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Resolution No. 2022-51 | Unrepresented PT, Temporary, Seasonal Hourly Salary Schedules July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 | Adopted 07/05/2022RESOLUTION NO. 2022-51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ESTABLISHING THE JULY 1, 2022, JULY 1, 2023, JULY 1, 2024, AND JULY 1, 2025 SALARY SCHEDULES FOR UNREPRESENTED, PART-TIME / TEMPORARY / SEASONAL, HOURLY EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the City Council does establish salaries for city officers and employees by resolution; and WHEREAS, the Unrepresented, Paid-Time/Temporary/Seasonal, Hourly employees generally receive the same cost of living salary increase as the AFSCME, Local 101 General Unit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The salaries effective July 1, 2022 for unrepresented, part- time/temporary/seasonal, hourly employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding a three percent (3%) cost of living increase. 2. The salaries effective July 1, 2023 for unrepresented, part- time/temporary/seasonal, hourly employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding a three percent (3%) cost of living increase. 3. The salaries effective July 1, 2024 for unrepresented, part- time/temporary/seasonal, hourly employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding a three percent (3%) cost of living increase. 4. The salaries effective July 1, 2025 for unrepresented, part- time/temporary/seasonal, hourly employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding a one percent (1%) cost of living increase. DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 Resolution No. 2022-51 Unrepresented PT/Temporary/Seasonal Hourly Salary Schedules July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026 City Council Regular Meeting | July 5, 2022 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 2022 by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ARMENDARIZ, BRACCO, HILTON, LEROE-MUĂ‘OZ, MARQUES, TOVAR, BLANKLEY NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE APPROVED: Marie Blankley, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 HOURLY PART-TIME, TEMPORARY, AND SEASONAL EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDULE 7/1/2022 (3 % in cre ase to hourl y rates) RECREATION POSITIONS : Class Code Classification Title Hourly Rate Range 902 Recreation Leader I $15.45 $15.45 903 Recreation Leader 11 $16.48 $16.48 916 Recreation Leader 111 $17.51 $20.62 921 Recreation Specialist $23.41 $29.43 OTHER POSITIONS*: <, Class Code Classification Title Hourly Rate Range 9 0% of Step A of 95% of Step A of R ange F30 from the Ra nge F30 from t he 803 Firefighter Train ee (Li censed Paramedic) IA FF, Local 2 805 IA FF, Local 2805 salary schedule = salary sched ule = ho urly rate hourly rate 928 Hioh School Work Experience Student (flat rate) $15.45 $15.45 930 Accountinq Assistant I $25.27 $30.96 932 Office Assistant I $21.77 $26.67 934 Maintenance Worker Assistant $20.16 $25.36 943 Intern -Fellow ship $30.60 $32.78 946 Code Enforcement Technic ian $29 .75 $36.42 95% of Step A of 95% of Step A of Range SP32 from 951 Reserve Officer-Level II (flat rate) Police Sal ary Range S P32 from Pol ice Salary Schedule Sc hedul e = hourly = hourly rate rate 90% of Ste p A of 90% of Step A of Range SP32 fro m 952 Reserve Officer -Lev el Ill (flat rate) Police S alary Ra nge SP32 from Police Salary Schedule Sc he dule = hou rly = hou rly rate rate 90% of St ep A of 90% of S tep A of Ra nge S P32 fro m Po li ce Salary Range S P32 from 953 Police Officer Trainee (flat rate) Schedul e = monthly Polic e Salary S ched ule = monthly pay r ate pay rate while w hile attending police attending pol ice academv. acad emy. 955 Intern -Master's $18.26 $20 .28 956 Intern -Bachelor's $15.45 $17.58 980 Wate r Conservation Officer $36.27 $45.6 0 983 Communi c ation Assistant $2 3 .20 $2 8.71 985 Ex tra Help Ca lPERS Retired Annuitant TBD based on j ob TBD based on j ob duti es duti es Step A of Rang e Step A of Range SP32 SP32 from Pol ice 950 /B R eserve Office r -Level I (fl at rate) Sa l ary Sc hed ule = fro m Police Salary h ourlv rate Schedule = hourl y rate *Cons istent with some of t he ranges noted above, if the city hires a part-time/temporary/seasonal hour ly employee to a j ob classificat ion typical ly fil led by a ful l-time