05/10/2021 Youth Commission Regular Meeting CITY OF GILROY YOUTH COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 10, 2021 6:00 p.m. Gilroy Senior Center 7371 Hanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 AGENDA Page 1 of 2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN THIS MEETING WILL BE LIMITED. THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE GOVERNOR’S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20 MEETING MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE ON THE CITY WEBSITE www.cityofgilroy.org. In order to minimize the spread of the COVID 19 virus, the City will be offering telephone and email options for public comments at this meeting. The public is encouraged to participate in this meeting by as follows: VIEW THE MEETING LIVE ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/GilroyCityHallMeetings PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL BE TAKEN ON AGENDA ITEMS BEFORE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE YOUTH COMMISSION. COMMENTS MAY BE EMAILED PRIOR TO OR DURING THE MEETING TO MONICA GONZALEZ AT monica.gonzalez@cityofgilroy.org AND MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE THE CHAIRPERSON OPENS PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE ITEM. ADDITIONALLY, COMMENTS MAY BE MADE BY LEAVING A VOICE MESSAGE AT (408) 846-0266, PRIOR TO 5:00 P.M. May 10, 2021. IMPORTANT: identify the Agenda Item Number or PUBLIC COMMENT in the subject line of your email. The Clerk will read the first three minutes of each email into the public record. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Governors Order N -29- 20, the City will make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City a minimum of 2 hours prior to the meeting at (408) 846-0462. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the City of Gilroy Youth Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection with the agenda packet in the Re creation Division at City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street during normal business hours. These materials are also available with the agenda packet on the City website at www.cityofgilroy.org Page 2 of 2 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. SECRETARY'S REPORT IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA VI. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA VII. NEW BUSINESS VIII. OLD BUSINESS A. 2021 Youth Commission's Annual Presentation to City Council 1. Staff Report: Monica Gonzalez, Community Coordinator 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Accept report and discuss Youth Commission presentation to City Council on May 3, 2021. B. Social with Morgan Hill Youth Advisory Council (YAC) 1. Staff Report: Monica Gonzalez, Community Coordinator 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Accept report and discuss the social meeting. C. Planning of Commissioner-led Workshops for Young Gilroy Residents 1. Staff Report: Monica Gonzalez, Community Coordinator 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Receive reports and comment for the continued planing of the Youth Commission virtual workshop. IX. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING X. STAFF COMMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT