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Resolution No. 2022-47 | AFSCME, Local 101, General Unit Employee Salary Schedules July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 | Adopted 07/05/2022 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-47 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ESTABLISHING THE JULY 1, 2022, JULY 1, 2023, JULY 1, 2024, AND JULY 1, 2025 SALARY SCHEDULES FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (AFSCME, LOCAL 101, GILROY CHAPTER), GENERAL UNIT WHEREAS, the City Council does establish salaries for city officers and employees by resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The salaries effective July 1, 2022 for AFSCME, Local 101, General Unit employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of three (3) pages is hereby approved and established adding a three percent (3%) cost of living increase and Step F (Step F requirements contained in MOU). 2. The salaries effective July 1, 2023 for AFSCME Local 101, General Unit employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of three (3) pages is hereby approved and established adding a three percent (3%) cost of living increase and Step G (Step G requirements contained in MOU). 3. The salaries effective July 1, 2024 for AFSCME, Local 101, General Unit employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of three (3) pages is hereby approved and established adding a three percent (3%) cost of living increase and Step H (Step H requirements contained in MOU). 4. The salaries effective July 1, 2025 for AFSCME, Local 101, General Unit employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of three (3) pages is hereby approved and established adding a one percent (1%) cost of living increase. DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 Resolution No. 2022-47 AFSCME, Local 101, General Unit Employee Salary Schedules July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 City Council Regular Meeting I July 5, 2022 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 2022 by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ARMENDARIZ, BRACCO, HILTON, LEROE-MUÑOZ, MARQUES, TOVAR, BLANKLEY NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE APPROVED: Marie Blankley, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 AFSCME GENERAL UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2022 (3.0% Cost of Living Increase & Addition of Step F) Job Class BBB Jelb Classification T itle Number Stepll> Str~p IE Engineer II 535 9,020.08 9,471.08 9,944.67 10,441.92 10,963.92 Hazardous Materials 518 108,24 1 113,653 11 9 ,336 125,303 131 ,567 Inspector m Engineer I 534 8,165.75 8,574.08 9,002.75 9,452.92 9,925.50 Planner II 513 97,989 102,889 108,033 113 ,435 119,106 Hazardous Materials 529 Inspector II Senior Publi c Safety 635 7,847.17 8,239.50 8,651.50 9,084 .00 9,538.25 Communicator 94,166 98,874 · 103,818 109,008 114,459 Buildi ng Inspector II 52 1 7,769.50 8,1 57.92 8,565.83 8,994 .17 9,443 .83 93,234 97,895 102,790 107 ,930 113,326 Public Safety 634 7,6 1 6 .33 7,997.1 7 8,397.00 8,816.92 9,257.75 Communicator 9 1,396 95,966 100,764 105 ,803 111,093 Engineering 532 7,466.33 7,839.58 8,23 1.58 8,643.17 9,075.33 T echni cian/Inspector ID 89,596 94,075 98 ,779 103,7 18 108,904 Accountant 552 7,392.42 7,762.00 8,150.08 8,557.58 8,985.50 Building Inspector I 520 88,709 93,144 97 ,80 1 102,691 107,826 Code Enforcement 526 Officer Hazardous Materia ls 517 Inspector I P lanner I 5 12 Senior Equipment Mechanic 510 6,759.08 7,097.08 7,452.00 7,824.58 8,215.83 8 1,109 85,165 89,424 93,895 98,590 Accounting Technician II 554 6 ,560.33 6,888.42 7,232.75 7,594.42 7,974.17 Public Safety 633 78 ,724 82,66 1 86,793 9 1,133 95 ,690 Communicator