02/08/2021 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/08/2021 CITY OF GILROY YOUTH COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 8, 2021 6:00 p.m. Gilroy Senior Center 7371 Hanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES Page 1 of 4 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Ramirez called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Time Jacob Baker Commissioner Present Esmeralda Garcia Commissioner Present Alyssa Gonzalez Commissioner Present Winston James Commissioner Present Meyhar Kamrah Commissioner Present Alexis Kong Commissioner Present Joshua Martinez Commissioner Absent Reet Padda Commissioner Present Augusta Schulte Vice Chair Present Yashila Suresh Commissioner Present Serena Ramirez Chair Present III. SECRETARY'S REPORT The Youth Commission agenda was posted online and in the City Hall kiosk on February 5, 2021 at 5:02 p.m. IV . APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. January 11, 2021- Vice Chair Schulte motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Baker seconded. Motion passed 10-0-1. V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner James motioned to approve the agenda. Commissioner Suresh seconded. Motion passed 10-0-1 VI. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None. Page 2 of 4 VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Youth Commission Recommendations for the Upcoming Two-year Budget Cycle. Staff Gonzalez shared with the youth commission that the council is seeking input from city commissions and boards as part of the upcoming two year budget cycle. Commissioners discussed their recommendations for what they would like the council to consider when budgeting. Commissioner Kamrah shared that she would like the council to prioritize supporting Gilroy unified school district, support to bridge digital divide, investing in Wi -Fi hotspot and supporting Gavilan College. Commissioner Padda suggested prioritizing food and technology services for community. Vice Chair Schulte suggested funding to support Youth Commission projects and supporting Gilroy Unified School District, particularly with facilities. Commissioner Padda added that she would like for council to prioritize supporting families by supporting Gilroy Library partnership. Chair Ramirez reinforced agreement with the commissioners while prioritizing Gilroy Library and Gilroy Unified School District. B. 2021 Youth Commission's Selection of Meeting Date for Annual Presentation to City Council Commissioners received the report and discussed the proposed meeting date of May 3, 2021 to present to City Council. Staff Gonzalez shared that typically the commission Chair presents and all commissioners are present to support. Commissioner Baker suggested for commissioners to confirm commissioners do not have any exams that date. Commissioner Schulte shared that there is an AP Government exam i n the morning but it will not conflict with evening council meeting. Commissioners roll called vote. Motion passed 10-0-1. VIII. OLD BUSINESS A. Planning of Commissioner-led Workshops for Young Gilroy Residents Page 3 of 4 A virtual workshop will be held for the youth of Gilroy via Zoom on Friday, March 26, 2021 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The following topics were discussed as part of the planning for the event: a. Committee Reports: i. Guest Speakers: Ramirez, Gonzalez and Kamrah have identified speakers for the event and confirmed their participation date and time. The commissioners will follow up with their identified speakers to finalize arrangements, provide them the final flyer, and program timeline. Each speaker will be asked to present for 25 minutes. There will be 3 workshop breakout sessions with 3 sub-break out group per workshop topic. ii.Marketing: Padda, James and Schulte are responsible for creating flyers and promotions. The registration information was provided by Staff Sendejas. Commissioner Padda wil l be sending the final flyer to the commissioners. Staff Gonzalez reminded the commissioners that outreach will be most successful if supported by the entire commission. iii. Ice -Breakers/Fun Games: Suresh, Kong, Martinez, and Garcia have identified a number of games they can play in breakout sessions and as a larger group. They will be finalizing their 10 minute welcome ice breaker and 15 minute large group virtual game to practice. iv. Zoom Tech Guy: Baker is responsible for running the Zoom meeting and for managing the breakout sessions. Staff will set-up a Zoom account for the Youth Commission and send it to Baker. Baker will need to practice with Staff Gonzalez on how to run the breakout rooms and manage letting people into the workshop. Baker shared th at he will be randomly assigning groups for the 3 break out groups per 3 breakout sessions. b. Chair Ramirez and Vice Chair Schulte will MC the event. c. A practice session will need to be held prior to the March workshop. Commissioner are still looking to have their event on March 6th and will confirm at their next meeting based on registration numbers and committee feedback if they will need to extend their event date. IX . AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Chair Ramirez would like to continue planning the Virtual Workshop old business at the next commission meeting. X. STAFF COMMENTS Staff Gonzalez commended the commissioners on a great job working together to plan their virtual workshop. Gonzalez shared that the success of the commissioner's projects and events will depend on their commitment, collaboration, initiative and support. Staff Gonzalez reminded Page 4 of 4 commissioners that she sent an email to Commissioners with an opportunity to engage in a virtual workshop hosted by Santa Clara County Public Health during their President's Day school break. This was shared as an opportunity to grow, network, learn and be inspired for their own commission events. Staff Gonzalez reminded commissioners that their next meeting is March 8, 2021 at 6pm. XI. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Padda motioned and Commissioner Gonzalez seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:37pm. Motion passed by 9-0-2. Monica Gonzalez, Recording Secretary Youth Commission Advisor