by contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, or through best value contracting, after notice by one or more of the following methods: A.Publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City by one or more insertions, the first of which shall be at least seven (7) days before the time for opening bids. This method of publication shall be used if available [added]; B.Publication electronically so that the notice is publicly available to the general community of potential bidders; C.Publication in a trade journal specified by the Uniform Cost Accounting Act Commission by one or more insertions, the first of which shall be at least seven (7) days before the time for opening bids; or D.By using a list of qualified contractors, which includes responsible contractors who have bid in the past and qualified contractors who ask to be included on the list. If the amendment to the ballot measure language is approved by Council through adoption of the amending resolution, staff will relay the change to the ROV to incorporate it into the official ballot language. Note that the intent of the proposed amendment is not to discourage other forms of advertising to reach contractors in addition to publishing notice in a newspaper of general circulation. ALTERNATIVES Council may also reject or amend the proposed resolution. This is not recommended, as discussions with the Gilroy Dispatch have been conducted and the minor language amendment represents a sound compromise between the needs of the City for flexibility and the concerns of the Dispatch related to providing information to the public. FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE There are no fiscal impacts from the adoption of this amended language. The cost of the ballot measure was included in the previous Council action. Advertising costs associated with individual projects will be absorbed in project and operating budgets. CONCLUSION Staff is presenting an amendment to the ballot measure charter amendment language. The intent of the change is to clarify and instruct the City to use a newspaper of general circulation when newspaper advertisement is available, considering the timing of advertisement requirements, for construction contracts. 10.4 Packet Pg. 224 NEXT STEPS If adopted, the amendment resolution will be transmitted promptly to the ROV for inclusion in the ballot measure being presented before the city’s voters. PUBLIC OUTREACH The original City Charter amendment ballot measure resolution was notified in the previous posted agenda and social media information releases about the June 20, 2022 agenda item. This agenda item has been included in the posted agenda for this City Council meeting on July 5, 2022. Attachments: 1.DRAFT Resolution -Charter Amendment (2022) -Ballot Measure Language Amendment 2.DRAFT Resolution -Charter Amendment (2022) -Exhibit A -Amended and Restated 10.4 Packet Pg. 225 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING THE SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF A CERTAIN MEASURE RELATING TO THE PROPOSED CITY CHARTER AMENDMENT AT THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2022, AS CALLED BY RESOLUTION NO. 2022-36 WHEREAS,pursuant to authority provided by the California Constitution , Article XI and the Government Code, Title 4, Division 2, Chapter 2 (commencing at Section 34450) and the Election Code Division 9, Chapter 3, Article 3 (commencing at Section 9255) of the State of California, the City Council of the City of Gilroy desires to submit to the voters a proposed charter amendment relating to construction contract procurement and the bidding process, and to place the measure on the ballot for the next General Election on November 8, 2022; and WHEREAS,the City Council is authorized and directed by statute to submit the proposed charter amendment to the voters; and WHEREAS,a Special Municipal election on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 has been called by Resolution No. 2022-36, adopted on June 20, 2022, which also approved certain associated actions and authorizations, all relating to a proposed charter amendment to be submitted to the voters, and WHEREAS,the City Council desires to amend the proposed charter amendment language relating to the priority of using the local newspaper if available for use considering the timel iness of advertisements with any deadlines imposed for projects . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Gilroy that: Section 1. Exhibit A of Resolution No. 2022-36 is hereby amended and restated, and incorporated as Exhibit A of this resolution. Section 2. All other provisions of Resolution No. 2022-36 remain in full effect. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. 10.4.a Packet Pg. 226 Attachment: DRAFT Resolution - Charter Amendment (2022) - Ballot Measure Language Amendment (3889 : Ballot Measure Amendment) Resolution No. 2022-XX Amending Submission of Charter Amendment City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 1 of 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 2022 by the following roll call vote: AYES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: APPROVED: Marie Blankley,Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 10.4.a Packet Pg. 227 Attachment: DRAFT Resolution - Charter Amendment (2022) - Ballot Measure Language Amendment (3889 : Ballot Measure Amendment) EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2022-XX 4890-7867-2418v1 NON-BC\04706083 That the citizens of the City of Gilroy do hereby enact the following amendment to the City Charter: 1.That Section 1109 of the City Charter be amended to read as follows: Section 1109. Contracts for Public Projects. Every public project involving an expenditure of City monies of more than Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000)greater than the amount allowed for informal bidding pursuant to Section 22032 of the California Public Contract Code,or successor statute, as the same may be amended from time to time,for the construction or improvement of public buildings, works, drains, sewers, utilities, parks and streets (exclusive of projects for maintenance and repair of streets) shall be let by contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, or through best value contracting,after notice by one or more of the following methods: A.pPublication in athe official newspaper of general circulation in the City by one or more insertions, the first of which shall be at least seven (7) days before the time for opening bids. This method of publication shall be used if available; B.Publication electronically so that the notice is publicly available to the general community of potential bidders; C.Publication in a trade journal specified by the Uniform Cost Accounting Act Commission by one or more insertions, the first of which shall be at least seven (7) days before the time for opening bids; or A.D.By using a list of qualified contractors, which includes responsible contractors who have bid in the past and qualified contractors who ask to be included on the list.. The Council may reject any and all bids, if deemed excessive or unsatisfactory and readvertise for bids, or provide for the work to be procured in the open market, but in no case of open market procurements shall the price paid be higher than the responsible low bid rejected. The Council, without advertising for bids, following the adoption of a resolution declaring that the project can be performed more economically by day labor, or the materials or supplies furnished at a lower price in the open market, may have the project done in the manner stated without further complying with the provisions of this section. For contracts equal to or in excess of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) the Council may negotiate and award a Design-Build Contract without formal public bidding if the Council finds that such a contract would save money or result in faster project completion. The process for competitively selecting a design-build contractor shall be consistent with the California Public Contract Code. 2.That Section 1111 of the City Charter be amended to read as follows: 10.4.b Packet Pg. 228 Attachment: DRAFT Resolution - Charter Amendment (2022) - Exhibit A - Amended and Restated (3889 : Ballot Measure Amendment) EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2022-XX 4890-7867-2418v1 NON-BC\04706083 Section 1111. Contracts for Official Advertising. The Cityouncil shall procure services contract annually for the official advertising in a newspaper of general circulation in of the City in accordance with the California Government Code and the City’s purchasing policyfor the ensuing fiscal year. In the event there is more than one daily newspaper of general circulation in the City, the Council shall advertise for sealed bids for the work. The advertisement shall set forth distinctly and specifically the work contemplated to be done. The Council shall let the contract for such official advertising to the lowest responsible bidder publishing a daily newspaper of general circulation in the City which has been in existence at least one year at the time of awarding the contract; provided, however, that the Council may reject any and all bids and re-advertise in its discretion. 3.That Section 1503(h) of the City Charter be amended to read as follows: (h) “Newspaper of general circulation within the City” is as defined by the Government Code of the State of California. 10.4.b Packet Pg. 229 Attachment: DRAFT Resolution - Charter Amendment (2022) - Exhibit A - Amended and Restated (3889 : Ballot Measure Amendment) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Resolution Declaring a Portion of the Gilroy Sports Park Property as Surplus Pursuant to Government Code Section 54221 Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Administration Submitted By:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Prepared By:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Strategic Plan Goals •Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services ý Promote Economic Development Activities ý Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All ý Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy declaring a portion of the Gilroy Sports Park Property (approximately 9.1 acres) to be surplus land, and direct staff to proceed in conformance with the State Surplus Lands Act regarding the potential disposition of said property. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City owns several parcels of land on the southern edge of town collectively referred to as the Gilroy Sports Park.The Gilroy Sports Park is planned for development in phases. Phases I and II have been developed. Phase III is the next site identified for development. 