Trainee Engineering 531 6,431.08 6,752 .58 7,090.25 7,444.75 7,817.00 Technician/Inspector II 77,173 81,03 1 85,083 89,337 93,804 Information Technology 561 6 ,2 42.00 6,554.08 6,881.75 7,225.83 7,587.17 Technician II 74 ,904 78,649 82,581 86,7 10 9 1,046 Rev 6/22 Page 1 of3 S'tep F* 11,512.17 138,14 6 10,421 .83 125,062 10,015.08 120,181 9,916 .0 0 118,992 9,720.67 1 16 ,648 9,529.17 11 4 ,350 9,434.75 1 13 ,217 8,626.58 103 ,51 9 8,372.83 100,4 74 8,207.92 98,495 7,966.50 95 ,598 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 AFSCME GENERAL UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2022 (3.0% Cost of Living Increase & Addition of Step F) Job Class Job Classification Title Number Step A Step !B SlrepC S~pD St~pE Equipment Mechanic 508 6,119.00 6,424.92 6,746.17 7,083.50 7,437.67 Sr. Maintenance Worker -543 73,428 77,099 80,954 85,002 89,252 Streets, Waste Water, Trees Sr. Maintenance Worker -542 Water Sr. Maintenance Worker -504 Parks & Landscape HCD T echnician II 619 5,998.42 6,298.25 6,613.17 6,943 .92 7,291.00 71 ,98 1 75 ,579 79,358 83,327 87,492 Accounting Technician I 553 5,939.00 6,236.00 6,547.75 6,875 .17 7,218.83 Facilities Maintenance 505 71,268 74,8 32 78,573 82,502 86,626 Specia l ist Fire Administrati on 516 Technician Management Assis tant 519 Permit Technician 523 Planning Technician 514 Engineering 530 5,822.00 6,113.08 6,418.67 6,739.67 7,076 .58 Technician/Inspector I 69,864 73,357 77,024 80,8 76 84,919 Recreation Coordinator 546 5,764.33 6,052.50 6,355.17 6,672.92 7,006.58 Community Coordinator 547 69,172 72,630 76 ,26 2 80,075 84,079 Deputy City Clerk 555 5,650.75 5,933.33 6,229.92 6,541.42 6,868 .58 Information Technology 560 67,809 71,200 74,759 78 ,497 82,423 Technician I Property & Evidence 570 Technician Senior Police Records 610 Technician HCD Technician I 618 5,430.25 5,701.75 5,986.92 6,286 .1 7 6,600.50 65,163 68,421 71,843 75 ,434 79,206 Accounting Assistant II 605 5,376.50 5,645.33 5,927.58 6,223.92 6,535.17 64,518 67 ,744 7 1,13 1 74,687 78,422 Maintenance Worker II 541 5,270.50 5,534.08 5,810.75 6,101.25 6,406.42 63,246 66,409 69,729 73,215 76,877 Senior Custodian 509 5,218.42 5,479.25 5,753.25 6,040.92 6,343.00 62,621 65,75 1 69,039 72,49 1 76,116 Rev 6/22 Page 2 of3 Step F* 7,809.58 93,715 7,655 .58 91,867 7,579 .75 90,957 7,430.42 89,165 7,356.92 88,283 7,212.00 86,544 6,930.50 83 ,166 6,861.92 82,343 6,726.75 80,721 6,660.17 79,922 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 AFSCME GENERAL UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE E ffe c tive Jul y 1, 2022 (3.0% Cost of Living Increase & Addition of Step F) J ob Class Job Classification Title Number Step A StepB StepC StepD Step E Police Records Technician II 609 5,11 5.58 5,371.33 5,639 .83 5,92 1.92 6,2 17.92 6 1,387 64,456 67,678 71,063 74 ,6 15 Communi ty Services Officer 632 5,064 .92 5,318.17 5,584.08 5,863.25 6,156.42 60,779 63,818 67,009 70,359 73 ,877 Accounting Assistant I 604 4,867.25 5,110.58 5,366.1 7 5,634 .42 5,916.25 58,407 61,327 64,394 67,613 70,995 Maintenance Worker I 540 4,771.42 5,00 9.92 5,260.50 5,523.50 5,799.58 Recreation Specialist 548 57,257 60,119 63,126 66,282 69 ,595 Office Assistant II 60 1 4,63 1.0 8 4,862.67 5,105.75 5,36 1.00 5,629.00 Police Records Technician I 608 55 ,573 58,352 61,269 64,332 67,548 Custodian 506 4,494.8 3 4,719.58 4,955.58 5,203.33 5,463.50 53,938 56,635 59,467 62,440 65 ,562 Office Assistant I 600 4,192.42 4,402.08 4,622.1 7 4,853.25 5,095.92 50,309 52,825 55,466 58,239 61 ,151 Step F* 6,528.83 78,346 6,464.17 77 ,570 6,212.00 74,544 6,089.50 73,074 5,910.50 70,926 5,736.67 68 ,840 5,35 0.75 64 ,209 *7/1/22 salarv schedule adds Step F (merit step, one year at Step E, and completion of 5 years service