Agenda Item # 11.4 - Chrys Diskowski | Received 08/15/2022CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening
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To:City Clerk
Subject:EXTERNAL - For the official public comment record about proposed quarry south of Gilroy
Date:Monday, August 15, 2022 1:50:50 PM
I am sending you the letter below so that it can go on the public comment record about the proposed
quarry south of Gilroy. I submitted the letter to City Council earlier today.
Thank you!
Chrys D.
Subject: please protect our town from the hazards of a quarry
Dear Mayor Blankley and Council Members,
I am writing to ask that you please vote to formally oppose the proposed quarry at Sargent Ranch.
We are blessed to have a broad and beautiful green belt for our town. Our Gilroy residents need our
green belt for optimal health and well-being; and our economic health is also dependent upon our natural
beauty, clean air, and happy, welcoming residents that the green belt fosters.
You are probably familiar with the county's Draft Environmental Impact Report which mentions air quality,
hydrology, wild flora and fauna, cultural and historic features, traffic, aesthetics, and other items, as in
danger of significant negative impact by this project.
Please defend us against these impacts by submitting a resolution to the county urging denial of the
application for the quarry at Sargent Ranch.
Thank you kindly for your consideration, and service to our town and people.
Chrys Diskowski
24-year Gilroy resident