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Resolution No. 2022-91 | Certification of November 8, 2022 Election Results | Adopted 12/12/2022 RESOLUTION 2022-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CERTIFICATION OF THE CANVASS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION AND THE ELECTION OF THREE COUNCIL MEMBERS AND THE ELECTION FOR AND AGAINST MEASURE D AND DECLARING RESULTS OF SAID ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF GILROY ON NOVEMBER 8, 2022 WHEREAS, a consolidated General Municipal Election was held and conducted in the City of Gilroy on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, as required by law and the Charter of said City, for the purpose of electing to office three City Council Members for full four-year terms; and WHEREAS, a consolidated Special Municipal Election was held and conducted in the City of Gilroy on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, for the purpose of electing for and against Measure D; and WHEREAS, notice of said election was duly and legally given, voting precincts were properly established, election officers were appointed and election supplies furnished and in all respects said election was held and conducted by the County of Santa Clara, and the votes cast were received and canvassed and the returns thereof made and declared in the time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California governing Municipal Elections; and WHEREAS, the Registrar of Voters of Santa Clara County, having canvassed the returns of said election, certified on December 8, 2022, a full, true, and correct Statement of the Results of all votes cast at the said election for each candidate, and for the outcome of the election on Measure D, the result of which the Gilroy City Council accepts, and finds that the number of votes cast, the names of the persons voted for and other matters required to be as hereinafter stated; and WHEREAS, said canvass was duly completed and the results thereof were certified by the City Clerk and submitted to this Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, DECLARED, DETERMINED, AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That said consolidated General Municipal Election was held and conducted in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, in the form, time, and manner as required by law; that the number of votes given in each precinct either for or against the measure, together with the whole number of votes which were received in the entire City are contained in the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters’ Certificate of Election Results and Official Canvass, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”. SECTION 2. That the names of persons voted for at the general municipal election for Member of the City Council are as follows: Jan Bernstein Chargin, Dion Bracco, Tom Cline, Carol Marques, Joseph Robinson, Ronald Robinson Jr. Resolution No. 2022-91 Certification of November 8, 2022 Election Results City Council Special Meeting | December 12, 2022 Page 2 of 4 SECTION 3. That the Charter Amendment Measure voted upon at the special municipal election is as follows: Measure D - Construction Contract Procurement and Public Noticing Modernization Shall the City of Gilroy Charter be amended to:  Modify the bidding threshold from $35,000 to the amount authorized by California Public Contract Code Section 22032;  Establish authority to procure for Design-Build and Best Value contracts;  Allow modernization of public noticing? YES NO SECTION 4. The canvass of the returns of the votes cast and the counting of vote-by-mail ballots cast in said City for the Office of City Council Member was duly held by the Registrar of Voters in accordance with the order of the Council and in accordance with law, and the Registrar of Voters has executed a certificate of the results of such canvass, which certificate is hereto attached, as Exhibit "A" and by this reference is made a part hereof. SECTION 5. Per Elections Code Section 10262(b), said certificate of results has been examined by the City Clerk and has been certified by him to be complete. SECTION 6. Said certificate has been examined and is hereby approved and adopted by this City Council as the official canvass of said municipal election as required by Elections Code Section 10263. SECTION 7. The whole number of votes cast in the City of Gilroy at said municipal election, including vote-by-mail votes, was 15,505 for City Council Member and 15,521 for Measure D. SECTION 8. The names of the persons voted for, the offices for which they were voted, the number of votes received by each of said persons in each of said precincts and by vote by mail votes are shown on said Exhibit "A", attached hereto. SECTION 9. That the number of votes given at each precinct and the number of votes given in the City to each of the persons above named for the respective offices for which the persons were candidates and for and against the measure were as listed in Exhibit "A" attached. SECTION 10. The City Council does declare and determine: That as a result of the consolidated General Municipal Election, Dion Bracco was elected to the office of City Council Member of the City of Gilroy for a full four- year term, from and after Monday, December 12, 2022, and continuing until his respective successor shall qualify; Resolution No. 2022-91 Certification of November 8, 2022 Election Results City Council Special Meeting | December 12, 2022 Page 3 of 4 That as a result of the consolidated General Municipal Election, Tom Cline was elected to the office of City Council Member of the City of Gilroy for a full four- year term, from and after Monday, December 12, 2022, and continuing until his respective successor shall qualify; That as a result of the consolidated General Municipal Election, Carol Marques was elected to the office of City Council Member of the City of Gilroy for a full four- year term, from and after Monday, December 12, 2022, and continuing until her respective