requirement per MOU). Annual sa/arv amounts are rounded to the dollar based on Excel formula and are not exact. AFSCME General Unit employees that are designated by Ca/PERS and the City of Gilroy as "classic members" of the Ca/PERS Miscellaneous group have an 8% deduction under /RC 414(h)(2) for the employee contribution to the Ca/PERS 2.5%@ 55 retirement plan. AFSCME General Unit employees that are designated by Ca/PERS and the City of Gilroy as "new members" of the Ca/PERS Miscellaneous group shall pay 50% of the normal cost as established by Ca/PERS. The normal cost may vary from year to year and this amount shall be a pre-tax payroll deduction under /RC 414(h) (2) for the Ca/PERS 2% at 62 retirement plan. Rev 6/22 P age 3 o f 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 AFSCME GENERAL UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2023 (3.0% Cost of Living Increase & Addition of Step G) Joh Class JJdh Otass ifi.cation Title Number Step A StepB StepC StepD StepE Engineer II 535 9,290.67 9,755.25 10,243 .00 . 10,755.17 11,292.83 Hazardous Mate1ials 518 111,488 117,063 122 ,916 129,062 135,5 14 Inspector Ill - Engineer I 534 8,410.75 8,831.33 9,272.83 9,73 6.50 10,223.25 Planner II 513 100,929 105,976 111 ,274 116,838 122,679 Hazardous Materials 529 Inspector II Senior Public Safety 635 8,082.58 8 ,48 6.67 8 ,9 11.08 9,356.50 9,824.42 Communicat or 96,99 1 101,840 106,933 112,278 117,893 Building Inspector II 521 8,002.58 8 ,40 2 .67 8,822 .83 9,264.00 9,727.17 96,03 1 100,83 2 105,874 111 ,168 I 16,726 Public Safety 634 7,844.83 8 ,237 .0 8 8,648 .92 9,081.42 9,535.50 Communicat or 94,138 98,845 103,787 108,977 1 14,426 Engineering 532 7,690.33 8,074.75 8,478 .50 8,902.50 9,347.58 Technician/Inspector Ill 92,284 96,897 101,742 106,830 112,171 Accountant 552 7,614 .17 7,994 .83 8,394.58 8,814.33 9,255.08 Build ing Inspector I 520 91,370 95,938 100,735 105,772 111 ,06 1 Code Enforcement 526 Officer Hazardous Materials 517 Ins pect or I Plan ner I 512 Sen ior E quipment Mechan ic 510 6,961.83 7,3 10.00 7,675.58 8,059 .33 8,462.33 83,542 87,720 92,107 96,712 101,548 Accounting Technician II 554 6,757.17 7,095.08 7,449.75 7,822.25 8,213.4 2 Public Safety 633 81,086 85 ,14 1 89,397 93 ,867 98 ,561 Communicator Trainee Engineering 531 6,624 .00 6,955.17 7,302 .92 7,668.08 8,051.50 Technician/Inspector II 79,488 83,4 62 87,635 92,017 96 ,618 Information Technology 561 6,429.25 6,75 0.67 7,088 .1 7 7,442.58 7,814.75 Technician II 77,151 8 1,008 85,058 89,3 11 93,777 Rev 7/2021 Page 1 o f3 Step JFN< Step G* 11,857.50 12,450.38 142,290 149,405 10,734.50 11 ,271.23 128,814 135 ,255 10,315.50 10,831.28 123,786 129,975 10,213.50 10,724.18 122,562 128,690 10 ,012.25 10,512.86 120,1 4 7 126,154 9 ,8 15.08 10,3 05.84 117,781 123,670 9,717.83 10,203.73 11 6,614 122,445 8,885.42 9,329.69 106,625 111,956 8,624.00 9,055.20 103,488 108,662 8,454 .17 8,876.88 101,450 I 06,523 8,205.50 8,615 .78 98,466 103 ,389 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 AFSCME GENERAL U NIT S ALARY SCHEDU LE Effecti v e July 1, 2 0 23 (3.0 % Cost of Livin g Incre ase & Addit ion of Step G) Job Class J ob Clas sification Title Number Step A StepB StepC St~p [J)) S t~pE Equipment Mech anic 508 6,302.58 6,6 17.6 7 6 ,948.5 8 7,296.00 7,660 .83 Sr. M aintenance Worker -543 75,631 79,412 83 ,383 87,552 91,930 Streets, Waste Water, Trees Sr. Maintenance Worker -542 W ater Sr. Maintenance Worker -504 P arks & L andscape HCD Technician II 619 6,17 8.33 6,487.17 6,811.58 7,152 .25 7,50 9.75 74,140 77,846 81,739 85,827 90,117 Accounting Technician I 553 6,11 7.17 6,42 3.08 6,744.17 7,081.42 7,435.42 F acilities Maintenance 505 73,406 77,077 80,930 84,977 89,225 Specialist Fire Administration 516 T echnician