Agenda Item # 10.1 - Brian J Verdin | Received 03/20/2023P.O.Box 1431 Visalia, CA 932791431 groppe.tiatio„.corn Dear Gilroy City Council Members, Nissan Of Visalia 559.734,3333 Visalia Honda 559.627.4444 Visalia Buick-GMC 559.802,1700 Visalia Toyota 559.627.4777 Visalia Ford 559.625.1000 GA Motorsports 559.635.8544 Nissan of Gilroy 408.842.1777 GAF Holdings, Inc 559.737.6000 BLAM-JADE, LP 559.737-6000 Sequoia Protection, Inc 559.737-6000 This letter is to express support for the proposed billboard ordinance. Thanks to great people such as yourselves who serve this community presently, and those who served this community in the past that made bold decisions that made the City of Gilroy the great community and tourist destination it is today. We believe local businesses would benefit from the ability promote their businesses, goods & services to those who are traveling to, and through Gilroy. The Dealerships in the Gilroy Auto Mall generate significant sales tax revenue for the city. We employ local residents, provide a valuable service to the community, and contribute to local community events, local non-protits, and local charities. An updated billboard ordinance on high - traffic routes would allow the Gilroy Auto Dealers and local businesses reach a larger audience and in turn would lead to more business, and more tax revenue for the city. We know there are concerns about the impact °fa billboard. The opposition of the billboard ordinance will have information and data about the negative impact a billboard ordinance if past would present. We believe the benefits of the billboard and what those benefits would provide for local businesses. In closing, I would like to thank the Gilroy City Council for considering the proposed billboard ordinance. "Drive a little and Save a Lot" Sinrerel. Brian .1 Verdin (ieneral Manager Nissan ofGilroy •