Agenda Item # 11.1 - Steve Mink | Received 11/18/2022Enter Your Personal Information Please use the form below to send a message to all City Council Members and the City Administrator. Please be assured that the information you will provide in this section will be used for the sole purpose of replying back to this inquiry. Your First & Last Name Steve Mink Your Email Your Phone M. Subject Allowing bees in city limits Your Message I understand the city council will consider allowing bee hives to be kept in city limits Nov 21, 2022. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Gilroy Beekeepers Association, yet keeping bee hives in city limits remains illegal. Allowing bees would cost the city nothing, would provide residents healthier gardens and economic benefit. Unlike most livestock and pets, bees do not smell and they do not carry diseases or pests that are harmful to humans. Bees actually live better in suburban areas where home owners make an effort to always have something blooming. Beekeepers register their hives with the county and state. Changing the city ordinances to allow for beehives will allow keepers to register existing hives in city limits. Please consider the change to improve the life of residents in Gilroy. Thank you Upload a File Field not completed. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.