11.1 Packet Pg. 230 A portion of the total site, referred to as Phase III in the Gilroy Sports Park, is not currently in use by the City in its undeveloped state. The site is included in the Sports Park Master Plan, including an indoor sports facility of approximately 100,000 square feet. The property has been shown in the Sports Park Master Plan for over 20 years. These parcels include 808-21-028 and 808-21-026, and total approximately 9.1 acres. The City does not have plans to use the Gilroy Sports Park Phase III site for city government uses as defined in the Surplus Land Act. In order to consider other possible uses for the property, including leasing the site, the City is subject to the requirements of the Surplus Land Act (Government Code Section 54220, et seq.). Although the Surplus Land Act (SLA) has been around for some time, recent legislation has amended several aspects of the Act and the process cities must follow. The purpose of the amendments is to promote affordable housing development on unused or underutilized public land throughout the state to respond to the existing affordable housing crisis. The amendments to the SLA adopted with AB 1486 and AB 1255 clarify and strengthen reporting and enforcement provisions of the SLA to promote increased compliance with the SLA. The first step in the process is for the City Council to declare, by resolution, the property as surplus. Because the SLA has changed and this is only the City’s second time declaring surplus land under the new regulations, staff has provided a detailed overview of the process and an example of the timeframe for the subsequent steps involved should Council adopt the resolution. POLICY DISCUSSION Should the City Council declare the portion of city-owned Gilroy Sports Park intended to be leased as surplus, thereby beginning the process subject to the requirements of the Surplus Land Act? BACKGROUND Surplus Land Act The SLA requires local agencies in California to make land that is no longer needed for agency use available for purchase or lease by public agencies or housing developers, either for park, recreation or open space uses, or for affordable housing. The California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) enforces the SLA and has issued comprehensive guidelines (the “HCD Guidelines”) interpreting, and in some cases supplementing, the requirements of the SLA. Compliance with the SLA is required anytime a local agency proposes to sell or lease land except in the case of: 1.Certain short-term leases. 11.1 Packet Pg. 231 2.Disposition for “agency use”. 3.Disposition of “exempt surplus land.” Certain dispositions are declared to be exempt from most of the SLA’s requirements. If an agency proposes to dispose of land for an exempt purpose, it must first find that the land is “exempt surplus land” and must notify HCD accordingly. Exempt purposes include disposition for certain affordable housing uses and the exchange of property owned by the local agency for other land needed for agency use. If a local agency proposes to dispose of land and none of the three circumstances listed above applies, then the agency must first declare the property “surplus.” Any action taken by the local agency to dispose of the property without first declaring it surplus is improper and may be voidable. After the local agency declares the land surplus, it must deliver a Notice of Availability in a form prescribed by HCD to HCD, all housing developers on a list maintained by HCD that have requested notice, and certain public agencies, including housing authorities, parks agencies, and school districts. For 60 days after the Notice of Availability is sent, any party entitled to notice may propose to negotiate the purchase or lease of the land for housing, open space, or school facilities. (The term “open space” is used here for convenience to refer to a park, recreation, or open space use.) If no requests to negotiate are received during the 60-day period, then the local agency may dispose of the land to any party using any procedure allowed by law. However, during the 60-day period, the local agency may not take any steps to negotiate the disposition of the land with any party, including by issuing a request for proposals. Also, if the ultimate disposition of the land is for housing purposes, then the local agency must impose affordability restrictions on the land, as specified in the SLA. Before disposing of the land, the local agency is required to submit information regarding its compliance with the SLA to HCD. HCD has 30 days to review the information submitted by the local agency. If HCD finds a violation of the SLA, then it should provide notice of that violation by the end of the 30-day review period. If a request to negotiate the purchase or lease of the land for housing, open space, or school facilities is received during the 60-day period, then a 90-day negotiation period begins as soon as the 60-day response period ends. During that time, the local agency must negotiate the disposition of the land in good faith. Where more than one request to negotiate is received, the local agency must prioritize the requests as follows: 1.A parks agency proposing to use the land as open space is entitled to priority if, (i) the land being offered is already being used and is proposed to be used for open space purposes, or (ii) the land is designated for open space use in the local general plan and is proposed to be developed for that purpose. 2.Except as described above, a proposal to use the land for housing with at least 25% of the units deed restricted as affordable is entitled to priority. 11.1 Packet Pg. 232 3.If the local agency receives more than one proposal for affordable housing, then priority depends first on the number of units proposed and second on the level of affordability proposed. The fact that one proposal is entitled to priority does not mean that the local agency cannot consider other proposals. However, if the local agency concludes a deal with a party other than the party entitled to priority, then it must justify its actions to HCD. The SLA states that the local agency is not required to conclude a deal with any party submitting a proposal if, during the 90-day negotiation period, the agency negotiated in good faith but was unable to reach agreement on “sales price and terms or lease terms.” However, the HCD Guidelines limit the local agency’s discretion further by requiring it to conclude a deal with any party submitting a request to negotiate unless: (1) the local agency concludes a deal with another party; (2) the local agency and the party cannot reach agreement on “sales price” or “lease terms”; or (3) the party’s proposal does not satisfy reasonable conditions identified by the local agency in its Notice of Availability, which must be reviewed and approved by HCD in advance. If a party to the negotiation requests to purchase or lease only a portion of the surplus land, the local agency may, but is not required, to entertain this proposal. One issue that may arise during negotiations is whether the local agency may withdraw its Notice of Availability and decide not to dispose of the land or to dispose of it for agency use or an exempt purpose. The SLA is silent on this issue, but the HCD Guidelines require the local agency to proceed with negotiations if it received a timely request to negotiate. Prior to receiving a request to negotiate, the local agency may change its mind by issuing a Notice of Withdrawal. The local agency may not refuse to negotiate disposition for housing even if housing is not an allowed use of the land under the applicable general plan and zoning. However, a local agency that controls land use is not required to rezone the land or change its land use designation to accommodate housing. For sites where housing is allowed, the local agency cannot negotiate a lower density than would otherwise be allowed or require compliance with design standards that would not otherwise apply. After the conclusion of the negotiation period the local agency must submit information to HCD of its compliance with the SLA. HCD has 30 days to review the information submitted by the local agency. If HCD finds a violation of the SLA, then it should provide notice of that violation by the end of the 30-day review period. The local agency should then cure the violation within 60 days unless it believes no violation occurred, in which case it is required to provide a written explanation of its position to HCD. Once this process is completed, the local agency may dispose of the land if a deal was reached during the 90-day period. If no deal was reached, then the local agency may proceed to dispose of the land to any party and by any means allowed by law. However, if the land will be sold for housing purposes, then the local agency is required to impose affordability restrictions on the land, as specified in the SLA. 11.1 Packet Pg. 233 If HCD notices a violation by the local agency of the SLA,as described above, and if the local agency neither cures the violation nor satisfies HCD that no violation occurred, then HCD may report the violation to the Attorney General. The Attorney General or a beneficially interested private party may bring an action to enforce the SLA, and if the court determines that a violation of the SLA occurred that was not cured prior to the disposition of the land, then the court must order the local agency to deposit 30% of the proceeds of the disposition into an affordable housing fund. If the local agency is ever found to dispose of land in violation of the SLA in the future, it will be required to deposit 50% of the proceeds of such disposition into an affordable housing fund. Site Information The site being considered for surplus status is a portion of the Gilroy Sports Park facility grounds. In 1999, the Sports Park Master Plan was approved. Development initiated in 2006 for Phase I and II. Phase III is the location where the subject property is located. In 2020, the City amended the Sports Park Master Plan for Phase III to consider a potential ice center. The total Sports Park area is 78 acres and is located in unincorporated Santa Clara County, directly adjacent and south of the Gilroy City Limit. Phase III comprises 9.1 acres along the southern perimeter of the property. The Master Plan for this location has proposed a building footprint of 100,000 square feet, and 387 parking spaces. The subject property crosses multiple parcels. Below are the Assessor’s Parcel Numbers for the respective parcels affected. 808-21-028 808-21-026 808-21-027 (potentially a portion could be impacted by parking lot construction) ANALYSIS The subject site does not qualify as exempt from the SLA under the three circumstances described above. Therefore, in order to consider disposing of the property the City must first declare the property “surplus”. Disposal of the property includes either the sale or long-term lease (generally considered anything longer than five years). Upon adoption of the resolution declaring the property as surplus, staff anticipates the following steps. 