Agenda Item # 11.1 - Bob Steed | Received 09/12/2022CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening
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From:Bob Steed
To:City Clerk
Cc:Erin Takagishi
Subject:EXTERNAL - 11.1 Approval of an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement by and between Select Contracts and the City
of Gilroy
Date:Monday, September 12, 2022 10:14:38 AM
Greeting Gilroy City Council members.
As a resident of Gilroy, I would like to remind the Council of the Steed family support for the hillside
bike park and relate our experience at the Bear Valley bike park just two weeks ago. At the Bear
Valley resort in Alpine County (about a 4 hour drive from Gilroy), our family and one other Gilroy
family spent more than $500 total just in lift tickets and refreshments at their bike park in one day. I
would rather spend that money here in Gilroy- money that would go to local teens for their first job,
money to maintain streets and local infrastructure.
And not just my money, but money from thousands of Bay Area mountain bikers who currently
endure 4 to 5 hour drives to spend their money in Tahoe and elsewhere.
Let’s direct those dollars to Gilroy. Please vote “yes” to the ENA proposal and then do everything in
your power to get the ball rolling with permit approvals. The sooner the park is built and
operational, the sooner the City coffers will benefit and the sooner the citizens of Gilroy will benefit
from those funds.
Thank you,
Bob Steed
Vice President | Senior Project Manager
Willis Construction