M anagement Assistant 5 19 P ermit Technician 523 P lanning Technician 5 14 Engineering 530 5,996 .67 6,296.50 6,61 1.25 6,941.83 7,288.92 Technician/Inspector I 71,960 75,558 79,335 83,302 87,467 Recreation Coord inator 54 6 5,937.25 6,234.08 6,545.83 6,873 .08 7,216 .7 5 Community Coordinator 547 71,247 74,809 78,550 82,477 86,601 Deputy C ity Clerk 555 5,820.25 6 ,111.33 6,41 6.83 6,7 3 7.67 7,074 .6 7 Informat ion T echnology 560 69,843 73,336 77,002 80,852 84,896 T echni c ian I Prop erty & Evi dence 570 Techni c ian Senior P oli ce Records 610 T echnic ian H CD Technician I 618 5,593.17 5,872.83 6,166.50 6,47 4.75 6,798.50 67,118 70,474 73,998 77,697 81,582 Accounting Assistant II 605 5,537.83 5,814.67 6,105 .42 6,4 10.67 6,73 1.25 66,45 4 69,776 73,265 76,928 80,775 Main tenance Worker II 541 5,428.58 5,700 .08 5,985 .08 6,284.25 6,598.58 65,143 68 ,40 1 71,82 1 75,411 79,183 Senior Custodian 509 5,375.00 5,643.67 5,9 25.83 6,222 .1 7 6,533.25 64,500 67,724 71,110 74,666 78,399 Rev 7/2021 Page 2 of 3 S tep F * S tep G* 8,043 .83 8,446.03 96,526 10 1,352 7,885.25 8 ,279 .5 1 94,623 99,354 7,807.17 8 ,1 97 .53 93,686 98 ,370 7 ,6 53 .33 8,0 36.00 9 1,840 96,432 7,577.58 7,956 .4 6 90,931 95,478 7,4 28 .33 7,7 99.75 89,140 93 ,597 7 ,13 8.42 7,495 .34 85,661 89,944 7,067.75 7,421.14 84,813 89,054 6 ,928.58 7,275.01 83,143 87,300 6,860.00 7,2 03.00 82,320 86,436 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 AFSCME GENERAL UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2023 (3.0% Cost of Living Increase & Addition of Step G) Job Class EBBB Job Classification Title Number Step A Police Records Technician II 609 5,269.08 5,532.50 5,809.00 6,099.58 6,404.42 63,229 66,390 69,708 73,195 76,853 Community Services Officer 632 5,216.83 5,477.75 5,751.58 6,039.17 6,3 41.08 62,602 65,733 69,0 19 72,470 76,093 Accounting Assistant I 604 5,013.25 5,2 63.92 5 ,527 .1 7 5,803.42 6,093.75 60,1 59 63,167 66,326 69 ,641 73,125 Maintenance Worker I 540 4,9 14.58 5,160.25 5,418.33 5,6 89 .1 7 5,973.58 R ecreation Specialist 548 58,975 6 1,923 65,020 68,270 71,683 Offi ce Assistant II 601 4,77 0.00 5,008.58 5,258.92 5,521.83 5,797.83 Police Records Technician I 608 57,240 60,103 63,107 66,262 69,574 Custodian 506 4,629.67 4,861.17 5,104.25 5,359.42 5,627 .42 55,556 58,334 61 ,25 1 64,313 67,529 Office Assistant I 600 4,3 18.17 4,534.1 7 4,760.83 4,998.83 5,248 .83 5 1,818 54,410 57,130 59,986 62,986 *7/1122 salary schedule adds Step F (merit step, one year at Step E, and completion of 5 years seNice requirement per MOU). *7/1/23 salary schedule adds Step G (merit step, one vear at Step F, and completion of 10 vears service requirement per MOU). Annual salary amounts are rounded to the dollar based on Excel formula and are not exact. StepF* Step G* 6,724.67 7,060.90 80,696 84,73 1 6,658.08 6,990.99 79,897 83 ,8 92 6,398.33 6 ,718.25 76,780 80,619 6,272.17 6 ,585.78 75,266 79,029 6 ,087.83 6 ,392 .23 73,054 76,707 5,908.75 6 ,204.19 70,905 74,450 5,511 .25 5,786.81 66,135 69,442 AFSCME General Unit employees that are designated by Ca/PERS and the City of Gilroy as "classic members" of the Ca/PERS Miscellaneous group have an 8% deduction under !RC 414(h)(2) for the employee contribution to the Ca/PERS 2.5%@ 55 retirement plan. AFSCME General Unit employees that are designated by Ca/PERS and the City of Gilroy as "new members" of the Ca/PERS Miscellaneous group shall pay 50% of the normal cost as established by Ca/PERS. The normal cost may vary from year to year and this amount shall be a pre-tax payroll deduction under /RC 414(h) (2) for the Ca/PERS 2 % at 62 retirement otan. Rev 7/2021 Page 3 of3 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 Job Classification Title Engineer II Hazardous