1.Submit a Notice of Availability (NOA) to agencies and requesting entities as required by HCD. 2.Wait 60 days from the date the NOA was sent.During that time, entities interested in negotiating the purchase of the property should submit requests to negotiate to the City. 11.1 Packet Pg. 234 3.If no requests are received by the end of the 60-day response period, the City may proceed to dispose of the property by other means, but prior to disposition, the City must report on its compliance with the Act to HCD. 4.If any requests are received, then the City is required to negotiate with the respondent(s) for at least 90-days.This is a total 90-day period, not a separate period for each respondent.If no agreement is reached with a respondent by the end of the 90-day negotiation period,then the City may dispose of the property by other means, subject to certain terms and conditions set forth in the SLA if the land will be used for housing. Whether the City chooses to dispose of the property with any respondent or if the City will not dispose of the property to a respondent, the City is required to report on its compliance with the SLA to HCD. 5.HCD has 30 days to respond to the City’s report with a Notice of Violation. If no Notice of Violation is received within 30 days of HCD’s receipt the City’s report, then the City is deemed to have complied with the SLA. It should be noted that the SLA restricts the City from negotiating with prospective buyers or lessees prior to going through the SLA process.It is important to note that negotiations began regarding the property in May of 2019, which by the SLA guidelines would exempt the property from changes to SLA requirements effective January 1, 2020, if and disposition could occur by December 31, 2022. Until recently, it was assumed that the City could meet this deadline. To comply with the SLA requirements, negotiations will cease with the Sharks Sports & Entertainment LLC until the completion of the SLA process. ALTERNATIVES The City Council may choose not to declare the property as surplus. The City would continue to retain the property but not be able to lease the property for other uses. The City cannot consider any sale or long-term lease of the property unless the SLA process is followed. FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE There is no fiscal impact with this action. Any property sale, whether to an entity responding to the NOA or otherwise would be brought to the City Council for consideration and action. The fiscal impacts of that action would be discussed in detail at that time. CONCLUSION There are no plans to use the subject property for city government uses. In order to consider leasing the property for other uses, the City is subject to the requirements of the Surplus Land Act (Government Code Section 54220, et seq.). The first step in this process is for the City Council to declare, by resolution, the property as surplus. 11.1 Packet Pg. 235 NEXT STEPS Once Council adopts the resolution and declares the property as surplus, staff will begin the steps as outlined above, beginning with submitting a Notice of Availability (NOA) to agencies and requesting entities as required by HCD. PUBLIC OUTREACH Outreach for this process will be conducted in accordance with HCD and State requirements. Attachments: 1.Draft Resolution -Sports Park SLA 11.1 Packet Pg. 236 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-__ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DECLARING PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 542 21 THAT REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY AT 5925 MONTEREY FRONTAGE ROAD IS “SURPLUS LAND” WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE SURPLUS LAND ACT, FINDING THAT SUCH DECLARATION IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, AND TAKING RELATED ACTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy is the owner in fee simple of that certain unincorporated real property commonly known as the Gilroy Sports Park, which comprises approximately 80 acres, more or less, and which is located at 5925 Monterey Frontage Road, Assessor’s Parcel Nos.808-21- 026, -028, and -030 (the “Sports Park”); and WHEREAS, the City’s Sports Park Master Plan (the “Master Plan”)contemplates construction of an indoor sports complex (the “Sports Complex”) within the Sports Park on land comprising a portion of Assessor’s Parcel Nos. 808-21-026 and -028, and more particularly designated as the “project site” in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference (the “Property”), which comprises approximately 9.1 acres, more or less; and WHEREAS, on May 19, 2019, the City entered an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (the “ENA”) with Sharks Sports & Entertainment LLC (“SSE”) to attempt in good faith to negotiate an agreement with SSE to assist in the development of the Sports Complex and to operate it for the benefit of the City (“Operating Agreement”); and WHEREAS, on January 1, 2020, AB 1486 took effect, which revised the Surplus Land Act, Government Code Section 54220, et seq., to impose new obligations on local public agencies with respect to the disposition of land, and which conferred new enforcement powers on t he California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”); and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 54234 provides that a disposition of local public agency land is subject to the law as it existed prior to January 1, 2020, if the land was subje ct to an existing exclusive negotiating agreement effective as of September 30, 2019, and is disposed of by December 31, 2022; and WHEREAS, the ENA has been extended by the City Council multiple times, including most recently on June 20, 2022; and WHEREAS, to provide adequate time for both parties to conduct due diligence and to complete negotiations, it now appears that an Operating Agreement with SSE will not be concluded by December 31, 2022; and WHEREAS, the City desires to retain the Property for recreational use by members of the public, but the proposed use of the Property as a Sports Complex is not “agency use” within the meaning of Government Code Section 54221(c), as construed by HCD; and 11.1.a Packet Pg. 237 Attachment: Draft Resolution - Sports Park SLA (3844 : Sports Park Surplus Land Act) Resolution No. 2022-XX Surplus Land Act –5925 Monterey Frontage Road City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 2 of 5 WHEREAS, unless and until negotiations are concluded, the City is unable to determine whether an Operating Agreement would constitute a “disposition,” as that term is used in the Surplus Land Act, and as it is construed by Section 102(h) of HCD’s Surplus Land Act Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Property is not exempt surplus land in the that none of the circumstances stated in Government Code Section 54221(f) applies; and WHEREAS, the Property is not in active use by the City for any purpose except to be held for future use as part of the Gilroy Sports Park, the City does not have any current plan for the Property other than to develop the Sports Complex , and the City has never committed i tself to developing the Sports Complex; and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing facts and circumstances, the City is unable to determine at this time whether entry into an Operating Agreement would be subject to compliance with the Surplus Land Act, as amended by AB 1486, including by declaring the Property surplus, providing Notice of Availability, accepting offers from eligible parties to acquire the Property, and negotiating in good faith upon receipt of any such offer or offers ; and WHEREAS, to obtain financing to construct the Sports Complex, the City and any potential lenders require certainty that entry into an Operating Agreement will not subject the City to penalties pursuant to Government Code Section 54230.5, so that it has been determi ned to be in the City’s best interest to pause negotiations with SSE to provide an opportunity to complete the process outlined in the prior recital, and not to resume negotiations unless and until HCD confirms such compliance as provided for in its Surplus Land Act Guidelines; and WHEREAS,the Property is designated as a park and recreational facility in the Master Plan and in the City’s General Plan, so that first priority in negotiations pursuant to Government Code Section 54277 shall be given to a public agency that agrees to develop the Property for parks and recreational purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council’s action in adopting this resolution is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to CEQA Guidel ines Section 15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that declaring the Property surplus and directing staff to issue a written Notice of Availability will not have a foreseeable significant effect on the physical environment in that the City has not committed the Property to any particular use at this time, predicting the impacts of any future use of the Property following its disposition by the City would be wholly speculative, and none of the circumstances in CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 applies; 11.1.a Packet Pg. 238 Attachment: Draft Resolution - Sports Park SLA (3844 : Sports Park Surplus Land Act) Resolution No. 2022-XX Surplus Land Act –5925 Monterey Frontage Road City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 3 of 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Gilroy as follows: 1.That the City Council finds that the foregoing recitals are true and correct. 2.That the City Council hereby declares that the Property is surplus and not necessary for the City’s use. 3.That the City Clerk is hereby directed to send a Notice of Availability to the entities designated in Government Code Section 54222. The Notice of Availability shall be sent in a manner set forth in Section 201 of HCD’s Surp lus Land Act Guidelines. 4.That the officers and staff of the City are authorized hereby to do all things necessary or proper to effectuate the purposes of this Resolution, and that any such actions previously taken are hereby ratified and confirmed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 2022, by the following vote: AYES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: APPROVED: Marie Blankley,Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 11.1.a Packet Pg. 239 Attachment: Draft Resolution - Sports Park SLA (3844 : Sports Park Surplus Land Act) Resolution No. 2022-XX Surplus Land Act –5925 Monterey Frontage Road City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 4 of 5 EXHIBIT A DEPICTION OF THE PROPERTY 11.1.a Packet Pg. 240 Attachment: Draft Resolution - Sports Park SLA (3844 : Sports Park Surplus Land Act) Resolution No. 2022-XX Surplus Land Act –5925 Monterey Frontage Road City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 5 of 5 11.1.a Packet Pg. 241 Attachment: Draft Resolution - Sports Park SLA (3844 : Sports Park Surplus Land Act) City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Gourmet Alley/Downtown Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Administration Submitted By:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Prepared By:Karine Decker, Management Analyst -Economic Development Strategic Plan Goals •Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services ý Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION Approve the Gourmet Alley/Downtown Ad Hoc committee recommendations. