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Resolution No. 2022-48 | AFSCME, Local 101, Supervisory Unit Employee Salary Schedules July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 | Adopted 07/05/2022RESOLUTION NO. 2022-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ESTABLISHING THE JULY 1, 2022, JULY 1, 2023, JULY 1, 2024, AND JULY 1, 2025 SALARY SCHEDULES FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (AFSCME, LOCAL 101, GILROY CHAPTER), SUPERVISORY UNIT WHEREAS, the City Council does establish salaries for city officers and employees by resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The salaries effective July 1, 2022 for AFSCME, Local 101, Supervisory Unit employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding a three percent (3%) cost of living increase and Step F (Step F requirements contained in MOU). 2. The salaries effective July 1, 2023 for AFSCME Local 101, Supervisory Unit employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding a three percent (3%) cost of living increase and Step G (Step G requirements contained in MOU). 3. The salaries effective July 1, 2024 for AFSCME, Local 101, Supervisory Unit employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding a three percent (3%) cost of living increase and Step H (Step H requirements contained in MOU). 4. The salaries effective July 1, 2025 for AFSCME, Local 101, Supervisory Unit employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding a one percent (1%) cost of living increase. DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 Resolution No. 2022-48 AFSCME, Local 101, Supervisory Unit Employee Salary Schedules July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 2022 by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ARMENDARIZ, BRACCO, HILTON, LEROE-MUÑOZ, MARQUES, TOVAR, BLANKLEY NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE APPROVED: Marie Blankley, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 AFSCME SUPERVISORY UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2022 (3 .0% Cost of Living Increase & Addition o.f Step F) Job Job Classificati on Title Class Step A StepB Step C Step D Step E Number H azardous Mate1ials 4 12 9,480.17 9,954.17 10,451.92 10,974.50 11,523.25 Supervisor/Deputy 113,762 119,450 125,423 131,694 138,279 Fire Marshal Public Safety 410 9,110.25 9,565.75 10,044.08 10,546.25 11,073.58 Communications 109,323 114,789 120,529 126,555 132,883 Supervisor Operations Services 402 7,466.33 7,839.58 8,231.58 8,643.17 9,075.33 Supervisor 89,596 94,075 98,779 103,718 108,904 Police Records Supervisor 407 Recreation Supervisor 406 7,175.00 7,533.67 7,910.42 8 ,305.92 8,721.17 86,100 90,404 94,925 99,671 104,654 Step F * 12,099.42 145,193 11,627.25 139,527 9,529.08 114,349 9,157.25 109,887 *7/1/22 salary schedule adds Step F (merit step, one year at Step E, and completion of 5 years service requirement per MOU). Annual salary amounts are rounded to the dollar based on Excel formula and are not exact. AFSCME Supervisory employees that are designated by CalPERS and the City of Gilroy as "classic members" of the CalPERS Miscellaneous group have an 8% deduction under IRC 414(h)(2) for the employee contribution to the CalPERS 2.5%@ 55 retirement plan. AFSCME Supervisory employees that are designated by CalPERS and the City of Gilroy as "new members" of the CalPERS Miscellaneous group shall pay 50 % of the normal cost as established by CalPERS. The normal cost may va,y from year to year and this amount shall be a pre-tax payroll deduction under IRC 414(h) (2) for the CalPERS 2 % at 62 retirement plan. rev. 6/22 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 Job Cl ass ification T itle Hazardous Materials Supervisor/Deputy Fire Marsha l Public Safe ty Communications Supervisor Operations Services Supervisor Police Records Supervisor Recreation Supervisor AFSCME SUPERVISORY UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2023 (3 .0% Cost of Living Increase & Addition of Step G) Job Class Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Number 412 9,764.58 10,252 .83 10,765.50 11,303.75 11,868.92 117,175 123,034 129,186 135,645 142 ,427 410 9,383.58 9,852 .75 10,345.42 10 ,862 .67 11,405.75 112 ,603 118,233 124,145 130,352 136,869 402 7,690.33 8,074.75 8,478.50 8,902.50 9 ,347.58 92,284 96,897 101,742 106,830 112,17 1 407 406 7,390.25 7,759.67 8,147.75 8 ,555.08 8,982.83 88,683 93,116 97,773 102 ,66 1 107,794 Step F* 12,462.42 149,549 11,976.08 143,713 9,814.92 11 7,779 9,432.00 113,184 *7/l/22 sala ry sched11le adds Step F (merit step, one year at Step E, and completion of 5 years service req11irement per JvlOU). *7/1/23 salary sched11le adds Step G (merit step, one year at Step F, and co mpletion of 10 years service requirement per MOU). Ann11al sala,y amounts are rounded to the dollar based on Excel fo rmula and are not exact. AFSCME Supervisory employees that are designated by Ca/PERS and the City of Gilroy as "classic members" of the Ca/PERS Step G* 13,085 .54 157,026 12,574 .89 150,899 10,305.66 123,668 9,903 .60 118,843 Miscellaneous gr oup have an 8% deduction under IRC 414(h)(2) for the employee contribution to the Ca lPERS 2.5%@ 55 retirement plan. AFSCME Sitper visory employees that are designated by Ca/PERS and