Materials Inspector III E ngineer I Planner II Hazardous Materials inspector Il Senior Pu blic Safety Communicator Building Inspector II Public Safety Communicator Engineering Technician/Inspector III Accountant Building inspector I Code Enforcement Officer Hazardous M aterials Inspector I Planner I Senior Equipment Mechanic Accounting Technician II Public Safety Com municator Trainee Engineering Technician/Inspector Il lnfonnation Technology T echnician II Rev 7/2021 AFSCME GENERAL UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE E ffect i ve July 1, 2024 (3.0% Cost of Living Increase & Addition of Step H) Job Class Number Step A StepB StepC StepD Step E Step F* 535 9,569.42 10 ,047.92 10,550.25 1 1,077 .83 11 ,631.58 12 ,213.25 518 114,833 120,575 126,603 13 2,934 139,579 146,559 534 8,663.08 9 ,096.25 9,551.00 10,028 .58 10 ,529.92 11 ,056.50 513 103,957 109,155 114,612 120,3 43 126,359 132,678 5 29 635 8,325.08 8,741.25 9,178.42 9,637 .17 10,119.17 10,625.00 99,90 1 104,895 110,141 115 ,646 121,430 127,500 521 8,242 .67 8,654.75 9,087.50 9,541.92 10,019.00 10 ,5 19.92 98,9 12 103,857 109,050 11 4,503 120,228 126,239 634 8,080.17 8,484.17 8,908.42 9,35 3.83 9,821.58 10,312.58 96,962 101,810 106,90 1 112,246 117,859 123,751 532 7,921.08 8,317.00 8,732.83 9,169.58 9,628.00 10 ,109.50 95,053 99,804 104,794 I l0,035 11 5,536 121,314 552 7 ,842.58 8,234.67 8,646.42 9,078.75 9,532.75 10 ,009.33 520 94,111 98,816 103,757 108,945 114,393 120,1 12 526 517 512 510 7,17 0 .67 7,529.33 7,905.83 8,301.08 8,716.17 9 ,152.00 86,048 90,352 94,870 99,6 13 104,5 94 109,824 554 6,959 .92 7,307.92 7,673.25 8 ,056.92 8,459.83 8,882.75 633 83,519 87,695 92,079 96,683 10 1,518 106,593 53 1 6,822.75 7,163.83 7,522.00 7,898.17 8,293.08 8,707.83 81,873 85,966 90,264 94,778 99,517 104,494 561 6,622.17 6,953.17 7,300.83 7,665.83 8,049.17 8,451.67 79,466 83,438 87,610 91,990 96,590 101 ,420 Page I of3 Step G * Step H* 12,823.9 1 13,465.11 153,887 16 1,58 1 11 ,609.33 12,189.79 139,312 146,277 11 ,156.25 11,714.06 133 ,875 140,569 11,045.91 11,598.21 13 2,551 139,178 10,828.21 11,369.62 129,939 136,435 10,6 14.98 11 ,145.72 127,380 133,749 10,509.80 11 ,035.29 126,118 132,423 9,609.60 10,090.08 115,31 5 121,081 9,326.89 9,793 .23 1 11 ,923 11 7,519 9 ,143.23 9,600.39 109,7 19 115,205 8,874.25 9,317.96 106,49 1 111,816 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 .'Job Classiliicruti:on 'il1ltle Equipment Mechanic Sr. Maintenance Worker - Streets, Waste Water, Trees Sr. Maintenance Worker - Water Sr. Maintenance Worker - Parks & Landscape HCD Technician II Accounting Technician I Facilities Maintenance Specialist Fire Administration Technician Management Assistant Pennit Technician Planning T echnician Engineering Technician/Inspector I Recreation Coordinator Community Coordinator Deputy City Clerk Information Technology Technician I Property & Evidence T echnician Senior Police Records Technician HCD Technician I Accounting Assistant Il Maintenance Worker II Senior Custodian Rev 7/2021 AFSCME GENERAL UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2024 (3.0% Cost of Living Increase & Addition of Step H) JJob Class B Number Step A StepC StepD Step E Step F* 508 6,491.67 6,8 16.17 7,157.00 7,514.92 7,890.67 8,285.17 543 77,900 81,794 85,884 90,179 94,688 99 ,422 542 504 619 6,363.67 6,681.75 7,015.92 7,366.83 7,735.08 8,121.83 76,364 80,181 84,19 1 88,402 92,821 97,462 553 6,300.67 6,615.75 6,946.50 7,293.83 7,658 .50 8,041.42 505 75,608 79,389 83,358 87,526 91,902 96 ,497 516 519 523 514 530 6,176.58 6,485.42 6,809.58 7,150.08 7,507.58 7,882.92 74,119 77,825 81,715 85,801 90,091 94,595 546 6,1 15.33 6,421.08 6,742.25 7,079.25 7,433.25 7,804.92 547 73,384 77,053 80,907 84,95 1 89,199 93,659 