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On November 1, 2021 the City Council approved the formation of an ad hoc committee for Downtown/Gourmet Alley (Committee). Councilmembers Armendariz, Marques and Tovar volunteered to join the Committee, with Councilmember Tovar appointed by the Committee as Chair and Councilmember Marques as Vice-Chair. The Committee began meeting monthly starting in January 2022. Discussions were focused on identifying challenges and opportunities to spur revitalization downtown. As 11.2 Packet Pg. 242 a result of these discussions, the Committee has developed four recommendations to date to present to Council.The Committee recommendations are: 1)Update the Downtown Strategic Plan 2)Develop New Ordinances to Address Vacancies and Noise 3)Pursue Opportunities for an Assessment District 4)Develop a Downtown Parking Management Plan BACKGROUND As a basis for the recommendations set forth by the Committee, the following challenges were identified. 1)The Downtown Strategic Plan was completed in November of 2006 and needs to be updated. The Strategic Plan is a visioning document, intended to recommend economic development strategies to attract viable and desirable businesses to selected districts within the Downtown Specific Plan Area. While many of recommendations in the Strategic Plan remain viable, the 16 years that have passed since its completion have seen many important changes in Gilroy. Population growth, changing demographics, market conditions and economic factors especially post-COVID are not reflected and are important factors in determining future revenue generating, sustainable economic development. 2)Vacant buildings downtown are an eyesore, and present a significant challenge in redevelopment and revitalization efforts. Despite some progress, many buildings have remained vacant for many years. In an effort to address this problem, the Committee is recommending a new ordinance or policy to further incentivize property owners to market and lease their vacant commercial buildings in order to stimulate development and bring new businesses downtown. The Committee has also discussed the possibility of a “vacancy tax” that would assess a charge on property owners for their vacant/undeveloped buildings. Further, as new development occurs downtown, and a nighttime economy begins to form, the development of a noise ordinance is being proposed by the Committee in order to buffer the surrounding residential neighborhoods from nuisance and ensure compliance by new business establishments. 3)An assessment district is a financing tool used by many vibrant downtowns to provide an ongoing funding source for projects identified within that district such as façade and beautification projects, signage, street cleaning, graffiti removal, lighting, and additional security. Other projects can also be identified and funded as part of an assessment district as well. The recommendation for the formation of an assessment district in Gilroy’s downtown is found in both the Downtown Specific Plan and the Downtown Strategic Plan but has never been implemented. As a result of renewed interest 11.2 Packet Pg. 243 in the revitalization of downtown, the Committee is reviving the recommendation to pursue the formation of an assessment district as a priority. 4)As more commercial and residential space is developed downtown, questions surrounding the number and availability of parking spots for employees, residents and visitors is raised. Therefore, the committee recommends pursuing the development of a parking management plan to help address and identify solutions to meet the parking needs downtown which may include fees for parking and development of a parking enforcement program. The Committee will continue to meet over the next few months and may consider additional recommendations to the City Council. ALTERNATIVES The options before Council are to approve all four of the Committee’s recommendations, to approve only some of the recommendations made, or reject all the recommendations made.Since the recommendations presented to Council would not result in any policy changes without future Council approval, staff recommends that the committee recommendations be approved as presented. That would enable staff to dedicate time and resources in developing a policy recommendation to the full City Council. FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE No budget amendment is being requested at this time, however a mid-cycle (FY23) adjustment or Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) recommendations may be necessary for cost associated with updating the Strategic plan, completing a feasibility study for an assessment district or developing a parking management plan. If a budget adjustment is required, staff will return to Council for its consideration of such an amendment. CONCLUSION Staff recommends that the Committee’s recommendations be approved by Council as presented. 11.2 Packet Pg. 244 City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Approval of Gilroy Firefighters IAFF Local 2805 Memorandum of Understanding and Related Salary Schedules for the Period July 1, 2022 Through June 30, 2026 Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Human Resources Department Submitted By:LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager Prepared By:LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager Strategic Plan Goals •Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION a)Adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy amending the budget for the City of Gilroy for 2022-2023 to implement the terms of the Gilroy Firefighters, IAFF, Local 2805 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for FY 23, appropriating proposed expenditure amendments, and authorizing the inclusion of appropriate funds in the future FY 24, FY 25, and FY 26 budgets for salary and benefit expenditures related to the implementation of the MOU. b)Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Gilroy Firefighters, IAFF, Local 2805 for the period July 1, 2022 -June 30, 2026. 11.3 Packet Pg. 245 c)Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy approving the July 1, 2022, July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024 and July 1, 2025 salary schedules associated with the Gilroy Firefighters, IAFF, Local 2805 Memorandum of Understanding. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Gilroy is a public employer. As such, and consistent with the Meyers-Milias- Brown Act (MMBA), the City engages in a collective bargaining process with represented employees through bargaining units. The process typically occurs over a three to four-month period before the expiration of the existing labor contract. City employees (except executives and certain others) are organized into five different bargaining units and are represented by unions. The product of the collective bargaining process is an MOU (“memorandum of understanding” or “Memoranda” for plural). MOUs specify the terms and conditions of employment. Gilroy Firefighters, International Association of Firefighters (IAFF), Local 2805 is the labor group that represents Fire Captains, Fire Engineers, and Firefighters (Licensed Paramedics).The agenda item tonight is to review and approve the MOU for the IAFF, Local 2805 bargaining group for the next four fiscal years, FY23 –FY 26. BACKGROUND Staff concluded negotiations with the Gilroy Firefighters Association, IAFF, Local 2805, for a successor Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)including salary schedules for the time period of July 1, 2022 –June 30, 2026, in conformance with Council direction. This MOU covers thirty-eight (38) non-management employees in the Gilroy Fire Department. The IAFF, Local 2805 employees gave up their FY 21 salary increase of 3.5% and did not receive any salary increase in FY 22. In addition, this labor group experienced other benefit concessions in FY 21 to assist with balancing the budget during the Covid economic downturn. Therefore, the focus of these negotiations was to increase the salary schedule for purposes of recruitment and retention of employees. Retaining talented employees is a priority for the organization and ensures high quality services for the Gilroy community. The four-year term will provide stability for the employees and the organization overall and allows staff to plan and budget for the planned increases. The main areas of change for the IAFF, Local 2805 MOU are summarized below: ·Four-year contract (July 1, 2022 –June 30, 2022). ·Add Retention Steps to the salary schedule: ·Step F (approximately 5% above current Step E) effective 7/1/22 –requires completion of 5 years of service and meets standards or better performance evaluation. Employee must have been at Step E for one year. 11.3 Packet Pg. 246 ·Step G (approximately 5% above Step F) effective 7/1/23 –requires completion of 10 years of service and a meets standards or better performance evaluation. Employee must have been at Step F for one year. ·Step H (approximately 5% above Step G) effective 7/1/24 –requires completion of 15 years of service and a meets standards or better performance evaluation. Employee must have been at Step G for one year. ·Step I (approximately 5% above Step H) effective 7/1/25 –requires completion of 20 years of service and a meets standards or better performance evaluation. Employee must have been at Step H for one year. ·Increase salary range for the Fire Engineer classification by approximately 2.5% effective July 1, 2022. ·Implement change to annual physical exam process and utilize a new vendor that provides cancer screenings. ·Expand residency requirement from 90 minutes to 180 minutes. ·Increase number of potential support paramedics from nine to twelve. ·Continue the current cost share program for health care; 5% increase to the City contribution toward medical and dental allotment for 2023 and 2024; employee picks up any remaining cost for medical and dental insurance premiums.In 2025 and 2026, in lieu of the 5% increase to the city contributions, employees will receive a $75 per month City contribution to the retiree medical trust program. A final copy of the MOU and the corresponding salary schedules are attached for Council’s review and approval. Staff worked with bargaining team members to prepare the changes to the MOU documents. The final draft of the MOU has been reviewed by representatives of the bargaining unit and a designated representative from the negotiating team has signed-off on the final document. The remaining members of the IAFF, Local 2805 negotiations team and the City negotiations team will sign the document following Council approval. FISCAL IMPACT The cost to implement the MOU salary and benefit changes over the four-year period is estimated to be approximately $825,000 or an average of $206,250 per fiscal year. The full amount will be charged to the General Fund. Attachments: 1.Draft Budget Amendment Resolution for IAFF, Local 2805 MOU 2.IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits 3.Draft Resolution -IAFF Local 2805 Salary and Salary Schedules for 2022-2026 MOU 11.3 Packet Pg. 247 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF GILROY FOR 2022-2023 TO IMPLEMENT THE TERMS OF THE GILROY FIREFIGHTERS IAFF, LOCAL 2805 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) FOR FY 23, APPROPRIATING PROPOSED EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS, AND AUTHORIZING THE INCLUSION OF APPROPRIATE FUNDS IN THE FUTURE FY 24, FY 25, AND FY 26 BUDGETS FOR SALARY AND BENEFIT EXPENDITURES RELATED TO THE IMPLE MENTATION OF THE MOU WHEREAS,the City Administrator prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget for the City of Gilroy for Fiscal Years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023,and the City Council carefully examined,considered and adopted the same on June 7, 2021; and WHEREAS,City Staff has prepared and submitted to the City Council proposed amendments to said budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the City of Gilroy in the staff report dated July 5, 2022 for the Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Gilroy Firefighters, IAFF, Local 2805 and Related Salary Schedules from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2026 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY, AS FOLLOWS: 1.The appropriations for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 shall be increased by the Finance Director to implement the terms of the Gilroy Firefighters IAFF, Local 2805 Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to Fiscal Year 2022 -2023 Budget of the City. 2.The appropriate funds to implement the remaining terms of the Memorand um of Understanding shall be included in the FY 24, FY 25, and FY 26 future budgets. 