Agenda Item # 10.1 - Rick Baldridge | Received 03/20/2023CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening
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To:City Clerk
Subject:EXTERNAL - Billboard lighting ordinance
Date:Sunday, March 19, 2023 2:59:16 PM
The plan to put large, bright billboards along Hwy-101 through Gilroy is,
let me say this respectfully, NUTS!
The South Bay in NOT Las Vegas, nor should it be. There are several
large, bright billboards near downtown San Jose off 101 where I live and
in my opinion they are un-needed, a major eyesore, and I'd go so far as
to say a SAFETY HAZARD because of the night-time glare they cause
on car windshieds! There is a similar billboard off 101 in Redwood City.
It's so bright I have to squint as I pass it each night!
I know there is $$$ involved that might benefit Gilroy, but PLEASE find
another source of income rather than allowing these eyesores and
health hazards to be constructed.
Rick Baldridge
Campbell, CA