successor shall qualify; That as a result of the consolidated Special Municipal Election, a majority of the voters voting on Measure D, relating to “Construction Contract Procurement and Public Noticing Modernization”, voted in favor of the Measure with the required 50% +1 vote, and it shall be deemed adopted and ratified upon the date that the vote is declared by the City Council but shall not take effect until accepted and filed by the Secretary of State, pursuant to Section 34460. SECTION 11. The City Clerk shall make out and deliver to each of the persons elected a certificate of election, witnessed by his hand, and duly authenticated. He shall also administer the constitutional Oath of Office prescribed in the Constitution of the State of California to each elected official and ask them to subscribe thereto. Each and all of the persons so elected shall then be inducted into the respective office to which they have been elected. SECTION 12. The City Clerk shall enter this resolution in full in the minutes of this City Council as a statement of the result of said general municipal election and enter it into the book of original resolutions. Resolution No. 2022-91 Certification of November 8, 2022 Election Results City Council Special Meeting | December 12, 2022 Page 4 of 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Gilroy at a special meeting duly held on the 12th day of December 2022 by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ARMENDARIZ, BRACCO, HILTON, LEROE-MUÑOZ, MARQUES, TOVAR, BLANKLEY NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE APPROVED: Marie Blankley, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk Marie Blankley (Dec 13, 2022 11:08 PST) Marie Blankley CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION RESULTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) I, THAI NAM PHAM, City Clerk and Elections Official of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Certificate of Elections Results of the November 8, 2022 City of Gilroy General Municipal Election submitted by the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters is an original and correct copy of a said official canvass of the returns of said city election for the purpose of electing Three (3) Council Members to the Gilroy City Council and one (1) ballot measure. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy on this 8th day of December 2022. Thai Nam Pham, CMC, CPMC City Clerk / Elections Official City of Gilroy Candidate Party Total GAVIN NEWSOM DEM 379,377 70.01% BRIAN DAHLE REP 162,518 29.99% Total Votes 541,895 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Governor (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ELENI KOUNALAKIS DEM 375,311 70.27% ANGELA E. UNDERWOOD JACOBS REP 158,760 29.73% Total Votes 534,071 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Lieutenant Governor (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total SHIRLEY N. WEBER DEM 373,754 70.20% ROB BERNOSKY REP 158,629 29.80% Total Votes 532,383 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Secretary of State (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total MALIA M. COHEN DEM 337,048 63.26% LANHEE J. CHEN REP 195,791 36.74% Total Votes 532,839 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Controller (Vote for 1) Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Election Summary Report Santa Clara Official Final Results November 08, 2022 General Election Elector Group Counting Group Voters Cast Registered Voters Turnout Total Precinct 40,694 4.03% Vote by Mail 509,908 50.51% Total 550,602 1,009,422 54.55% 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 1 of 27 Candidate Party Total FIONA MA DEM 366,786 69.16% JACK M. GUERRERO REP 163,551 30.84% Total Votes 530,337 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Treasurer (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ROB BONTA DEM 366,414 68.90% NATHAN HOCHMAN REP 165,381 31.10% Total Votes 531,795 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Attorney General (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total RICARDO LARA DEM 365,198 69.65% ROBERT HOWELL REP 159,164 30.35% Total Votes 524,362 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Insurance Commissioner (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total SALLY J. LIEBER DEM 362,440 69.25% PETER COE VERBICA REP 160,972 30.75% Total Votes 523,412 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) State Board of Equalization, District 2 (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ALEX PADILLA DEM 383,152 71.43% MARK P. MEUSER REP 153,249 28.57% Total Votes 536,401 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) United States Senator, Full Term (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 2 of 27 Candidate Party Total ALEX PADILLA DEM 376,952 71.36% MARK P. MEUSER REP 151,279 28.64% Total Votes 528,231 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) United States Senator, Partial/Unexpired Term (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ANNA G. ESHOO DEM 109,761 57.28% RISHI KUMAR DEM 81,866 42.72% Total Votes 191,627 Precincts Reported: 255 of 255 (100.00%) United States Representative, District 16 (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total RO KHANNA DEM 109,900 71.32% RITESH TANDON REP 44,186 28.68% Total Votes 154,086 Precincts Reported: 201 of 201 (100.00%) United States Representative, District 17 (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ZOE LOFGREN DEM 55,595 69.28% PETER HERNANDEZ REP 24,648 30.72% Total Votes 80,243 Precincts Reported: 164 of 164 (100.00%) United States Representative, District 18 (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total JIMMY PANETTA DEM 58,959 67.05% JEFF GORMAN REP 28,975 32.95% Total Votes 87,934 Precincts Reported: 134 of 134 (100.00%) United States Representative, District 19 (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 3 of 27 Candidate Party Total AISHA WAHAB DEM 54,094 52.00% LILY MEI DEM 49,930 48.00% Total