11.3.a Packet Pg. 248 Attachment: Draft Budget Amendment Resolution for IAFF, Local 2805 MOU (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) Resolution No. 2022-XX Budget Amendment Resolution –IAFF, Local 2805 MOU City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 2022 by the following roll call vote: AYES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: APPROVED: Marie Blankley,Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 11.3.a Packet Pg. 249 Attachment: Draft Budget Amendment Resolution for IAFF, Local 2805 MOU (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 250 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 251 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 252 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 253 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 254 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 255 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 256 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 257 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 258 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 259 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 260 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 261 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 262 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 263 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 264 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 265 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 266 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 267 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 268 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 269 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 270 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 271 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 272 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 273 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 274 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 275 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 276 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 277 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 278 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 279 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 280 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 281 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 282 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 283 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 284 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 285 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 286 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 287 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 288 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 289 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 290 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 291 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 292 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 293 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 294 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 295 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 296 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 297 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 298 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 299 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 300 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 301 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 302 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 303 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 304 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 305 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 306 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 307 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 308 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 309 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 310 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 311 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 312 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 313 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 314 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 315 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 316 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 317 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 318 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 319 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 320 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 321 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 322 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 323 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 324 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 325 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 326 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 327 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 328 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 329 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 330 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 331 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 332 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 333 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 334 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 335 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 336 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 337 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 338 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 339 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 340 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 341 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 342 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 343 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 344 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 345 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 346 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 347 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 348 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 349 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 350 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 351 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 352 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 353 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 354 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 355 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 356 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 357 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 358 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 359 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 360 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 361 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 362 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 363 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 364 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.3.b Packet Pg. 365 Attachment: IAFF Local 2805 MOU with Exhibits (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Schedules) RESOLUTION NO. 2022-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ESTABLISHING THE JULY 1, 2022, JULY 1, 2023, JULY 1, 2024, AND JULY 1, 2025 SALARY SCHEDULES FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE GILROY, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS (IAFF), LOCAL 2805 WHEREAS, the City Council does establish salaries for city officers and employees by resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY, AS FOLLOWS: 1.The salaries effective July 1, 2022 for the employees represented by the Gilroy, IAFF, Local 2805 as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding Step F and increasing the range for Fire Engineer by approximately 2.5%. 2.The salaries effective July 1, 2023 for the employees represented by the Gilroy, IAFF, Local 2805 as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding Step G. 3.The salaries effective July 1, 2024 for the employees represented by the Gilroy, IAFF, Local 2805 as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding Step H. 4.The salaries effective July 1, 2025 for the employees represented by the Gilroy, IAFF, Local 2805 as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding Step I. 11.3.c Packet Pg. 366 Attachment: Draft Resolution - IAFF Local 2805 Salary and Salary Schedules for 2022-2026 MOU (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary Resolution No. 2022-XX IAFF, Local 2805 Salary Schedules July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 2022 by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: APPROVED: Marie Blankley, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 11.3.c Packet Pg. 367 Attachment: Draft Resolution - IAFF Local 2805 Salary and Salary Schedules for 2022-2026 MOU (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary 11.3.c Packet Pg. 368 Attachment: Draft Resolution - IAFF Local 2805 Salary and Salary Schedules for 2022-2026 MOU (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary 11.3.c Packet Pg. 369 Attachment: Draft Resolution - IAFF Local 2805 Salary and Salary Schedules for 2022-2026 MOU (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary 11.3.c Packet Pg. 370 Attachment: Draft Resolution - IAFF Local 2805 Salary and Salary Schedules for 2022-2026 MOU (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary 11.3.c Packet Pg. 371 Attachment: Draft Resolution - IAFF Local 2805 Salary and Salary Schedules for 2022-2026 MOU (3864 : IAFF, Local 2805 MOU and Salary City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Approval of AFSCME, Local 101 General Unit and AFSCME, Local 101 Supervisory Unit Memoranda of Understanding and Related Salary Schedules for the Period July 1, 2022 Through June 30, 2026 Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Human Resources Department Submitted By:LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager Prepared By:LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager Strategic Plan Goals •Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION a)Adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy amending the budget for FY 23 to implement the terms of the AFSCME, Local 101 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) for FY 23 and authorizing the inclusion of appropriate funds in the future FY 24, FY 25, and FY 26 budgets for salary and benefit expenditures related to the implementation of the MOUs. b)Approve the Memoranda of Understanding with AFSCME, Local 101 General Unit and AFSCME, Local 101 Supervisory Unit for the period July 1, 2022 -June 11.4 Packet Pg. 372 30, 2026. c)Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy approving the July 1, 2022, July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024, and July 1, 2025 salary schedules associated with the AFSCME, Local 101 General unit. d)Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy approving the July 1, 2022, July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024, and July 1, 2025 salary schedules associated with the AFSCME, Local 101 Supervisory unit. