2023-02-02 - Public Correspondence - Item 6.1 - Received 2023-02-011
Cindy McCormick
From:Planning Commissioner Manny Bhandal
Sent:Tuesday, January 31, 2023 8:44 PM
To:Sharon Goei; Cindy McCormick
Subject:Fwd: EXTERNAL - Bill board
Begin forwarded message:
Date: Jan 31, 2023 at 8:33 PM
To: All Planning Commissioners <allplanningcommissioners@ci.gilroy.ca.us>
Subject: EXTERNAL - Bill board
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I am a resident of Gilroy, and I am opposed to putting up such a huge billboard. It does
not represent our city. It will be an eyesore.
Linda Berti
Cindy McCormick
From:Planning Commissioner Manny Bhandal
Sent:Wednesday, February 1, 2023 6:36 PM
To:Cindy McCormick; Sharon Goei
Begin forwarded message:
Date: Feb 1, 2023 at 6:23 PM
To: All Planning Commissioners <allplanningcommissioners@ci.gilroy.ca.us>
Dear Commissioners:
I am strongly opposed to allowing electronic billboards in Gilroy. They will
ruin our country feel and be distracting to drivers on Hwy 101.
Additionally, all the environmental reasons against it.
Thank you,
Theresia Konrad-Hypes~resident since 1987
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Cindy McCormick
Sent:Wednesday, February 1, 2023 10:16 AM
To:Planning Division (Public)
Subject:EXTERNAL - Electronic Billboard
To members of the Gilroy Planning Commission and City of Gilroy:
We are puzzled by why the city of Gilroy would even consider installing an electronic
billboard. What is this billboard supposed to accomplish? At present, drivers and their
passengers on Hwy. 101 know of our automobile malls and outlets, as they can see them from
the freeway. An electronic billboard is not needed to encourage people who live in Gilroy to go
downtown or support local eateries. If the people who live in Gilroy are not already providing
that support a huge, lit up billboard is not going to change their minds. In fact, for some of us, it
might do the opposite because of our dislike for the added and unnecessary light pollution.
What type of advertisement is going to be allowed to light up our night skies? Will it just be for
the city/businesses from Gilroy or will ads from other nearby towns, such as Morgan Hill and
/or undesirable (think JUUL / Vaping) ads be displayed? Who will determine the billboards’
content, a for profit, non-local, multi media company?
There are many cities in the Bay Area that have recently considered and deemed undesirable
these types of signs. They not only contribute to light pollution of our night skies, they distract
drivers and confuse wildlife, especially birds that fly at night. At a time when many people are
trying to get back in touch with nature and encourage wildlife conservation, how can we
consider an unnecessary polluter of our natural environment? Gilroy has much to be proud of
and showcase; our shared rural ambiance, our hiking/biking tails, our parks, our pride in and
support of our local businesses, and much more. We would encourage you to consider not only
how little an electronic billboard would do to improve on these areas but also how much it
would harm them.
Georgia Stern
Joseph Stern
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