Agreement - Law Office of Alexander Sperry - Impartial Investigative Services - Signed 2022-08-24EpLAW OFFICE OF .„ ALEXANDER SPERRY WORKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS, TRAINING AND COACHING August 23, 2022 LeeAnn McPhillips Administrative Services & Human Resources Director/Risk Manager City of Gilroy Gilroy, CA 95020 VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL (cpdjennings@pjclawyers.com) Re: Impartial Investigative Services Dear Ms. McPhillips: 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd., No. 354 Sacramento, CA 95825- 916.717.2715 www.sperry-law.com This will confirm the City of Gilroy's ("Client") request to engage the Law Office of Alexander Sperry (the "Law Office") to perform impartial investigative services. This Agreement will govern all services to be performed under this engagement. Services. Client hires the Law Office to perform legal services for Client in the form of an impartial investigation into alleged employee misconduct. The Law Office will perform these duties as an attorney at law for the purpose of facilitating the rendering of legal advice to Client by its separate counsel. The Law Office's correspondence, work product, and its report will be protected from disclosure pursuant to the attorney -client privilege, unless waived by the Client. Independence. As an Independent contractor, the Law Office has the right to determine the means and manner for conducting the investigation. Client agrees to allow the Law Office full discretion to undertake the investigation and to otherwise make findings without influencing or interfering with the investigation or its outcome. Client understands and acknowledges that the Law Office will exercise its independent judgment to make whatever findings it deems are warranted based on the information collected, and that this Agreement is not dependent on the Law Office reaching or failing to reach any particular credibility determination, finding of fact, or conclusion. Limited Scope Agreement. The scope of this attorney -client retention is limited. Law Office is not engaged to represent Client generally. Law Office is engaged to perform an investigation as an attorney at law for the purpose of facilitating the rendering of legal advice to Client by its separate counsel. Law Office will not render a legal determination regarding whether there were violations of any law, statute, or regulation. Law Office will not act as an advocate or provide advice to Client with respect to what personnel actions, if any, should be taken as a result of Law Office's investigative findings. Law Office will not represent Client in any legal action or proceeding related to these matters. It is expressly agreed that Client will look to its regular legal counsel for such services, as well as for advice with respect to issues which may arise relating to the investigation. This includes, without limitation, the admonitions, if any, to be made to employees who are interviewed in the course of the investigation concerning confidentiality; the consequences of an employee's failure to Ms. McPhillips August 23, 2022 Page 1 2 cooperate in the investigation; the accessing of electronic and/or other data; document retention; litigation holds; appropriate interim employment measures to be taken pending the investigation's completion; compliance with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act; and compliance with the California Consumer Reporting Agencies Act. Client also agrees it will look to its regular counsel for advice with respect to issues of attorney -client privilege, scope of privilege, waiver, and work product in connection with Law Office's services. Client agrees it will comply with employer -required notice and consent rules to the extent applicable, including those under Civil Code section 1786 et seq. Client's Cooperation. In certain regards, Law Office requires Client's support and cooperation in order to conduct the above -described services effectively. Client can assist by keeping Law Office fully informed as to facts and developments relevant to the investigation. It is essential that Client (as well as any employees and representatives) provides Law Office with accurate and complete information, including written materials when requested, and that Client makes personnel available to the extent required. Confidentiality Admonitions. Client acknowledges that it is the Law Office's practice not to provide any confidentiality admonitions unless directed to do so, in writing, by Client. Client agrees it will provide a confidentiality admonition in writing to Law Office before witness interviews commence, if Client determines such an admonition is appropriate and legally permissible under the circumstances. Outside Experts. Law Office may determine that this matter requires expertise from an outside consultant. If so, Client will have an opportunity in advance to: (1) approve the rationale for retention of the outside consultant; (2) approve the selection of the outside consultant; and (3) approve the rates and anticipated fees relating to the outside consultant's services. As of the time of this engagement letter, Law Office has not identified the need to hire an outside consultant to assist in this investigation, although there may be a need for transcription services relating to tape recordings, if any, of witness interviews. Payment for Services. The following payment terms shall apply: Fees. Client agrees to pay Law Office at the hourly rate of $310 for all services performed under this Agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, time spent communicating with Client about investigative logistics; developing investigative strategy; reviewing relevant documents and materials; preparing for, traveling for, and conducting witness interviews; and preparing a report of findings. Costs and Exuenses. Law Office may incur various costs and expenses in performing services under this Agreement. Client agrees to pay for all costs and expenses, in addition to the above -described hourly fee. This includes costs and expenses such as postage, photocopies, parking fees, bridge or other road tolls, fax charges, telephone