Votes 104,024 Precincts Reported: 157 of 157 (100.00%) State Senate, District 10 (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total MARC BERMAN DEM 85,107 73.39% TIM DEC REP 30,851 26.61% Total Votes 115,958 Precincts Reported: 132 of 132 (100.00%) Assembly District 23 (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ALEX LEE DEM 29,785 67.60% BOB BRUNTON REP 14,274 32.40% Total Votes 44,059 Precincts Reported: 77 of 77 (100.00%) Assembly District 24 (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ASH KALRA DEM 74,546 70.04% TED STROLL REP 31,893 29.96% Total Votes 106,439 Precincts Reported: 193 of 193 (100.00%) Assembly District 25 (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total EVAN LOW DEM 81,595 74.04% TIM GORSULOWSKY REP 28,616 25.96% Total Votes 110,211 Precincts Reported: 146 of 146 (100.00%) Assembly District 26 (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 4 of 27 Candidate Party Total GAIL PELLERIN DEM 79,437 63.50% LIZ LAWLER REP 45,654 36.50% Total Votes 125,091 Precincts Reported: 179 of 179 (100.00%) Assembly District 28 (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ROBERT RIVAS DEM 11,262 62.25% STEPHANIE L. CASTRO REP 6,831 37.75% Total Votes 18,093 Precincts Reported: 27 of 27 (100.00%) Assembly District 29 (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 345,820 80.48% No 83,873 19.52% Total Votes 429,693 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Chief Justice Supreme Court (Patricia Guerrero) (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 336,098 79.22% No 88,139 20.78% Total Votes 424,237 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Associate Justice Supreme Court (Goodwin Liu) (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 328,513 79.11% No 86,728 20.89% Total Votes 415,241 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Associate Justice Supreme Court (Martin J. Jenkins) (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 5 of 27 Candidate Party Total Yes 323,593 78.44% No 88,943 21.56% Total Votes 412,536 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Associate Justice Supreme Court (Joshua P. Groban) (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 328,794 80.24% No 80,945 19.76% Total Votes 409,739 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Presiding Justice Court of Appeal 6th Dist. (Mary J. Greenwood) (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 318,356 78.35% No 87,989 21.65% Total Votes 406,345 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Associate Justice Court of Appeal 6th Dist. (Charles E. Wilson II) (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 311,262 78.68% No 84,362 21.32% Total Votes 395,624 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Associate Justice Court of Appeal 6th Dist. (Cynthia C. Lie) (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total TONY K. THURMOND 304,175 69.41% LANCE RAY CHRISTENSEN 134,034 30.59% Total Votes 438,209 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) State Superintendent of Public Instruction (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 6 of 27 Candidate Party Total MAIMONA AFZAL BERTA 25,250 57.12% MAGDALENA CARRASCO 18,953 42.88% Total Votes 44,203 Precincts Reported: 110 of 110 (100.00%) Santa Clara County Board of Education, TA #6 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total RAEENA LARI 36,514 52.64% NATALIE PRCEVSKI 32,854 47.36% Total Votes 69,368 Precincts Reported: 139 of 139 (100.00%) Santa Clara County Board of Education, TA #7 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total KATHY CHÁVEZ NAPOLI 5,462 61.89% TERRY PEABODY 3,364 38.11% Total Votes 8,826 Precincts Reported: 17 of 17 (100.00%) Gavilan Joint CCD, TA #1 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ALICIA M. CORTEZ 4,777 60.01% STEVEN M. KINSELLA 3,184 39.99% Total Votes 7,961 Precincts Reported: 27 of 27 (100.00%) Gavilan Joint CCD, TA #2 Governing Board, Short Term (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total GABRIEL GUTIERREZ 6,020 60.43% TARA BEVINGTON 3,942 39.57% Total Votes 9,962 Precincts Reported: 24 of 24 (100.00%) Gavilan Joint CCD, TA #3 Governing Board (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 7 of 27 Candidate Party Total KAREN MARTINEZ 10,811 60.04% ANTHONY MACIAS 7,195 39.96% Total Votes 18,006 Precincts Reported: 46 of 46 (100.00%) SJ - Evergreen CCD, TA #2 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total TONY ALEXANDER 20,108 65.46% LEO CORTEZ 10,608 34.54% Total Votes 30,716 Precincts Reported: 65 of 65 (100.00%) SJ - Evergreen CCD, TA #3 Governing Board, Short Term (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total MARIA R. FUENTES 13,534 51.88% BUU CHAU THAI 12,552 48.12% Total Votes 26,086 Precincts Reported: 46 of 46 (100.00%) SJ - Evergreen CCD, TA #4 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total KELLY YIP-CHUAN 10,788 29.07% CHRIS NORWOOD 10,319 27.80% ANU NAKKA 6,612 17.81% ROBERT JUNG 5,325 14.35% SURAJ "SUN" VISWANATHAN 4,071 10.97% Total Votes 37,115 Precincts Reported: 20 of 20 (100.00%) Milpitas Unified SD Governing Board (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total NANCY ALTMAN-PALM 1,988 50.96% WENDY SULLIVAN 1,913 49.04% Total Votes 3,901 Precincts Reported: 11 of 11 (100.00%) Morgan Hill Unified SD, TA #1 Governing Board (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 8 of 27 Candidate Party Total JOHN T. HORNER 2,325 64.62% JAMES DILL 1,273 35.38% Total Votes 3,598 Precincts Reported: 11 of 11 (100.00%) Morgan Hill Unified SD, TA #2 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total TERRI L. EVES KNUDSEN 1,249 43.38% DENNIS PAUL DELISLE 817 28.38% ARMANDO B. BENAVIDES 813 28.24% Total Votes 2,879 Precincts Reported: 9 of 9 (100.00%) Morgan Hill Unified SD, TA #3 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total PAMELA GARDINER 1,757 53.00% CAROL GITTENS 1,558 47.00% Total Votes 3,315 Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.00%) Morgan Hill Unified SD, TA #4 