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Gilroy is a public employer. As such, and consistent with the Meyers-Milias- Brown Act (MMBA), the City engages in a collective bargaining process with represented employees through bargaining units. The process typically occurs over a three to four-month period before the expiration of the existing labor contract. City employees (except executives and certain others) are organized into five different bargaining units and are represented by unions. The product of the collective bargaining process is an MOU (“memorandum of understanding” or “Memoranda” for plural). MOUs specify the terms and conditions of employment. AFSCME, Local 101 has two bargaining units with the City of Gilroy, a General Employee Unit and a Supervisory Employee Unit.The agenda item tonight is to review and approve the MOUs for the two AFSCME, Local 101 bargaining groups for the next four fiscal years, FY23 –FY 26. BACKGROUND Staff recently concluded negotiations with AFL-CIO, AFSCME, Local 101 General and Supervisory groups (approximately 100 members) for successor Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) including salary schedules for the time period of July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2026, in conformance with Council direction.Final copies of the MOUs and the corresponding salary schedules are attached for Council’s review and approval. Staff worked with bargaining team members to prepare the changes to the MOU documents. The final draft of the MOUs have been reviewed by representatives of the bargaining unit and a designated representative from the negotiating team has signed-off on the final documents. The remaining members of the AFSCME negotiations team and the City negotiating team will sign the documents following Council approval. The AFSCME unit employees did not receive any salary increase in FY 22. The focus of these negotiations was to increase the salary schedule for purposes of recruitment and retention of employees. Retaining talented employees is a priority for the organization and ensures high quality services for the Gilroy community. The four-year term will provide stability for the employees and the organization overall and allows staff to plan and budget for the planned increases. 11.4 Packet Pg. 373 The main areas of change for the AFSMCE, Local 01 General and Supervisory Unit MOUs are summarized below: ·Four-year contracts (July 1, 2022 –June 30, 2026) ·Salary increases as follows: ·3% cost of living salary increase effective July 1, 2022 ·3% cost of living salary increase effective July 1, 2023 ·3% cost of living salary increase effective July 1, 2024 ·1% cost of living salary increase effective July 1, 2025 ·Add Retention Steps to the salary schedules: ·Step F (approximately 5% above current Step E) effective 7/1/22 –requires completion of 5 years of service and meets standards or better performance evaluation. Employee must have been at Step E for one year. ·Step G (approximately 5% above Step F) effective 7/1/23 –requires completion of 10 years of service and a meets standards or better performance evaluation. Employee must have been at Step F for one year. ·Step H (approximately 5% above Step G) effective 7/1/24 –requires completion of 15 years of service and a meets standards or better performance evaluation. Employee must have been at Step G for one year. ·City contribution to medical and dental premiums will be frozen at the January 1, 2022 rate. ·Request for City Council to give future consideration to adding two observed holidays –Cesar Chavez Day (March 31) and Juneteenth (June 19) ·Other minor clean-up/clarification language to update the MOUs –no cost associated with these updates FISCAL IMPACT The cost for the new MOU changes over the four-year period is estimated to be $1,503,208 or approximately $375,802 annually (average). Approximately 56% of this cost is charged to the General Fund and 44% to other funds. Attachments: 1.Draft Resolution -Budget Amendment for AFSCME, Local 101 MOUs 2.AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits 3.AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits 4.Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 -June 30, 2026 11.4 Packet Pg. 374 5.Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 -June 30, 2026 11.4 Packet Pg. 375 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF GILROY FOR 2022-2023 TO IMPLEMENT THE TERMS OF THE GILROY AFSCME, LOCAL 101, GENERAL AND SUPERVISORY UNITS,MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING (MOUS ) FOR FY 23, APPROPRIATING PROPOSED EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS, AND AUTHORIZING THE INCLUSION OF APPROPRIATE FUNDS IN THE FUTURE FY 24, FY 25, AND FY 26 BUDGETS FOR SALARY AND BENEFIT EXPENDITURES RELATED TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MOU WHEREAS,the City Administrator prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget for the City of Gilroy for Fiscal Years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023,and the City Council carefully examined,considered and adopted the same on June 7, 2021; and WHEREAS,City Staff has prepared and submitted to the City Council proposed amendments to said budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the City of Gilroy in the staff report dated July 5, 2022 for the Approval of Memoranda of Understanding with Gilroy AFSCME, Local 101, General and Supervisory Units,and Related Salary Schedules from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2026. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY, AS FOLLOWS: 1.The appropriations for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 shall be increased by the Finance Director to implement the terms of the Gilroy AFSCME, Local 101, General and Supervisory Units, Memoranda of Understanding pertaining to Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget of the City. 2.The appropriate funds to implement the remaining terms of the Memorand a of Understanding shall be included in the FY 24, FY 25, and FY 26 future budgets. 11.4.a Packet Pg. 376 Attachment: Draft Resolution - Budget Amendment for AFSCME, Local 101 MOUs (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) Resolution No. 2022-XX Budget Amendment Resolution –AFSCME, Local 101 MOUs City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 2022 by the following roll call vote: AYES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: APPROVED: Marie Blankley,Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 11.4.a Packet Pg. 377 Attachment: Draft Resolution - Budget Amendment for AFSCME, Local 101 MOUs (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 378 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 379 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 380 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 381 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 382 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 383 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 384 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 385 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 386 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 387 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 388 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 389 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 390 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 391 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 392 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 393 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 394 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 395 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 396 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 397 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 398 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 399 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 400 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 401 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 402 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 403 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 404 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 405 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 406 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 407 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 408 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 409 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 410 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 411 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 412 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 413 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 414 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 415 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 416 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 417 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 418 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 419 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 420 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 421 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 422 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 423 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 424 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 425 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.b Packet Pg. 426 Attachment: AFSCME General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 427 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 428 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 429 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 430 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 431 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 432 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 433 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 434 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 435 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 436 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 