555 5,994.83 6,294.67 6,609.33 6,939.83 7,286.92 7,651.17 560 71,938 75,536 79,312 83,278 87,443 91,814 570 6 10 6 18 5,761.00 6,049 .00 6,351.50 6,669.00 7,002.42 7,352.58 69,132 72,588 76,218 80,028 84,029 88,231 605 5,704.00 5,989.08 6,288 .58 6,603.00 6,933.17 7,279.75 68,448 71,869 75,463 79,236 83,198 87,357 541 5,59 1.42 5,871.08 6,164.67 6,472.75 6,796.50 7,136.42 67,097 70,453 73,976 77,673 81,558 85,637 509 5,536.25 5,813.00 6,103.58 6,408.83 6,729.25 7,065.83 66,435 69,756 73,243 76,906 80,751 84,790 Page 2 of3 Step G* St(lpilil* 8,699.43 9,134.40 104,393 109,613 8,527.93 8,954.32 I 02,335 107,452 8,443.49 8,865.66 101,322 106,388 8,277.06 8,690 .92 99,325 104,291 8,195.16 8,604.92 98,342 103,259 8,033.73 8,435.41 96,405 101 ,22 5 7,720.21 8,106.22 92,643 97,275 7,643.74 8,025.92 9 1,725 96 ,3 11 7,493.24 7,867.90 89,9 19 94,415 7,419.13 7,790.08 89,030 93,48 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 JJo'b Classification Title Police Records T echnician II C o mmunity Servi ces O fficer Accountin g Assistant I Maintenance Worker I Recreation Specialist Offic e Assistant II P o lice Records T ech n ician I Cu s todian O ffice Assistant I AFSCME GENERAL UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE Effect ive July 1, 2024 (3.0 % Cost of Living Increase & Addition of Step H) Job Class I II II a-.. 1 Number Step A StepB StepC Step D 609 5 ,427.17 5 ,698.50 5,9 83.25 6,282 .58 6,596.58 6,926.42 6 5,126 68,382 7 1,799 75,39 1 79,159 83,11 7 632 5,373.33 5,64 2.08 5,924.17 6,220.33 6,531.33 6,857 .83 64,480 67,705 7 1,090 74,644 78,376 82,294 604 5 ,163.67 5,421.83 5,693.00 5,97 7 .50 6,276.58 6,590.25 61,964 65,062 68,3 16 71 ,730 75,319 79,083 540 5,062.00 5,315.08 5,580.92 5,85 9.83 6,152.75 6,460.33 548 60,744 63,781 66,97 1 70,3 18 73,833 77,524 60 1 4,913 .08 5,158.83 5,416.67 5,687.50 5,971.75 6 ,270.50 608 58,957 61,906 65,000 68,250 7 1,66 1 75,246 506 4 ,768.58 5,00 7.00 5,257.42 5,520.17 5,7 96.25 6,086.00 57,223 60,084 63,089 66,242 69,555 73,032 600 4 ,447.75 4,6 70.17 4,903.67 5,148.83 5,406.33 5,676.5 8 53,373 56,042 58,844 61,786 64 ,876 68,1 19 *711122 salarv schedule adds Steo F (merit steo, one vear at Steo E. and comoletion of 5 vears service reauirement oer M OU). *7/1/23 salarv schedule adds Steo G (merit steo, one vear at Steo F, and comoletion of 10 vears service rea uirement oer MOU). *711124 salarv schedule adds Steo H (merit step, one year at Step G, and completion of 15 years service reauirement per MOU). Annual salarv amounts are rounded to the dollar based on Excel formula and are not exact. St11p G* StepH* 7,272.74 7 ,636.37 87,273 9 1,636 7,200 .73 7,5 60.7 6 86,409 90,729 6,919.76 7,2 65.75 83,037 87,189 6,7 83.35 7,122.52 81,400 8 5,470 6,584.03 6,913.23 79,008 82,959 6,390 .30 6,709.82 76,684 80,5 18 5,960 .41 6,258.43 71 ,525 75,101 AFSCME General Unit employees that are designated by Ca/PERS and the City of Gilroy as "classic members" of the Ca/PERS Miscellaneous group have an 8% deduction under /RC 4 14(h)(2) for the employee contribution to the Ca/PERS 2.5%@ 55 retirement plan. AFSCME General Unit employees that are designated by Ca/P E RS and the City of Gilroy as "new members" of the Ca/PE RS Miscellaneous group shall pay 50% of the normal cost as established by Ca/PERS. The normal cost may vary from year to year and this amount shall be a pre-tax payroll deduction under /RC 414/h) (2) for the Ca/PERS 2% at 62 retirement plan. Rev 7/2021 Page 3 of3 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 Job Class JJab Olassifilcaeien ~ltle Number Engineer 11 535 H azardous Materials 518 Inspector Ill Engineer I 534 Planner II 5 13 Hazardous Materials 529 Inspector II Senior Public Safety 635 Communicator Building Inspector