Agenda Item # 10.1 - Diana Bentz | Received 03/20/2023From:Bentz Family
To:All Council Members
Cc:City Clerk
Subject:EXTERNAL - Council agenda public comment, #10.1
Date:Monday, March 20, 2023 11:40:19 AM
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Hello Council and Mayor, unfortunately I am not able to be in attendance at tonight’s city council meeting. Please
know if I were in person, I’d have the same comments as this email sets forth regarding the electronic billboard
application/ appeal.
I live in the south end of the city and I respectfully implore you to deny the appeal of the planning commission’s
thoughtful and thorough decision to deny the application to install an electronic billboard. I’m not sure any of you
live in this end of town but while there are many nice neighborhoods and homes at this end of town, there are
surrounding areas that, well, are struggling at best and blighted at worst. The massive billboard will add to the blight
in my opinion and will also signal to the area that no one (in city government) really cares. I’m sure you’ve heard of
the “broken window” theory or phenomenon. A huge brightly lit billboard will contribute to the denigration of this
area of town. Please do not uphold the appeal.
Kind regards,
Diana Bentz