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total SHANA SEGAL 18,813 38.86% SHOUNAK DHARAP 14,320 29.58% NICOLE CHIU-WANG 10,691 22.09% INGRID CAMPOS 4,584 9.47% Total Votes 48,408 Precincts Reported: 24 of 24 (100.00%) Palo Alto Unified SD Governing Board (Vote for 2) Candidate Party Total JOSE MAGAÑA 9,649 72.88% ANDRES MACIAS 3,590 27.12% Total Votes 13,239 Precincts Reported: 23 of 23 (100.00%) San Jose Unified SD, TA #2 Governing Board (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 9 of 27 Candidate Party Total VICKIE FAIRCHILD 4,393 74.71% NESTOR TORIBIO 1,487 25.29% Total Votes 5,880 Precincts Reported: 10 of 10 (100.00%) Santa Clara Unified SD, TA #3 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ANDREW RATERMANN 2,632 60.20% KIMBERLEY WILLIAMS 1,740 39.80% Total Votes 4,372 Precincts Reported: 12 of 12 (100.00%) Santa Clara Unified SD, TA #4 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total JAMES KIM 6,602 55.75% ROBERT VARICH 5,240 44.25% Total Votes 11,842 Precincts Reported: 18 of 18 (100.00%) Campbell Union High SD, TA #1 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ELISABETH HALLIDAY 5,010 44.38% MICHAEL WINTER 4,062 35.98% DAVID LEE SABES 2,218 19.65% Total Votes 11,290 Precincts Reported: 21 of 21 (100.00%) Campbell Union High SD, TA #2 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total JASON BAKER 8,784 76.40% ADAM ROCHA 2,713 23.60% Total Votes 11,497 Precincts Reported: 18 of 18 (100.00%) Campbell Union High SD, TA #3 Governing Board (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 10 of 27 Candidate Party Total LORENA CHAVEZ 70,423 30.32% VAN LE 64,583 27.81% J. MANUEL HERRERA 53,176 22.90% PETER PHAM 44,075 18.98% Total Votes 232,257 Precincts Reported: 210 of 210 (100.00%) East Side Union High SD Governing Board (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total NAOMI NAKANO- MATSUMOTO 39,649 29.28% ROSA KIM 33,279 24.58% STANLEY KOU 31,412 23.20% LINDA R. PRICE 22,787 16.83% ANDREW AARON ARNESS 8,272 6.11% Total Votes 135,399 Precincts Reported: 67 of 67 (100.00%) Fremont Union High SD Governing Board (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total ALEX SHULTZ 12,103 25.87% STEVE CHEN 11,755 25.13% MISTY DAVIES 9,277 19.83% DAVID GUIDRY 6,955 14.87% CHRIS MILLER 6,686 14.29% Total Votes 46,776 Precincts Reported: 43 of 43 (100.00%) Los Gatos-Saratoga UHSD Governing Board (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total CATHERINE VONNEGUT 20,519 25.09% ESMERALDA ORTIZ 20,194 24.69% THIDA CORNES 14,012 17.13% ERIC MARK 13,144 16.07% CARROL ANN TITUS- ZAMBRE 7,558 9.24% JACQUIE TANNER 6,358 7.77% Total Votes 81,785 Precincts Reported: 38 of 38 (100.00%) Mt View-Los Altos UHSD Governing Board (Vote for 3) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 11 of 27 Candidate Party Total MINH PHAM 9,377 24.80% LINDA CHÁVEZ 9,206 24.35% ANDRÉS QUINTERO 8,203 21.69% RICARDO GARCIA 7,531 19.92% JOSEPH R. CORONA 3,494 9.24% Total Votes 37,811 Precincts Reported: 49 of 49 (100.00%) Alum Rock Union SD Governing Board, Full Term (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total ERNESTO A. BEJARANO 7,439 42.43% MINH NGUYEN 7,222 41.19% OMAR VASQUEZ 2,873 16.39% Total Votes 17,534 Precincts Reported: 49 of 49 (100.00%) Alum Rock Union SD Governing Board, Short Term (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total THELMA B. BOAC 12,248 32.64% HUGO A. JIMENEZ 11,760 31.34% JARIA JAUG 9,303 24.80% LIJUAN PUZAR 4,208 11.22% Total Votes 37,519 Precincts Reported: 31 of 31 (100.00%) Berryessa Union SD Governing Board (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total CAROL PRESUNKA 5,707 28.34% NICK VILLALOBOS 5,461 27.11% JAROD MIDDLETON 5,074 25.19% MONTE DAUER 3,899 19.36% Total Votes 20,141 Precincts Reported: 13 of 13 (100.00%) Cambrian SD Governing Board (Vote for 3) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 12 of 27 Candidate Party Total RICHARD NGUYEN 3,453 70.96% JON ERIC FREEDMAN 1,413 29.04% Total Votes 4,866 Precincts Reported: 14 of 14 (100.00%) Campbell Union SD, TA #1 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total CHRIS MILLER 2,760 65.48% ALAN CROWNOVER 1,455 34.52% Total Votes 4,215 Precincts Reported: 8 of 8 (100.00%) Campbell Union SD, TA #4 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total DANIELLE M.S. COHEN 4,043 63.41% VIVIAN MILLS 2,333 36.59% Total Votes 6,376 Precincts Reported: 10 of 10 (100.00%) Campbell Union SD, TA #5 Governing Board (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total JERRY LIU 26,106 28.03% AVA CHIAO 25,011 26.85% SATHEESH MADHATHIL 22,576 24.24% DARCY AUGUST PAUL 19,457 20.89% Total Votes 93,150 Precincts Reported: 46 of 46 (100.00%) Cupertino Union SD Governing Board (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total MARY HIEN POLLETT 13,779 25.31% STAN ROSE 12,041 22.11% JIM ZITO 11,886 21.83% MARISA HANSON 9,714 17.84% CHRISTOPHER CORPUS 7,031 12.91% Total Votes 54,451 Precincts Reported: 42 of 42 (100.00%) Evergreen SD Governing Board, Full Term (Vote for 3) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 13 of 27 Candidate Party Total JEREMY BAROUSSE 13,536 59.15% ALECIA S. KELLEY 9,350 40.85% Total Votes 22,886 Precincts Reported: 42 of 42 (100.00%) Evergreen SD Governing Board, Short Term (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total STEVEN SANCHEZ 6,172 19.07% MARC COOPER 5,649 17.45% RUDY J. RODRIGUEZ 5,467 16.89% MILAN BALINTON 5,184 16.02% TAMMY LARIZ 4,977 15.38% MANUEL F. MARTINEZ 4,916 15.19% Total Votes 32,365 Precincts Reported: 28 of 28 (100.00%) Franklin-McKinley SD Governing Board (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total BRYAN JOHNSON 11,719 29.90% VLADIMIR IVANOVIC 10,332 26.36% VAISHALI "SHALI" SIRKAY 10,301 26.29% SARA FARR 6,837 17.45% Total Votes 39,189 Precincts Reported: 21 of 21 (100.00%) Los Altos SD Governing Board (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total TAUNYA JACO 3,229 71.36% ROBYN LYNETTE SCHLICE 1,296 28.64% Total Votes 4,525 Precincts Reported: 11 of 11 (100.00%) Oak Grove SD, TA #5 Governing Board (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 14 of 27 Candidate Party Total JEFF TANG 1,422 30.08% KATHERINE KASOLAS- JACOBSON 1,353 28.62% RENEE LO 1,001 21.17% LYNN DINSAY LIMQUECO 952 20.14% Total Votes 4,728 Precincts Reported: 8 of 8 (100.00%) Orchard SD Governing Board (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total SHEILA BILLINGS 10,246 30.67% DOUGLAS B. EVANS 8,998 26.93% THOMAS E. ROSSMEISSL 8,810 26.37% ZOILA HERRERA ROLLINS 5,358 16.04% Total Votes 33,412 Precincts Reported: 20 of 20 (100.00%) Union SD Governing Board (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total SYLVIA ARENAS 59,622 54.45% JOHNNY KHAMIS 49,884 45.55% Total Votes 109,506 Precincts Reported: 181 of 181 (100.00%) County Supervisor, District 1 (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ROBERT "BOB" JONSEN 230,714 50.81% KEVIN JENSEN 223,363 49.19% Total Votes 454,077 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) Sheriff (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total DAN FURTADO 2,198 100.00% Total Votes 2,198 Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.00%) City of Campbell, District 3 Council Member (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 15 of 27 Candidate Party Total ELLIOT SCOZZOLA 2,136 100.00% Total Votes 2,136 Precincts Reported: 3 of 3 (100.00%) City of Campbell, District 4 Council Member (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ANNE COYNE BYBEE 2,342 100.00% Total Votes 2,342 Precincts Reported: 3 of 3 (100.00%) City of Campbell, District 5 Council Member (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total SHEILA MOHAN 8,335 17.21% LIANGFANG "LIANG" CHAO 7,955 16.43% J.R. FRUEN 7,701 15.90% STEVEN SCHARF 7,257 14.98% CLAUDIO BONO 6,576 13.58% GOVIND TATACHARI 6,325 13.06% YUKO SHIMA 2,277 4.70% MOON KYU CHOE 2,004 4.14% Total Votes 48,430 Precincts Reported: 19 of 19 (100.00%) City of Cupertino Council Member (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total TOM CLINE 7,776 21.62% CAROL MARQUES 7,528 20.93% DION BRACCO 6,664 18.53% JAN BERNSTEIN CHARGIN 5,718 15.90% JOSEPH ROBINSON 4,449 12.37% RONALD ROBINSON, JR. 3,837 10.67% Total Votes 35,972 Precincts Reported: 15 of 15 (100.00%) City of Gilroy Council Member (Vote for 3) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 16 of 27 Candidate Party Total NEYSA FLIGOR 9,008 40.23% PETE DAILEY 6,786 30.31% ANITA ENANDER 6,482 28.95% Total Votes 22,389 Total ROGER HEYDER WRITE-IN 52 0.23% Precincts Reported: 11 of 11 (100.00%) City of Los Altos Council Member (Vote for 2) Candidate Party Total ROB MOORE 7,294 23.09% MARY BADAME 6,801 21.53% ROB RENNIE 6,136 19.42% ROB STUMP 5,753 18.21% MARGARET SMITH 4,151 13.14% REZA TAVANA 1,456 4.61% Total Votes 31,591 Precincts Reported: 14 of 14 (100.00%) Town of Los Gatos Council Member (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total CARMEN MONTANO 5,658 34.45% ANTHONY PHAN 4,166 25.37% KARINA R. DOMINGUEZ 4,108 25.01% VOLTAIRE SORIBEN MONTEMAYOR 1,359 8.27% OLA ROBERT HASSAN 637 3.88% FRANCO PEREZ 495 3.01% Total Votes 16,423 Precincts Reported: 15 of 15 (100.00%) City of Milpitas Mayor (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 17 of 27 Candidate Party Total HON LIEN 7,840 28.40% GARRY BARBADILLO 5,540 20.07% MICHAEL TSAI 4,772 17.29% DIPAK AWASTHI 4,001 14.49% JULIETTE GOMEZ 2,101 7.61% DEMETRESS MORRIS 1,832 6.64% ISAAC STRINGER 1,521 5.51% Total Votes 27,607 Precincts Reported: 15 of 15 (100.00%) City of Milpitas Council Member (Vote for 2) Candidate Party Total MARK TURNER 6,672 42.78% RICH CONSTANTINE 5,132 32.91% LARRY CARR 3,792 24.31% Total Votes 15,596 Precincts Reported: 20 of 20 (100.00%) City of Morgan Hill Mayor (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total YVONNE MARTÍNEZ BELTRÁN 2,222 60.48% BRYAN SUTHERLAND 1,452 39.52% Total Votes 3,674 Precincts Reported: 7 of 7 (100.00%) City of Morgan Hill, District B Council Member (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total MARILYN LIBRERS 2,411 56.45% JOHN K. MCKAY 1,860 43.55% Total Votes 4,271 Precincts Reported: 4 of 4 (100.00%) City of Morgan Hill, District D Council Member (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 18 of 27 Candidate Party Total ELLEN KAMEI 15,347 27.46% ALISON HICKS 15,040 26.91% LUCAS RAMIREZ 14,725 26.34% LI ZHANG 6,678 11.95% JUSTIN COHEN 4,105 7.34% Total Votes 55,895 Precincts Reported: 18 of 18 (100.00%) City of Mountain View Council Member (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total VICKI VEENKER 14,292 22.55% ED LAUING 13,052 20.59% JULIE LYTHCOTT-HAIMS 12,036 18.99% LISA FORSSELL 9,046 14.27% DORIA SUMMA 7,785 12.28% ALEX COMSA 3,728 5.88% BRIAN HAMACHEK 3,447 5.44% Total Votes 63,386 Precincts Reported: 24 of 24 (100.00%) City of Palo Alto Council Member (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total MATT MAHAN 128,376 51.21% CINDY CHÁVEZ 122,329 48.79% Total Votes 250,705 Precincts Reported: 368 of 368 (100.00%) City of San Jose Mayor (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total OMAR TORRES 11,657 65.62% IRENE SMITH 6,107 34.38% Total Votes 17,764 Precincts Reported: 30 of 30 (100.00%) City of San Jose, District 3 Council Member (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 19 of 27 Candidate Party Total PETER ORTIZ 9,074 54.82% NORA CAMPOS 7,479 45.18% Total Votes 16,553 Precincts Reported: 37 of 37 (100.00%) City of San Jose, District 5 Council Member (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total BIEN DOAN 9,170 53.79% MAYA ESPARZA 7,877 46.21% Total Votes 17,047 Precincts Reported: 30 of 30 (100.00%) City of San Jose, District 7 Council Member (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total LISA M. GILLMOR 14,838 51.34% ANTHONY J. BECKER 14,062 48.66% Total Votes 28,900 Precincts Reported: 36 of 36 (100.00%) City of Santa Clara Mayor (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total RAJ CHAHAL 2,904 62.56% LARRY MCCOLLOCH 1,738 37.44% Total Votes 4,642 Precincts Reported: 