II 521 Public Safety 634 Communicator Engineering 532 T echnic ian/In spector 1Il Accountant 552 Building Inspector I 520 Code Enforcement 526 Officer H azardous Materials 517 Inspector I Planner I 512 Senior Equipment Mechanic 510 Accounting Technician 11 554 P ublic Safety 633 Communicator Trainee Engineering 531 Technician/Inspector II lnfonnation T echnology 56 1 Technician II Rev 7/2021 AFSCME GENERAL UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2025 (1.0% Cost of Living Increase) Step A StepB StepC StepD 9,665.08 10 ,148.42 10,655.75 11,188.58 115,98 1 121 ,78 1 127,869 134,263 8,749.75 9,187.25 9,646.50 10,128.83 104,997 11 0,247 115,758 121 ,546 8 ,408.33 8,828.67 9,270.17 9 ,733.50 100,900 105,944 111,242 116,802 8 ,325.08 8,741.33 9 ,178.42 9 ,637.33 99,901 104,896 11 0,141 I I 5,648 8,161.00 8,569.00 8,997 .50 9,447.33 97,932 102,828 107,970 113,368 8,000.33 8,400.17 8,820.17 9,261.25 96,004 100,802 105,842 11 1,135 7,921.00 8 ,317.00 8,732.92 9,169.50 95,052 99,804 104,795 110,03 4 7,242 .33 7 ,604.67 7,984.92 8,384.08 86,908 91,256 95,8 19 100,609 7,029.50 7,38 1.00 7,750.00 8 ,137.50 84,354 88,572 93,000 97,650 6,891.00 7 ,235.50 7,597.25 7,977.17 82,692 86,826 9 1,167 95,726 6,688.42 7,022.67 7,373.83 7,742 .50 80,26 1 84,272 88,486 92,9 10 Page I of3 Step E Step F* Step G * I SrepH• I ll,747.92 12,335.42 12,952.17 13,599.75 140,975 14 8,025 15 5,426 163 ,197 10,635.25 11 ,167.08 11,725.42 12,311.67 127,623 134,005 140,705 147,740 10 ,220.33 10,731.25 11,267.83 11 ,831.17 122,644 128,775 135,2 14 141 ,974 10,119.17 10,625.08 11,156.33 11 ,714.17 121,430 127,501 133 ,876 140,570 9,9 19.83 10,415.75 10,936.50 1 1,483 .33 119,038 124,989 131 ,238 137,800 9,724.25 10,210.58 10,721.08 11,257.17 116,691 122,527 128,653 135,086 9,628.08 10,109.42 10,614.92 ll,145.67 115 ,537 12 1,313 127,379 133,748 8,803.33 9,243.50 9,705.67 10 ,191.00 105,640 11 0,922 116 ,468 122,292 8,544.42 8,971.58 9,420.1 7 9,891.17 102,533 107,659 113,042 118,694 8,376.00 8,794.92 9,234.67 9,696.42 100,5 12 105,5 39 I 10,8 16 116,357 8 ,129.67 8,536.17 8,963.00 9,4 11.17 97,556 102,434 107,556 112,934 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 Job Class Job Classification Title Number Equipment Mechanic 508 Sr. Maintenance Worker -5 43 Streets, Waste Water, Trees Sr. Maintenance Worker -542 Water Sr. Maintenance Worker -504 Parks & Landscape H C D T echnician II 6 19 Accounting Technician I 553 Facil ities M aintenance 505 Specialist Fire Administration 516 Technician Management Assistant 519 Pennit T echnician 523 Planning Technician 514 Engineering 530 Technician/Inspector I Recreation Coordinator 546 Community Coordinator 547 Deputy City Clerk 555 In formation Technology 560 Technician I Property & Evid ence 570 Technician Senior Police Records 610 Technician HCD Technician I 618 Accounting Assistant II 605 Maintenance Worker II 54 1 Senior Custodian 509 Rev 7/2021 AFSCME GENERAL UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2025 (1.0% Cost of Living Increase) Step A StepB StepC StepD B 6,556.58 6,884.33 7,228.58 7,590.08 7,969.58 78,679 82,612 86,743 91,08 1 95,635 6,427.33 6,748.58 7,086.08 7,440.50 7,812.42 77,128 80,983 85,033 89,286 93,749 6,363.67 6,68 1.92 7,016.00 7,366.75 7,735.08 76,364 80,183 84,192 88,401 92,821 6,238 .33 6,550.25 6,877.67 7,221.58 7,582.67 74,860 78,603 82 ,532 86,659 90,992 6,176.50 6,485.33 6,809.67 7,150.08 7 ,507 .58 74,l 18 77,824 81,716 85,801 90,091 6,054.75 6,357.58 6,675.42 7,009.25 7,359.75 72,657 76,291 80,105 84,1 11 88,317 5,818.58 6,109.50 6,415.00 6,735.67 7,072.42 69,823 73,314 76,980 80,828 84,869 5,761.00 6,049.00 6,351.50 6,669.00 7,002.50 69,132 72,588 76,218 80,028 84,030 5,647.33 5,929.83 6,226.33 6,537.50 6,864.50 67,768 