employee, t hen the hourly rate range for the part-time/tempora ry/seasonal hou r ly positi on w i ll be 90% of Step A to a maximum of Step C. The only exception is if a full-time employee who was paid high er than Step C reduces to part-t ime status then that employee w i ll retain the hourly rate equivalent of the sa l ary step they were at when t hey reduced to part-t i me sta t us. Page 1 of 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 HOURLY PART-TIME, TEMPORARY, AND SEASONAL EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDULE 7/1/2023 (3% increase to h our ly rates) RECREATION POSITIONS: Class Code Classification T itle Hourly Rate Range 902 Recreation Leader I $15.91 $15.91 903 Recreation Leader 11 $16.97 $16.97 916 Recreation Leader Ill $18.04 $21.24 921 Recreation Specialist $24.11 $30.31 OTHER POSITIONS*: Class Code Classification Title Hourly Rate Range 90% of Step A of 95% of Step A of Range F30 from the Range F30 from the 803 Firefighter Trainee (Licensed Paramedic) IAFF, Loca l 2805 IAFF, Local 2805 salary schedule = salary schedule = hourly rate hourly rate 928 High School Work Experience Student (flat rate) $15.91 $15.91 930 Accounting Assistant I $26.03 $31 .89 932 Office Assistant I $22.42 $27.47 934 Maintenance Worker Assistant $20.76 $26.12 943 Intern -Fellowship $31.52 $33.76 946 Code Enforcem ent Technician $30.64 $37.51 95% of Step A of 95% of Step A of Range SP32 from 951 Reserve Officer -Level II (flat rate) Police Sa lary Range SP32 from Police Salary Schedul e Schedule = hourly = hourly rate rate 90% of Step A of 90% of Step A of Range SP32 from 952 Reserve Officer -L evel Ill (flat rate) Police Salary Range SP32 from Pol ice Salary Sch edule Schedule = hourly = hourly rate rat e 90% of Step A of 90% of Step A of Range SP32 from Range SP32 from Police Salary Pol ice Salary Schedule 953 Police Officer Trainee (flat rate) Schedule = monthly = mon thly pay rate pay rate while while attending police attending police academy. academv. 955 Intern -Master's $18.81 $20 .89 956 Intern -Bachelor's $15.91 $18.11 980 Water Conservation Officer $37.35 $46.97 983 Communication Assistant $23.90 $29.57 985 Extra Help CalPERS Retired Annuitant TBD based on job T BD based on job duties duties Step A of Range Step A of Range SP32 SP32 from Police 950/B Reserve Officer -L evel I (flat rate) Salary Schedule = from Police Salary hourlv rate Schedule = hourly ra te *Consistent with some of the ranges noted above, if the city hires a part-time/temporary/seasonal hourly employee to a job classification typically filled by a full-time employee, then the hourly rate range for the part-time/temporary/seasonal hourly position will be 90% of Step A to a maximum of Step C. The only exception is if a full-time employee who was paid higher than Step C reduces t o part-time status then that employee will retain the hourly rate equivalent of the salary step they were at w hen they reduced to part-time status. Page 1 of 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 HOURLY PART-TIME, TEM P ORARY, AND SEASONAL EMPLOYEE S ALARY SCH EDU LE 7/1/2024 (3% in crease to hou rl y rates) RECREATIO N POSITIONS: C lass Code Classification T itl e Hourly Rate Range 902 R ecreation Leader I $16.39 $16.39 903 Recr eatio n L eader 11 $17.48 $17.48 9 16 R ecr eation Leader Ill $18 .58 $21.88 921 Recr eation Specialist $24.83 $31.22 OTHER POS ITIONS*: C la ss Code C lassification T itle Hourly R ate Range 90% of Step A of 95% of Step A of Range F30 from the Ran ge F30 from the 803 Firefi ghter T rainee (Licensed Paramed ic ) IAFF, Local 2805 IAFF, Local 2805 salary schedule = salary schedu le = hourly rate hou rly rate 928 H igh School Work Experience Student (flat rate) $16.39 $16.39 930 Accounting Assistant I $26.81 $32.85 932 Office Assistant I $23.09 $28.29 934 Main tenance Worker Assistant $21.38 $26.90 943 Intern -Fellowship $32.47 $34.77 946 Code Enfor cement T echnician $31 .56 $38.64 95% of Step A of 95% of Step A of Range SP32 from 951 Reserve Officer -Level II (flat rate) Police Sa lary Ra nge SP32 from Pol ice Salary Schedu le Schedu le = hourly = hourl y rate rate 90% of Step A of 90% of Step A of Range SP32 from 952 Reserve Officer -L evel I ll (flat rate) Pol ice Salary Ra nge SP32 from Poli ce Salary Schedule Schedule = hou rly = hourly rate rate 90% of Step A of 90% of Step A of Ran ge SP32 from Range SP32 from Poli ce Sa lary Police Salary Schedul e 953 Police Officer T rai nee (flat rate) Schedule = monthly = month ly pa y rate pay rate wh ile whi le attendi ng pol ice attending pol ice academy. academv. 