8 of 8 (100.00%) City of Santa Clara, District 2 Council Member (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total KAREN HARDY 2,824 64.28% CHRISTIAN D. PELLECCHIA 1,569 35.72% Total Votes 4,393 Precincts Reported: 5 of 5 (100.00%) City of Santa Clara, District 3 Council Member (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 20 of 27 Candidate Party Total YAN ZHAO 7,984 25.59% BELAL AFTAB 7,174 23.00% CHUCK PAGE 6,673 21.39% BILL DALTON 5,909 18.94% PRIYA RAJARAM SHASTRI 3,458 11.08% Total Votes 31,198 Precincts Reported: 17 of 17 (100.00%) City of Saratoga Council Member (Vote for 3) Candidate Party Total MURALI SRINIVASAN 2,813 50.01% JUSTIN WANG 2,812 49.99% Total Votes 5,625 Precincts Reported: 5 of 5 (100.00%) City of Sunnyvale, District 3 Council Member (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total RICHARD MEHLINGER 3,195 70.81% SATYAM DAVÉ 1,317 29.19% Total Votes 4,512 Precincts Reported: 6 of 6 (100.00%) City of Sunnyvale, District 5 Council Member (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total ANTONIO "TONY" ESTREMERA 18,399 44.41% DIEGO R. BARRAGAN 12,515 30.21% CHUCK CANTRELL 10,512 25.38% Total Votes 41,426 Precincts Reported: 92 of 92 (100.00%) Santa Clara Valley Water, District 6 Director (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total REBECCA EISENBERG 46,156 54.93% GARY KREMEN 37,866 45.07% Total Votes 84,022 Precincts Reported: 121 of 121 (100.00%) Santa Clara Valley Water, District 7 Director (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 21 of 27 Candidate Party Total WAYNE LIN 613 37.54% MEESHA REIISIEH 525 32.15% BRANDON KWAN 495 30.31% Total Votes 1,633 Precincts Reported: 1 of 1 (100.00%) Rancho Rinconada Director (Vote for 2) Candidate Party Total Yes 407,714 76.12% No 127,939 23.88% Total Votes 535,653 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) State Proposition 1 - Constitutional Amendment - Right to Reproductive Freedom (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total No 355,886 67.70% Yes 169,758 32.30% Total Votes 525,644 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) State Proposition 26 - Constitutional Amendment and Statute - In-Person Gaming, Sports Wagering on Tribal Lands (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total No 438,950 82.71% Yes 91,786 17.29% Total Votes 530,736 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) State Proposition 27 - Constitutional Amendment and Statute – Online and Mobile Sports Wagering Outside Tribal Lands (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 351,830 66.42% No 177,866 33.58% Total Votes 529,696 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) State Proposition 28 - Initiative Statute – Funding for Arts and Music Education in Public Schools (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 22 of 27 Candidate Party Total No 348,125 66.34% Yes 176,642 33.66% Total Votes 524,767 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) State Proposition 29 - Initiative Statute - On-Site Licensed Medical Professional at Kidney Dialysis Clinics and Requirements (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total No 286,663 53.83% Yes 245,916 46.17% Total Votes 532,579 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) State Proposition 30 - Initiative Statute - Funding for Programs to Reduce Air Pollution and Prevent Wildfires (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 385,718 72.25% No 148,137 27.75% Total Votes 533,855 Precincts Reported: 754 of 754 (100.00%) State Proposition 31 Referendum - 2020 Law Prohibits Retail Sale of Certain Flavored Tobacco Products (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 11,279 72.93% No 4,187 27.07% Total Votes 15,466 Precincts Reported: 20 of 20 (100.00%) Measure A - City of Morgan Hill, Zoning Amendment (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 11,768 75.42% No 3,836 24.58% Total Votes 15,604 Precincts Reported: 20 of 20 (100.00%) Measure B - City of Morgan Hill, General Plan Amendment (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 23 of 27 Candidate Party Total Yes 10,357 76.72% No 3,142 23.28% Total Votes 13,499 Precincts Reported: 17 of 17 (100.00%) Measure C - City of Saratoga, Term Limit Ordinance (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 9,885 72.00% No 3,845 28.00% Total Votes 13,730 Precincts Reported: 15 of 15 (100.00%) Measure D - City of Gilroy, Charter Amendment (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Bonds - No 22 62.86% Bonds - Yes 13 37.14% Total Votes 35 Precincts Reported: 2 of 2 (100.00%) Measure E - Patterson Joint Unified School District, School Bonds (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 12,786 78.68% No 3,465 21.32% Total Votes 16,251 Precincts Reported: 15 of 15 (100.00%) Measure F - City of Milpitas, Term Limit Ordinance (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 24,643 84.19% No 4,629 15.81% Total Votes 29,272 Precincts Reported: 36 of 36 (100.00%) Measure G - City of Santa Clara, No Tax Increase/Services Protection (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 24 of 27 Candidate Party Total Yes 17,329 59.50% No 11,797 40.50% Total Votes 29,126 Precincts Reported: 36 of 36 (100.00%) Measure H - City of Santa Clara, Business License Update/Tax Equity (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 136,560 58.03% No 98,766 41.97% Total Votes 235,326 Precincts Reported: 368 of 368 (100.00%) Measure I - City of San José, Charter Amendments (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 7,034 53.27% No 6,170 46.73% Total Votes 13,204 Precincts Reported: 14 of 14 (100.00%) Measure J - Town of Los Gatos, Business License Taxes (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 17,311 67.00% No 8,525 33.00% Total Votes 25,836 Precincts Reported: 24 of 24 (100.00%) Measure K - City of Palo Alto, Local Business Tax (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 19,711 77.72% No 5,649 22.28% Total Votes 25,360 Precincts Reported: 24 of 24 (100.00%) Measure L - City of