the City of Gilroy as "new members" of the Ca/PERS Miscellaneous gr oup shall pay 50% of the no r mal cost as established by Ca/PERS. The normal cost may vary from y ear to y ear and this amount shall be a pre-tax payroll deduction under IRC 414(h) (2) for the Ca/PERS 2 % at 62 retirement plan. rev. 6/22 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 Job Classification Title H azardous M a terials Supervisor/Deputy Fire Marshal Public Sa fety Communications Supervi sor O peration s Services Supervi sor Police R ecords Supervi sor R ecreation Supervi sor AFSC ME SUP ERVISORY UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE Effe ctive Jul y 1 , 2024 (3 .0% Cost of Living Increase & Addition of Step H) Job C lass Step A StepB Ste p C S te p D Step E Step F * Number 4 12 10,057.5 0 10,560.42 11,088.50 1 1,642 .83 12,225.00 12 ,836.25 120,690 126,725 133 ,062 139,714 146,700 154,035 4 10 9,665.08 10,148.33 10,655.75 11,188.58 11 ,747.92 12 ,335.33 115,98 1 121,780 127,869 134,263 140,975 148,024 402 7,921.08 8,317.00 8,732.83 9,169 .58 9 ,628 .00 10,109.33 95 ,053 99,804 104,794 110,035 115,536 12 1,312 407 406 7,611.92 7,992.42 8,392.1 7 8 ,811.75 9,252.33 9 ,71 5.00 91,343 95,909 100,706 105,74 1 111,028 116,580 *711122 salary schedule adds Step F (merit step, one year at Step£, and completion of 5 years service requirement per MOU). *7/1123 sala,y schedule adds Step G (merit step, one year at Step F, and completion of 10 years service requirement per MOU). *711124 sala,y sched11le adds Step H (merit step, one year at Step G, and completion of 15 years service r eq11irement per MOU). Ann11al sala,y amo11nts are ro11nded to the dollar based on Excel form11la and are not exact. Step G* Ste p H * 13 ,478.06 14,15 1.97 161,737 169,824 12,952.10 13 ,599.7 1 155,425 163,196 10,614.80 11 ,145.54 127,378 133,746 10,200.75 10,710.79 122,409 128,529 AFSCME Supervisory employees that designated b)• Ca/PERS and the City of Gilroy as "classic members" of the Ca/PERS Miscellaneous group have an 8% deduction under IRC 414(h)(2) fo r the employee co ntr ibution to the Ca.l PERS 2.5%@ 55 retirement plan. AFSCME Sttpervisory employees that are designated by Ca/PERS and the City of Gilroy as "new members" of the CalPERS Miscellaneous group shall pay 50% of the normal cost as established by Ca/PERS. The normal cost may vary from year to year and this a.mou.nt shall be a pre-tax payroll deduction u.nder I RC 414(h) (2) for the Ca/PERS 2% at 62 retirement plan. rev. 6/22 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 Job Job Classification T itl e Class Number Hazard o us Materials 412 S upervisor/Deputy Fire Marsh al Pub lic Safety 410 Communications Supervisor Operations Services 402 Supervisor Po lice R ecords Supervi sor 4 07 R ecreation Supervisor 406 A F SCME SUPE R V ISORY U NIT SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2025 (1.0% Cost of Living Increase) Step A Step B Step C Step D StepE 10,158.08 10,666.00 1 1,199.4 2 1 1,759.25 12 ,347 .25 121,897 127,992 13 4,393 14 1,1 11 148,167 9,761.75 10,249.83 10,762.33 ll,300.50 11,865.42 1 17,14 1 122,998 129,1 4 8 135,606 142,385 8,000.33 8,400.17 8,820.17 9 ,261.25 9,724.25 96,004 100,802 105,842 111,135 116,69 1 7,688.00 8,072 .33 8 ,476.08 8,899.83 9,344.83 92,256 96,868 101,7 13 106,798 112,138 Step F * 12 ,964.58 155,575 12,458.67 149,504 10,210.42 122,525 9,812.17 117,74 6 *7/1/22 salary schedule adds Ste{} F (merit stef), one year at Ste{} E, and comf)letion of 5 years service requirement {}er MOU). *711123 salary schedule adds Ste{} G (merit ste/J, one year at Ste{} F, and comf)letion of IO years service requirement {}er MOU). *7/1/24 salary schedule adds Ste{} H (merit ste/J, one year at Ste{} G, and com1Jletion of I 5 years service requir ement {}er MOU). Annual sala,y amounts are rounded to the dollar based on Excel formula and are not exact. Step G* Step H * 13 ,612.83 14,293.50 163,354 171,522 13,081.58 13,73 5.67 156,979 164,828 10,720.92 11,257.00 128,6 5 1 135,084 10,302.75 10,81 7.89 123,633 129,8 15 AFSCME Supervisory employees that are designated by CalP ERS and the City of Gilroy as "clossic m embers" of the Ca/PERS Miscel/a.neoits group ha.ue an 8 % dedl/.ction under I RC 4 14(h)(2) for the employee contribu.tion to the CalP ERS 2.5%@ 55 retirement plan. AFSCME Supervisory employees that are designated by CalPE R S and the City of Gilroy as "new m embers" of the Co.lPERS Miscellaneous grou.p shall pay 50% of the normal cost as established by Ca.lPE R S . The norma.l cost may vary from ;yea.r to year and this amol/.nt shall be a. pre-tax payroll deduction imder I RC 414(h) (2) for the CalP E R S 2% at 62 retirement p/a.n. rev. 6/22 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 CERTIFICATE OF THE CLERK I, THAI NAM PHAM, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2022-48 is an original resolution, or true and correct copy of a city Resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a Regular Meeting of said held on Council held Tuesday, July 5, 2022, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this Tuesday, July 5, 2022. ____________________________________ Thai Nam Pham, CMC, CPMC City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal) DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525