71,158 74,716 78,450 82,374 5,59 1.58 5,87 1.1 7 6,164.58 6,472.92 6,796.58 67,099 70,454 73,975 77,675 81 ,559 Page 2 of3 Step F* StepG* StepH* 8 ,368.00 8 ,786.42 9 ,225.75 100,416 105,437 l 10,709 8,203.08 8,613.17 9,043.83 98,437 l 03,358 108,526 8,121.83 8,527.92 8,954.33 97,462 102,33 5 107,452 7,961.75 8,359.83 8,777.83 95,541 100,3 18 105,334 7,883.00 8,277.08 8,691.00 94,596 99,325 104,292 7,727.67 8,1 14 .08 8,519.75 92,732 97,369 102,237 7,426.08 7,797.42 8,187.25 89,113 93,569 98,247 7,352.58 7,720.17 8,106.17 88,231 92,642 97,274 7,207.75 7,568.17 7,946.58 86,493 90,818 95,359 7 ,136.50 7,493 .33 7,868.0 0 85,638 89,920 94,4 16 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 Job C lass Job Classification Title Number Police Records Technician II 609 Comm unity Services Officer 632 Accounting Assistant I 604 Maintenance Worker I 540 Recreation Specialist 548 Office Assistant II 60 1 Police Records Technician I 608 Custodian 506 Office Assistant 1 600 AFSCME GENERAL UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2025 (1.0% Cost of Living Increase) Step A StepB Step C StepD 5,481.42 5,755.50 6,043.08 6,345.42 65,777 69,066 72,517 76,145 5,427.08 5,698.50 5,983.42 6,282.50 65,125 68,382 71 ,801 75 ,390 5,215.33 5,476.08 5,749.92 6,03 7.25 62,584 65,7 13 68,999 72,447 5,112 .58 5,368.25 5,636.75 5,918.42 61,351 64,419 67,641 7 1,02 1 4,962.25 5,210.42 5,470.83 5,744.42 59,547 62,525 65,650 68,933 4,8 16.25 5,057 .08 5,310.00 5,575.33 57,795 60,685 63,720 66,904 4 ,492.25 4,716.83 4,952.67 5,200.33 53 ,907 56,602 59,432 62,404 StepE Step F* 6,662.58 6,995 .67 79,951 83,948 6,596.67 6,926.42 79,160 83,117 6,339.33 6,656.17 76,072 79,874 6,214.25 6,524.92 74,571 78,299 6,031.50 6,333.17 72,378 75,998 5,854.25 6,146.83 70,251 73,762 5,460.42 5,733 .33 65,525 68,800 *7/1/22 salary schedule adds Step F (merit step, one year at Step E, and completion of 5 years service requirement per MOU). *7/1/23 salarv schedule adds Step G (merit step, one vear at Step F, and comoletion of 10 years service requirement per MOU), *711/24 salary schedule adds Step H (merit step, one year at Step G, and comoletion of 15 years service reouirement oer MOU). Annual salary amounts are rounded to the dollar based on Excel formula and are not exact. StepG* StepH* 7,345.50 7,712.75 88 ,146 92,553 7,272 .75 7,636.33 87,273 9 1,636 6,989.00 7,338.42 83 ,868 88,061 6,851.17 7,193 .75 82,214 86 ,325 6,649 .83 6,982.33 79,798 83,788 6,454.17 6,776.92 77 ,450 81,323 6 ,020.00 6,321.00 72,240 7 5,852 AFSCME General Unit employees that are designated by Ca/PERS and the City of Gilroy as "classic members" of the Ca/PERS Miscellaneous group have an 8% deduction under /RC 414(h)(2) for the employee contribution to the Ca/PERS 2.5%@ 55 retirement plan. AFSCME General Unit employees t hat are designated by Ca/PERS and the City of Gilroy as "new members" of the Ca/PERS Miscellaneous group shall pay 50% of the normal cost as established by Ca/PERS, The n ormal cost may varv from year to year and this amount shall be a ore-tax oayroll deduction under /RC 414(h) (2) for the Ca/PERS 2% at 62 retirement plan. Rev 7/2021 Page 3 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 CERTIFICATE OF THE CLERK I, THAI NAM PHAM, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2022-47 is an original resolution, or true and correct copy of a city Resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a Regular Meeting of said held on Council held Tuesday, July 5, 2022, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this Tuesday, July 5, 2022. ____________________________________ Thai Nam Pham, CMC, CPMC City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal) DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525