Agenda Item # 11.4 - Jan Guffey | Received 07/29/2022CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening
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To:City Clerk; All Council Members
Subject:EXTERNAL - REACH codes for Gilroy
Date:Thursday, July 28, 2022 5:37:19 PM
A REACH code, as you know, is a local building energy code that “reaches” beyond the state
minimum requirements for energy use in building design and construction, creating
opportunities for local governments to lead the way on clean air, climate solutions, and the
renewable energy economy. I write to express strong support for the adoption of all electric
residential/commercial buildings REACH codes, including EV infrastructure for multi-family
developments. By adopting reach codes that incentivize energy efficiency and electrification in
buildings, Gilroy can lead the way to a healthier and more sustainable future through:
Cleaner air and improved public health:
Reduced use of natural gas combustion in homes and instead, using electrification
Avoiding prolonged exposure to natural gas fumes, which can lead to respiratory issues
like asthma.
Supporting more affordable housing: all-electric homes cost less to build and operate
than homes powered by natural gas.
Lowering climate impact, reducing CO2 emissions.
Now, Gilroy is the only city in Santa Clara County that hasn't adopted REACH codes. Climate
change is here, and it's getting worse every year. Let's get on board with the rest of the
County and adopt REACH codes!!
Sincerely, Jan Guffey,