Agenda Item # 10.1 - Mary Jo Rodlfa | Received 03/20/2023CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening
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From:Mary Jo Rodolfa
To:City Clerk
Subject:EXTERNAL - Ordinance re: electronic billboards
Date:Sunday, March 19, 2023 6:56:23 PM
Please forward this to the City Council:
Honorable Council Members:
Please do not allow electronic billboards along Hwy. 101, or anywhere else for that
First, they are a danger, I have driven past several that have been blinding and distracting.
Drivers do not need overly bright electronic billboard flashing messages at them while driving
vehicles weighing over a couple of tons at speeds of 65 mph and higher.
Second, electronic billboards have a severe impact on keeping our night skies dark. Gilroy
is fortunate to have a state of the art observatory located on Mt. Hamilton. This observatory
has made major discoveries since its operation began in 1888. It is one of the few
observatories where students are able to receive hands-on instruction using highly sensitive
instruments. The approval of unnecessary electronic billboards will jeopardize the research the
observatory is able to conduct and could eventually even jeopardize its existence.
Third, one of the most enjoyable and contemplative experiences is to be able to look up
into the sky at night and marvel at the beauty of our universe.
Again, please vote against modifying the ordinance to allow electronic billboards.
Thank you,
Mary Jo Rodolfa
Rural Santa Clara County Property Owner