Agenda Item # 11.1 - Jake Suba | Received 09/06/2022CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening
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From:Jake Suba
To:City Clerk; All Council Members
Subject:EXTERNAL - Public Comment Item #11.1 Select Contracts Adventure Park ENA
Date:Friday, September 2, 2022 4:50:59 PM
City Council, Staff, and the Public,
Born and raised in San Jose, I started mountain biking in 2018. Mountain biking has allowed
me to gain an entirely new appreciation for the Bay Area. At an environmental level, it's
allowed me to explore the redwood forests, travel through rocky hills, and get a breath of fresh
air. At a community level, every single ride I find myself meeting like-minded riders who
have given me a sense of belonging and camaraderie. At an individual level, I've gained
confidence, energy, and fitness - all elements necessary to survive the busyness of the Bay
An Adventure Park in Gilroy, proposed by Select Contracts, would be a positive project
because it would provide the entire community with a place to get away, enjoy the outdoors,
meet new people, and embrace an active lifestyle. I have friends who travel 4+ hours just to
bike at Northstar for the weekend. Personally, I often drive over an hour to Santa Cruz or
Marin County just to ride my mountain bike - both weekdays and weekends. This Adventure
Park will attract plenty of tourism and be an amazing resource for mountain bikers, hikers, and
anyone who loves the outdoors - the Bay Area needs this.
Thank you so much for your time.
Jake Suba