Agenda Item # 3.2 - Susie MacLean | Received 09/08/2022CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening
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From:Susie MacLean
To:All Council Members; City Clerk
Subject:EXTERNAL - Safe Firearm Storage in Gilroy
Date:Wednesday, September 7, 2022 3:23:10 PM
Dear Council Members,
I am writing in support of Gilroy adopting a safe firearm storage ordinance.
As a primary care physician I am very interested in prevention practices that will reduce injury
and death. Safe firearm storage reduces firearm suicide, firearm theft and unauthorized access
by children and teens.
Current estimates are that only ~35% of California gun owners with children store all of their
firearms locked and unloaded (research from UC Davis). We can do better than this.
It is probably not a perfect analogy but I think about laws requiring seat belts and car seats.
The majority of people wear seat belts and most parents use car seats for their children.
Having the law, and associated public education, changed behavior and saved lives. I would
hope we could do that with safe firearm storage in Gilroy.
I appreciate the hard work that you do to make our community a safer place and hope that you
agree that a safe firearm storage ordinance in Gilroy would be a step in the right direction.
Very Respectfully,
Susie MacLean, M.D.
Internal Medicine, Kaiser Santa Clara (retired 2018)