charges, transcription charges, messenger and other special delivery charges, other travel costs such as mileage reimbursement at the federal standard mileage rate in effect for the year, meals, lodging, and other similar charges. Client will be responsible for Ms. McPhillips August 23, 2022 Pagel 3 _ reimbursing Law Office for the out-of-pocket expenses as actually incurred by the Law Office. All costs and expenses will be charged at the Law Office's cost. Billing Statements. Law Office will send periodic billing statements to Client for fees and costs incurred. Billing statements will clearly identify the amount of fees, costs, and expenses incurred within the billing cycle, as well as the basis and method used to calculate the same. Invoices that remain unpaid after sixty (60) days from the invoice date may be immediately subject to a late payment charge of fifteen percent (15%) per year, accrued monthly at Law Office's discretion. Because this matter is of a sensitive nature and subject to the attorney -client privilege, Law Office recommends Client treat its invoices as confidential documents and safeguard them from disclosure. Any estimate of fees given by Law Office shall not be a guarantee. Actual fees may vary from estimates given. Compensation for Post -Investigative Work. This engagement shall be considered concluded after Law office has provided a final written report in this matter. After the conclusion of this engagement, should a need arise for Law Office to respond to any subpoena or discovery, to provide testimony at deposition, trial or arbitration, or to otherwise perform services with respect to any matter relating to or arising out of this engagement, Client agrees to compensate Law Office at its then applicable hourly rate for time expended, including all required preparation time. Client agrees to reimburse Law Office for all reasonable fees and costs incurred in obtaining legal representation for such proceedings, including legal fees and costs that Law Office incurs in preparing for such proceedings. Client shall also compensate Law office at its then applicable hourly rate for time expended In defending against any actual or threatened claim with respect to which Law Office is entitled to indemnification pursuant to this Agreement. If costs and/or expenses, including the costs of legal representation should reasonably be expected to exceed $5,000, Client shall advance the funds to Law Office or to Law Office's designee. Indemnification. Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Law Office harmless, to the full extent permitted by law, from and against all claims, formal or informal, actions, proceedings, liabilities or damages, whether actual or threatened, related to or arising out of Law Office's services for Client under this Agreement. This includes indemnification for all costs incurred in investigating, preparing to defend, defending and resolving such claims or actions (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, experts' fees, disbursements, settlement costs, and Law Office's time to be compensated at Law Office's then current hourly rate). Provided, however, this Agreement in no way limits Law Office's liability for professional malpractice under California Rule of Professional Conduct 3-400. The Agreement to indemnify includes the obligation to advance funds to the maximum extent legally permissible. Discharge and Withdrawal. Client may terminate Law Office's services at any time effective upon delivery of written notice to Law Office. In this event, all unpaid charges will immediately become due Ms. McPhillips August 23, 2022 Page 1 4 and payable. Unless Law Office specifically agrees to do so, it will provide no further services and advance no further costs on the matter after It receives notice of termination. Law Office's right to terminate services to a client is subject to certain Rules of Professional Conduct that: (1) require it to take reasonable steps to avoid foreseeable prejudice to the client from Law Office's withdrawal; and (2) establish standards for mandatory and permissive withdrawal under certain circumstances. Failure by a client to pay Law Office's bills in full, and on a timely basis, can constitute adequate grounds for Law Office's withdrawal. Conflicts Review. Law Office has performed a check of potential conflicts of interest that might have prevented it from providing investigative services in this matter. Based on information provided by Client, as well as information available in Law Office's files, Law Office is not aware of any conflicts of interest at this time. If Client later learns of any additional parties with an interest in this matter, Client should notify Law Office immediately so that it can be certain that they create no problem with Law Office's services. No Warranty of Result. Although Law Office believes it can assist Client in reaching its goals, Law Office cannot predict or represent that a particular result can be obtained. Law Office makes no promises or guarantees regarding the outcome of the matter or matters that are the subject of its services. Severability. Should any provision of this Agreement be declared to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Entire Agreement. This letter represents our entire agreement, which will be effective on the date of your signature. This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, statements, or promises made about the subject matter of this engagement. To signify Client's agreement with the above -described terms, you or an individual authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of Client should sign, date, and return a copy of his letter to Law Office. Client should retain the original signed letter for its records. Very truly yours, Alexander M. Sperry I am authorized to sign this Agreement. I have read and understand the terms of this Agreement. I hereby confirm the engagement of the Law Office of Alexander Sperry to provide impartial investigative services in accordance with the Agreement's terms. Ms. McPhillips August 23, 2022 Page 15 Dated: Ann McPhi lips Administrative Service' an Resources Director/Risk Manager, City of Gilroy