437 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 438 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 439 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 440 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 441 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 442 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 443 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 444 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 445 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 446 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 447 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 448 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 449 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 450 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 451 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 452 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 453 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 454 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 455 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 456 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 457 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 458 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.c Packet Pg. 459 Attachment: AFSCME Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026 with Exhibits (3863 : AFSCME MOU and Salary Schedules) 11.4.d Packet Pg. 460 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.d Packet Pg. 461 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.d Packet Pg. 462 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.d Packet Pg. 463 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.d Packet Pg. 464 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.d Packet Pg. 465 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.d Packet Pg. 466 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.d Packet Pg. 467 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.d Packet Pg. 468 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.d Packet Pg. 469 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.d Packet Pg. 470 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.d Packet Pg. 471 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.d Packet Pg. 472 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.d Packet Pg. 473 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 General Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : AFSCME 11.4.e Packet Pg. 474 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : 11.4.e Packet Pg. 475 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : 11.4.e Packet Pg. 476 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : 11.4.e Packet Pg. 477 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : 11.4.e Packet Pg. 478 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : 11.4.e Packet Pg. 479 Attachment: Salary Resolution and Salary Schedules for AFSCME Local 101 Supervisory Unit MOU July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3863 : City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Approval of Updated July 1, 2022, July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024, and July 1, 2025 Salary Schedules for Unrepresented Confidential Non-Exempt Employees and Unrepresented Hourly Part-Time/Temporary/Seasonal Employees Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Department:Human Resources Department Submitted By:LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager Prepared By:LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager Strategic Plan Goals •Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION a)Adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy amending the budget for FY 23 to implement the terms of the full-time, unrepresented, confidential, non-exempt employees and unrepresented, hourly, part-time/temporary/seasonal employees salary resolutions, appropriating proposed expenditure amendments, and authorizing the inclusion of appropriate funds in the future FY 24, FY 25, and FY 26 budgets for salary and benefit expenditures related to the implementation of the salary resolutions. 11.5 Packet Pg. 480 b)Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy approving the July 1, 2022, July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024 and July 1, 2025 salary schedules for full-time, unrepresented, confidential, non-exempt employees. c)Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy approving the July 1, 2022, July 1, 2023, July 1, 2024 and July 1, 2025 salary schedules for the unrepresented, non-exempt/hourly, part-time/temporary/seasonal employees. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Gilroy has groups of unrepresented employees who do not belong to a union/employee association. The non-management unrepresented employee groups are as follows: a.)Full-Time, Confidential, Non-Exempt Employees (3 employees) b.)Part-Time/Temporary/Seasonal, Hourly Employees (approximately 20 employees) The agenda item tonight is to review and approve the salary schedules for these two employee groups for the period FY 23 –FY 26. Recruitment and retention of these unrepresented employees is also very important to the organization. BACKGROUND Consistent with Council direction, staff has prepared the resolutions and salary schedules for the two groups of unrepresented non-exempt/hourly employees of the City.The details for each group are noted below: Full-Time,Unrepresented, Confidential, Non-Exempt Employees: Consistent with the package for the AFSCME, Local 101 labor group, this group of three full-time, confidential, unrepresented employees will receive the same salary and benefit increases as identified for the AFSCME labor group and summarized below: ·Salary increases as follows: ·3% cost of living salary increase effective July 1, 2022 ·3% cost of living salary increase effective July 1, 2023 ·3% cost of living salary increase effective July 1, 2024 ·1% cost of living salary increase effective July 1, 2025 ·Add Retention Steps to the Full-Time, Confidential Unrepresented Employee salary schedules: 11.5 Packet Pg. 481 ·Step F (approximately 5% above current Step E) effective 7/1/22 –requires completion of 5 years of service and meets standards or better performance evaluation. Employee must have been at Step E for one year. ·Step G (approximately 5% above Step F) effective 7/1/23 –requires completion of 10 years of service and a meets standards or better performance evaluation. Employee must have been at Step F for one year. ·Step H (approximately 5% above Step G) effective 7/1/24 –requires completion of 15 years of service and a meets standards or better performance evaluation. Employee must have been at Step G for one year. ·City contribution to medical and dental premiums will be frozen at the January 1, 2022 rate. All other benefits are consistent with the AFSCME, Local 101 General Unit labor group. Part-Time/Temporary/Seasonal Hourly Employees: This group of employees is primarily made up of hourly employees in the Recreation Department as well as other part-time/temporary/seasonal employees in other City departments. This group of employees will receive the following cost of living increases to their hourly rates as noted on the attached Part-Time/Temporary/Seasonal Hourly Salary Schedule: ·3% cost of living salary increase effective July 1, 2022 ·3% cost of living salary increase effective July 1, 2023 ·3% cost of living salary increase effective July 1, 2024 ·1% cost of living salary increase effective July 1, 2025 FISCAL IMPACT The cost for the above increases is estimated as follows: ·Full-Time, Confidential, Non-Exempt Employees –the cost to implement the above referenced salary and benefit changes over the four-year period totals $42,182 or on average approximately $10,546 per fiscal year. Approximately 82% of the cost will be charged to the General Fund and 18% to other funds. ·Part-Time/Temporary/Seasonal Hourly Employees –the cost to implement the above referenced hourly pay rate changes over the four-year period totals $90,800 or on average approximately $22,700 per fiscal year. Approximately 44% of the cost will be charged to the General Fund and 56% to other funds. Attachments: 1.Draft Resolution -Budget Amendment for NE Conf Unrep and PT Hourly Employees 2.Resolution and Salary Schedules for FT Unrepresented Confidential NE Employees July 1, 2022 -June 30, 2026 11.5 Packet Pg. 482 3.Resolution and Salary Schedules for Unrepresented Part-Time Temporary Seasonal Hourly Employees July 1, 2022 -June 30, 2026 11.5 Packet Pg. 483 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF GILROY FOR 2022-2023 TO IMPLEMENT THE TERMS OF THE FULL-TIME, UNREPRESENTED, NON -EXEMPT EMPLOYEES AND UNREPRESENTED, HOURLY, PART - TIME/TEMPORARY/SEASONAL EMPLOYEES SALARY RESOLUTIONS FOR FY 23, APPROPRIATING PROPOSED EXPENDITURE AMENDMENTS, AND AUTHORIZING THE INCLUSION OF APPROPRIATE FUND S IN THE FUTURE FY 24, FY 25, AND FY 26 BUDGETS FOR SALARY AND BENEFIT EXPENDITURES RELATED TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SALARY RESOLUTIONS WHEREAS,the City Administrator prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget for the City of Gilroy for Fiscal Years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023,and the City Council carefully examined,considered and adopted the same on June 7, 2021; and WHEREAS,City Staff has prepared and submitted to the City Council proposed amendments to said budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the City of Gilroy in the staff report dated July 5, 2022 for the Approval of Salary Resolutions for Full-Time, Unrepresented, Confidential, Non-Exempt Employees and Unrepresented, Part -Time/Temporary/Seasonal, Hourly Employees for July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2026 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY, AS FOLLOWS: 1.The appropriations for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 shall be increased by the Finance Director to implement the terms of the Salary Resolutions for Full-Time, Unrepresented, Confidential, Non-Exempt Employees and Unrepresented, Part -Time/Temporary/Seasonal, Hourly Employees pertaining to Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget of the City. 2.The appropriate funds to implement the remaining terms of the Salary Resolutions for Full- Time, Unrepresented, Confidential, Non -Exempt Employees and Unrepresented, Part- Time/Temporary/Seasonal, Hourly Employees shall be included in the FY 24, FY 25, and FY 26 future budgets. 