955 Intern -Master's $19.37 $2 1.52 956 Intern -Bac helor's $16.39 $18.65 980 Water Conservation Officer $38.47 $48.38 983 Communication Assistant $24.62 $30.46 985 Extra Help CalPERS Retired Annuitant TBD based on j ob TBD based on j ob duti es duties Step A of Range Step A of Range SP32 SP32 from Police 950/B Re serv e Officer -Lev e l I (flat rate) Sala ry Schedule = from Police Salary hourlv rate Schedu le = hou rl y rate *Consistent with some of the ranges noted above, if the city hires a part-time/temporary/seasonal hourl y employee to a job cl assificati on typically filled by a full -time employee, then the hourly rate range fo r the part-ti me/temporary/seaso nal hou rly position w ill be 90% of Step A to a maximum of Step C. The only exception is if a full-time employee who was pa i d higher than Step C red uces to part-t ime status then that employee will retain the hourly r ate equiva lent of the salary step they w ere at when they reduced t o part-time status . Page 1 of 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 HOURLY PART-TIME, TEMPORARY, AND SEASONAL EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDU L E 7/1/2025 (1% increase to hourly rates) RECREATION POSITIONS: Class Co de C lass ification Title Hourly Rate Range 902 Recreation Leader I $16.55 $16.55 903 Recreation L eader II $17.65 $17.65 916 Recreation Leader Ill $18.77 $22.10 921 Recreation Specialist $25 .08 $31.53 OTHER POS ITIONS*: C lass C ode Classification Title Hourly R ate Rang e 90% of Step A of 95% of Step A of Range F30 from the R ange F30 from the 803 Fi refighter Trainee (Licensed Paramedic) IAF F , Local 2805 IAFF, Local 2805 salary schedule = salary schedule = hourly rate hourl y rate 928 Hiqh School Work Experience Student (flat rate) $16.55 $16.55 930 Accountinq Assistant I $27.08 $33.18 932 Office Assistant I $23 .32 $28.57 934 Maintenance Worker Assistant $21.59 $27.17 943 Intern -Fellowship $32.79 $35.12 946 Code Enforcement T echnician $31.88 $39.03 95% of Step A of 95% of Step A of Range SP32 from 951 Reserve Officer -Level 11 (flat rate) Police Salary Range SP32 from Police Salary Schedule Schedule = hourly = hourl y rate rate 90% of Step A of 90% of Step A of Range SP32 from Range SP32 from 952 Reserve Officer -Level Il l (flat rate) Police Salary Police Salary Schedule Schedule = hourly = hourly rate rate 90% of Step A of 90% of Step A of Range SP32 from Range SP32 from Police Sa lary 953 Poli ce Officer T ra inee (flat rate) Schedule = monthly Police Salary Schedule = monthly pay rate pay rate while whi le attending police attending police academy. academv. 955 Intern -Master's $19.56 $21.74 956 Inte rn -Bachelor's $16.55 $18.84 980 Water Conservation Officer $38.85 $48.86 983 Communication Assistant $24.38 $30.17 985 Extra Help CalPERS Retired Annuitant T BD based on job TBD based on job duties duties Step A of Range Step A of Range SP32 SP32 from Police 950/B Reserve Officer -Level I (flat rate) Salary Schedule = from Police Salary hourlv rate Schedule = hourly rate *Consiste nt with some of the ranges noted above, if the city hires a part-time/temporary/seasonal hourly employee to a job classificatio n typicall y filled by a full-t ime em pl oyee, then th e hourly r at e range for the part -time/temporary/seasonal hou rly position will be 90% of Step A to a maximum of Step C. The only exce ption i s if a full-t i me employee w ho wa s pa id higher than St ep C reduces t o part-time status then t hat employee will retain the hourly rat e equivalent of the salary step they were at when they reduced t o part-time status. Page 1 of 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525 CERTIFICATE OF THE CLERK I, THAI NAM PHAM, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2022-51 is an original resolution, or true and correct copy of a city Resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a Regular Meeting of said held on Council held Tuesday, July 5, 2022, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this Tuesday, July 5, 2022. ____________________________________ Thai Nam Pham, CMC, CPMC City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal) DocuSign Envelope ID: A2478A41-DC8F-4F91-84C3-89B29E965525