Palo Alto, Natural Gas Utility General Fund Transfer (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 25 of 27 Candidate Party Total Yes 344 69.08% No 154 30.92% Total Votes 498 Precincts Reported: 4 of 4 (100.00%) Measure M - Loma Prieta Joint Union School District, Parcel Tax (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Bonds - Yes 78,303 66.63% Bonds - No 39,215 33.37% Total Votes 117,518 Precincts Reported: 210 of 210 (100.00%) Measure N - East Side Union High School District, School Bonds (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Yes 51,895 75.94% No 16,440 24.06% Total Votes 68,335 Precincts Reported: 109 of 109 (100.00%) Measure O - Campbell Union High School District, Parcel Tax (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Bonds - Yes 18,425 65.01% Bonds - No 9,917 34.99% Total Votes 28,342 Precincts Reported: 39 of 39 (100.00%) Measure P - Oak Grove School District, School Bonds (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Bonds - Yes 10,104 63.10% Bonds - No 5,909 36.90% Total Votes 16,013 Precincts Reported: 20 of 20 (100.00%) Measure R - Union School District, School Bonds (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 26 of 27 Candidate Party Total Bonds - Yes 13,352 71.28% Bonds - No 5,381 28.72% Total Votes 18,733 Precincts Reported: 49 of 49 (100.00%) Measure S - Alum Rock Union Elementary School District, School Bonds (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total Bonds - Yes 19,034 69.12% Bonds - No 8,503 30.88% Total Votes 27,537 Precincts Reported: 51 of 51 (100.00%) Measure T - Campbell Union School District, School Bonds (Vote for 1) 12/7/2022 12:46:44 PMPage: 27 of 27 Registered VotersVoters CastTurnout (%)DION BRACCORONALD ROBINSON, JR.JOSEPH ROBINSONTOM CLINECAROL MARQUESElectionwide Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %647 312 304 779 605 Electionwide Vote by Mail 31458 14151 44.98 %6017 3525 4145 6997 6923 Electionwide Total 31458 15505 49.29 %6664 3837 4449 7776 7528 18th Congressional District Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %647 312 304 779 605 18th Congressional District Vote by Mail 31458 14151 44.98 %6017 3525 4145 6997 6923 18th Congressional District Total 31458 15505 49.29 %6664 3837 4449 7776 7528 15th Senatorial District Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %647 312 304 779 605 15th Senatorial District Vote by Mail 31458 14151 44.98 %6017 3525 4145 6997 6923 15th Senatorial District Total 31458 15505 49.29 %6664 3837 4449 7776 7528 29th Assembly District Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %647 312 304 779 605 29th Assembly District Vote by Mail 31458 14151 44.98 %6017 3525 4145 6997 6923 29th Assembly District Total 31458 15505 49.29 %6664 3837 4449 7776 7528 State Board of Equalization #2 Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %647 312 304 779 605 State Board of Equalization #2 Vote by Mail 31458 14151 44.98 %6017 3525 4145 6997 6923 State Board of Equalization #2 Total 31458 15505 49.29 %6664 3837 4449 7776 7528 1st Supervisorial District Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %647 312 304 779 605 1st Supervisorial District Vote by Mail 31458 14151 44.98 %6017 3525 4145 6997 6923 1st Supervisorial District Total 31458 15505 49.29 %6664 3837 4449 7776 7528 City of Gilroy Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %647 312 304 779 605 City of Gilroy Vote by Mail 31458 14151 44.98 %6017 3525 4145 6997 6923 City of Gilroy Total 31458 15505 49.29 %6664 3837 4449 7776 7528 Total - Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %647 312 304 779 605 Total - Vote by Mail 31458 14151 44.98 %6017 3525 4145 6997 6923 Contest Total 31458 15505 49.29 %6664 3837 4449 7776 7528 Santa Clara Santa Clara 2022 General 1 City of Gilroy Council Member JAN BERNSTEIN CHARGIN336 5382 5718 336 5382 5718 336 5382 5718 336 5382 5718 336 5382 5718 336 5382 5718 336 5382 5718 336 5382 5718 Printed: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 5:59 PM Data Refreshed: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 5:58 PM Page 75 of 123 Registered VotersVoters CastDION BRACCORONALD ROBINSON, JR.JOSEPH ROBINSONTOM CLINECAROL MARQUES0004920 Precinct 605 29 15 10 14 13 18 0004920 Vote by Mail 605 230 75 64 84 71 71 0004920 Total 605 259 90 74 98 84 89 0004921 Precinct 1724 62 27 20 16 41 19 0004921 Vote by Mail 1724 898 365 209 241 476 452 0004921 Total 1724 960 392 229 257 517 471 0004922 Precinct 1674 77 37 12 11 52 37 0004922 Vote by Mail 1674 909 396 197 243 509 447 0004922 Total 1674 986 433 209 254 561 484 0004924 Precinct 2247 101 57 21 16 67 49 0004924 Vote by Mail 2247 1220 579 250 321 640 576 0004924 Total 2247 1321 636 271 337 707 625 0004927 Precinct 2979 113 50 29 35 52 42 0004927 Vote by Mail 2979 1195 492 340 419 470 535 0004927 Total 2979 1308 542 369 454 522 577 0004928 Precinct 2627 117 59 22 18 82 52 0004928 Vote by Mail 2627 1404 590 375 443 710 622 0004928 Total 2627 1521 649 397 461 792 674 0004930 Precinct 2679 107 45 27 30 57 48 0004930 Vote by Mail 2679 1051 386 301 358 425 474 0004930 Total 2679 1158 431 328 388 482 522 0004932 Precinct 1600 109 55 20 17 70 55 0004932 Vote by Mail 1600 847 395 154 206 488 461 0004932 Total 1600 956 450 174 223 558 516 0004933 Precinct 2900 133 67 34 30 76 69 0004933 Vote by Mail 2900 1266 566 291 367 651 687 0004933 Total 2900 1399 633 325 397 727 756 0004937 Precinct 2126 83 35 24 28 33 30 0004937 Vote by Mail 2126 679 289 196 211 297 314 0004937 Total 2126 762 324 220 239 330 344 0004939 Precinct 3055 115 58 25 30 69 52 0004939 Vote by Mail 3055 1511 655 363 390 792 826 0004939 Total 3055 1626 713 388 420 861 878 0004940 Precinct 2353 108 53 25 26 59 51 0004940 Vote by Mail 2353 1002 426 264 279 552 499 0004940 Total 2353 1110 479 289 305 611 550 0004943 Precinct 1799 63 25 17 13 30 24 0004943 Vote by Mail 1799 521 160 173 207 184 243 0004943 Total 1799 584 185 190 220 214 267 0004948 Precinct 1294 64 22 16 11 36 20 0004948 Vote by Mail 1294 461 204 122 145 222 210 0004948 Total 1294 525 226 138 156 258 230 