11.5.a Packet Pg. 484 Attachment: Draft Resolution - Budget Amendment for NE Conf Unrep and PT Hourly Employees (3883 : Salary Schedules for Unrepresented Resolution No. 2022-XX Budget Amendment Resolution –FT/Non-Exempt/Confidential and PT Hourly Unrepresented Employees City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 2022 by the following roll call vote: AYES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: APPROVED: Marie Blankley,Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 11.5.a Packet Pg. 485 Attachment: Draft Resolution - Budget Amendment for NE Conf Unrep and PT Hourly Employees (3883 : Salary Schedules for Unrepresented 11.5.b Packet Pg. 486 Attachment: Resolution and Salary Schedules for FT Unrepresented Confidential NE Employees July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3883 : Salary 11.5.b Packet Pg. 487 Attachment: Resolution and Salary Schedules for FT Unrepresented Confidential NE Employees July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3883 : Salary 11.5.b Packet Pg. 488 Attachment: Resolution and Salary Schedules for FT Unrepresented Confidential NE Employees July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3883 : Salary 11.5.b Packet Pg. 489 Attachment: Resolution and Salary Schedules for FT Unrepresented Confidential NE Employees July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3883 : Salary 11.5.b Packet Pg. 490 Attachment: Resolution and Salary Schedules for FT Unrepresented Confidential NE Employees July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3883 : Salary 11.5.b Packet Pg. 491 Attachment: Resolution and Salary Schedules for FT Unrepresented Confidential NE Employees July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 (3883 : Salary 11.5.c Packet Pg. 492 Attachment: Resolution and Salary Schedules for Unrepresented Part-Time Temporary Seasonal Hourly Employees July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 11.5.c Packet Pg. 493 Attachment: Resolution and Salary Schedules for Unrepresented Part-Time Temporary Seasonal Hourly Employees July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 11.5.c Packet Pg. 494 Attachment: Resolution and Salary Schedules for Unrepresented Part-Time Temporary Seasonal Hourly Employees July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 11.5.c Packet Pg. 495 Attachment: Resolution and Salary Schedules for Unrepresented Part-Time Temporary Seasonal Hourly Employees July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 11.5.c Packet Pg. 496 Attachment: Resolution and Salary Schedules for Unrepresented Part-Time Temporary Seasonal Hourly Employees July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 11.5.c Packet Pg. 497 Attachment: Resolution and Salary Schedules for Unrepresented Part-Time Temporary Seasonal Hourly Employees July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 City of Gilroy STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Payment of a One-Time Retention Incentive in the Amount of $3,000 for All Full-Time City of Gilroy Employees as Allowed by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Meeting Date:July 5, 2022 From:Jimmy Forbis,City Administrator Department:Human Resources Department Submitted By:LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager Prepared By:LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Services/HR Director/Risk Manager Strategic Plan Goals •Develop a Financially Resilient Organization •Ensure Neighborhood Equity from City Services •Promote Economic Development Activities •Promote Safe, Affordable Housing for All •Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Gilroy approving a one-time retention incentive payment of $3,000.00 for all full-time City of Gilroy employees using funds provided by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and amending the Fiscal Year 2022-23 adopted budget. BACKGROUND In March 2021 the Federal Government passed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, which had total funding of $1.9 trillion. This included $350 billion in funding to 11.6 Packet Pg. 498 States, Local Governments, and Tribal Governments. This program is separate from the Federal grants targeting both institutions and businesses that were impacted by the Covid-19 Pandemic. In May 2021, the Gilroy City Council took action to accept $10.9M in ARPA funds and a staff report was presented to Council discussing the one-time funds. The federal government has identified allowable uses for the ARPA funds which includes an expanded set of eligible uses to restore and support public sector employment by providing retention incentives. Over the last two years, most Gilroy employees gave up future raises, current compensation,and other benefits to help balance the City’s budget and avoid further layoffs.Recruiting and retaining excellent employees to serve the Gilroy community is a top priority for the organization. Gilroy, like other employers, has faced some challenges when trying to fill positions and trying to retain top talent. Therefore, following the ARPA rules, the Council can approve one- time employee payments in an effort to recognize and retain our workforce. POLICY DISCUSSION Should a portion (approximately 6.5%)of the one-time ARPA funds be used as a one- time retention incentive to retain the City’s high-quality employees? ANALYSIS The cost to hire and train a new employee can vary greatly depending upon the position. According to various human resources professional organizations, the average cost to hire a new full-time employee is approximately $4,500 and the cost to train a new hire is significantly more.It takes the average employee six to eight months to reach full productivity after being hired to a new job and a significant portion of that time is devoted to training the new employee. As such, the total cost of employee turnover typically ranges from 20-33% of the position’s salary or more. Considering the above turnover costs and corresponding impact to the organization, providing a one-time retention incentive payment is a reasonable and prudent action to take at this time. The one-time retention incentive payment amount for each ongoing full-time employee who is employed for the full July monthly pay period (July 1, 2022 – July 31, 2022)is recommended to be $3,000. The intention is to communicate to the current City of Gilroy employees that their hard work and dedication to the community is appreciated. Employees can choose where they work, and there are many available jobs in today’s market,and this retention incentive sends a message of thanks to Gilroy employees for choosing to work for Gilroy versus another employer. Retaining employees is a priority for the organization and this one-time employee acknowledgement will go a long way in recognizing the Gilroy team and letting them know the Council wants them to stay working for the City of Gilroy. Providing one-time payments to employees from the ARPA funds has occurred at many other public agencies over the last year. The one-time payment amounts have varied 11.6 Packet Pg. 499 from $10,000 per employee to $500 per employee. Some agencies have made one- time lump sum payments, as being suggested here in Gilroy, while others have provided additional premium pay amounts per hour or per month over a period of time. At this time, given the current labor market, retention bonuses are also common in some facets of the private sector. ALTERNATIVES The alternative is to not provide the one-time retention incentive payment of $3,000 to full-time City of Gilroy employees. FISCAL IMPACT/FUNDING SOURCE The cost to provide this one-time payment to approximately 235 full-time employees is $705,000. This amount is about 6.5% of the $10.9M in ARPA funding received. While the payment is considered taxable income to the employee, it is not reported to CalPERS for retirement. And, since the payment is not part of the negotiated labor agreement, it is not included in the employee’s regular rate of pay for purposes of applicable overtime calculations. NEXT STEPS If approved, the one-time retention incentive payment will be included with the next employee payroll to be issued on August 1, 2022. Attachments: 1.Draft Resolution Authorizing a One-Time Retention Incentive Payment for Full-Time Emmployees Using ARPA Funds 11.6 Packet Pg. 500 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING A ONE-TIME RETENTION INCENTIVE PAYMENT FOR CURRENT, ONGOING, FULL -TIME CITY OF GILROY EMPLOYEES USING AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT FUNDING AND AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 -23 ADOPTED BUDGET WHEREAS, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 was signed into law on March 11, 2021; and WHEREAS, the ARPA, amongst various other provisions, established the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) to provide the state and local governments with resources needed to respond to the pandemic and its economic impacts; and WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy experienced a negative economic impact as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, which resulted in the implementation of a General Fund Recovery Plan and included compensation and benefit concessions from City employees; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Gilroy accepted $10.9M in funding from ARPA in May of 2021; and WHEREAS, the Department of the Treasury has established the Final Rule which outlines provisions of eligible and ineligible uses of the ARPA funds; and WHEREAS, the Final Rule allows the use of ARPA funds for employee retention incentives to restore and support government employment ; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Gilroy wishes to provide a one-time Retention Incentive to all ongoing, full-time City of Gilroy employees utilizing a portion of the ARPA funds received; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Gilroy does establish salaries, benefits, and other payments for city officers and employees by resolution ; and WHEREAS,the City Administrator prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget for the City of Gilroy for Fiscal Years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023,and the City Council carefully examined,considered and adopted the same on June 7, 2021. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY, AS FOLLOWS: 1.All current, ongoing, full-time City of Gilroy employees shall receive a one- time Retention Incentive payment in the amount of $3,000.00 if employed for the full July, 2022 pay period of July 1, 2022 through, and including, July 31, 2022. 11.6.a Packet Pg. 501 Attachment: Draft Resolution Authorizing a One-Time Retention Incentive Payment for Full-Time Emmployees Using ARPA Funds (3884 : One- Resolution No. 2022-XX One-Time Employee Retention Incentive Payment City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 2 of 2 2.Authorize the City Administrator to direct the disbursement of the one -time Retention Incentive payment (taxable income) via the payroll checks to be issued on August 1, 2022. 3.That the City’s previously adopted Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget, as the same has been amended to date, is hereby further amended . 4.That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a copy of this Resolution to the City’s Finance Director, who i s hereby authorized and directed to take all actions necessary to implement the terms of this Resolution pertaining to the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget of City. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 2022 by the following roll call vote: AYES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN:COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: APPROVED: Marie Blankley,Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk 11.6.a Packet Pg. 502 Attachment: Draft Resolution Authorizing a One-Time Retention Incentive Payment for Full-Time Emmployees Using ARPA Funds (3884 : One-