02/04/2021 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 04/01/2021Planning Commission Regular Meeting of FEBRUARY 4, 2021 I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Manny Bhandal Planning Commissioner Present John Doyle Vice Chair Present Reid Lerner Planning Commissioner Present Joan Lewis Planning Commissioner Present Fabian Morales Planning Commissioner Present Andrew Ridley Planning Commissioner Present Tom Fischer Chair Present III. PUBLIC COMMENTS IV. CONSENT AGENDA 1. December 3, 2020 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Motion made by Commissioner Morales Medina, seconded by Commissioner Bhandal to consent the minutes from the Regular Meeting on December 3, 2020. Roll Call Vote: Aye's: Bhandal, Doyle, Lerner, Lewis, Morales Medina, Ridley, Fischer No's: None Abstain: None Absent: None Motion Passes 7-0-0-0 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Staff has analyzed the proposed project, and recommends that the Planning Commission: Adopt a resolution approving Conditional Use Permit CUP 2 0-01 (20050042), Conditional Use Permit for the expansion of an existing self -storage facility at 8900 Murray, subject to certain findings and conditions . Adopt a resolution approving Architectural & Site Permit AS 20 -09 (20050041), Architectural & Site Review for the expansion of an existing self-storage facility at 8900 Murray, subject to certain findings and conditions. (Roll Call Vote) 1. Staff Report: Kraig Tambornini, Senior Planner 2. Public Comment 3. Planning Commission Disclosure of Ex-Parte Communications 4. Possible Action: Kraig Tambornini, Senior Planner presented the report. Comments were received by Commissioner Lerner, Doyle, and Fischer. Chair Fischer opened public hearing. Public comment was received by public member, Tom Muniz. Chair Fischer closed public hearing. Planning Commission Disclosure of Ex-Parte Communications: No Ex-Parte Communication by Commissioners. Motion was made by Commissioner Bhandal, seconded by Commissioner Fischer to adopt a resolution approving the Conditional Use Per mit CUP 20-01, Conditional Use Permit for the expansion of an existing self-storage facility at 8900 Murray, subject to certain findings and conditions. Yes: Bhandal, Lewis, Morales Medina, Fischer No: Doyle, Lerner, Ridley Abstain: None Absent: None Motion passes 4-3-0-0 Motion was by Commissioner Lewis and seconded by Commissioner Bhandal to adopt a resolution approving Architectural & Site Permit AS 20 -09, Architectural & Site Review for the expansion of an existing self-storage facility at 8900 Murray, subject to certain findings and conditions. Yes: Bhandal, Lewis, Morales Medina, Fischer No: Doyle, Lerner, Ridley Abstain: None Absent: None Motion passes 4-3-0-0 VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Selection of Planning Commission Chair and Vice-Chair for 2021 1. Staff Report: Christina Ruiz, Management Assistant 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Selection of Chair and Vice-Chair Commissioner Lerner nominates Chair Fischer for the position of Chair. Motion was made by Commissioner Lerner, seconded by Commissioner Le wis for Tom Fischer to continue as Chair of the Planning Commission. Roll Call Vote: Aye's: Bhandal, Doyle, Lerner, Lewis, Morales Medina, Ridley, Fischer No's: None Abstain: None Absent: None Commissioner Lerner nominates John Doyle for the position of Vice Chair. Motion was made by Lerner, seconded by Lewis for John Doyle as Vice Chair for the Planning Commission. Roll Call Vote: Aye's: Bhandal, Doyle, Lerner, Lewis, Morales Medina, Ridley, Fischer No's: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. 2021 Planning Commission Task Force/Committee Assignments 1. Staff Report: Christina Ruiz, Management Assistant 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Review Planning Commission assignments and make adjustments as necessary. The Commission determined new Committee and Task F orce Assignments. Commissioner Manny Bhandal - South County Joint Planning Advisory Committee Commissioner John Doyle - Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Commissioner Joan Lewis - Street Naming Committee Commissioner Reid Lerner - High Speed Rail Advisory Committee Commissioner Fabian Morales Medina- Historic Heritage Committee Commissioner Andrew Ridley - Gilroy Downtown Business Association Motion was made by Chair Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Doyle to accept the new assignments discussed. C. 2021 Gilroy City Council Meeting Planning Commission Presentation Schedule 1. Staff Report: Kraig Tambornini, Senior Planner 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Review the presentation meeting schedule and select dates. Karen Garner, Community Development Directo r presented a brief report. The Commission discussed and selected two dates in October to provide a presentation to City Council to highlight accomplishments of the year and any work plan items they like to address. The selected dates are: October 4th as first choice and October 18th second choice. VII. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. January 28, 2021 Planning Division Current Project Log Karen Garner, Community Development Director provided an update on the Housing Element and advised the Commission a report will be presented to City Council in March. VIII. PRESENTATION BY MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION No report. IX. REPORTS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner John Doyle - Bicycle Pedestrian Commission; No report. Commissioner Fabian Morales Medina - Historic Heritage Committee; Meeting was held on January 20, 2021 and two new members joined the committee. X. PLANNING DIVISION REPORT No report. XI. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT No report. XII. ADJOURNMENT to the Next Meeting of March 11, 2021 at 6:30 P.M. Christina Ruiz, Management Assistant