0004965 Precinct 1796 73 42 10 9 42 39 40.57 %173 4.06 %16 32.46 %228 4.95 %14 35.63 %159 47.17 %395 3.50 %16 28.96 %212 53.22 %553 4.59 %31 42.58 %364 35.84 %302 3.76 %29 49.46 %524 48.24 %502 3.90 %31 31.94 %271 59.75 %314 4.59 %37 43.66 %465 43.23 %510 6.81 %16 52.94 %298 57.90 %594 3.99 %26 39.23 %484 43.91 %508 4.45 %19 53.44 %575 58.79 %447 3.79 %38 40.11 %470 58.90 %341 4.49 %23 54.29 %424 55.68 %356 4.60 %14 54.30 %327 42.81 %108 3.60 %15 52.09 %341Turnout (%)JAN BERNSTEIN CHARGIN4.79 %11 38.02 %97 Santa Clara Santa Clara 2022 General 1 City of Gilroy Council Member Printed: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 1:14 PM Data Refreshed: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 1:14 PM Page 75 of 123 Santa Clara Santa Clara 2022 General 0004965 Vote by Mail 1796 957 439 226 231 510 506 0004965 Total 1796 1030 481 236 240 552 545 Total - Precinct 31458 1354 647 312 304 779 605 Total - Vote by Mail 31458 14151 6017 3525 4145 6997 6923 Contest Total 31458 15505 6664 3837 4449 7776 7528 44.98 %5382 49.29 %5718 57.35 %387 4.30 %336 53.29 %371 Printed: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 1:14 PM Data Refreshed: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 1:14 PM Page 75 of 123 Registered VotersVoters CastTurnout (%)YesElectionwide Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %734 Electionwide Vote by Mail 31458 14167 45.03 %9151 Electionwide Total 31458 15521 49.34 %9885 18th Congressional District Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %734 18th Congressional District Vote by Mail 31458 14167 45.03 %9151 18th Congressional District Total 31458 15521 49.34 %9885 15th Senatorial District Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %734 15th Senatorial District Vote by Mail 31458 14167 45.03 %9151 15th Senatorial District Total 31458 15521 49.34 %9885 29th Assembly District Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %734 29th Assembly District Vote by Mail 31458 14167 45.03 %9151 29th Assembly District Total 31458 15521 49.34 %9885 State Board of Equalization #2 Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %734 State Board of Equalization #2 Vote by Mail 31458 14167 45.03 %9151 State Board of Equalization #2 Total 31458 15521 49.34 %9885 1st Supervisorial District Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %734 1st Supervisorial District Vote by Mail 31458 14167 45.03 %9151 1st Supervisorial District Total 31458 15521 49.34 %9885 City of Gilroy Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %734 City of Gilroy Vote by Mail 31458 14167 45.03 %9151 City of Gilroy Total 31458 15521 49.34 %9885 Total - Precinct 31458 1354 4.30 %734 Total - Vote by Mail 31458 14167 45.03 %9151 Contest Total 31458 15521 49.34 %9885 Santa Clara Santa Clara 2022 General 1 Measure D - City of Gilroy, Charter Amendment No476 3369 3845 476 3369 3845 476 3369 3845 476 3369 3845 476 3369 3845 476 3369 3845 476 3369 3845 476 3369 3845 Printed: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 5:59 PM Data Refreshed: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 5:58 PM Page 108 of 123 Registered VotersVoters CastYes0004920 Precinct 605 28 22 0004920 Vote by Mail 605 230 159 0004920 Total 605 258 181 0004921 Precinct 1724 62 30 0004921 Vote by Mail 1724 899 628 0004921 Total 1724 961 658 0004922 Precinct 1674 77 44 0004922 Vote by Mail 1674 911 601 0004922 Total 1674 988 645 0004924 Precinct 2247 101 61 0004924 Vote by Mail 2247 1222 819 0004924 Total 2247 1323 880 0004927 Precinct 2979 113 65 0004927 Vote by Mail 2979 1197 789 0004927 Total 2979 1310 854 0004928 Precinct 2627 117 56 0004928 Vote by Mail 2627 1404 933 0004928 Total 2627 1521 989 0004930 Precinct 2679 107 56 0004930 Vote by Mail 2679 1055 663 0004930 Total 2679 1162 719 0004932 Precinct 1600 109 46 0004932 Vote by Mail 1600 850 534 0004932 Total 1600 959 580 0004933 Precinct 2900 133 83 0004933 Vote by Mail 2900 1268 811 0004933 Total 2900 1401 894 0004937 Precinct 2126 83 43 0004937 Vote by Mail 2126 677 414 0004937 Total 2126 760 457 0004939 Precinct 3055 116 59 0004939 Vote by Mail 3055 1510 946 0004939 Total 3055 1626 1005 0004940 Precinct 2353 108 59 0004940 Vote by Mail 2353 1001 624 0004940 Total 2353 1109 683 0004943 Precinct 1799 63 37 0004943 Vote by Mail 1799 523 303 0004943 Total 1799 586 340 0004948 Precinct 1294 64 36 0004948 Vote by Mail 1294 462 283 0004948 Total 1294 526 319 0004965 Precinct 1796 73 37 0004965 Vote by Mail 1796 958 644 40.65 %158 4.06 %30 53.34 %207 32.57 %184 4.95 %16 35.70 %142 47.13 %291 3.50 %19 29.07 %165 53.22 %414 4.59 %40 42.54 %251 35.75 %219 3.80 %50 49.43 %364 48.31 %375 3.90 %31 31.84 %188 59.94 %256 4.59 %37 43.72 %338 43.37 %297 6.81 %48 53.13 %208 57.90 %332 3.99 %33 39.38 %264 43.97 %303 4.45 %45 53.44 %287 58.88 %294 3.79 %33 40.18 %270 59.02 %220 4.49 %33 54.38 %261 55.74 %212 4.60 %28 54.42 %192 42.64 %53 3.60 %27 52.15 %185Turnout (%)No4.63 %6 38.02 %47 Santa Clara Santa Clara 2022 General 1 Measure D - City of Gilroy, Charter Amendment Printed: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 1:14 PM Data Refreshed: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 1:14 PM Page 108 of 123 Santa Clara Santa Clara 2022 General 0004965 Total 1796 1031 681 Total - Precinct 31458 1354 734 Total - Vote by Mail 31458 14167 9151 Contest Total 31458 15521 9885 45.03 %3369 49.34 %3845 57.41 %237 4.30 %476 Printed: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 1:14 PM Data Refreshed: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 1:14 PM Page 108 of 123 CERTIFICATE OF THE CLERK I, THAI NAM PHAM, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2022-91 is an original resolution, or true and correct copy of a city Resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a Special Meeting of said held on Council held Monday, December 12, 2022, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this Monday, December 12, 2022. ____________________________________ Thai Nam Pham, CMC, CPMC City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)